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The Harms of Marijuana

MilkmanDan says...

Wow. Little to no evidence of smoked marijuana having any connection to lung or other cancers.

I must admit I'm surprised. To me it seems like burning something and inhaling the smoke is "obviously" a bad idea with regards to health.

Since the link between tobacco cigarettes and cancer is well established and agreed on by doctors, it makes one wonder what the difference is. Is it entirely the additives that cigarette manufacturers put into cigarettes? If so, why the hell wouldn't there be massive pressure to mass produce additive-free cigarettes at least as an option for smokers?

Also, I guess one (potential) downside of legalization is that the same sort of corporations that knowingly put cancer-causing shit into cigarettes might expand into marijuana territory, potentially trying to put crap into your pot that dispensaries and dealers never have.

Still, overall this is clearly good news for pot fans out there, and will put further pressure on the double standard between legal-but-far-more-dangerous alcohol and tobacco as compared to illegal-but-relatively-innocuous pot. Congratulations! Light one up in celebration (as if you needed a reason).

Anthony Bourdain falls in love with Vietnam's street food

Sarzy says...

I'm seriously so bummed out right now. Celebrity deaths don't normally affect me so much, but as someone who loves to eat and to travel, Bourdain was an inspiration in so many ways. The world is definitely a worse place without him in it.

Pedestrian Question - Do You Have a Black Friend?

cloudballoon says...

Most of Kimmel's viral videos (except the teary eye ones) are offensive like these. His Mean Tweets segments are the worse. These enable trolls to have a field day to say the most offensive things to celebrity.

I get that celebrities need to eat some humble pies, but not this way. Not cool.

Just plain don't like both Jimmies.

Sagemind said:

Personally, I find the question itself offensive.

Now I'm not the type of person who gets offended, but the question is set up in a way that just plain sounds degrading to any friend you may know. It's setting the friend up to be there purely because they are black - the token black friend.

I just think there is a much better way to have phrased the question.

Turkish T129 ATAK helicopters conducting a drill

newtboy says...

Lol. You're funny.
Ok, in your world, MLK, Ghandi, and Mandela were successful against tyrannical governments because their causes were backed by armed militants and their movements used threats of force not peaceful protests while clearly denouncing violence.
I don't live in that world. What color is the sky there? Do you celebrate MalcomX day there instead of MLK day?

Yeah...we're discussing America today.....but you must go back to when mechanical warfare didn't exist and the military used flintlocks to make an argument that your AK might make a difference against the military. *facepalm

You clearly aren't being rational. Good day.

bcglorf said:


Schoolhouse Rock--Conjunction Junction

A Perfect Circle -- So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

MilkmanDan says...

It is very different and poppy compared to previous stuff for sure. I like it in the context of the song, even though overall I prefer Tool's prog/metal melding.

I'm not a Maynard whisperer / expert, but my guess is that there are 2 motivations for the sound of this song/album compared to other stuff.

1) Although Maynard is the vocalist for Tool, APC, and Puscifer (which I haven't listened to much), he kinda wants to keep all those projects distinct. Tool is more dark and heavy, APC is a bit more rock, and Puscifer trending towards some electronic stuff. But that kinda oversells this, because mostly he is putting vocals down onto musical tracks that the members of those bands have already recorded without much or any input from him...

2) From my interpretation of the song itself, he's being (mildly) critical about getting caught up in triviality of celebrity gossip and nightly news instead of paying attention to stuff closer to home. While simultaneously accepting that we all do that, and that sometimes it takes the death of a far-off idol from our adolescence that we'll never meet in person to get us to consider our own mortality.

So the poppy sound with that dark edge right around the corner really fits -- at least to me.

moonsammy said:

I had to look up whether the band had a new vocalist, as I couldn't recognize Maynard here at all. A very different style than I've ever heard from him before, significantly more poppy though clearly still dark.

A Perfect Circle -- So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

MilkmanDan says...

Note Ali (Muhammad Ali), Leia (Carrie Fisher), Major Tom (David Bowie), Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder), Prince, and Brady's Mom (? - Florence Henderson?), all recent celebrity deaths.

