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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Charges? Plenty of obstruction charges so far. Well over 850 (874?) Trumpists have been charged with attacking the capitol and police, some charged with treasonous sedition, some admitting to sedition….at Tump’s request and direction.

Perhaps you don’t know, the committee doesn’t charge criminals, it makes criminal referrals to the DOJ. The point is to find out what happened, and who caused it, not to charge anyone (except those who ignore their subpoenas or lie under oath, even then they only make referals). They don’t have that power, they have referral power only. They have made referrals for defendants that were charged, so you’ve been misled.

New charges? That’s up to Garland, who is dragging his feet, but criminal referrals to the DOJ with verified evidence of serious crimes Trump himself and his lackeys committed leading up to, during, and after the Jan 6 Trump led attack on democracy and against America are definitely coming soon. Cheney has said exactly that, there is more than enough direct evidence that Trump personally committed multiple serious crimes in relation to the Trump Treason of Jan 6…but the investigation is ongoing.
After the last hearing tons of new witnesses and evidence has come flooding in from people who finally realized they are on the wrong, and losing side of history here and are no longer hiding or refusing to testify about what they know or have proof of. There’s no statute of limitations on treason, or attempted murder, or actual murder (and everyone involved is guilty of killing a police officer legally just as much as if they murdered him themselves because they acted as a group, a gang, or a private army trying to take over a country.) The criminal referrals will come after testimony and evidence stops flowing in….but there are already multiple referrals in the works based on what they know now, with more coming if more comes to light.

Q: do you have any idea how many denials have become admissions due to the work of the committee? Hundreds. “I never gave tours.” Became “I gave one small family one tour.” Became “I gave 20 or so young militia members tours of security stations, back hallway routes to Democratic offices, and the secret escape route for congress and let them photograph and video all of it, then denied it, but now that the video is public I admit I did that, but it’s perfectly normal and not a bit suspicious.” That’s just ONE failed denial of hundreds the cons have tried.

Sorry, that’s hardly nothing. Maybe to a Russian troll it is, but it’s not nothing to Americans.

How are those rapidly dropping gas prices working for you? Democrat policies at work! Lol.

bobknight33 said:

And what criminal charges have come forth?

Nothing because its all BS, and you and your ilk are fools drinking it up.

How that $6/gal gas working for you and yours?
Democrat policies at work.

I Guess Not Everyone Is Celebrating!

newtboy says...

One wonders, have cons lost their fucking minds, listening to idiot asshats like this moron? He’s wrong every single time, but he hates liberals with a passion that outshines reality and is appropriately smarmy and dishonest, so you follow along.

What nonsense. It’s cons who hate America enough to physically attack it and attempt to take it over so they can change it, hate democracy enough to try to overthrow an election to become a dictatorship, and hate the flag so much that they disrespectfully wear it as clothing, even underwear, actually wiping their shit stained asses with the flag. (Yes, wearing the flag shows you don’t respect it or the nation it stands for, officially and undeniably.). People used to know that those that drape themselves in the flag, or religion, never actually believe in either, they only use the symbology to faux virtue signal to others that would use them as tools of division. Sadly, the cons abandoned that knowledge to embrace Trump, who exemplifies the issue.

I only had to hear one sentence of this twaddle for him to have spread 3 lies, ridiculously accusing liberals of considering acting out these anti American sentiments he claims they hold…like the cons actually did last year.

bobknight33 said:

One wonders, have the liberals gone too far?

Roe V Wade Deccision

newtboy says...

So, liberals only have themselves to blame, eh?
Then who are Cons going to blame for the temporary suspension of the filibuster (like they do for Supreme Court nominations so not unprecedented)?
That is quickly becoming the plan, and without the filibuster there are enough votes to codify abortion as a federally protected right (not an amendment but a legal right). Not a slam dunk, but looking extremely likely, (and you should be glad, this issue and the extremist laws surrounding it was going to turn the midterms pure blue.)
Same question for adding 6 new seats to the Supreme Court?
Who you going to blame? Yourselves?!

