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Joe Biden's Crime Bill In his own words.

newtboy says...

Who wants proven innocent blacks executed anyway because, based solely on their skin color, he believes "they mugged someone"? Mr Don Trump- Trumpublican

Who wants to shove more "thugs" (his word for blacks) in prison for longer sentences? Mr Don Trump-Trumpublican

Who complained loudly that the Biden crime bill didn't lock up enough blacks for long enough? Mr Don Trump-Trumpublican

Who wants to execute way more "thugs" (blacks), but wants something less "comfortable" than lethal injection (like slow public hangings)? Mr Don Trump-Trumpublican

Who thinks white supremacists, treasonous confederates, and neo Nazis are "good people" who shouldn't serve time for rioting and attacking peaceful anti-racism protesters? Mr Don Trump-Trumpublican

Who still holds these beliefs and has never once apologized for them? Mr Don Trump-Trumpublican

You are so dishonest and desperate.

bobknight33 said:

Who is behind shoving blacks in jail? Mr Joe Biden, Democrat.

Who does not care about locking up blacks? Mr Joe Biden, Democrat.

Joe Biden's Crime Bill In his own words.

newtboy says...

The way it's presented here, yes, his own words are edited and selected with other words/statements omitted to create right wing propaganda. Where are the parts where he admits he was wrong and apologized over and over?

How about Trump's own words, and Trump's own position then. He said the Clinton/Biden crime bill was way too soft and lenient. Here's a taste from Trump's book....

"The perpetrator is never a victim. He’s nothing more than a predator. (pages 93-94).

A life is a life, and if you criminally take an innocent life, you’d better be prepared to forfeit your own. My only complaint is that lethal injection is too comfortable a way to go. (pages 102-103).

Criminals are often returned to society because of forgiving judges. This has to stop. We need to hold judges more accountable… The rest of us need to rethink prisons and punishment. The next time you hear someone saying there are too many people in prison, ask them how many thugs they’re willing to relocate to their neighborhood. The answer: None. (pages 106-107)."

If that doesn’t sound like support for mass incarceration and the death penalty with little chance for criminal justice reform in sentencing, I’m not sure what does.

How about the Central Park 5? Trump paid for adds calling for the death penalty for these wrongly accused boys. Despite DNA evidence and a confession by the real rapist and restitution from the state in the $40000000 range Trump STILL insists they're guilty of something (he doesn't know what they did, but they're definitely guilty) and deserve the death penalty.....clearly forgetting he's bragged about doing what they were wrongly accused of....sexual assault.

Biden has admitted his position was wrong, and repeatedly apologized. Trump has NEVER done that, even about calling for the death penalty for the proven innocent.

*facepalm. You still don't understand that some people have a longer memory than a gnat, and we can recall that no matter the topic, Trump's position was worse than Democrats at the time, and his current position is worse than their current position.

bobknight33 said:

Blind Tools like you I don't car about.

These are his own words, not mine.

So Joe words are right wring propaganda? Well isn't that a MF switch. Joe gone full right wing. So Trump can dump Pence and pick up Finger banging Joe as VP?

Newt - give it up you a troll for the hardest of the leftest. Radical Anti cop, ANTIFA friend. Take that chip off you shoulder and you might just see America IS great.

Black Man Gets Pulled Over For Doing 65 in a 70

mxxcon says...

This seems ridiculous to issue a warning for traveling 5mph UNDER the speed limit..
It's the speed LIMIT, not speed REQUIREMENT!
What if I don't feel safe or comfortable driving that fast?!
What if my car doesn't have enough power to travel that fast?!
What if I want to drive economically and not waste gas/electricity traveling that fast?!

Florsheim - One Of The Most Expensive Restorations

eric3579 says...

From yt comment thread..

I'm the owner of these shoes and wanted to add to the overwhelming positive response to the video and restoration. First tho, thank you Steve for dedicating yourself to your craft and being able to make this service available for folks like us. Steve knows my history on these but thought i would share some bits of it as a testament to his skills.

