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Biden’s first year as President: A Beatles remix

JiggaJonson says...

? how so ?

For the people who hate him and anything and everything he does maybe. As for me...


The bitch the former admin had in charge of the Department of Education tried to fuck me and everyone else who upheld their end of a 10 year contract to teach in inner city schools, with Joe Biden and im proud to say my own state rep

Thanks to passing this, now the republican's aren't going to reneg on a 10 year agreement and turn that shit basically into a huge extra debt for me. That's good. Not to mention the recent ruling with predatory lending practices through NAVIENT. I been making double/triple payments on a student loan through them and still not cracked the principle balance for some reason. (the reason is, what they were doing is criminal) (thanks biden!)

My brother became addicted to opioids after a tendon replacement in his heel. Almost OD'd- Biden signed / passed a bill to combat that

Thanks Biden!!!

My daughter's rare neurodegenerative disease received funding to continue to study to treat and help prevent it in the future. That's good.

Thanks Biden!!!

The American Rescue Plan

Thanks Biden!!!

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

Thanks Biden!!!

Maybe not a good year if all your friends and fam are dying because they wear red hats instead of masks like fucking dumbasses.

bobknight33 said:

Not a good year for Joe.

Not a good year for the American pocketbook.

Disagreement About Masks at Christmas 2021 in Math Class

newtboy says...

Hey! No proselytizing in the classroom! 😉

Besides, the passage he read indicates that Christ’s birth would not be mid winter or the shepherds would likely not have been in the fields at night, it’s pretty cold and wet in Bethlehem (a 1/2 mile high city) in late December.
Any professor should know December 25th was Mithra’s birthday, a popular religious holiday, and emperor Constantine usurped it for Christianity as a way to consolidate religions to make it easier to use against the masses as a political tool.
You’re celebrating a dishonest political plot and an Iranian/Roman Pagan God’s birth, not the birth of Jesus.

The only ski lift that can turn in all four directions

C-note (Member Profile)

C-note (Member Profile)


newtboy says...

Not with the judge throwing the case like he did, acting as the defense…but is there any doubt he’s going to be under threat of death the rest of his life? He’s going to have to spend his life surrounded by white supremacist guards looking over his shoulder.
People are going to be chasing him with rifles the rest of his life…he better not reach for anything, ever, or they might fear for their lives and shoot him in the head, in self defense of course.
Edit:He is now the public face of racist murderers literally getting away with murder, I’m sure you’re celebrating.
I’d murder that racist cunt if I saw him….his racist parents too. Give it a week before his house burns.
He might expect some federal charges may be coming.

As to doubt, how many times this year have you had no doubt at all….and been dead wrong, and racist in your wrongness. I’ve lost count after 30. We only have to go back to yesterday when you claimed domestic violence was 1-2% of violent crime and rarely involves guns, and that “ inner city gang killing” (which obviously means black thugs in your mind) accounts for over 90%….both dead wrong and hyper racist.

bobknight33 said:

Was there any doubt?

Gun Laws: Jon Stewart Interview w/ Former ATF David Chipman

newtboy says...

15% of all violent crime is domestic violence. It stands to reason then that 15% of killings are direct domestic violence, if not far more.
Nearly 50% of women killed in the us are killed by their intimate partner.
Guns are involved in over 50% of intimate partner homocides.
That’s guns in domestic violence cases accounting for 25% of femicides (women killed).
It’s impossible to give an accurate number for violence tangential from domestic violence (ie shot by police, collateral injuries, suicides, etc) but it’s far from zero.

The National Gang Center under the Department of Justice based on annual surveys of local law enforcement agencies tallied 11,934 "gang-related" homicides in the U.S. from 2007 through 2012. The FBI reported 93,253 total murders during the span. Comparing the numbers, the Center estimated that "gang-related homicides typically accounted for around 13% of all homicides annually."

Researcher John Lott stated that the U.S. has a high homicide rate compared to other developed countries because of “drug gangs.”
According to the National Youth Gang Survey Analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Gang Center, and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, most gun homicides are not related to gangs.
A December 2020 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report by the CDC of 34 states, four California counties, and Washington, D.C., found that 9.7% of homicides in 2017 were gang-related

So, 25%+- of all women killed (and a similar number for men one assumes) vs 9-13% for gang violence (including tangential)…but you want to focus on “inner city gang killing” (read “black thugs”) as if it’s 90% of homocides and domestic violence death is non existent.

Again, you devolve into making up fake racist statistics to turn any issue into a racist argument. This is where you fail every single time. Fail to say what you really mean. Fail to be honest. Fail to offer true statistics. Fail as a human being….you completely racist liar.

Downvote your comment because as usual you ignore the topic, likely didn’t watch the video, and make up statistics to be a blatantly lying, unapologetic worthless piece of racist excrement.

How can you possibly be so stupid you thought no one would call you out on these easily debunked blatantly racist lies, Bob?

bobknight33 said:

OF all the killings per year how many are domestic violence?


OF those domestic violence what % are from guns, Knifes , other?
Evil White conservative owners are the problem? No bias here.

What about the 90+% gun violence ? inner city gang killing?
This is where you start.

Down vote since it not about any meaningful discussion of root causes.

Gun Laws: Jon Stewart Interview w/ Former ATF David Chipman

bobknight33 says...

OF all the killings per year how many are domestic violence?


OF those domestic violence what % are from guns, Knifes , other?
Evil White conservative owners are the problem? No bias here.

What about the 90+% gun violence ? inner city gang killing?
This is where you start.

Down vote since it not about any meaningful discussion of root causes.

Can the world's whitest paint save Earth?

newtboy says...

