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Tesla China - Shanghai Gigafactory production line

wtfcaniuse says...

You're assuming the people calling you out on your BS are liberals. That is one of your mistakes.

I was trying to be nice. I actually appreciate you contributing something for once.

Tesla is not leading the EV market today and they will not be leading it in ten years. The biggest EV market is China and Tesla makes up maybe 1/5th. China and India are the biggest emerging EV markets and both have locally developed EVs.

Telsa is not 5 years ahead of Panasonic, LG, BYD, et al. The breakthroughs are coming from labs you've never heard of.

Don't put all your stocks in the one EV basket. As Stukafox mentioned Hydrogen is the future. Current EV's are a stopgap.

bobknight33 said:

Well replying to a Liberal is like beating you head against the wall. Since I am so out numbered here,I don't even try.

Melania refuses to hold Trump's hand stepping off Air Force

moonsammy jokingly says...

You're way off base there @newtboy. Before Bob calls you out for your inaccuracy, which is an obvious attempt to smear and defame the president, I'll correct you: he barebacked the porn star several month after Barron was born.

For shame newtboy, for shame.

newtboy said:

If I remember right, this was right after he finally admitted paying off Stormy Daniels to keep their sexual liaison quiet, the no protection sex with a porn star that happened while she was (allegedly) pregnant with Baron.

Or is this new and he's in the doghouse again?

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

newtboy says...

That's sad.
I'm forced to call you a liar then, because the title is a blatant lie, as is the description.


Edit: The motives snidely ascribed are clearly not the actual motives, no matter what you believe the provable definitive facts about who is a Nazi or Nazi sympathizer may be.

I'm sad for you.

Buttle said:

Well, I plan to concede nothing. (Health Talk Post)

Back-To-School Essentials | Sandy Hook Promise

harlequinn says...

I didn't call you dumb. I warned you that if you were to do something (future tense possibility) then the result would be that you were being dumb.

Do you get how that works? There are multiple future possibilities, I don't want one to happen so I warn against it. This is not a difficult concept so I am at a loss as to why you don't understand it.

There was nothing in your previous correspondence to suggest that it would be a statement referring to a past tense behavior. You unfortunately assumed it to be referring to past tense behaviour. If you had doubt as to what I was referring to you could have just asked. I.e. if you read it and went "does he mean past tense or future tense? There isn't any past tense behaviour he could be referring to, so logically it must be future tense. I'm still confused though", you could have just asked which it was.

I believe any restrictions on the 2A have been justified by the supreme court. So they believe it was within the scope of what the founders intended. That is how.

"Hazard a guess" and "assume" are two different things.

Hazard a guess means to admit you don't know what is true but that with the given information you will gamble on an outcome (with full disclosure that it could be wrong).

Assume means to presume something is true, without any proof that it is.

You're welcome.

wtfcaniuse said:

You "warned" me by calling me dumb for assuming something that I didn't assume, at all, in any way, shape or form.

If the second amendment prevents the government from doing anything relating to bearing arms then why have they repeatedly been able to do things related to gun and weapon control?

You're going to hazard a guess, seems a bit like assuming something to me...

"it would be dumb to make any assumptions"

60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

The 7 Biggest Failures of Trumponomics

BSR says...

LOL, come on now, I've never called you names before. Sticks and stones.

So what is your answer to the problem?

I suspect you see the the problem but are at a loss for the answer. Seems you grow frustrated and angry because no one hears you.

I hear you. Your heart sent out an SOS. I'm on your side. I need your pen.

I think I will take that nap. Thanks. I would never give up on you. You are too valuable.

newtboy said:

You're being particularly dense this morning.

I offer you recent historical proof of murderous violent idiot racist Trumpists, wholeheartedly supported by Trump and his people (non racist idiots don't stand with and support idiot racists), you can't see it.
I give you explanatory lyrics that explain the mindset, you attribute them to me.

Then you offer nonsense....likely more lyrics. Should I dismissively attribute suspicion morphing to fearful hatred to you because you wrote it?

Take a nap and try again.

memes that i can't explain to my parents | Dank Duck Memes

ant jokingly says...

Rough draft:

Welcome to my city
The girls are so damn pretty
Such a pity, they don't come for free

Just call me pimp daddy
I'll roll ya one big fatty
I think you're gonna like a hangin' with me

Welcome to my city of sin
I believe you're gonna fit right in
Yes this is my city of sin
You're first lesson is about to begin
Now you're living in the city of sin
You don't mind if I call you friend
Once you enter you can never get out of here
Welcome to Hollyweird

I'm the king of the streets
I own the cops, the junkies and freaks
It's a human wasteland I call home

Grow your hair to your shoes
Trust me boy you just can't lose
Soon this be the only life you've ever known


[Chorus out]

BSR said:

If you do nothing, then what?

Cart Narcs Catch A Dumb Hag

newtboy says...