I bought these shoes new in the mid 90's after graduating from college being told from a friend's dad at the time that these would last a career, 25 years later, Steve completed the first resole of them. Ive worn these shoes initially every day to work and eventually reducing the wear to only special occasions knowing that Florsheim didnt make the shoe nor no longer refurbished the V-cleat soles. These shoes have seen every significant event in my career from first days of every new job, job interviews, friends weddings, my own, important meetings, anything that was important these shoes have witnessed it. ive tried to keep the best care of them only hand polishing them myself and having used shoe trees its entire life. i love the finish which is unique to this shoe and can only be had with decades of hand-polishing.

ive kept an eye out for someone that could restore the soles in the way the originals were made for the last 10 years and just recently stumbled across one of Steve's videos and the one that showed his award winning restoration of these shell cordovans down to the nail. from there i watched most of his videos almost like an interview to ensure i was comfortable with letting these shoes be worked on as they are only original from the factory once. we talked over every tiny detail and some months they are. i honestly didnt think i would find anyone that could restore these to original condition.

thank you again Steve...incredible job...and it really didn't matter to me how much it would have cost to restore these. they are priceless....including all the near falls ive had with those nails on slick floors ! i wouldn't have it any other way.

Police fire (paintball?) at residents on their front porch

newtboy says...

For these to be called even less lethal, the entire system must be used, including MANDITORY safety gear including at a minimum Kevlar helmets, face shields, groin shields, and a neck protector. If the victim doesn't have each piece of the mandatory gear, these rounds can cause permanent injury and death.

Directly from the manufacturer of simunition.

In order to reduce the risk of injury during these highly dynamic scenarios, Simunition® has developed a full line of protective equipment for both men and women. This equipment is an integral part of the FX® training system.
The FX® line of protective equipment consists of three MANDATORY protective items: the helmet or the facemask for use with Kevlar helmets, the neck protector and the groin protector. The arm protectors, vest, gloves, pants and sleeves are optional. FX® protective equipment, which is Simunition® tested and approved, is comfortable, breathable and lightweight, allowing the user to move freely and naturally.

Another *doublepromote to keep it front and center, police in gangs fully armored with military backing are using live rounds (yes, they are) on unarmed unshielded citizens who are committing no crime peacefully stationary on their own porches. Might as well have been bullets, at that range with no protection these rounds can kill easily. Attempted murder charges for every cop there.
I can't wait until someone shoots a cop in the eye with one and it dies. Suddenly they won't be calling them non lethal ammunition that's safe.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No standing? Lol. According to who? Trump? Giuliani?
Technically speaking, once the house votes to impeach, he's impeached.

She's holding them back because Senate Republicans have stated clearly they intend to ignore their constitutional obligation to be impartial and will simply pardon Trump with no examination of the evidence, no witnesses, no trial. It's proper to wait until McConnell publicly retracts his unambiguous public statements that he's not going to have a fair (or any) trial, he's not going to be impartial, and that he's simply going to work for and pardon Trump. If he was on any jury, he would be dismissed for those statements. As it stands, unless he recused himself along with all the others who have said the same thing, the trial is a blatant sham because jeopardy isn't attached, and if that happens it will be relitigated after the Republicans lose control of the Senate, which they will if they follow McConnell's lead.
Perhaps that's why they didn't include the multiple impeachable crimes he's admitted to under oath, they need proven crimes to impeach him a second time in case he's reelected, but this time with a Senate that's not his bitch.

Why is Trump whining about it like a spoiled infant?
Why is he really whining and crying about it?

