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Anonymous Launches PedoChat

vaire2ube says...

see if you can eradicate Fear and Greed, too, while we are aiming for the sky. Misguided to think picking the lowest fruit to DDoS/etc (internet distribution) will ever do anything to curb mentally ill people who live in "reality" and actually make this stuff.

Far better to go after the corporations that rape us all, and keep people poor so that they have no resources to prevent or report child abuse.

But, yea.

Neighbor Thwarts Stepfather's Abuse Over Poorly Thrown Ball

Dumdeedum says...

The best comment I ever read on child abuse was one pointing out you rarely see someone hit their kid in a calmly calculated and rational manner. It's almost always a stressed/unstable parent losing their shit and lashing out, then rationalising it afterwards as being for the kid's benefit.

And hey, if the price of stopping the psychos that beat the crap out of their kids is that a better parent can't put their kids over their knee, then I'm not going to lose any sleep.

Neighbor Thwarts Stepfather's Abuse Over Poorly Thrown Ball

chingalera says...

>> ^Fletch:

>> ^csnel3:
Dad deserves to be punished.

Oh, please. Oscar Lopez needs to get his ass beat. Amazing what passes for "child abuse" nowadays.

I've known people who had CPS called on them for the most inane shit imaginable. Both times, it was an Hispanic female who called the laws on Caucasians and both times in public places. Fucuking Roman Catholics with low IQ's is what he the fuck that was.

Neighbor Thwarts Stepfather's Abuse Over Poorly Thrown Ball

"Ain't no Homos in Heaven" -- 4 yr old sings at wedding

Ultra-Orthodox Jews Shunned for Reporting Child Sexual Abuse

FlowersInHisHair says...

>> ^radx:

"Why don't more people know about this?"
Well, why didn't more people know about the existence of the Mafia previous to Joe Valachi's testimony before Senate? The CIA's involvement in drug trafficking? Police brutality? Climate change? Peak oil? Torture camps? Civilian casualties of drone strikes?
It was/is not part of the major consensus narrative.
Similarly, churches are entities of morality, protectors of the weak. At least that's what the narrative still says. So when people hear about these atrocious acts of child abuse, they don't buy it. It doesn't fit their world view, and overcoming the inevitable cognitive dissonance would require them to a) re-examine their own beliefs/perceptions and b) act upon it. That's not an easy thing to do.
Once they cross that threshold, "I don't buy it" turns into "I've known all along". Happens all the time.

Paedophilia in the Catholic church is part of the "consensus narrative"; so much so that it's the first thing I think of when I think of the Catholic Church.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews Shunned for Reporting Child Sexual Abuse

radx says...

"Why don't more people know about this?"

Well, why didn't more people know about the existence of the Mafia previous to Joe Valachi's testimony before Senate? The CIA's involvement in drug trafficking? Police brutality? Climate change? Peak oil? Torture camps? Civilian casualties of drone strikes?

It was/is not part of the major consensus narrative.

Similarly, churches are entities of morality, protectors of the weak. At least that's what the narrative still says. So when people hear about these atrocious acts of child abuse, they don't buy it. It doesn't fit their world view, and overcoming the inevitable cognitive dissonance would require them to a) re-examine their own beliefs/perceptions and b) act upon it. That's not an easy thing to do.

Once they cross that threshold, "I don't buy it" turns into "I've known all along". Happens all the time.

Man puts wire on his autistic son, finds staff abusing him.

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^Quboid:

I don't tend to advocate litigation, but this guy should sue. Sue for damages and stress, and also sue for enough money to send Akian to the best special needs school around to try to undo some of the damage Cherry Hill caused.

There's a very good chance that the tape he made would not be allowed as evidence in a trial. There is an endless, complicated list of rules and regulations when it comes to recording another person without their knowledge. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if anyone who might lose or have lost their job over this sued the father and won. That's another reason why it's tricky to fire teachers. If they are accused of something, there better be rock solid evidence because civil lawsuits can be a lot quicker and easier then criminal trials. For example: if someone is accused of child abuse, it can be hard to convict them on witness testimony alone, because child abuse is a very serious crime, and people want to be sure that they're prosecuting the right guy. But in a civil trial, where that same abuser is suing the school system for firing him, the evidence can be minimal: "Did you fire Mr. Soandso?"..."Yes"..."was he convicted"..."no"... case closed.

Point being: if we fired everyone who we thought deserved it, we might actually be spending a ton more on litigation than we are on teacher's salaries.

Man puts wire on his autistic son, finds staff abusing him.

Man puts wire on his autistic son, finds staff abusing him.

Grandparents For Marriage Equality

gwiz665 says...

