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newtboy (Member Profile)

Chinese Bus Crashes Off Bridge

newtboy says...

Oddly enough that's reportedly what she wanted, she had missed her stop but the driver outrageously refused to stop on the bridge to let her off.

C-note said:

He should have stopped the bus and put her off the moment she hit him.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh Testify

ChaosEngine says...

I didn't like Hillary either, but it doesn't change the fact that people looked at Hillary, looked at Trump and decided "you know what, I'm going to vote for the guy that admitted to sexually assaulting women".

And if you buy that "locker room talk" nonsense, I have a bridge to sell you....

Mordhaus said:

Honestly, had anyone but Hillary been running I think it would have sunk the S.S. Donald. The election interference didn't help, but Hillary is a non-electable candidate for a lot of people. I'm fairly certain that as long as the Dems don't somehow fuck up massively and allow her to run again, that Trump will be a one and done candidate.

Stage 9 - Virtual Enterprise-D Tour v0.0.10

Military Helicopters Flyby Under Brooklyn Bridge in NYC

Payback says...

Anyone who's seen a FOD check on an aircraft carrier realises how retarded one helicopter doing this is, let alone a squadron. Chunks of shit fall off those bridges every day just due to age. Not to mention idiot pedestrians actually TRYING to hit one with a beer bottle. One big enough piece of debris into the jet intake and you're in the river.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

Building A Leonardo da Vinci Bridge

notarobot (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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This Cyclist Took Back the Bike Lane on the Brooklyn Bridge

eoe says...

Anyone who bikes in NY should know that you're just as likely to get over the Brooklyn Bridge as through the bike lane in Times Square. Basically, you're an idiot if you do it.

Go over the Manhattan Bridge just down the way a bit, and it's got an entirely dedicated bike lane. Granted, people coming/going from Chinatown oftentimes incorrectly take it, but they're few and far between.

RFlagg (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Ants building "bridge" to attack wasp nest

serosmeg jokingly says...

If they don't expend their budgeted construction worker ants for 2018, their 2019 ant budget will be reduced by the queen. So they built an unnecessary 10 foot long bridge to go 3 feet.

lucky760 said:


Why didn't they just walk directly to it across the ceiling?

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