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Animals - Glyde Condoms

Rebecca Vitsmun, The Oklahoma Atheist, Tells Her Story

shelynn says...

Had to share this one on FB: "...even the so called "rabid atheists" (Dawkins et al) of the present day simply aren't comparable. The lunatic fringe of religion is well documented (WBC, al Qaeda, etc) as is the harm caused by even mainstream religion (ban on condoms, hiding pedophiles).

There simply isn't anything comparable from even the most evangelical of the new atheists. Even dickheads like Pat Condell are small potatoes compared to the other side.

The reason why atheism is unique over other belief systems is because it isn't one. There is no atheist tract or creed that must be upheld. There are simply people who reject attempts by others to force them to comply with their particular belief set.

Now, if an atheist terror group appears tomorrow and starts bombing churches or even if an atheist political party* demanded the outlawing of religion, I would condemn them, but that hasn't happened.

Put simply, I've never had an atheist knock on my door and say "have you heard the word of Dawkins?"

*what would that even look like, given that atheism has no political affiliation?" ...because I enjoyed it that much. Thanks C.

Rebecca Vitsmun, The Oklahoma Atheist, Tells Her Story

ChaosEngine says...

It's not so much that dangerous fundamentalist atheism is impossible. As you said, Stalin and Mao proved otherwise, although an argument could be made that their zealotry was politically based, but I digress.

It's more that even the so called "rabid atheists" (Dawkins et al) of the present day simply aren't comparable. The lunatic fringe of religion is well documented (WBC, al Qaeda, etc) as is the harm caused by even mainstream religion (ban on condoms, hiding pedophiles).

There simply isn't anything comparable from even the most evangelical of the new atheists. Even dickheads like Pat Condell are small potatoes compared to the other side.

The reason why atheism is unique over other belief systems is because it isn't one. There is no atheist tract or creed that must be upheld. There are simply people who reject attempts by others to force them to comply with their particular belief set.

Now, if an atheist terror group appears tomorrow and starts bombing churches or even if an atheist political party* demanded the outlawing of religion, I would condemn them, but that hasn't happened.

Put simply, I've never had an atheist knock on my door and say "have you heard the word of Dawkins?"

*what would that even look like, given that atheism has no political affiliation?

bcglorf said:

My problem is that I think you miss the real flaw when tying fundamentalist attitudes to organized religion. Particularly when you point out that following ideology X(say, atheism) renders one uniquely immune to said fundamentalism.

Zealotry and fundamentalism appear to be in our DNA. Declaring that ANY ideology, system or plan renders a group immune to that zealotry has historically been exactly how each new form of zealotry and fundamentalism is founded and kicked off. The followers of Lenin and Mao all rallied around ideologies of socialism/marxism to justify their atrocities. In particular, the rallying belief that socialism would uniquely create a government that would protect the interests of the people. No organized religion required there, they even used a lot of anti-religious rhetoric too.

My simple point is people claiming that uniqueness for their ideology is EXACTLY the problem and it angers me to see so many flaunting it as the solution.

5 Holiday Lies You Believe

Lawdeedaw says...

So when you don't wear proper protection heat escapes most from that area. Yes, which means most of it escapes through people's heads (Because fewer people wear hats than pants) and therefore it isn't a myth (Although I knew this answer before watching the video anyways.)

Like how if everyone always wore condoms and had a lot of oral sex it would be likely that most sexually transmitted diseases would be spread how? But by his point it would be false and silly to warn people...

10 Ways A Condom Can't Protect You

10 Ways A Condom Can't Protect You

Hilarious NZ life jacket ad

maatc (Member Profile)

Sexy Australian Condom Ad (Banned)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Sexy to WTF in Under 30 Seconds

Sexy to WTF in Under 30 Seconds

The 'Genocidal Stupidity' of the Catholic Ban on Condoms

shuac says...

Well, you see Yogi, when a church gets big enough and acquires enough of its idiot followers' money, it can start proclaiming stupid things. Things like, "when you murmur some latin words, this otherwise harmless cracker magically turns into the body of christ. Now eat it." or "Condoms spread the AIDS virus so it's prolly a good idea not to use them." Here endeth the lesson.

Yogi said:

I'm confused about this since I've never really looked into it. How can the Catholic Church Ban condoms around the world? What power do they have to do that?

The 'Genocidal Stupidity' of the Catholic Ban on Condoms

Mike Wallace Interviews Mrs. Margaret Sanger ~ 1957

A10anis says...

She was way ahead of her time. Sadly, even today. we have the church saying; "Aids is bad, but condoms are worse."
Had to smile, sardonically, at the end when she impugned her integrity somewhat by endorsing the cigarettes.

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