I think you people miss the point. She is in the wrong, disrespectful, and insulting from the get go. He's being a douche intentionally to get under the skin of people like her who believe they have no obligations to be decent human beings, people who leave their messes for others to clean up without qualms because somebody will take care of them. She was being a dumb bitch before he arrived, leaving her cart where it blocks both the parking spot and endangers the neighboring car, and could easily damage others by rolling, that's why cart return spots exist. Maybe his car has been repeatedly damaged by inappropriately abandoned carts, we don't know his motivation for demanding others not be irresponsible. He maybe should have just moved it and a few others to block her then sat back and recorded her outrage, and not engaged with the douchey nutjob....but that wouldn't have the desired effect.

Guaranteed she litters, despite her claims....she absolutely records him without permission, something she claimed was illegal when he did it. Rules don't apply to people like her. Civility isn't part of their makeup, neither is accepting social obligations...She must be a Trump supporter.

He was calm and polite at first until she went full superbitch on him immediately.

I fully support being a dick to dicks, and a douche to douches. I would have supported him knocking her phone out of her hand like she tried multiple times...turnabout is always fair play, and she was the disrespectful douchebag first and best....eventually blocking handicapped parking in her disrespectful rage after trying twice to break his camera/phone.

If you're doing something wrong that could harm others and someone calls you out, YOU are the asshole, not the upright citizen who saw something and said something. If you get outraged at being called out for ignoring your responsibility, you are the douchebag that deserves public shaming.

Trump Lies About His Trade War with China

BSR says...

My intent is not insult you. I respect you. You have a powerful talent and I feel as though you become frustrated because you keep hitting the curb with your Bugatti.

I never called you a liar nor do I believe you are. Maybe just a little ignorant of your powers.

lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated.

Again, not insult you but just to show I did my homework. I know you demand that.

Edit: "If I did, I don't want anyone to catch me. Let me fall, crash, and burn, that's what liars deserve."

No one deserves that but, grief will take you there. If you haven't experienced real greif, you're not alone. When you fall it won't be because you're a liar. It will be because you loved someone.

newtboy said:

Not my hatred.
My hate is born from a disgust of those who gleefully obfuscate fact and truth.
You go ahead and love the unloveable lying shit bags. Catch them, leave me be.
I'm not becoming a retarded ignoramus idiot who contradicts fact with made up nonsense. If I did, I don't want anyone to catch me. Let me fall, crash, and burn, that's what liars deserve.

I will never become them, I care about fact and truth and I am not a liar, and I'm insulted by the implication. That is a fact.

Counting Trump's False Claims Using Gumballs

bobknight33 says...


CNN mainly pushes 1/2 truths and anti Trump leaning reporting day in day out.

Biggest liar and fraud of our time was Obama not Trump. and MSM is riding along on their side.

Tim Cook Apple Big dial who cares its like call you newtbabe by accident. Who cares but liberals suck it up and think the worst. Your no better that all the rest.

Muller report will clearly take that smug ass smile of Adam Schiff and the rest of the left. Sad thing is that Adam Schiff knows and have always known there is ZERO collusion but still pushes BS lies.

I believe there will be a big turn of events and Trump will win 2020 by a historic landslide.

newtboy said:

Lie about Trump all you want, don't lie about know full well that is a lie.
I've never once tuned my tv to CNN, as I've told you a dozen times.
I use multiple sources cross referenced to determine what I think is fact, CNN often provides decent short clips on youtube that illustrate the point succinctly and or clearly but are not my "trusted news source" as you well know....
....but you implicitly trust the biggest liar and fraud of our time without a critical thought. I bet you heard Trump say "Tim Cook Apple", or whatever he's claiming he said today, didn't you?
Don't dare try to impeach my information gathering and filtering skills when you

And the numbers aren't from CNN, only the visual depiction of the independently verified fact check numbers. *facepalm

Scooby Doo's Daphne savagely shuts down some nerd, Velma.

BSR says...

As obvious as it is, now that you say it, that never crossed my mind. I stand before you a little red faced.

And to Ant, my humble apologies for calling you a bot.

noims said:

Ants do have three times the upper appendages we do, if you include the antennae.

2 Convicted of rape. One gets 6 months the other 15 years

newtboy says...

Yep, exactly the same crimes.....

Victims testimony....after describing the impacts of the brutal racially motivated gang rape by 4 men that Batey pled guilty to, which they filmed and posted online to haunt her for life....
“Mr. Batey continued to abuse and degrade me, urinating on my face while uttering horrific racial hate speech that suggested I deserved what he was doing to me because of the color of my skin. He didn’t even know who I was.”
Batey was then sentenced to the MINIMUM sentence possible for just one of his many convictions.

Turner was convicted of fingering a drunk maybe unconscious girl, felony sexual assault not gang rape as a hate crime, disgusting to be sure but hardly a brutal, violent, racially motivated degrading gang rape and violent attack filmed so as to continue the attack for life, and Turner was sentenced based on the probation departments recommendations which were actually longer than the minimum, and also include registration for life as a sex offender.

Stop being a race baiter crying wolf, I'll call you on it every time.

