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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Why did the chicken cross the road?
Because he was afraid to debate Kamala!

Yep, the coward has officially dropped out of the debate, so Harris will get a free 2 hour commercial carried on all networks and you get an empty podium. She isn’t going to agree to debate on Fox or on the felon’s terms, so that’s going to be it.
A terrible calculation from the guy who is plummeting in the polls and whose persona is all about (faux) strength to cower from a debate with a woman he says is too dumb to hold a job without racial preferencing…he should be excited for it and asking for more, but instead he’s dropping out as a coward because he knows how bad it would be…think NABJ without the respect or professionalism.

The Paradox of an Infinite Universe

newtboy says...

There’s no paradox, there no such thing as “infinity” in reality.
Infinity is an unreal mathematical concept like “i” (imaginary numbers that are the square root of a negative number).
Useful in calculations but really it’s just a placeholder for our lack of understanding about how the universe works (or a simplistic lie to evade giving a difficult, long, and incomplete explanation) , it’s not something found in nature.

Why not a mobius toroid? …or maybe a multidimensional toroid that’s (somehow) a donut in every direction? …or maybe both at once? Have some imagination, physicists. Don’t limit yourself to only the dimensions you perceive or how you see them
Time/space could be something like this and we only perceive the point where all 3 axis converge….

Cost of living 2001 vs today

bobknight33 says...

Guess you don’t know about inflation or how to calculate it.

So much for your frivolous math degree

Yet again you fail.
When will you open your eyes

Dopey toolboy

newtboy said:

Totally *debunked *lies and bullshit. I saw this on YT and laughed at the stupidity.

1. That was not $89 worth of groceries in 2021. It was a minimum of $175 at full price. I buy groceries in California and I pay attention to prices.
Soda prices have actually gone down in California significantly since since the pandemic ended, so has milk and bacon.
More ridiculous MAGA lies.
He had to cherry pick non sale high price brands to make it that expensive…where’s the video of him buying the same brands not on sale two years ago at 1/2 the price?
Have prices gone up? yes….by 10-15% since 21, not 100%+. 🤦‍♂️

2. Who is the “they” who “printed $10 trillion” @bobknight33? It’s not the Biden administration. I know where at least $8 trillion went…and wouldn’t be a bit surprised to find another $2 trillion spent off the books by the former administration. In fact, if I recall the Trump billionaire tax cuts were expected to cost about $1 trillion per year indefinitely, while the tax vacation for wage earners ended with most paying far more today than pre-Trump….so you can blame almost $3 trillion of Biden’s debt on Trump policy. 😂

Katie Porter On IRS Direct File

newtboy says...

2 things….

1. If you call the IRS today you get an operator, not an agent or accountant, and their advice is largely guessing…their unprofessional unpaid advice does not remove your responsibility to do your taxes correctly…it wouldn’t if they were an agent because they don’t have access to 100% of your financial records to make an informed suggestion and they aren’t retained by you for the advice. Republicans fought to keep from hiring more agents to answer phones by claiming they would be armed Jack booted thugs breaking into your home with military force instead of accountants sitting in offices waiting to help citizens. Now you whine.

2. The fox already watches the hen house. This is just letting them tell you what your taxes are instead of making you do the math and them telling you you are wrong. They already do this calculation, and use it to determine if you did your taxes correctly. (Side note- I know this personally because I often get notification I have over estimated my taxes by a minor amount and they have revised my refund accordingly.)

Wouldn’t it be nicer if they just told you what you owe and give you the opportunity to claim they’re wrong instead of making you take a math test first then doing the exact same thing?

Remember, it was Trump’s number one promise on the campaign trail, he would simplify taxes day one so you could do them on a 3x5 card. He never even tried, and taxes became more convoluted under him. He added special interest groupings (for multi millionaires) and gave them huge tax breaks while the middle class got a temporary payroll tax vacation they had to pay back the next year.

If you want simpler or lower taxes, forget about Trump. He made them more difficult and higher for nearly everyone AND added $8 TRILLION to the bill despite promising to simplify, cut taxes, and create a surplus. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

I agree with the points that she makes.