Chelsea Handler on Roe v. Wade Being Overturned

newtboy says...

You are 100% insane and intentionally ignorant.
The court has been majority conservative since the 70’s, it’s now 6-3 conservative and you claim to believe it’s still liberal, just one conservative decision came out. So delusional bob.

Yeah, no one had any issues with the 100% liberal decisions from the liberal Supreme Court…like Citizens United.
Just. So. Ignorant. And. Dumb. Bob.

The right has regressed hard fought freedoms and rights by 50 years. The free world is aghast at what the symbol of freedom and liberty became over such a short 5 year stretch thanks to our core being decimated by magats.

Your ignorance knows no bounds, comrade. No American is so clueless that they think the court JUST became conservative.

Children aren’t in wombs, you brainless slug.

And wow, you are so bat shit crazy you actually go after comedians doing a comedy show for telling jokes. I know they don’t do that in con comedy, but REAL comedy has jokes, not just vitriolic hateful verbal assaults against common enemies. You might try it some time.

So, no college makes a person uneducated and dumb….no high school must make them moronic, like your dear old dad, grandpa, and from your grammar, math, science, and history skills, you too despite your claim, and let’s not forget Boebert. No intelligent thought between the four of you. Didn’t think we wouldn’t remember how proud you are of your ignorant uneducated ancestors, the long family history of people that didn’t finish high school? Considering your abilities, and how easy you are duped into believing nonsensical lies with no facts or logic to them, I wouldn’t be surprised to find you didn’t graduate 8th grade. Wait…is your real name “Hershel”?

No intelligent thought. Hasn’t been an intelligent thought from you since you signed up here, Bob. Just regurgitation of blatantly false propaganda and infantile preschooler insults and whining. Lots of your lies being debunked which you answer by simply telling more lies hoping people didn’t notice you were just thoroughly debunked with corroborated facts and called out as the moronic liar you are for the 972nd time.

PS- way to try posting your discarded idiotic fact free propaganda in comments. Lucky you comments don’t get discarded for negative votes or you would have only about a dozen left from your unpopular and largely unwanted time here….silly little troll.

I suppose you agree that mean man shot Rudy in the back with his invisible gun, right? Almost tackled him, but Rudy is so strong he maintained his balance. Never a true word from Republicans, every syllable you utter is false. If you guys got your wish, a culture like 70’s Saudi Arabia where only white men have power and everyone else is subservient, it wouldn’t make you happy because you would all be begging on the streets with no hands or tongue, because they cut off your hands for stealing and your tongues for lying in that culture.

bobknight33 said:

Fifty years of liberal decisions and the left had no issue with the supreme court. Now the pendulum swings back and all hell breaks loose. The left are the radical side. This decision is just put the issue back to the states, where it belongs. About 1/3 of the states allow this murdering already

Still the most dangerous place for a child will still be the womb.

Like how Handler is unable to have an intelligent conversion about this topic just slanted jokes. That is all you can expect from an uneducated person with no college. No intelligent thought.

Roe V Wade Deccision

newtboy says...

More *lies

That’s absolutely not a thing, it’s a right wing lie. <1% of abortions even happen in the third trimester, and then it’s for medical necessity, not a choice.
If there was any semblance of honesty in what she said, conservative legislatures would have only banned “elective late term” abortions or better, “elective third trimester” abortions but that’s not what they did because that wouldn’t actually stop any, they aren’t a thing.

This is how cons are justifying to themselves forcing 13 year old little girls raped by their fathers to become mothers to their own brothers? Because someone told them partial birth abortions are a real, common thing liberals have constantly for fun because they’re evil, so out of spite and disgust they outlaw all abortions and contraception too, no exceptions?

Only the fully flagitious, feculent, feckless few could try to sell that slanderous insanity, and only lowest of the lowly brain dead slugs would believe it.

Flagitious- (of a person or their actions) criminal; villainous.
Feculent-of or containing dirt, sediment, or waste matter
Feckless-lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible

Spelling Bee Contestant Asks The Definition of “Woman”

newtboy says...

First, It’s 1.6% - 5% (and rising fast), not .5% bob.