Millennials in the Workforce, A Generation of Weakness

ChaosEngine says...

Honestly, I down-voted this for the title alone. The video isn't that terrible, but it falls into this bullshit "generation" trap.

Here's some facts:
baby-boomers? not a thing
Gen x? not a thing
Millenials? also... not a thing

These are all lazy, bullshit shorthand ways of lumping massive groups of people together based on the date they were born and conveniently, the problem is almost always either:
- those lazy kids or
- old people who had it easy.
Funny how the people writing these videos/articles almost never seem to blame their own generation.

FFS, stop generalising large groups of people like this. If you do it based on race, people (rightly) call you a racist. So why is it ok to do it based on age?

Newsflash: some "millennials" are lazy/entitled/whatever. Why? Because they're PEOPLE.

I've worked with "boomers" and "gen x" people who wouldn't know a work ethic if it punched them in the face and I've worked with "millennials" who work their damn asses off, only to find out (as @MilkmanDan pointed out) that companies these days generally give zero fucks about their employees.

New Rule: Distinction Deniers

newtboy says...

No, you miss the point.
Distinctions are important.
It matters hugely, recognizing the difference between violent rape and an uninvited shoulder rub, just as it matters making the distinction between a spanking and attempted murder....not just legally but rationally.

I wholeheartedly disagree that making those distinctions about gradients of wrongness in any way denies the ability to see that both are wrong.....except for the brainless who can't do both.

Public shaming IS a sentence, one that harms your job, finances, family, and future. I have no problem with fair public shaming, but lumping a bad date in with real rapists is as fair as lumping you in with kidnappers and murderers because you slapped a disobedient child's behind.

He denies he did anything to intentionally make her uncomfortable or pressure her, which is what she accuses him of.

NO SIR. THAT IS YOUR POSITION, you said until overboard sentencing becomes a problem, there's no distinction needed between bad sex and forced sex.
Yes, it's not cool, but it's also not abuse unless it is.

If, like this woman, she #metoo'd that you were an octopus that ignored all her nonverbal signals to stop, your denial wouldn't mean much, and most people would just call you a rapist....just like his denial means nothing to you and you're more than willing to let him be lumped in with rapists and abusers.

You lumped them together in your post about how making distinctions is out of fashion. It's like you said stop eating broccoli, sugar, and bacon, then balked when I said broccoli is good for you, you only meant deep fried candied broccoli. Come on.

Don't expect me to read what you mean and ignore what you write...I absolutely hate that.
Don't be sexually be weird.

Yes, distinctions matter immensely.

No, grading offences is proper, otherwise you put rape and going Dutch on a date at the same level because they both upset the date.

If the person goes on a long date with you, accepts an invitation to your bed, undressed and engages in sex, asks you to slow down a bit (which means continue, slower, which you do), and continues, sleeps over, and only later complains, maybe relationships aren't for HER. Her date did absolutely nothing wrong. Verbal cues trump non verbal cues in the dark 99.9999999% of the time....pretty much any time there's no gun to your head.

ChaosEngine said:

@Payback, @newtboy you're missing the point.

It doesn't matter if rape is worse than groping... we need to start drilling into people that neither is acceptable.

The sentence for these crimes is different and that's correct. (So no, a shoplifter isn't Bernie Madoff)

But as far as I know, none of the accused has been sentenced to anything.

But public shaming as a minimum? I'm fine with that.

And Aziz Ansari doesn't deny what happened, he's just "sorry she feels that way".

"Does this go both ways? If a man has a bad date, or bad sex..."
There's a difference between bad sex and being pressured into sex. Even if it's not rape, it's still not cool.

"I hope that girl you had a bad date with in high school doesn't come back to show you the error of your position by adding your name to the "me too" list, destroying your career, family life, and future with no recourse to prove your innocence...all because she didn't orgasm.....but I do hope you see the error."

If she came back said I was crap in bed, I would probably shrug and say "hey I was a teenage boy, they're all crap at sex". If she said, I pressured her into sex, I would deny it vigorously.

"Being weird is the same as being a rapist?!? Jesus fucking Christ, I always thought you were rational. "
Come on, newt, you know that's not what I said. I said "stop being weird, gropey or rapey". If I said "stop eating bacon, doughnuts or sugar", would you think I meant that bacon, doughnuts and sugar are the same?

First, I like weird people on a day to day basis. Second, there's nothing wrong with consensual weirdness.

But in context, it's pretty clear what I was talking about. But if you must have it spelt out, don't
- force people to watch you masturbate
- meet people (especially younger members of the opposite sex that work for you) in a dressing gown in your hotel room
- make sexually explicit remarks to strangers

But to reiterate, yes, there are degrees of violation. Rape is worse than groping and groping is worse than exposure. There, happy now?

Now that we're all agreed on that, can we focus on stopping the problem instead of this pointless grading of offences?

This really isn't difficult. If you can't tell whether another person is enthusiastic about sexual activity with you... maybe relationships aren't for you.

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