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Surprise! I'm pregnant!

modulous says...

So you dislike the term accident?

I mean, if I have a car accident, would you say you love that term too? We know how car accidents happen, after all.

Or maybe it means 'unplanned'. I didn't plan on hitting that car, I didn't intend for my gamete to meet hers and successfully fuse and implant. I know that crashing, and pregnancy, are risks when I drive/fuck but that doesn't mean I intended for the risks to manifest at this particular moment in life.

And birth control failures are not extreme. They happen with alarming regularity (though they almost never result in pregnancies, much like actual sex). However - a woman who relies solely on male condoms for birth control has a 2% chance of getting pregnant that year (assuming average sex life). Hardly extreme stuff. 2 in every 100 sexually active women, fertile women who rely on condoms alone will get pregnant every year. It's between 1 in a 1000 to 1 in 100 for the contraceptive pill. Given how many people are having sex - this is not a rare thing.

Esoog said:

I love the term "accidental pregnancy". Come on, its no accident. By now, we should all know how it happens.

(yeah, I'll give you the rare birth control failure...but that's the extreme).

Alternative Ballistics Less Lethal Firearm Attachment

worthwords (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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Sex Ed teacher gets around no condom demo law

Sex Ed teacher gets around no condom demo law

On Holiday In America: Day One

JustSaying says...

I've seen way too much silicone wrapped in that flag to consider "don't wear it!" a rule anymore. The only reason there are no star-spangeled condoms is because the comical risks of it are too obvious.

newtboy said:

Apparently non of the locals told him it's considered rude, and officially improper to wear the American flag as clothing.
(True enough, most of them probably don't even know themselves. There's a huge lack of knowledge about the 'rules' of the American flag).

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Prison (HBO)

Jerykk says...

How do you define "small" when it comes to narcotics? If I have a pound of cocaine, is that small? What about meth? PCP? LSD? Heroin? Narcotics are banned because they are harmful. Not just to yourself but to others. They are also addictive. Do you really think a junkie will be satiated by the small portions allowed by your proposed law? Nope. They'll always be looking for more and will do anything to get it. That's why drug-dealing is such a profitable business. A better solution is execution. If you're convicted of possession or abuse (no trial necessary if there's irrefutable evidence), you're dead. No further expenses beyond the execution (via cow puncher or some other cost-effective means) and body disposal (incineration seems most efficient). Zero chance of relapse.

As for money, sure, we could cut military funding. That would give us some money, though most of it would go towards rehabilitating criminals and paying off our numerous debts. We could increase taxes on the rich, even though they already pay the majority of taxes in the country. We could increase taxes for everyone, which we would inevitably need to do if we want top-quality education and healthcare for everyone.

As to your other points, we already have free healthcare. Well, relatively free in the form of Obamacare. We already have free education too. Public schools are free and available in almost every city. Said schools already offer sex education as well. The issue isn't really about education. Any dunce knows that having unprotected sex will result in babies. The problem is apathy. Some people just don't care. They don't think in the long-term. They don't plan ahead. They don't consider the long-term repercussions of their actions. All they care about is the here and now. It's not hard to find a condom. It's much harder to convince an apathetic and irresponsible person to actually wear it. You can tell them about the risks but if they don't think the condom is comfortable or convenient, they won't wear it. On the other hand, put a gun to their head and they'll definitely wear it.

SDGundamX said:

@Jerykk You're trolling (and you're doing a great job of it actually) but I know a lot of people who actually believe what you wrote here so I'd like to address it.

First, if you're going to make possession a crime, you're making all addicts into criminals and guaranteeing they're not going to get the medical help they need thanks to our privatized prison system. The answer here is obvious--stop making possession of small amounts of narcotics a crime.

Second, there is PLENTY of money to go around. Let's start with the U.S. military budget. How much has been spent on the F-35 again, a warplane which has been in development for over 10 years and still can't actually fly without potentially blowing itself out the sky? Or how about we actually tax corporations instead of giving them an effective 0% tax rate and allowing them to shelter all their money offshore? Or maybe we could raise taxes on the top 1% earners in the country instead of reducing them by 37% like we have over the past 10 years.

In any event, the money is there, but what do we do with it? Well, we could create a nationalized health care system for starters and finally and truly ensure that everyone has access to affordable health care. We could also make education free up to at least the high school level and institute some national standards (in terms of equipment, staffing, and facilities) that reduces the inequality in schooling that currently exists. And since you're worried about all those people having babies maybe we could distribute free birth control and teach people (in the now free schools) about family planning?

What do you think?

Animals - Glyde Condoms

20 Misconceptions About Sex (mental_floss)

Lilithia says...

You have to consider that he only talks about the average person, which in turn only takes into account the persons who took part in these studies. This means that individuals may, of course, deviate from the average values resulting from these studies. Unless you are the average person, your own experience is bound to differ from what the average person would experience according to these studies.

He didn't say that condoms won't reduce the sensation. He just stated that on average they don't make a man last longer in bed.

