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Onion: Obama's Home Teleprompter Malfunction

Little Boy Heroically Shoots, Mutilates Burglar

A touching story about a pregnant narwhal being saved

newtboy says...

Every frame of that was extremely poorly AI generated.
Please no.
Don’t support this kind of fake content that’s pretending to be some real tear jerking animal rescue or it will be all there is in short order….or at least we need an “AI” channel.

Brian Cox Reveals Betelgeuse's Supernova Countdown!

noims says...

Firstly, Brian Cox did not feature in the video, from what I saw.

Secondly, it said that he predicted it would go supernova in the next 2 weeks. I believe there is no way he said that. Please prove me wrong.

Thirdly it said we might be able to see the supernova from Earth with the naked eye. Yes. We can see the star, therefore we'll be able to see the bright explosion.

Fourthly, I just couldn't watch such awful auto-generated content for that another 10 minutes. I skipped through and judged it bad enough to downvote. I don't usually do that, but I feel it wouldn't stop talking me into it. Sorry.

Half-Life 2: 20th Anniversary Documentary

spawnflagger says...

This makes me want to go back and play HL2 Episodes 1 & 2. I know I bought them, but don't remember ever finishing them. HL2 was so technically impressive. Portal 2 was also great, especially the co-op multiplayer. Alyx is a good VR title- it's close to a "killer app" for VR, but not quite there. 1 of the few VR titles compelling enough to keep headset on for more than 1 hour.

Not half-life related, but "old but cool" PC tech from that era: I had a DVD/MPEG2 decoder card that did VGA passthrough, and would replace black pixels with the movie content - so I could watch the Matrix in the background of playing Quake or other FPS (this was a dual PIII-450Mhz). I later installed an ATSC tuner card - one of the first channels that broadcast in HD was Fox, and one of my favorite shows, 24, started to broadcast in HD - and the early days all the makeup artists took advantage of low-res, so as soon as the show went to HD, you could see how fake all the blood, makeup, and other effects were. Hollywood ramped up quickly once the first HDTVs started shipping.
That computer also ran BeOS quite well.

Biden Brings Felon On Stage

newtboy says...

“Fined for mishandling the payment “?
She hired a law firm and classified the payment as legal fees. Isn’t that something your side says isn’t a crime? 😂
The dossier was bought and paid for by Republicans, then sold to the Clinton Campaign. I know you hate that fact, but it’s there.

The laptop contents are fantasy, as is the diary. Half truths and pure fiction. Shouldn’t have tampered with it if you wanted anyone to pay attention….not that it would matter anyway, Hunter is nobody.

The economy crashed under the felon, it got better under Biden. Trump can get credit for the first 6-12 months of the next president’s economy which were not good, but absolutely not last 12 which so far are amazing, far better than the last guy’s best year.

Michael Flynn was convicted of treasonous activity and the felon Trump pardoned him because he did the treason for Trump, namely negotiating with Russia in December before his administration started then lying about it to the FBI.

The Biden’s did no such thing and your multiple investigations have found zero evidence of any payoffs nor a single time Biden changed policy to help China, that was Don and Ivanka who were given millions in patents then the next morning changed policy to favor China, then were gifted more million dollar patents. You can’t point to any untoward or even questionable payment after 4 full years of investigations. At best you just refuse to hear the verified explanations and make up crimes.

Trump lost jobs. He left a negative gdp and recession. Shelves went bare under the felon. Over 1 million Americans died due to his policy according to his own CDC. He added more to the debt and deficit in one term than any listed president did in two. The wannabe dictator left the nation more divided than any time since the 1850s and continues to sew division constantly. Trump was worse than any you listed by any measure. You simply deny the facts.

Nice pedophile fantasy you have there, every accusation is an admission, but not smart especially since Trump definitely fucked his daughter and has bragged about it publicly for decades, Barron is definitely her son, the resemblance is there but not with Melania. Trump is on the Epstein list more than anyone else but Maxwell who he still wishes well…know who isn’t? Biden. Trump is an adjudicated rapist with now 40 accusers. Know who isn’t? One has 34 felony convictions…which one was that? 😂

BTW- the first few post debate polls are out…Biden gained a few points after the debate. Enjoy!

bobknight33 said:

The Russia hoax was just that. Bought and paid for by hilly Clinton, and she got fined for mishandling the payment .

The Laptop IS real. The diary is real

The Economy did get better.
Michael Flynn took a shit deal. along with all the others


Biden sold America to China and Ukraine and lined the pockets of himself and his family.