That's not predicated by the polygamy. People make the same argument for gay marriage - all the horror and gay disease that follows with gay marriage.

I can agree that polygamy provides an excuse for crazy people to do crazy things, like Porn also does (if we remember that discussion). It attracts the wrong crowd. That said, principally there's nothing wrong with polygamy.

Muslims have a funny sense of honor..
>> ^therealblankman:

Personally I don't give two shits about whatever consenting adults do- sexually, maritally, orally, anally or whateverly. The problem with polygamy isn't the multiple spouses per se, it's what accompanies it, such as child abuse, the severe repression of women, and domestic violence.
Polygamy is a sensitive subject here in Canada and especially in BC. A recent case involving a polygamous Muslim marriage in Ontario went a little sideways when a man and his second wife actually murdered the first wife and her 3 daughters in some sick nasty "honour" thing.
In BC there has been an ongoing case involving a small Mormon community called Bountiful. The Polygamous men there have been trafficking in young pre-pubescent girls, marrying them and consummating those "marriages". Pretty fucked up stuff.,_British_Columbia
It's pretty hard to support Polygamy when such consequences seem to follow naturally. The above examples are admittedly extreme, but hardly isolated or unprecedented.

Grandparents For Marriage Equality

therealblankman says...


Personally I don't give two shits about whatever consenting adults do- sexually, maritally, orally, anally or whateverly. The problem with polygamy isn't the multiple spouses per se, it's what accompanies it, such as child abuse, the severe repression of women, and domestic violence.

Polygamy is a sensitive subject here in Canada and especially in BC. A recent case involving a polygamous Muslim marriage in Ontario went a little sideways when a man and his second wife actually murdered the first wife and her 3 daughters in some sick nasty "honour" thing.

In BC there has been an ongoing case involving a small Mormon community called Bountiful. The Polygamous men there have been trafficking in young pre-pubescent girls, marrying them and consummating those "marriages". Pretty fucked up stuff.,_British_Columbia

It's pretty hard to support Polygamy when such consequences seem to follow naturally. The above examples are admittedly extreme, but hardly isolated or unprecedented.

Joan Crawford Smacking Santorum

Road rage - I'm calling the police

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^dannym3141:

At what point did i "join em"? I said i don't approve, but that i'm not upset over a fucking manipulative, aggressive, posh, entitled little cunt getting a bit of come uppance. There's not enough karmic justice in this universe.

I never claimed you said "join 'em". I asked if joining them was a valid alternative to condemning them.

>> ^dannym3141:

Her crime is NOT parking across the street, but chasing, intimidating, assaulting, and causing others to assault, and there's probably a few more in there as well.


>> ^dannym3141:

If this were a child molester i think the sway of opinion would be heavily on my side so the real question is where do you draw the line? I draw it roughly where she is.

You missed my point. The line I draw is not related to her actions, it is related to ours. I'm fine for people to boycott her shop, mock her on the web and so on, but I think abusive phone calls are a step too far. Bringing child abuse into the discussion does nothing but add emotion, but I would say that if her crime was that serious, it's a matter for the police. The question of abusive phone calls doesn't even come into it.

>> ^dannym3141:

I detest people like that; i'm sure it does cloud my vision, but please don't accuse me of joining them, because that's an outright falsehood and a little bit insulting to suggest that i'd make threatening phone calls, etc.

Again, I never accused you of any such thing. For reference:
>> ^ChaosEngine:

So we just shrug and say "can't beat 'em, join 'em"? Yes, the internet is here and people use it to be assholes, but that doesn't mean we should accept it. There is a line, and making personal threats crosses it. It might be a cliché, but two wrongs still don't make a right.
If someone really wanted to "giver her a taste of her own medicine", they could park their car across her driveway.

In fact, as I was writing that I specifically went out of my way to use neutral language ("if someone wanted, they could") for that very reason.

>> ^dannym3141:

I think you may have let an emotional reaction dictate your assessment of what i said.

Re-read the last quoted paragraph and tell me again who's being emotional.

So to sum up:
She's a silly bitch.
I'm glad she got caught on tape.
I'm glad people are boycotting her business and taking the piss out of her.
I don't approve of threatening phone calls/emails.
I don't believe you would do something like that either.

Jesus Camp Kid All Grown Up

A10anis says...

The fact that he doesn't realise that his "faith" was instilled - ie, brainwashing- shows how successful brainwashing can be. Kids who are sent to these places should be removed from their parents, it is child abuse. These evangelical monsters must be stopped. How many children have been robbed of their innocence (by ALL faiths) and left filled with terrible fear of a god they are COMMANDED to love? Educate the children, allow them to make up their own minds, and if, one day, they need the crutch of a bronze age myth, they can choose their own.

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