However 2 things

Under current conditions If you call IRS for a question and they provide an incorrect solution - you are still on the hook.

This is looking like the fox watching the hen house.

Best solution is to make the tax code streamline simplified, cut out all the special interest group set asides.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Too bad none are prosecutable crimes, and no charges were brought under Trump before the statute of limitations ran out. They could have been, but even Trump’s DOJ said it’s all nonsense accusations by untrustworthy individuals with bias, with no evidence whatsoever. Just minor tax evasion (minuscule compared to Trump’s tax evasion charges) and owning a gun while using intoxicants (please say MAGA is for prosecuting this, because that means removing all guns from anyone who has more than two beers in one day or 7 in one week)! 😂
Nothing worth a single day in jail unlike Trump. That really triggers you, don’t it?

Not a good idea to commit thousands of felonies to expose a few old previously admitted to misdemeanors that can’t be prosecuted, don’t you think?

So should he be impeached?

Edit: It’s heating up already…Prosecutions for Greene are coming, she just fucked up so bigly.
My calculations are she’s going to be facing up to 510000 years in Georgia alone for her revenge porn dick pic newsletter she sent directly to children, tens of millions in civil penalties paid to Hunter, and maybe only 3 years in DC…and may be going on the sex offender registry! 😂 Couldn’t happen to a more deserving moron.

bobknight33 said:

She was point out crimes of Hunter.

Trump to be arrested

newtboy says...

Big surprise, Trump’s false announcement about his pending arrest a week ago was little more than a fund raising ploy.
He immediately began hammering supporters with demands for cash to protect their favorite (disgraced) president.
There was no evidence he was about to be arrested last Tuesday, the grand jury was/is still in session…he just said it for grift. He’s raised millions over the claim, millions he spends on gold seat belt buckles and toilet seats for his plane, not his flailing failing defense.

What no one seems to have pieced together is, his behavior over the last few years has been calculated to demonstrate a complete break from reality because he’s going to use an insanity defense to shield himself from court…and it will work.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Texas passed an anti communist law, Texas government code 557.021, which defines a communist as “ a person who commits an act reasonably calculated to further the overthrow of the government” and bans them from appearing on the ballot.
That is the entire Republican Party who put secession as part of their platform, tried to overthrow the government on Jan 6, etc. Get ready for deep blue Texas. 😂

New York Nuclear PSA what to do in case of an attack

SFOGuy says...

I immediately wondered that; a low yield dirty bomb, at say, the UN on the Upper East Side would be a different EMP profile, I presume, from a higher yielded ship born bomb inside, say, a container which had cleared customs in Pakistan, and that would be different from a high altitude air burst, right? So, and the physics seems calculable if annoyingly in my past--you should be able to calculate a range of EMP from various yields?

The "Quora" answers are: a ground-based (ship based?) lower yield weapon has EMP effects of note to the 3 mile range.

An airburst would be a different issue. "Starfish Prime”. In this high altitude nuclear test, carried out in 1962, a 1.44 Mt warhead was detonated at a height of 400 km. Electrical damage, including burning out hundreds of street lamps was caused in Hawaii - about 1500 km from the point of detonation.

By contrast there was no direct blast damage at all at that range.

The maximal electric fields induced in the Starfish Prime EMP in Hawaii were estimated at 6 kV/m. At high latitudes the value could easily be ten times higher.

For electrical equipment to be damaged by an EMP from a nuclear detonation, the detonation point must be above the visual horizon.

A large yield weapon detonated 400 km above Kansas would have an EMP that extended across the entire continental US, but the ground intensity pattern of that EMP would be peaked towards the South of ground zero, it would not be symmetrical."

newtboy said:

Sad that the article and @StukaFox both forgot the emp, that kills all electronics, making your car your tomb if it was made after 1980.
A car is only a decent shelter if it’s at the bottom of an underground parking structure that doesn’t collapse in the blast.
Cars are not escape vehicles in this scenario. There won’t be many erratic drivers, like the article claimed, because any car with a computer chip will be dead.