Also, he stated that on average, taking into account men with lifelong issues with this in general, the age makes no difference considering premature ejaculation. This doesn't mean that it won't be like you said for most men who don't suffer from "severe and lifelong premature ejaculation". He even admits that for most men it is a "transient issue that goes away".

Enzoblue said:

No evidence just experience. Like the condom thing, it DOES reduce the sensation, (your fooling yourself if you think otherwise), and did they account for experience in the old/young difference? I've never met anyone who thought that women were getting more hairless and ask any man over 40 and he will tell you that he came faster in his 20's - once having to concentrate on not coming and now having to do just the opposite. Does the experiment consider man's developed mental control?
You may be right, but it just all seems iffy to me. Never heard 7" before.

20 Misconceptions About Sex (mental_floss)

Stu says...

I'm with blue. It's been an assumed 6 inches forever but there's been studies out since the 90s that the avg is only 5.5 and then they even broke it down by race with american indians being the largest avg at 5.7. Same thing with condom sensitivity. They actually make condoms now that make it less sensitive for men who go...faster. Bigger breasts ARE less sensitive. The latest being a study done in Vienna where larger breasts were approximately 25% less sensitive because breast have more fatty tissue than glandular tissue which is more sensitive.
I want to see this guy's sources. He has a lot of good facts but a lot of bad ones as well.

20 Misconceptions About Sex (mental_floss)

Enzoblue says...

No evidence just experience. Like the condom thing, it DOES reduce the sensation, (your fooling yourself if you think otherwise), and did they account for experience in the old/young difference? I've never met anyone who thought that women were getting more hairless and ask any man over 40 and he will tell you that he came faster in his 20's - once having to concentrate on not coming and now having to do just the opposite. Does the experiment consider man's developed mental control?
You may be right, but it just all seems iffy to me. Never heard 7" before.

20 Misconceptions About Sex (mental_floss)

Enzoblue says...

A. the average penis size is 6" ever since ever. Where did they get 7? hair? condoms? Oh man... Bigger breasts have ALWAYS been considered MORE sensitive because the nerves are closer to the surface... men do peak earlier - young guys do come earlier....just gave up after.

Drew Carey - 101 Big Dick Jokes

notarobot says...

I couldn't find a video that didn't cut the sound off at then end, but I found a list for you and posted it here:

1. My dick is so big, there's still snow on it in the summertime.
2. My dick is so big, I went to The Viper Room and my dick got right in. I had to stand there and argue with the doorman.
3. My dick is so big, I have to call it Mr. Dick in front of company.
4. My dick is so big, it won't return Spielberg's calls.
5. My dick is so big, it graduated a year ahead of me from high school.
6. My dick has an elevator and a lobby.
7. My dick has an better credit than I do.
8. My dick is so big, clowns climb out of it when I cum.
9. My dick is so big, it was once overthrown by a military coup. It's now known as the Democratic Republic of My Dick.
10. My dick is so big, it has casters.
11. My dick is so big, I'm already fucking a girl tomorrow.
12. My dick is so big, ships use it to find their way into the harbor.
13. My dick is so big, there was once a movie called Godzilla vs. My Dick
14. My dick is so big, it lives next door.
15. My dick is so big, I entered it in a big-dick contest and it came in first, second, and third.
16. My dick is so big, it votes.
17. My dick is a better dresser than I am.
18. My dick is so big, it has a three-picture deal.
19. My dick is so big that the head of it has only seen my balls in pictures.
20. My dick is so big, Henry Aaron used it to hit his 750th home run.
21. My dick runs the 440 in fifteen seconds.
22. My dick is the Walrus, koo koo ga joob.
23. No matter where I go my dick always gets there first.
24. My dick takes longer lunches than I do.
25. My dick contributed $50,000 to the Democratic National Committee.
26. My dick was once the ambassador to China.
27. My dick is so big, it's gone condo.
28. My dick hit .370 in the minors before it hurt its knee.
29. My dick was almost drafted by the Cleveland Browns, but Art Modell didn't want a bigger dick than he was on the team.
30. My dick is so big, I use the Eiffel Tower as a French tickler.
31. It's so big, when it rains the head of my dick doesn't get wet.
32. My dick is so big, I could wear it sas a tie if I wasn't so aftaid of getting a hard-on and killing myself.
33. My dick is so big, I have to use an elastic zipper.
34. My dick is so big, it has feet.
35. My dick is so big, a homeless family lives underneath it.
36. My dick is so big, it takes four fat women and a team of Clydesdales to jack me off.
37. My dick is so big, my mother was in labor for three extra days.
38. My dick is so big, they use the bullet train to test my condoms.
39. My dick is so big, it has investors.
40. My dick is so big, it seats six.
41. My dick is so big, I use a hula hoop as a cock ring.
42. My dick is so big, we use it at parties as a limbo pole.
43. My dick is so big, King Kong is going to crawl up it in the next remake.
44. My dick is so big, it has an opening act.
45. My dick is so big I can fuck an elevator shaft.
46. My dick is so big, it has its own Wheaties box.
47. My dick is so big, I have to cook it breakfast in the mornings.
48. My dick is so big, the city had to carve a hole in the middle of it so cars could get through.
49. My dick is so big, every time I get hard I cause a solar eclipse.
50. My dick is so big, it only plays arenas.
51. If you cut my dick in two, you can tell how old I am.
52. My dick was once set on fire for a Dino DiLaurnetis movie.
53. My dick is so big, it needs an airplane warning light.
54. My dick is so big, Trump owns it.
55. My dick is so big, that we're all a part of it, and it's all a part of us.
56. My dick is so big, I can never sit in the front row.
57. My dick is so big, it has its own dick. And even my dick's dick is bigger than your dick.
58. My dick is so big, you can't blow me without a ladder.
59. My dick is so big, it only does one show a night.
60. My dick is so big, you can ski down it.
61. My dick is so big, it has an elbow.
62. My dick is so big, I have to check it as luggage when I fly.
63. My dick is so big, it has a personal trainer.
64. My dick is so big, that right now it's in the other room fixing us drinks.
65. My dick is so big, it has a retractable dome.
66. My dick is so big, it has stairs up the center like the Statue of Liberty.
67. My dick is so big, there's a sneaker named "Air My Dick."
68. My dick is so big, I'm its bitch.
69. My dick is so big, it's against the law to fuck me without protective headgear.
70. My dick is so big, I could fuck a tuba.
71. My dick is so big, Stephen Hawking has a theory about it.
72. My dick is so big, it has its own gravity.
73. NASA once launched a space probe to search for the tip of my dick.
74. My dick is so big, it's impossible to see all of it without a satellite.
75. The inside of my dick contains billions an dbillions of stars.
76. My dick is so big, it has a spine.
77. My dick is so big, it has a basement.
78. My dick is so big, movie theatres now serve popcorn in small, medium, large, and My Dick.
79. My dick is more muscular than I am.
80. My dick is so big it has cable.
81. My dick is so big, it violates seventeen zoning laws.
82. My dick is so big, it has its own page in the Sierra Club calendar.
83. My dick is so big, it has a fifty-yard line.
84. My dick is so big, I was once in Ohio and got a blow job in Tennessee.
85. My dick is so big, Las Vegas casinos fly it into town for free.
86. My dick is so big, I can braid it.
87. My dick is so big, than when it's Eastern Standard Time at the tip, it's Central Mountain Time at my balls.
88. My dick is so big, I painted the foreskin red, white, and blue and used it as a flag.
89. My dick is so big, I can sit on it.
90. My dick is so big it can chew gum.
91. My dick is so big, it only tips with hundreds.
92. My dick is so big, the Carnegie Deli named a sandwich after it. Actually, two sandwiches.
93. My dick is so big, the city was going to build a statue of it but they ran out of cement.
94. My dick is so big, Michael Jackson wants to build an amusement park on it.
95. My dick is so big, when I get hard my eyebrows get pulled down to my neck.
96. My dick is so big, you're standing on it.
97. My dick is so big, it only comes into work when it feels like it.
98. My dick is so big, it plays golf with the president.
99. My dick is so big, it charges money for its autograph.
100. My dick is so big, it has an agent. My dick's people will call your people. Let's have lunch with my dick.
101. My dick is so big, it's right behind you.

lucky760 said:

Hey, I got robbed. Was that all 101? It seems to be cut off.

The Secret to a Perfect Body - Genetics

jwray says...

Seconding Artician. The brain evolved by natural selection, just like the rest of the body. It has built in biases and modules that vary genetically. Look at the wide variety of personalities in dog breeds, for example. In humans, the big five personality traits are estimated to be about 50% heritable based on twin studies.

Gattaca is a good movie and Brave New World is a good book, but they should not be taken as the ends of some slippery slope that any eugenic policy inevitably leads to. I think it's unfortunate that so much fear of eugenics is propagated by dystopian fictions like those. Eugenics can be done in a humane way that respects all individual rights. For instance:

1. a system of incentives for highly successful people to have more children or donate to sperm banks.

2. Universal single-payer healthcare, providing among other things free condoms and birth control pills to all, so that the use of contraception will not be so much inversely correlated with income as it has been from 1850 to the present when the poor often couldn't afford it (and it's a demonstrable fact that on average the poor tend to have lower intelligence partly due to genetics)

Even such modest, individual rights respecting policies, if phrased in terms of benefiting the gene pool, are political suicide because people are still afraid of imaginary slippery slopes leading to Hitler. Most of the US is still in denial of the implications of biological science, for reasons that speak well of them, but it's time to grow up and get over that habit of Godwinizing any attempt to improve the gene pool regardless of whether it infringes individual rights.

Or maybe lots of people people don't actually believe that, but are reluctant to say otherwise:

Kid Gives Game Ball To Pretty Lady...Or Does He?

lucky760 says...

Nonsense, good sir. You're doing the sex wrongly. You're not supposed to give it to a woman the condoms, nor should your pocket receive an other one.

mxxcon said:

Look again. He'll bring a used one from home and give it to her, while he'll pocket the good one.

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