Lyrics from :

Time is money and money is time
We wasted every second dime
On diets, lawyers, shrinks and apps
And flags, and plastic surgery
Now Willy Wonka, Major Tom
Ali and Leia have moved on
Signal the final curtain call
In all this atomic pageantry

Bravissimo, hip-hip hooray
For this fireworks display
Mind and body blown away
What a radiant crescendo

Ticker tape parade
Our hair and skin like
Like Marilyn Monroe
In an empty wind

Time is money and money is time
We wasted every second dime
On politicians, fancy water
And guns, and plastic surgery
Like old Prince and Brady's mom
All the dolphins have moved on
Signaling the final curtain call
In all this atomic pageantry

Bravissimo, hip-hip hooray
What a glorious display
Melt our joyous hearts away
Under the mushroom cloud confetti

Hip-hip hooray
For this fireworks display
Mind and body blown away
What a radiant crescendo

Hip-hip hooray
Hip-hip hooray

Ticker tape parade
Our hair and skin like
Like Marilyn Monroe
In an empty wind

Time is money and money is time
We wasted every second dime
On diets, lawyers, shrinks and apps
And flags, and plastic surgery
Now Willy Wonka, Major Tom
Ali and Leia have moved on
Signal the final curtain call
In all this atomic pageantry

Most vocals you hear are fake

vil says...

You can record anything, but please do not pretend to be performing it live if you are not. And if you are forced to pretend, do it in a way that makes it obvious you are pretending, or be prepared to be labeled a fraud and scum of the earth.

If the performances in the video are billed as "celebrity dancing & karaoke" all is perfectly fine.

I find records with one person recognizably singing more than once at the same time weird and uncomfortable, yet hundreds of layers of guitar or synth or percussion noise (by one or two persons) do not faze me. No idea why.

This is all obviously a very pre-sequencer approach to music which must sound really stupid to current computerized generations.

b4rringt0n (Member Profile)

John Oliver - Mike Pence

newtboy says...

Maybe...depends on their business. If they make other personalised inflammatory cakes, probably. If they make "hey man, nice shot" cakes celebrating cops being shot, definitely.

If they make personalised hate cakes, I would expect them to either pay a large fine for refusing or use the 'special' chocolate icing, and record the person ordering it for public exposure.

Most places have a no vulgarity, no hate speech, no sex rule applied across the board, which is fine....but you must use common definitions for those terms applied equally for everyone.
If "congratulations Pat and Chris" is ok for you if that's Patricia and Christian, you cannot decide it's not ok for Patrick and Christian, or Patricia and Christine, no matter how icky you find it, or how afraid you are that you'll lose control and kiss them.

Simple rule, if the reason for refusal is who the customer is, not what they want you to make, that's unacceptable.

bcglorf said:

So in keeping with that, if guys working at the police department that shot Stephon Clark go to a black baker and ask for a cake saying "Hey Man, nice shot!", it should be illegal for the baker to refuse?

John Oliver - Mike Pence

newtboy says...

My 2 cents....
It might be, but that's not their position.

Religiously, as I read it, it's not much different from wearing a cotton poly blend or working on Sunday, also immoral according to the bible, but realistically the bible is just used as an excuse for them to attack things they don't like.
No American has been murdered or even ostracized by evangelicals for wearing blended fabrics or mowing on Sunday even though it's incontrovertible that the bible says they should be, but many have been murdered for being gay, and millions ostracized. Proof enough to me that it's not about what the bible says, that's just an excuse to attack what they hate or fear.

Compared to greed, the love of money, homosexuality seems barely mentioned, yet there's no outrage about the elevation of greed in our culture, it's celebrated.
Same for idolatry, forbidden by direct commandment from God not some interpreter, so if you've ever worshipped at a church with statues of any kind, including the cross or stained glass, God hates you far more than gays and demands we stone you to death.

Jews don't try to legally outlaw pork for everyone, not even other Jews. Christians have made homosexuality illegal for everyone, repeatedly.

bcglorf said:

Quick poll of the mostly left leaning sift.

The evangelical christian belief that homosexuality is immoral isn't going to disappear, it's being listed in both old and new testaments as sinful makes that a lock. However, that's no different than the Judaic list of foods that are sinful to eat, which orthodox Jews still observe.

So the question is, if the evangelical christian position is simply that homosexuality isn't "Kosher", no different than the Jewish belief that eating pork isn't "Kosher", is that an agreeable live and let live position?

enoch (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Cancer Screening Myths

worthwords says...

agree, but here the explanation of lead time bias and overdiagnosis bias is reasonably good.
it's important to note that the studies were regrading primary care physicians who should know about screening and bias, but they are not cancer specialist (oncologist).
The male coming to see doctor asking for a PSA test because a celebrity said they should has presented a problem as doctors are afraid of litigation despite poor evidence for random PSA being a useful screening test. I believe the use of PSA as part of a 'medical' is far more common in the USA than Uk.

ChaosEngine said:

I would take everything said in this video with a truckload of salt. are a pseudo-scientific organisation that push the idea that cancer can be cured with a vegan diet.


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