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Cat rescues dog from coyotes


BSR says...

It's true your cat will eat you if you die and no one finds you first. Fish will also eat you if your body isn't found first. They also eat your face first. Ants will also eat you but that's a given.

Nice to know you are delicious isn't it?

Elon Musk: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

BSR (Member Profile)

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Grandma WAS Afraid Of Dogs Until…

BSR says...

My mother was afraid of any animal with teeth. So we never had a pet as kids.

Later in life I took a job traveling to malls with pet stores around the country taking portrait photos of pets, mostly cats and dogs. Out of the ordinary I photographed a Goldfish, a three month old cougar, two snakes, a sheep and a mouse.

I had only got one animal that tried to attack me. A guy in jumpsuit brought his medium but very muscular and VERY hyper pitbull. It wasn't big but it looked dangerous. I got the owner to sit him on the floor and stay after a few tries.

I got only one shot. Normally I would take about eight shots in different positions. When I triggered the camera the three flash units startled the dog and he went right for me. Luckley the owner was ready for it and quickly grabbed the dogs' collar and stopped him just in time.

At the end of the shoot the only poop I had to clean up was my own and unlike my mother I only fear muscular pitbulls.

School Board cuts off parent

newtboy says...

You wouldn’t understand if I explained.
Suffice it to say when you MAGA liars speak in school board meetings you lie every single time, usually by bringing in books you were told are being given to children in other districts that you pretend are in yours, but in fact aren’t in any.

Asking “suck any good dicks lately” as an insult in a book is educational, it shows how homophobic conservative bullies act, and may well show how to deal with them in the next paragraph. It is not some homosexual sex act being described, it’s homophobic bullying being described. There’s your lie. You don’t understand, do you?

Remember the stupidity about children being treated as cats with classroom litter boxes? Remember CRT in 1st grade classes? 99.999% of what you scream about never existed, and in most cases it would be better if it did, but your ilk prefers ignorance to knowledge, it makes your irrational hatred much more palatable to yourself when you intentionally don’t know better.

bobknight33 said:

He read the book.

How is it a lie?

Mr Tool

F35 Missing After Pilot Ejects Air Force Asks Public To Look

Birds Aren’t Real On Fox News

luxintenebris jokingly says...

Am neutral on this issue of robotic crows & such -but someone mentioned starlings.

Starlings are not natural.

1) The iridescent color is an illusion
2) They can and have spoken in English & other tongues
3) A pair raised a brood in a tree next to the house & rarely made noise

None of this is normal bird behavior.

1) am told their plumage (notably the ' iridescence') has no true pigment but the structure of their feathers. Could be that it's a cloaking device since we don't always see them around.

2) if they can speak in captivity, they must while in the flock, if only to keep their English (et al) sharp. it's proof that they hear and understand us. handy for data gathering.

3) Since the pair near us have raised littles & they only 'buzz' when ma or pa show up with Grub Hub - it suggests they are covert creatures. a trait common in spies. [also, mysteriously two of the house cats have gone missing just before they moved in.]

not saying ALL birds are bots - but if there is a place to start an investigation - Starlings are the best bet.

How do we know that they weren't behind this obvious attempt at propaganda. as if falling in love is akin to being in a murmuration...

Biden Smiden - investigate Starlings.

Cat sticks up for dog

ant (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

Cat Moves Security Camera to Expose Dog Chewing on Remote

BSR says...

I edited the title.

The full title is "Cat Moves Security Camera to Expose Dog While They Chew on Remote"

If you notice the real title says "While THEY Chew on Remote"

That implies both animals were chewing on things and I'll bet the cat started the chewing session knowing the dog would follow along.

That's when the CAT turned into a RAT!

newtboy (Member Profile)

QuadraPixel (Member Profile)

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