Because he needs the Senate to quickly rubber stamp his pardon, not be forced into an actual trial, not expose the evidence, and certainly not convict. Funny, until seconds before they knew she was withholding them, they all whined about the process moving way too fast, then instantly flipped and cried that it's going too slow now. *facepalm

Treason, giving aid and comfort to the enemy is certainly worthy of impeachment, taking foreign donations in trade for policy that benefits them and not the U.S. is impeachable, so is perjury (which you admit he's done), so is felony fraud (which he admits he's done repeatedly), so is ignoring the emoluments clause of the constitution, just to name a few.

bobknight33 said:

Technically speaking Articles of impeachment have no standing till given to Senate for the trail.

Why is Nancy holding them back?
Why is she really holding them back?

Because there is no crime worthy of impeachment.

Once again Dems have nothing.

God damnit Chug.

visionep says...

Yes, that calf will likely be used for veal as are a lot of Holstein male calves that come from dairies. Some people don't want to see where their food comes from, thinking that animals are all cute and cuddly and should be saved is naive and unrealistic. Treating all animals with compassion and caring for them to keep them safe and comfortable is important for the farmers so that the animals grow better and are not injured or getting sick from stress.

For this calf you aren't right about the timing. My guess is that, that calf is between 2 and 4 weeks old and weighs less than 100 lbs. Veal are butchered at 18 to 20 weeks old and get up to 500 lbs at the time of slaughter. They aren't as cute and cuddly, but they are still animals with their own personalities whether funny, affectionate, or mean.

Why would someone beat their animals? It would just stress them out so the animals will get sick and probably die, losing the farmer money. And who can pick up 500 lbs to throw it into a truck? Your characterization is unrealistic and likely stems from your concern for the animals, which is admirable, but isn't based in reality.

HerbWatson said:

To put some context here, this calf was separated from his mother to become veal. So it's easy to say "aww cute" but this creature is about to go through hell for somebody's sandwich.

This is what will happen to this calf within a few days: [url redacted]

He will be beaten and thrown onto the truck. He will have his head crushed by a bolt gun to knock him unconscious, and then he will be hung up my one leg and have his throat slit to kill him, and his unconscious body will choke on this own blood.

Impeachment Bombshell Ties Trump and Rudy to Ukraine Scheme

newtboy says...

Still laughing Bobski? I am.

Trump has no facts on his side. Not one. Even his best defense, the money was released without the announcement of the investigations he demanded, is laughable since that came AFTER the drug deal was being investigated publicly....just like his angry denial on the phone of "I want nothing, I want nothing, no quid pro quo" came after he knew an investigation had started, he probably thought the question was a set up and was being taped by investigators. You don't get credit for dropping the money bag after being caught stealing it.

I'm sure the state department was pissed they were bypassed by Trump's idiot lackies pushing extortion schemes, their job is to safeguard our national interests and national safety and Trump was actively engaged in private unsanctioned operations in direct opposition to our national interests, policies, and laws using private citizens to form and implement secret foreign policy that directly contradicts long term public policy, hurts our standings, hurts Ukraine, and helps Putin. The only winner is Russia, who sold moronic Trump a previously thoroughly debunked fantasy, and he was so eager to suck more Putin cock that he discarded the entire intelligence community's warnings and the state department and instead believed a pair of Russian tied Ukrainian crooks and liars, and did their bidding for a bribe.

Any reasonable American is pissed he stupidly sold out the country for a lie.

Giving aid and comfort to an enemy of the state is called what? There's no question that withholding the aid to Ukraine gave both aid and comfort to Russia, a hostile foreign power and enemy of America.
What did Trump say we should to to those who committed treason?

bobknight33 said:

I'm not crying I'm laughing my ass off over the democrat special. Only hearsay witnesses.

State department pissed that they weren't used. With all the leaks no wonder Trump bypassed this group.

Your drinking Shift Koolaid and being killed by facts.

80s' Toys R Us' TV Ad.

lucky760 says...

It comforts me sometimes being reminded I'm not the only one who remembers things like this...

Nowadays I usually feel alone whenever I reference something from the 80s or even 90s.


Siberian Methane Bubbles Increasing as Permafrost melts

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