Also, 100% - .5% = 99.5%, bob. Or are you pretending only 1% balks at this idea? Considering your math skills, it’s impossible to know.

If so, why should the 99% capitulate to the 1% of intolerant assholes that insist everyone must eat pizza?

If ther are 100 people going out to eat together daily and 5 are deathly allergic to cheese, are you going to insist you prefer pizza so they should be excluded from the population because you don’t feel like a burger right now so everyone MUST eat pizza, even though the restaurant serves both?

No one is trying to make you eat the burger, they only want you to admit burgers are on the menu and that everyone has the right to choose their own meal, you don’t get to choose for them, nor do you get to deny there’s more than one choice nor enforce that insane denial.

Trans people self determining their gender in no way forces you to do the same thing. Such a dumb argument, Bob. It’s the old Con. argument…“You having a choice infringes on my rights to force my choices on you.”.

bobknight33 said:

The real question is why is 98.5% of Americans capitulation
to he the desires of the 0.5% .

Surely if there are 100 people going out to eat and 99 pick pizza and 1 picks hamburger, why do you need to cave and get 100 hamburgers ?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So….Texas Republicans have decided to try to secede from the union as part of their official party platform. Kind of hard to pretend you guys are patriotic Americans when it’s your official plan to dissolve the union out of spite.

I actually say good riddance, let red states all secede, RGTOW, they will quickly become a third world country we can exploit. Red states take WAY more from the federal government than they put in, relying on blue state taxes to keep running. It would be hilarious to see how fast infrastructure, services, and government break down in such an occurrence.

It would also be interesting to see how they think they would defend themselves without the US military. As usual, the Cons never think things through. I so want to see how this would play out. Can we short sell Texas?

Seems like you guys need to take your own advice….if you don’t like it here in America, you can GET OUT.

Rent: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

1) what part of that is a joke?
2) not all Cons are racists, but almost all racists are Cons.
3) All cons may not be blatant racists, but they all are willing to stand with blatant lifelong racists and support them and are willing and eager to support blatantly racist policies if the racists will support their candidates. You know a man by the company he keeps.
4) I rented 1/3 of an acre with utilities in California for $250 for 7+ years, when estimated rent would be up to $1500+Utilities, in order to give a needy person a home. After 7 years I raised rent to $300, 1/5 market value. Keep in mind my wife and I have lived on $30k a year +- for decades so she can work at a non profit blood bank helping the community. We could have used the money. Kindness isn’t monopolized by any one side/group, but it’s more rare from cons., as this video demonstrates.
5) if your siblings can’t afford to be that generous, you certainly shouldn’t force them to sell at that discount, and you should not take a dime. You control the estate, but you have a responsibility to distribute it evenly and fully, not give it away, not donate it to an elderly couple. You will ruin your family and your father’s legacy and they will be right to be mad at you for stealing their inheritance. Maybe offer it for $75k and take nothing yourself if you want to make a gift of it, absolutely don’t sell it at a discount without everyone’s agreement in advance. Trust me, I’ve been there.
6) are elderly people who need discounted rent really going to have $55k to buy even a discounted house? No bank would loan them money, they can’t pay it back. Is that a real offer?

bobknight33 said:


With my dad passing last month he left me to deal with his rental house.

Dad, being a racist white Trump supporter screwed his tenant, which are black . That's how Trump supporters roll, right?

Dad taught me well and will deal with them according.

Zillow estimates rent to be 1500$/mo. Lucky he raised his rent before his passing.

Dads wishes is that this couple in their mid 80's can stay as long as they want with the same rent agreement as signed back in 97.

Dads rent went up 20$ to 695/month. Way below market value.
The other 3 kids want me to sell it. I offered this house to them at 50% market value. House is worth around 110K$

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Neither. I fully support legalizing sex work, and regulating it strongly….and I have always warned against sticking your dick in crazy. Also, I’ve never paid for sex…not with money anyway.

(Edit: Hmmmm….are you saying whoring is how most women earn a living? It wouldn’t be inconsistent with your previous stances, Mr MGTOW.)

