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Happy 9th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

UNREAL PARIS - Virtual Tour - Unreal Engine 4

Curious says...

Nothing was moved or interacted with in the entire clip, so it leads me to believe that all of the lighting and shadows were simply pre-calculated and baked on as a texture. In the same manner, the reflections are most likely environmental cube maps, rendered in 3D animation software with all the settings turned up and then saved as an image. If something besides the camera were moving then I would be impressed.

UNREAL PARIS - Virtual Tour - Unreal Engine 4

UNREAL PARIS - Virtual Tour - Unreal Engine 4

Why Tipping Should Be Banned

MrFisk says...

I've worked the back of the house (dish washer, prep cook, pantry cook, line cook), and the front of the house (bartender, server).

I never got tipped in the back of the house, but I worked harder and utilized more skills. I got paid hourly, and would therefore milk the clock as much as possible to help buy booze and pay the rent.

As a bartender, I've worked at night clubs, dive bars, martini bars, hotel bars, house parties and I was paid a decent hourly, which was essential for those slow and lonely Monday night shifts. But I made good money on the weekends. However, it usually takes time to work your way to those lucrative spots.

As a server, I get paid a little more than $2 an hour plus tips. But the tips are so impossible to calculate because of a myriad of factors -- how many servers are on, how many tables are reserved, how many parties, what's going on at the Arena, what's going on at the Lied, is it snowing, is it raining, is there a sporting event going on, are they splitting the bill, have they worked in the industry, are they from a country unfamiliar with tipping, was the food good, was the food cold, was the drink stiff, was the wine paired well, was the host pretty, was the bathroom out of paper towels, ad nausea -- that budgeting is impossible. I don't auto grat (gratuity of 18 percent of the bill for parties of seven or more) unless it's a sorority party, Mormons, or New Year's Eve, and that's only because I've been burned so badly by these groups.

What most diners don't realize is that it's really a matter of real estate -- and on a busy weekend night one server may be lucky to 'have' four to six tables with a variable of two and four seats. Dinner is generally served between the hours of 5-11. So, this gives the server a set number of data points for the evening (side note, so for the love God don't linger at a table if you're not ordering anything! When a server is forced to refill your water at $2 an hour, it's rude and disrespectful. That's what bars are for). In addition, most servers 'tip out' the host and bartender staff. On a weekend night, I typically tipped out 22 percent, and I never knew if I'd make $30 or $130.

So I know the business fairly well (I even studied hospitality in Vegas for a minute), and as a server I can make your experience remarkable. Ironically, the best tippers are younger college-era students working in the industry.

I think if anything is going to eliminate tipping in the service industry, it'll be some sort of computerized experiment where you sit at a table and punch in what you want. Till then, be conscientious and considerate when you wine and dine.


jmd says...

Why would it have to track the dancers to be considered realtime? All my games are real time 3d, they certainly don't track me dancing, or doing much of anything really.

I think the term we want to use is pre-calculated. The particle movements were chosen before hand much like a motion capture, but the rendering is still realtime and thus thing like camera angles can be changed.

I was disappointed because I noticed the lack of true interaction, and when somethings the performers did would effect the particle effects while others wouldn't. That annoyed me even. We have years of tech to monitor actors in real time space, it may have taken a bit more work but this could all have been done with realtime interactions.

Bill Nye's Answer to the Fermi Paradox

newtboy says...

Well, first you must determine the average lifespan of a species...impossible until we survey the entire universe.
Then you must determine the average distance between populated planets.
Then you must determine the 'lifespan' of all possible transmission technologies (on average). (how long 'they' emit that kind of transmission)
Then you must determine the maximum range and speed of any transmissions, and what form those transmissions are in, which is what most of this video is about. Now we're looking in 2 small ranges of possible wave form communications for the first time. Subtract any with a maximum range lower than the distance from transmission to us (another unknowable).
Then you must determine how many ranges of not just wave form energy are we ignoring, but how many other forms of communication/emission/energy might there be that we aren't looking for or even conceiving their existence (another impossible question to answer)?
Only once ALL those (impossible) questions are answered (and I'm certain more that are unknown but important variables) can you do even preliminary calculations to determine how statistically likely it should really be to 'find' evidence of extra-planetary species/civilizations, and that number is almost definitely tiny by any standard.

To think they might be 'here' already, you must either assume they are a space fairing species (which would also indicate a species that 'raids' planets and moves on, not one that settles and/or trades, so lets hope not) or you must assume they have much faster than light travel, which if true, should mean one would expect to see aliens 'teleporting' everywhere, and likely some crazy looking evidence of the transportation method. If neither of these are true (space fairing or faster than light travel) you would not expect to ever hear or see them.
Since technology evolves, so do the types of transmissions that technology produces. To think that in the time frame a single type of transmission is used somewhere in the universe (+ travel time) we'll be searching for exactly that type of transmission form would be such an INSANELY unlikely coincidence that many would see it as proof of god (because it couldn't statistically happen naturally, like a babble fish).
What this means is, unless we become space fairing raiders ourselves, or find faster than light travel ourselves, we'll likely be alone forever, even if there is other intelligent life out there.
There's just too much to search in too many ways over too long a time span, like looking for a single protozoa in the entire ocean, when you don't know what it looks like or even what a protozoa is, and the protozoa only exists for one random week in your life time.
That's where I think they are....unfindable.

robdot said:

He is understanding it, the paradox is, the earth is billions of years old,Our modern society is only a few hundred years old, but there should be civilizations out there who are millions of years old,its not that we should be "hearing' them ,but that they should be flying around..they should have populated the galaxy by now..There should be many, many civilizations which are millions of years old..and they should be readily identifiable by the many signals filling our galazy....where the fuck are they?

