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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Two pigeons push another pigeon onto train tracks

Pickup Truck Flies Off Overpass

luxintenebris jokingly says...

"we can laugh about it now!"

have been over that bridge.

nothing like that but did have a tie-rod come off while crossing a bridge over a river. high bridge/deep water. manage to get across (steering wheel only worked moving to the left), stopped, discovered the tie-rod hanging free. gee. that could have been hazardous.

a guy working with drove us off a 10' cliff. no damage to the truck or us. other than getting hit in the neck with the cab roof, and swearing at him for not wearing his turn out okay.

The flight that almost killed me

BSR says...

I just a love a good dad story.

When I was about 10 years old, dad and I went fishing down to the Delaware River between NJ and PA. We would walk across the railroad bridge and make our way to the top of the pier and fish from there.

Google Maps,-75.204665,78a,35y,102.75h,61.26t/data=!3m1!1e3

As we walked with our fishing poles and fishing box across the railroad ties he would tell me stories from when he was a kid. Told me his older brother tried to get my dad to jump from the bridge into the river. My Uncle had done this many times but dad had no desire to try it.

He said my Uncle tried to push him off the bridge once but dad held on real tight to one of the steel girders.

He told me, if I looked real close at that 2nd girder over there, I could still see his fingerprints embedded in it.

I think I laughed for 5 minutes straight.


BTW, that's Easton PA on the waterfall side. Home of Larry Holmes.,-75.2056761,3a,25.1y,100.05h,92.73t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suS_MxvwqsYa-rGO1dXt0Lg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

newtboy said:

When I was 17, my dad took me to some cliffs south of San Francisco to learn how to hang glide. The class met at a cliff to watch experienced pilots take off before going to a practice slope. The first launch we watched took off, made a smooth arcing turn, and crashed at full speed directly into the vertical cliff about 150' high and fell. He broke both legs at the least, but survived at least long enough for the ambulance to get there.

Dad cancelled my class, I never learned to fly.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Piece of Bread falling over

C-note says...

I met a couple trek legends at the Star Trek Convention in Cleveland back in 1986. It was nothing like the spectacle modern conventions have become. I'm so sad we did not have cell phones with cameras back then. We stood in line just to get autographs.

It would have been hilarious if you did say "Bridge".

BSR said:

My last con was Magnum Opus Con in 1989 when I rode in an elevator with Nichelle Nichols. To my regret, when the elevator doors closed I should have said "Bridge."

Piece of Bread falling over

BSR says...

My last con was Magnum Opus Con in 1989 when I rode in an elevator with Nichelle Nichols. To my regret, when the elevator doors closed I should have said "Bridge."

StukaFox said:

You've never been to a Furry con.

Zawash (Member Profile)

Troll Bridge - a Discworld Fan Film

Troll Bridge - Official Trailer - a Discworld Fable

Troll Bridge - a Discworld Fan Film

Troll Bridge - Official Trailer - a Discworld Fable

Troll Bridge - Official Trailer - a Discworld Fable

Troll Bridge - Official Trailer - a Discworld Fable

BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Sometimes to cross that bridge, there's no other choice but to behead the troll first. That's why so few bridges still have trolls today.

What do you mean there's no such thing as trolls?! Then how do you explain all the dead unicorns?

Learn?! You really think he's capable?

Remember, Moby Dick wasn't blameless. If he had just returned the leg he stole maybe he wouldn't have ended up so perforated, but his raison d'etre was triggering Ahab, and no amount of harpooning was going to dissuade him from trolling and no argument, no matter how unassailable and reasoned, could dissuade Ahab from his vendetta.

BSR said:

I know exactly how you feel.

The damage is being done to YOU.

Let him go. Let him do what he needs to do. Just don't let him manipulate you into what you are becoming.

Just know there are people on your side. I am one of them. You won't change him. He will only give you his fears and anger and frustrations and rob you of your happiness. Don't accept it.

Let him go knowing that he has to do what he needs to do until it comes back on him. He is in charge of his life and you are in charge of yours. It's not worth giving up your happiness or your time if he won't listen or just can't hear you to begin with. Let him fall. That's how he will learn.

Focus your attention on those that want and need you.

Share your happiness. Don't waste it. Not even a minute.

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