I’m against vitriolic hypocrites in power making it criminal to do the same things they did repeatedly. I think laws enacted by representatives should be retroactive against any representatives who vote for them, for life….meaning if abortions become murder charges, Boebert gets charged twice with infanticide.
I’m also against high school dropout, ged failing, lying, stealing hookers being representatives. They’ve proven they have a price for anything and I can expect them to be easily “bought”.

Not so flimsy, not near as flimsy as her denials. Wait for her deposition….IF she sues which I doubt she will. (She’s terrified to be deposed by people who might know all her dumb secrets that would prove who she really is, a dishonest, thieving, corrupt, know nothing, child sex abusing, repeated abortion having, tax evading, business failure and hypocritical whore.)

Derp. The group that smeared her is Republican, Bob. Actual conservative, which is anti sedition. Absolutely not Democrats….these are Republicans using Republican tactics against a fake Republican. Hang your head in shame.

? No, I don’t remember any stupid lie about Obama in an elderly white gay bathhouse (with no corroborating evidence whatsoever, unlike Boebert), I tend to not pay attention to the thousands of idiotic lies Republicans made up about him, like Trump’s popular racist birther movement based on pure lies and racism, but the outrageous stories about Trump and the sedition caucus all turn out to be true, verified in courts, or turn out to be vast under estimates of their criminality.

Lol. You telling someone to live in reality is the pot calling the clear glass pitcher black, buddy. You’re been living in a con. fantasy world since 08 at least, likely longer. So much that most people believe you are really a Russian attempting to spread misinformation (and failing miserably). You believe any stupid con. lie, the dumber the better like blaming Jan 6 on BLM and ANTIFA, like blaming Ukraine for its own invasion, like denying Cawthorn, Green, Gohbert, Boebert, Munez, and Gaetz are all sexual deviants that have sex with, or who personally help others sexually abuse children.
You calling someone else turd boy is also hilarious considering how consistently full of shit your positions are, unlike mine that can be backed up with citation and fact every time. Must get under your skin.
Poor boob.

PS- How you liking Walkers new admission, that even as he railed against deadbeat and absentee fathers, saying it should be criminalized, he actually has 3 secret children he neither raised nor supported. More blatant insane Republican hypocrisy from certifiably criminally insane Republican candidates. (He threatened to murder his wife then himself while holding a loaded gun to her head)

bobknight33 said:

So you are against women earning a living or are you just pissed that you didn't bang her?

Flimsy at best information from a leftest smear group.

You remember that Obama white old men gay bathhouse club in Chicago.
Or is that equally fake BS?

Turd boy. slow you roll and just live in reality.


luxintenebris jokingly says...


how 'bout legitimately concluded it was a grift, yet said nothing.

they really need to change the mascot for the GOP. 'cause unlike elephants, they can't remember anything, not even their own lies. elephants are ruled by females, plus elephants are usually quiet, mindful, and sociable.

thinking: mad dog or poo-tossing chimp.

(NOTE: notice the silence of our mad dog conservative members here. GOP/Fox are struggling to manufacture new lies. w/o new 'thoughts' being given, cons* suffer putting out their own thoughts. Thus the Lincoln Table "D'oh!")

now "The Big Rip-off" is a motto...what can they parrot back?

*abbv for conservatives. why not? liars led by king liar.

Amish response to covid

Buttle says...

That does not seem to be entirely true. It is true that immunity declines, whether from vaccination or infection. It's not true that vaccination gives better or longer lasting protection than vaccination.


RESULTS Confirmed infection rates increased according to time elapsed since the last immunity-conferring event in all cohorts. For unvaccinated previously infected individuals they increased from 10.5 per 100,000 risk-days for those previously infected 4-6 months ago to 30.2 for those previously infected over a year ago. For individuals receiving a single dose following prior infection they increased from 3.7 per 100,000 person days among those vaccinated in the past two months to 11.6 for those vaccinated over 6 months ago. For vaccinated previously uninfected individuals the rate per 100,000 person days increased from 21.1 for persons vaccinated within the first two months to 88.9 for those vaccinated more than 6 months ago.