Good for slightly cooling heat islands (cities) a tiny bit, but unless they require it on every house, building, parking lot, road, anything else dark…it won’t do much even locally. The thought that they could paint 1% of the planet is absolutely insanity. Have they even been to earth? It’s huge, and mostly unpaintable. (and I have serious doubts about that number since way more than 1% of the earth WAS covered with white ice that’s now dark ocean or exposed permafrost, and that has to be replaced before we are back to the earth’s normal reflective value, they’re talking about making it more reflective than it was naturally to reduce average temperatures…good luck).

They seem to completely ignore that it’s only that reflective when brand new, are we going to pressure wash 1% of the earth twice a week to keep it reflecting? I think not, so within two weeks, it won’t be any better than 80% regular paint. What a waste of time and energy.

I’m sure there are excellent applications for such a reflective paint, combating climate change is absolutely not one. Wishful thinking at best.

Taiwan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

I found out where you are getting the “empty shelves” nonsense. Bob, Fox had to do a retraction because the pictures they showed you of empty shelves turned out to be from last summer! Trump DID cause it. Aaaaaaahahahaha! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaaaa!

Better, during their retraction they tried to say “but it is really a problem, we just used the wrong photos” (exactly like their fake coverage of Portland last summer when they used footage from numerous other cities and times to pretend Portland was on fire) then showed new photos that actually were mostly from early this spring when they said the shelves were empty because of a labor shortage, and a few more from last year….the few that were actually current, real pictures of grocery store shelves showed 1 or 2 items out of stock on otherwise full shelves, not empty by any measure. Duh.

Watching nothing but fake news has made you a laughing stock, regurgitating their brain numbingly stupid nonsense without even caring if any of it is true. It’s not a good look.

bobknight33 said:

Empty shelfs.

Trump caused it?

San Francisco Leaders Question Reasons Behind Store Closure

newtboy says...

Democrat’s policies created the insanely great economic opportunities that made Walgreen think it was worth opening 22 extra stores in a small city. Now, high rent (because SF is an insanely popular place to live) and over saturation are obviously more costly than a minor increase in petty shoplifting.

Be clear, Walgreens isn’t closing all their SF locations…which they would if it was just about shoplifting. There are still 20 open locations in the city. 42 was just insane.

This reminds me of Texan politicians calling California an economically failed state, when Texas barely broke even in 2020, lost money in 2019, and California had a $36 billion surplus and supplies services.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Wow You got me
Trump Side had 2 bad apples
Your Antifa/ BLM loosers cost cities millions in damage + killings

Worry about you lunatic side

newtboy said:

Your people are pleading guilty to everything you blamed on liberals.

A man from Texas pled guilty to shooting into a Minneapolis police station during the 2020 George Floyd protests. He wanted to sow chaos so he fired an AK-47 style weapon into the police station, hoping the protesters would be blamed.

A man named Ivan Harrison hunter 24 was in Minneapolis protesting the killing of George Floyd. The Texas man pleaded guilty on September 30th to a federal riot charge. He admitted he traveled to Minneapolis after George Floyd died to sew mayhem. Ivan Harrison Hunter 24 admitted he traveled from the San Antonio area to Minneapolis after Floyd's death and fired 13 shots from an AK-47 style semi-automatic rifle into the Minneapolis Police Department's third precinct building on May 28, 2020. footage taken that night shows the hunter in a skull mask giving someone a high five after firing the shots and yelling justice for Floyd. Hunter admitted he traveled to Minneapolis to sow chaos during the protest following George Floyd's death. He is a self-proclaimed member of boogaloo boys, the far-right anti-government extremist group…members appeared at black lives matter protests, committed crimes, and pretended they were BLM protesters.
Boogaloor's believe a second civil war known as the boogaloo is imminent. and will result in the overthrow of what they believe is a corrupt political system.

Your Trumpists, Bob. Not BLM, not ANTIFA, but Trumptards pretending to be BLM shooting police, starting fires, setting off bombs, looting, fighting, drive by’s, riots….you want these to stop….stop your friends. They’re responsible.

Man Who Shot At Police In Self Defense Is Acquitted

moonsammy says...

In about 3 weeks the people of Minneapolis get to vote these fuckers out - ALL of these fuckers. I really hope they do, and that Mpls becomes the first major American city to fully defund / replace the police. I'm sure a handful will be retained or rehired, as we do still need some armed cops, but I'm thinking 90+% of calls can go to someone who isn't packing heat, roided out, and pumped full of "warrior" training.

I saw this footage when it was released last week, and it's both horrifying and unsurprising. I watched some of the live streaming during the protests / riots here and it fits right in with what I saw them doing elsewhere during that period.

Man Who Shot At Police In Self Defense Is Acquitted

cloudballoon says...

Why can't the victim/PD/city sue the officers individually? "You do the crime, you do the time." Make the punishment just and personally reponsible & I bet these "bad apples" blue gangs occurences would be slashed by a half. Guess these "police union" criminal organizations holds too much power.

Qualified Immunity is such BS, such blanket protection/corruption shouldn't exist in the first place.

bobknight33 said:

Well looks like they blue shirts did get away with it but this is still clearly wrong.
They should have been charged with crimes. But they got a pass.

All that is left is a cash settlement for their fuck up. And yes tax payers will pick up the tab. Thats fucked too. Pay out should be taken from the PD budget.

Man Who Shot At Police In Self Defense Is Acquitted

bobknight33 says...

That's too fucked.

Looks like a 12M payday for victims.

Why did the cops get away with this?
They all should be terminated and not allow to join any PD force.
Time to sue the city, and the PD as a whole.

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