Trump still a better POTUS than OBAMA, Biden or wannabee Clinton.

Joe showered with his daughter. Pedophile Joe is your man.

Biden Brings Felon On Stage

newtboy says...

Um…Biden wasn’t in the 2016 debate. Derp. I see, your mental state also is in direct line with the felon, just like your morals. Reminder…in 2016 Trump debated Clinton. Another reminder, Trump was president in 2020, but he blamed most of it’s disasters on Biden last night. Huh?

The laptop was real, its contents were unverifiable at best, total fabrications planted by Giuliani and his cohorts at worst. Maybe handing it to the Russian intelligence community before turning it over to the FBI was dumb? Maybe taking possession at all was dumb? I ask you, would you ever accept evidence of Trump crimes that had gone through Biden’s hands, been sent to Ukraine and tampered with, exposed in the media, and only then turned over to authorities?
I’ll answer for you…no you wouldn’t…proven because you don’t even accept evidence directly collected by the authorities with video.

The laptop again. Like Barron’s birth certificate that shows Ivanka as mother?

bobknight33 said:

The Laptop was real the the 50 intelligence officials who signed off as Russian hoax was a hoax on the American people to help Joe win. This hoax was for Joe to have a talking point to refute for the 2016 debate.

Ex-CIA Director Says Blinken COLLUDED in Hunter Coverup

newtboy says...

Hunter Biden lives rent free in your empty head.

Who cares about a private citizen’s private life? You should probably worry more about your 34 time convicted felon, fraud, and rapist candidate that really can’t piece a single rational sentence together, not the president’s private relatives near decade old drug problem….it’s a losing tactic.

Multiple FBI reports confirm the CONTENTS of the laptop have been tampered with and are unverifiable. There was no coverup. It was convicted felon Trump’s FBI and DOJ investigating it publicly all 2020…sane people don’t care.

bobknight33 said:

Transcripts CONFIRM Hunter Biden Laptop is REAL and FBI Covered It Up!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Violent Trumpist nutjob Pelosi attacker got 30 years…with more state sentencing to be served afterwards. He will never leave prison alive.
This is the guy you claim is Pelosi’s boyfriend for absolutely no reason besides spite and the embarrassment that he is exactly like you with balls enough to follow his convictions and not just whine like a bitch. Another lie you continue to repeat despite knowing full well it’s a lie…no issue for worthless liars like yourself.
Actually, he was also more tied to reality than you are, you are in fact more delusional and gullible than this criminally insane sucker who believed Trumps lies and acted. All those who have are in prison. You are only free because you are a sniveling coward.

Trump, as expected, is too petrified to testify. SHOCKER!!
What a cowardly loser.
He rested his case after one blatantly lying overtly hostile hyper maga witness who was in fact auditioning to be Attorney General in Trump’s Reich. No defense at all, and insulting to the jury, the court, and the idea of holding Trump to any standards at all.
He did not introduce reasonable doubt, his entire testimony was worthless twaddle, blatantly making up things he couldn’t possibly know about like the content of a private phone call he wasn’t on to protect his master.
Guilt is not questionable. His only chance is jury nullification and a hung jury…that is when they know beyond doubt that he’s guilty but vote not guilty for personal/political reasons.
Edit: DJ needed to show the strong support Daddy has in New York so posted a video of the huge crowds cheering on the motorcade….problem is it’s actually a video of Biden’s motorcade, not Trump who has no crowd cheering for him and is apoplectic about it.

HOLY FUCKING SHEEP SHIT! Trump media finally released its financial report, the first not generated by the fraudulent audit mill he tried to trick investors with…just last quarter Trump media LOST $327 MILLION with $700k in revenues. No wonder they were faking their financial reports, that’s Enron level failure. The stock should be going for 4 shares to the dollar, (Edit: actually 6.6…revenue is $3 million, give a generous 10x for $30 million value, 200million shares, that’s 6.6 shares per $1.… but Trumpists are still paying $43! You are all going to be on welfare after it tanks, I hope you mortgaged your house like so many did.
Lost $327 million in one quarter…on track to lose $1.3 BILLION this year, with basically no income, and now no cash (didn’t they only have $30l million in reserve?). D’oh!
The best part is they say in the disclosure that the success of the company is tied directly to Trump’s popularity…and it’s a totally unsuccessful shit show of fraud and massive losses. Um….😂

Michael Cohen LIED AGAIN in TRUMP TRIAL says Ex-Lawyer

newtboy says...