CONCLUSIONS Protection from reinfection decreases with time since previous infection, but is, nevertheless, higher than that conferred by vaccination with two doses at a similar time since the last immunity-con

newtboy said:

Herd immunity is a myth with Covid because Covid immunity is not permanent, it’s very short lived, as little as 2 months. You can get Covid over and over and over until it kills you.
The same is true with vaccination, it’s not 100% effective nor does it last, but it seems to be better than natural immunity with the added benefit of not requiring you to get full blown covid to be protected.

Also, temporary immunity against one strain does not necessarily make you immune to other strains at all.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Interesting N Carolina doesn’t disqualify candidates convicted of such things, isn’t it? Some places do, like liberal California. Liberals ACTUALLY care about crime enough to disqualify based on convictions, not “conservatives”.

Have you written your state legislature to demand they make a law so criminals can’t be elected officials? Thought not.

Then, again I ask you, why would you have ever supported repeatedly convicted con man (school cons, charity cons, repeated business cons) and racist (payed millions for redlining) Trump?

You SAY wrong is wrong, then you vote for convicted criminals constantly. I am certain you voted for the guy whose campaign harvested and filled out ballots in YOUR county, knowing beforehand that he had done that, he won despite blatantly defrauding the election, and would have again if he had run again. You absolutely didn’t say any Republican on the same ballot should be disqualified despite knowing his campaign also filled out fraudulent votes for any Republican they could. You lied and said he had suffered consequences, but you know full well he did not. None. Not only did he take office, and never was charged, he was allowed to run again in the special election required because of his admitted fraud.

The point here is Republicans (like you) SAY they believe in law and order and criminals shouldn’t be elected officials, then you go ahead and vote for people who admit to brutally murdering their wives and tossing the body in a creek and are awaiting trial and then, idiotically, go on to call Democrats the “party of debauchery”. It’s asinine and transparent.

You SAY you care about law and order, then directly encourage perjury (only from your “team”) elect child rapists, sex traffickers, people who protect child rapists, thieves, cheats, deadbeats, blatant racists, and insurectionists. (In one case, Trump, someone who is all of the above).

I can only find wrong worth mentioning on one side because only one side displays this level of wrongness. Why can you only find wrong on Democrats parts, and not see the 95% of horrific wrongness coming from your choices for representatives?

Democrats abuse their travel funds (but only about 10% as much as Republicans), Democrats commit insider trading (but not 1/2 as much as republicans).
Democrats don’t traffic little girls for sex.
Democrats don’t have cocaine fueled lemon party orgies (ugh, just the thought).
Democrats don’t try to commit a coup then blame republicans when it fails.
Democrats don’t run fraudulent charities for veterans which they steal from.
Democrats don’t have private parties with Epstein and little girls.
Democrats don’t repeatedly try to take guns onto planes (Cawthorn).
Democrats don’t harass young school shooting victims with death threats and claims that they’re not real people.
Democrats don’t put hurting republicans above the good of the nation either….they should start, turnabout is fair play, and hurting actual abusive criminals (not just fantasy crimes) is in the national interest.

Yes, I’m biased. It’s insane you aren’t, knowing what we know about current republicans, and what little we have of Democratic crimes. I find you a new disgusting Republican representative committing felonies daily, and you don’t flinch in your unbridled support of them, you toss out red herrings and whataboutisms without ever turning on the majority of pedophiles, hebephiles, rapists, insurrectionists, etc that keep coming from your chosen party.

I agree with your last sentence, but you do not.
You constantly vote for criminals like this and simply turn a blind eye to their convictions for crimes of moral turpitude. Democrats got rid of Al Frankenstein for a photo of him pointing at a sleeping woman, Republicans are still trying to elect judge Roy Moore despite his pedophilic history, and re-elect Cawthorn, and Boebert, Gaetz, Jordan, even Epstein’s bestie Trump. All directly tied to pedophilia, and you don’t care one bit. Not to mention the seditious coup attempt so many are complicit in, or the coverups afterwards, or the insider trading, etc.