The Secrets of Quantum Physics - Einstein's Nightmare

speechless says...

I agree. It starts with "Shut up and calculate" and ends with nothing useful. I'm not sure we're moving forward with anything but mathematical masturbation at this point. It's very frustrating.

John McCain on the Senate Torture Report

Lawdeedaw says...

He never really supported Palin...and that is low to compare him to it. It was a calculated choice made because the American people fucked him over and chose Bush the first time around...he was rational until then. Sadly, his loss also meant he was useless to stop this crazy bs...

newtboy said:

Damn it, crazy grandpa! Every now and then you totally have a moment of clarity and say a bunch of stuff I can get behind, but tomorrow I suspect you'll be right back to supporting insanity (like Palin).

Wait, so these are not just illegal acts, but actual specifically delineated war crimes, since they continued after 2007? Can we turn over Bush and Cheney to the Hague this year?

Arkham Knight - Ace Chemicals Infiltration Trailer(1)

Jinx says...

Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009) - Rocksteady - 91%
Batman: Arkham City (2011) - Rocksteady - 91%
Batman: Arkham Origins (2013) - WB Games - 74%

When I first heard that Rocksteady wasn't making Origins I was baffled. When I played it I was surprised just how similar it was to City. Well, similar in that it felt like a rushed sequel in the same engine with the same assets. The only thing WB seemed to have added was bugs and poor design choices.

As it turns out, Rocksteady never lost Batman - the reason they did not develop Arkham Origins is that they were developing "an unannounced Arkham game". I guess WB didn't want to wait 4 years to make some more money off the back of recent success. I've no idea if it was calculated, but it's worked out very well that a cash-in failed to dent the reputation of the franchise because WB made their own development team the fall guys...

ps. Is smashing somebodies face into a fusebox really non-fatal Batman? Really?

Mesmerizing rebuild of a mechanical Fourier calculator

mintbbb (Member Profile)

"Stupidity of American Voter," critical to passing Obamacare

newtboy says... are correct....I either did my distance-math backwards, or missed a button entering the distance to the moon into my's been a really bad week for my back and lots of meds have been needed, which impairs my math skills. My mistake there...and I've retracted that....and I apologize.
Doing the math correctly, I see you ARE right that it's about 400 times the distance.
But they (and so you) are wrong that it's 400 times the "size". You are right that the radiuses/diameters are a ratio of 400-1. That's different from size, even 2d size.
It may seem semantical, but to me it's an important distinction. This is what I took issue with mostly, since I was CERTAIN the actual "size" (in 3D) is no where near a ratio of 400-1, but closer to 64 million -1. Even in 2D it's nothing like 400-1.

Also, I'm not intentionally ignoring your point, it is an interesting fact that the ratios are close, but only coincidental IMO, certainly not 'proof' of anything supernatural.
EDIT: even if they were a perfect ratio, it would only suggest a physical law of motion we don't know or fully understand yet.
I would be interested to see a list of other planets and their moons to see if any other planet/moon (or combination of moons) in our solar system shows the same ratios. Neither answer would make me think anything supernatural however, it's just not that kind of question in my eyes.

shinyblurry said:

here is another NASA page:

I guess all these people are wrong too:

It is simple math and I am not sure why you are having trouble with it. The Sun is 149,600,000 kilometers away. Divide that by 400 and you get 374000 kilometers, which is about the distance of the Moon from the Earth. I notice you're doing quite a bit of gymnastics to avoid the point.

"Stupidity of American Voter," critical to passing Obamacare

shinyblurry says...

Well, the radius of the moon is about 1,080 miles, and the radius of the Sun is about 432,687 miles.
Do I need to say the rest of your grasp of the science involved is not firm?

Newtboy, please pull out a calculator and punch in 1080 x 400..the answer is 432000.

"The Moon's size and distance contribute to a wonderful coincidence for those of us who live here on Earth. The Moon is about 400 times smaller than the Sun, but it also just happens to be about 400 times closer. The result is that from Earth, they appear to be the same size. And when its orbit around Earth takes the Moon directly between Earth and the Sun, the Moon blocks our view of the Sun in what we call a solar eclipse. This is just the same as when you use your thumb to block your view of something that is both much larger and much farther away."

See, my fairy tale tells me that giant bean stalks are real

I think you have a misunderstanding of what faith is. I have faith that the Sun will rise tomorrow because the evidence shows that it is more likely to happen than not. No one could prove that it would, but my faith is justified based on the evidence. In the same way, I have faith that Christianity is true based on the evidence of the life death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I believe the evidence is extraordinary and sufficient to place my faith in, and that the contrary case is insufficient. Have you ever studied the evidence for the resurrection? If you haven't then you have rejected it based on your preconceived notions and biases rather than because you believe the evidence is insufficient. There are plenty of things we take on faith and believe and are perfectly rational for doing so. Here is a highlight that talks about 5 different things we all take on faith:

newtboy said:

Oh Shiny....SOOO much and so large a failure of fact here....
A quick science fact for YOU....(cut and pasted from Google)

"Stupidity of American Voter," critical to passing Obamacare

shinyblurry says...

I will note though that I find it amazing this video isn't getting more attention here. I hear a lot here from people who hate the government, yet here is the smoking gun for everything they say is wrong with the government and you actually have 6 downvotes and it may not even get sifted. That is kind of incredible in my opinion and reveals a bias. This guy is someone deeply involved in the political process at the highest levels talking openly about a calculated deception pulled on the American people and some here want to bury it. I would encourage those who do to look past your particular political ideology and give it some unbiased consideration.

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