Yes, you are a loser in the eyes of leftists, bigots, righties, inclusives, centrists, the intelligent, the educated, and the rational…there are many on the sift and in life, they all see you, loser.

I can deny he lied under oath, or at least that that has been proven…you have no evidence that he did, only the unreliable memory of a disgraced maga lawyer who suborned perjury before claiming so. Nothingburger Royal with cheese. Still would be a nothingburger if he went under oath and testified to his claims, but he won’t.
You think the accusation that he talked about being harassed means he absolutely didn’t talk about the payoff…because you have never talked about two things in one call?
This is not the gotcha you believe it is. Even if the disgraced ex lawyer speaking not under oath making this accusation was correct about the specific phone call, highly suspect but giving him the benefit of every sliver of doubt, his contention doesn’t even contradict the testimony that he spoke to Trump on that call, and even if it had (and again, it did not) this was one call among many others from 8 years ago he might be recalling happening at a slightly different hour on the same day during one of the dozen calls they had that day.
It doesn’t impeach his testimony in any way, nor any of the evidence Trump knew exactly what he was doing and knew this was criminal, evidence including texts from Trump and audio recordings of Trump discussing the crime.
If Cohen was making it up as you claim, he has plenty of other calls they can’t deny or explain away he could have said were about the details of hiding the secret payoff to hide sex with a porn star while married and dating a playboy model on the side, instead he testified honestly to the best of his recollection…which further enforces the idea he’s now being honest (has been since he left Trump’s employment).
Wait for re-direct. This minutiae will evaporate into pure warm zephyrum and you will still be grasping at straws…loser.

bobknight33 said:

I'm a loser in the eyes of leftest bigots. There are many on the sift. You being 1 of many.

That being said you can not deny what this guy said.
Can you deny that Cohen lied again under oath the other day.
The most important link to Trump was a recorded call, suspect as it is.

Cohen provided the date and time of this call any yet on Cross this lie was corrected. This "link" call was about a crank caller harassing Cohen and he asking Trumps bodyguard to take care of it.

Total fail that even CNN is WTF about this.

So If I am the piece of shit for pointing out truth, that has to make you a much lower commie turd. you and newt need to take you head out of you asses and start looking around.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

W-W-W-W-Wrong again.

And again, Trump was found in a court of law to be a rapist, he was found to be guilty of raping Carrol, he beat the statute of limitations for criminal charges so wasn’t “convicted”, but he was found to have forcibly penetrated his victims vagina knowingly against her will, which in English is a rape…you can parse words to your heart’s content and it won’t change that fact….then there’s his wife who said he violently raped her until he bought her silence, or the 26 other women he raped who came forward at great cost and risk to themselves and their families…and those who didn’t because he paid or threatened them.

But the reason for this reply is to remind you…TRUMP SUED CLINTON FOR $70 MILLION OVER AN INSULT! His case had no merit so was tossed and he was sanctioned $1 million for filing frivolous lawsuits, but Trump said insulting him in 2016 was worth $70 million, that’s more than $83 million in 2024 dollars ($89,500,000 in fact).
😂 SUCKER! You just stick your head in shit every time without fail. Maybe try learning something instead of just regurgitating what some blowhard told you was true? 😂

Then there’s this….

Still waiting, little man. Did you look into testosterone injections. It might get them to finally drop.

bobknight33 said:

Trump was never convicted as a rapist.

No insult is worth 83 Million. 2 or 3 max

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What I wrote is 100% true and factually correct, every word. No 1/2 truths or fake reports at all. Prove your contention with evidence and citation, be specific. That makes you run for the hills in silence every time because all you spout is nonsense and fabrication…impossible to provide evidence for a lie, and embarrassing to admit who you believed.

Trump himself said his favorite thing he and his daughter SHARE was sex, and publicly waxed about how great it would be to have sex with her, great ass, great boobs.
Trump himself willingly said on air that he bought a teen beauty pageant intending to use his ownership to go into 14 year old girl’s dressing rooms to leer at them nude and then did so…said it more than once, and said on air that he was obligated to sleep with every contestant. Again, age 14.
Trump and Epstein were self proclaimed “partners in crime” the entire 90’s and most of the 2000’s continuing that relationship for years after Epstein was arrested for child rape. Trump went to child rape island 7 times in 4 years on the flight record (despite having his own plane), I don’t believe there are records of those you accuse…provide them and I’ll admit I’m mistaken.

As for your newest fake Biden story, Statements from a diary published on a dubious website — which themselves have been taken out of context — allegedly came from a misplaced diary written by Ashley Biden and later sold to the repeatedly caught lying and creating false evidence and totally discredited right-wing sting operation Project Veritas, whose hyperbolic and lying founder even said their authenticity couldn't be confirmed.