You don’t care about criminal behavior if it’s a Republican, and you just can’t admit it, but you and all here KNOW it’s true.

bobknight33 said:

A local former Charlotte mayor was convicted and sent to jail for taking bribes many times , using under cover FBI agents and is now running for city counsel.

And like always I said wrong is wrong but you somehow can only find wrong on 1 side.

You seem a bit biased.

Neither should be allowed to hold any government job of any type.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Mr engineer, when there are two parties, sentence structure demands you use plurals….both sides have THEIR share of undesirables. An engineer should see grammar as a clearly defined structure that follows simple rules and just get it. Spelling is different, but grammar should be a no brainer….why is it so hard for you? Have you never seen it that way, or was engineering incredibly difficult for you too?

The difference being one side is all undesirables, and the level of undesirability. One side openly calls for an end to American democracy, death for their political rivals, death for anyone who disagrees with today’s talking point. One side has no party platform, no stated goals, and exists solely to stop any legislation the other side puts forth, even when it was something they want or that would benefit them. They are the same side.

We found another point of agreement.

Term limits are a must, and will never happen because our system does put the regulatory onus on those who need regulating….absolute insanity. It also lets them set their own salaries, ethics, and benefits.

Divestment is another must. Perhaps a bigger must. Total divestment across the board. Not just blind trusts that aren’t really blind, and absolutely not what we have now…the “honor” system run by the honorless. Allowing legislatures to write horrific laws because they can personally financially benefit is a recipe for disaster. That should (but never will) change.

Campaign finance is a third must. Corporations should have the same donation limits individuals have, which should be more like $100 each so every person can afford to have a voice, and we should return to an equal time on broadcast tv for free situation and deny the media as a political platform to give candidates a boost….no more Fox News interviews indistinguishable from campaign commercials, no more media smear campaigns, with severe penalties for violations, like $10 mil the first time, $25 mil the second, loss of fcc license the third. Another non starter….but needed badly.

PACs should be outlawed, or regulated into obscurity.

Some reasons often brought up in opposition to term limits can be traced back to Maddison who wrote "[A] few of the members of Congress will possess superior talents; will by frequent re-elections, become members of long standing; will be thoroughly masters of the public business, and perhaps not unwilling to avail themselves of those advantages. The greater the proportion of new members of Congress, and the less the information of the bulk of the members, the more apt they be to fall into the snares that may be laid before them,"

I think we have proven at this point the cons of self serving representatives legislating for personal gains outweigh the benefits of professional legislators, especially seeing as we have the internet and huge staffs to ostensibly level the playing field of knowledge.

One fix would be the creation of an ethics branch, completely non partisan, not self regulatory, with rules against former candidates (winners and losers) and lobbyists too from serving and strict rules about how they operate, and bans from running for office or being a lobbyist afterwards so it doesn’t become a campaign platform or tool for industry. Maybe even ban close family members from the same. Won’t happen, only the best people intentionally limit their powers, and they are few and far between in Congress….all but absent on your side.

bobknight33 said:

Cheney is 1 of the "others"

Both sides have its share of undesirables.

Term limits should be a must, but we have "the fox watching the hen house" so this will never happen.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aaaaahahahaha! Stop projecting, Bob.

ROTFLMFAHS!!! 139 IQ Bob. Excelling in college level classes at 6th grade. Over 10 years of higher education….including critical thinking. I know you wouldn’t post your actual IQ score because it’s double digits, and the first digit is not 9.

You know full well you’re the uneducated ignoramus living in a fantasy world here, still spreading the big lie with no evidence, just like 99% of what you’ve said in the last 13 years (yes, you lost your mind over Obama and have only gotten worse under The Biggest Loser, the convicted con man and consummate liar.)

MY head is up MY ass!?! LMFAHS!!! You have the long term verified clinical diagnosis of cranial rectosis….I know it colors your viewpoint, but that shit you see is in your eyes, not on me. Too funny, Ms Iknowyouarebutwhatami.