Rent: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

luxintenebris jokingly says...

visited a site that calculated a person's time of death.

what fun.

then noticed the driver's license and library card both expired within a couple of months of the predicted demise.

it's a coincidence - right?

BSR said:

My label has an expiration date which kinda defines me

Teachers Sabotage Don’t Say Gay Law By Following It

newtboy says...

Way to conflate homosexuality with pedophilia despite all studies showing the opposite is true.

Because I know you won't read either study, let me quote....
"Using phallometric test sensitivities to calculate the proportion of true pedophiles among various groups of sex offenders against children, and taking into consideration previously reported mean numbers of victims per offender group, the ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles was calculated to be approximately 11:1." If homosexuals were even equal in child molesting, that would be closer to 9:1.
I guess you now agree that heterosexual teachers shouldn't be in the classroom because they are more likely to be child molesters, because scientific fact overrides prejudicial opinion.

Introducing the Omega 1 - A Revolutionary Engine

TheFreak says...


What kind of tolerances do you need to seal the chambers created by those rotors and then what happens to those tolerances from thermal expansion when the engine heats up?

Now ask yourself how you lubricate all of that and then notice the oil literally pouring out of the front seals of that engine.

All of those numbers are made up. Maybe someone did some creative theoretical napkin calculations but those numbers aren't based on anything that engine is doing.

Is Meat REALLY Bad For The Climate?

newtboy says...

Locally, all the beef in my area is grass fed. All unnatural pastures were created as a byproduct of the logging industry, not for cattle. It’s butchered and stays local. I must guess our beef here is that outlier at 9 kg CO2 equivalent per kg….or better.
I also must assume they give no value to the rest of the carcass in their calculations…bone meal, tallow, etc are also valuable commodities not accounted for here.

The biggest issue with food production is the number of mouths to feed. We about 8 billion today and rising. The maximum number that can be supported is estimated to be between 8 and 10 billion, but the maximum that can be sustained naturally without depletion of essential resources is only 1.5 billion, assuming they use the same resources per capita.
To actually be sustainable as a species, we need to eliminate over 80% of the population AND adopt far less destructive behaviors.
Ain’t gonna happen. Start making your chain mail dresses and shoulder pads now, it’s almost time for Thunderdome.

Terry Pratchett on Why we need to believe in things...

newtboy says...

I guess I’m not human by his measure then.

Do people really believe the universe/nature offers justice or mercy?
These aren’t even universal human properties, and they are purely human concepts…. they absolutely aren’t properties of the universe.
The universe is cold, calculating, and impersonal, not a moral, ethical, or empathetic guardian of justice or mercy that cares about you.

Fox & GOP Freak Out About Door to Door Vaccination Campaign

JiggaJonson says...

You can do the inverse math to calculate the risk of the vaccine as well
(vaccine adverse event reporting system)

You can find more current numbers on the CDC site, but they're difficult to access and link directly to. This is simpler, but feel free to post more updated figures


"Event Category" "Event Category Code" Events Reported
"Death" "DTH" 5378 total reported as of right now.

out of how many vaccinations?
(i took the larger number because they still did get a poke in the arm at least once)



5378 ÷ 186,474,836 = 0.000028840352486

move the decimal

0.0028840352486% of death from the vaccine

Now, Bob, please, consider this.
Is a 2% chance of death MORE? or LESS? than a 0.0028840352486% chance of death?

Lets apply the numbers to the USA population

332,545,571 x 0.02 =
soooo 6.65 million WOW how close to the real number of deaths in the USA this is eh? WEIRRRRRRRRRRD right? durrrrrrrrrr

332,545,571 x 0.000028840352486 = 9590.7
soooo yeah, this is pretty close to the reporting incident report also

You know them liberals, they are so powerful they can manipulate basic multiplication and division.

newtboy said:

That 2% was enough that in the last year, life expectancy dropped ......

Buttle (Member Profile)

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