Sounds like another “Hunter’s laptop”….a bunch of unverifiable unbelievable untrue nonsense coming from people with a massive axe to grind and with absolutely zero indication it’s not a pure fraud but plenty to indicate it is.

Nice try, sucker. They got you again with another fake Biden story with more faked evidence that even the people reporting it to you say is unverified and may be fake. You buy every one like the massive ignorant sucker you are. You will now pretend you never mentioned it because you are such a baby you can never admit being w-w-w-wrong….not ever. It’s a sign of insecurity and an incredibly fragile ego that you think so little of yourself that you believe ever admitting making a mistake might be the last straw for everyone….the opposite is true. The ability to admit a mistake is a sign of strength.

Remember how Trump isn’t mentioned in the Epstein document release…except for all those times he was. Your attempts to impugn Clinton are hilarious…do you think he’s running for office? It’s hilarious you love to try to go after these non politicians with this idiotic nonsense thinking just maybe this time someone will not look into your just plain dumb lies and you might get away with one, finally, and not notice the target is just a private citizen who is not running for office.….but it ain’t gonna happen, sucker. It makes my day to debunk your stupidity, and it’s always so easy it’s fun. You buy the most easily debunked stupidity like it was made just for you…because it is, no one else is gullible enough to keep getting duped by the same liars. 😂

More hard truths…Tacapino just quit all Trump’s cases…he was the last functioning lawyer, the only one with criminal case law experience, now Trump is left with idiotic legal bimbos more interested in their hair than their legal arguments right when he is more legally exposed than he’s ever been. I hope the blowjobs are worth losing all those cases. 😂

bobknight33 said:

More fake or 1/2 truth stories -- Tall tells -- Just what your dumb ass feeds on.

AT least Joe Biden daughter wrote in her diary that Dad regularly showered with her. That more direct evidence than you dribble you peddle.

"Hunter Biden Spent $872K on Hookers" - Facing 9 Indictment

bobknight33 says...


IF you can handle the truth: Which you can't

Hunter Biden Laptop contents, with a PDF down load link

Or if you want to cry about the link Just google
marco polo hunter biden laptop pdf
and select the Link title Report on the Biden Laptop

newtboy said:

ALLEGEDLY spent on drugs and escorts…. and gifts for girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, food, sundries, and other items of a personal nature, in short, everything but his taxes….but the right just baselessly says that it was all spent on hookers because the truth is poison to MAGA.

Why can’t @bobknight33 ever be even close to honest? Bob? *debunked on its face…the claim is utter nonsense.

This Land is Mine! - A Musical

makach says...

newtboy is the bestest boy! thanks. I know it's a necro but for the benefit of new viewers top quality content can always be repeated at regular intervals indefinitely imo

newtboy said:

I got you meatbag…stupid Siftbot.

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

bcglorf says...

"Who the fuck cares what the reason they wanted to invadeflee was?"

Characterization matters a little here, no?

"They had a right to refugee status there, not to take control and possession by force"

Which is at the heart of things.

The Arab narrative is that Jews arrived guns loaded and set about pillaging, killing and invading as soon as they had sufficient numbers, while the poor domestic Arab population had only been trying to assist and welcome in the refugees...

Which is ahistorical propaganda.

The reality is that for the most part, the European Jews arriving in Palestine were refugees and acting like refugees. Meaning they mostly just wanted to be able to provide food, shelter and safety for the families, just like everyone else. Most of them tried to set about doing this by legally purchasing land.

Lots of the local Arabs similarly were content to get along.

At that same time though, there were hardcore Zionists among the Jewish arrivals AND there were xenophobic elements willing to use violence within the Arab population too.

The tensions rose as the populations rose, but largely as a result of a large people being displaced, and NOT as the planned invasion you describe. The local Arab population started to band together to refuse to work, trade or sell to Jews. Violence broke out instigated separately on smallish scales by BOTH sides. Escalating violence followed, again back and forth between sides.

I'm in a camp that has a hard time blaming either the domestic Arab population for distress at the huge influx of refugees, nor for the European Jewish people having a low tolerance for discrimination and violence directed there way solely for being Jewish.

I see it as a huge mess, but with two large populations of Jewish and Arab people in Palestine acting not terribly unreasonably under circumstances of extreme pressure.

I think it's lazy and convenient to just declare 'invasion' so that you can simplify it all down to right/wrong and good guy/bad guy....

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