Bob, you know how often the partisan nonsense you spout is wrong, verifiably and definitely wrong, based on blatant lies? More than 9/10. You still think Trump won, or at least that there was massive democratic fraud last election, despite no evidence, despite a dozen times you were told the evidence would be released tomorrow, but when tomorrow came there was nothing, despite multiple audits, including the hyper partisan unofficial biased vote review that found hundreds of votes for Biden but zero evidence of vote fraud, despite 62 failed attempts to prove any fraud in court, despite dozens upon dozens of accusations that all turned out to be misrepresentation, misunderstandings, and outright lies, but not evidence, despite Mike Pillow, crazy moronic crackhead that can’t produce a cogent thought much less evidence of fraud being the failed clearly insane spokesman for the movement. (He now claims he has proof every American over 7 committed vote fraud that can put us all in prison for life)

You like to spout insanity, see it debunked with facts figures and citations, and slink away so you don’t have to try to defend the indefensible or admit you were w-w-w-wrong. When I make a claim, you rebut it with a “nuh-uh…your dum!” and think you won an argument when you haven’t offered one….and I still bother to verify them with facts, figures, and often multiple citations to prove my point anyway.

Tesla stock was a good deal 3 years ago, not today. It’s a bubble, one day it will pop. Better get out before then. My increases came largely from a ton of S&P, various energy stocks and medical stocks, and some tech. I sold my J&J before their vaccine flopped, knowing they have billions in lawsuits to lose soon. My one account went up >30% this year. I made more than if it was all in Tesla (> 30% vs Tesla at 24% for the year)….and I don’t have a PE ratio of 360 indicating a major correction in the future, and I get dividends. If China comes up with a better battery, you better sell immediately. They’ve done well, but are unstable, randomly fluctuating, not secure, and run by a nut that doesn’t care about hurting his own stock prices (or manipulates them for his own gain, I can’t be sure).

Please name these failures, I don’t think you can. You’ve listed the economy, insanely better under Biden, unemployment, insanely better under Biden, immigration, still using the Trump era rules and methods (so there’s one), Inflation, Trump devalued the dollar by 30% and only paused inflation for a year by halting the economy, actually making it a negative growth. Covid, lol. The people responsible for the lack of Covid response are your people, the people who are still unvaccinated and still having problems are idiot Republicans. Covid was, and is a right wing caused issue, fortunately it now effects mostly right wing morons, they should be banned from hospitals, they chose to be vulnerable.

He has failed to remove disastrous Trump appointees, projects, policies, and programs. He’s failed to pass more thorough infrastructure (build back better) but has gotten infrastructure funding. He’s going to fail to secure voting rights thanks to 100% Republican obstructionism, true, unless there’s a miracle in November.

CNN leader in fake news? WHAT?! I suppose maybe, because OAN, Newsmax, and Fox along with all the other right wing media aren’t news at all, they’re dishonest propaganda channels that lie to you daily….and you just fucking love it, you love the lies, and because you love them you believe them, and for no other reason because there’s never evidence for your lies….that’s why you disappear so often, caught in too many lies and called out on them, proven wrong, and you don’t have the spine to admit it. Coward. Use the same criteria and CNN beats every right wing outlet for honesty, correctness, willingness to correct mistakes, and their lack of involvement in a violent attack against the country and democracy, you fool.

bobknight33 said:

You such a tool.

Stupid as shit . Guess thats because you head is up your ass.

Reality and you are never in the same room.

Have you bought any Tesla stock?
Biden is a absolute disaster. Even CNN leader in fake news cant lover for his failures anymore. WOW

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

BTW, nice red herring.

Trump stole everything else. Trump is a consummate thief. Stealing from those who can least afford it.
True, he failed in his efforts to steal the election.
Is it your position that if a thief fails at another attempt to steal, they are no longer a thief? Then why don’t you back this guy, who failed to steal the 20 items?

I asked you why you support a repeatedly convicted thief and con man, your answer is “Trump didn’t (successfully) steal the election”. Pitiful.

bobknight33 said:

Trump didn't steal the election.
I just don't understand people that steal.

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