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Ygritte from Game of Thrones - how strong is she really?

McCoys - Hang on sloopy Vid with amazing girl.

billybob says...

Another Great Song of The 60s, my High School Years here in AUSTRALIA. SIMPLICITY of "beat" and able to sing along and simple jive at the the disco clubs so prevalent here in the 60s.
WOW ! The girl in the video, Gorgeous, and those simple gyrations just blow me away. Amazing that the " short shorts" are the "In item " for the girls in Summer. My kids now their 20s - 30s LOVE the 60s Music. Whoever the girl is: Liz Derringer , take a bow
Best regards
Billy Bob Melbourne AUSTRALIA

Norsuelefantti (Member Profile)

GenjiKilpatrick jokingly says...

You're welcome! * bows*

siftbot said:

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Teaser Trailer for Fear the Walking Dead

newtboy jokingly says...

I bow to you, sir, you got me good with that. Damn you!

lucky760 said:

So excited to see this and so happy they're giving us something during their off season. It's a LONG way to Halloween.

How about that season finale, last night? Holy crap it was good. I can't believe Rick got killed!

Starboard tack does NOT have right of way over a ferry...

Jinx says...

Looks to me like that guys cap-hat wasn't fastened securely enough to his bow-head. You can clearly see it flogging off uncontrollably into the sea. Just awful seamanship. Awful.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

Our establishment is starting to lose patience with SACEUR vis-á-vis Russia/Ukraine:

Breedlove's Bellicosity

They offer a small list of lies and exaggerations by Breedlove. Our previous Chairman of the NATO Military Committee has been calling out all the warmongering for months, but for SPIEGEL to run this story, in English no less, strikes me as a shot across the bow.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Theramintrees - seeing things

newtboy says...

The scripture is wrong. Most all atheists die having NEVER had any proof or even evidence of any god's existence. Anecdotal evidence is not evidence. For me to believe something as insane as religion, I need incontrovertible proof, it's how I was "made". I've yet to see evidence, much less proof, of anything supernatural, ever.
If few "find the narrow way" then it's hidden to most. You want to say "finding" a thing is attaining it. They are different words, that's why they are spelled and pronounced differently. If you can't 'find' the path, it's hidden, if you can't stay on the path because you don't possess the skill to do so (and you believe you were created by god) that's on god for designing you so poorly.
Being paralyzed the way I described is indistinguishable from death, even with modern machinery.
If Jesus was doing a selfless thing, sin would be gone for everyone, not just those that worship him. Saying "I eradicated this evil ethereal thing I brought to you, but only if you bow to me and give me 10% of your money" is so self serving and evil I can't properly describe it. I still disagree with the 'Jesus is special so he suffered more in <3 days that all humanity does in eternity'. That denies logic and math. Any portion of eternity is eternity, and any measure of 'infinitely worse than the worst punishment imaginable' is also infinitely bad, so he didn't accept even a portion of the punishment, and one can't suffer more than the worst suffering possible. And now Jesus IS sin?!? And you worship him?!? Don't you see a problem there?
I actually don't think Jesus ever made any of the claims you make about him, only some of his followers stories re-told for hundreds of years before being re-written say those things.
If he never presents himself to me, who's fault is that? If I was created the way I am by him, he knows exactly what it will take to make me 'believe', and he's simply and clearly not doing it. God must WANT me to not believe in him, it's the only thing that makes sense if he exists, but it's much more likely that he just isn't.

shinyblurry said:

People enter hell because of their sin and willful rejection of God. You are saying that people have no way of knowing, but the scripture says something different. You say you have never seen or heard anything, but what I find when talking to atheists is that they've had plenty of experiences, supernatural or otherwise, to point them towards God but they chose not to go that way. In any case, I'll be praying for God to speak to you in a way you can understand.

I think you're hung up on some of the wording of Matthew 7:14 where Jesus said there are few who find the narrow way, and not the meaning of it. It is not saying that people through no fault of their own end up on the broad way, the scripture says they enter into it. That implies a choice, and to find is to obtain something, which means they know what they are going after in the first place.

Being paralysed is not the same as death.

Jesus took the entire punishment for sin; He bore the fullness of Gods wrath against sin. The scripture says He was actually made sin for us. Whatever He experienced was far worse than what people experience in hell. No human being could bear that, eternally or otherwise. He could bear it becase He is special, that's the point. He didn't just bear the punishment for sin, He defeated death and disarmed the power of death and hell over human beings, all who put their faith and trust in Him as Lord and Savior.. He came not only to die for our sins, but also for many other reasons, one such reason was to destroy the works of the Devil.

Jesus saw everything pertaining to life and death, to judgment and the afterlife. He is an eyewitness, you simply don't believe Him. Everyone will know Jesus is Lord when they stand before Him; the scripture says that even the demons believe (and tremble). Knowing who He is and knowing Him personally are two different things entirely. If you enter into eternity without knowing Him, then it is too late. If God expects you to know His Son, it stands to reason He will provide a means for you to do so. It is up to you to respond to that.

Zero Punctuation: Crackdown 2

Red Neck trucker says NO to this blonde trying to merge...

ChaosEngine says...

No, the car was in the wrong and acting like a dickhead.

It's happened to all of us and it's annoying as hell, but you suck it up, act like a grown up and realise that sometimes inconsiderate assholes get ahead in life.

What you don't do is go "fuck it, I'm in the right" and plough into them, as tempting as it is to teach them a lesson (especially when you're going to come out on top, like the truck).

The correct response is to tailgate the motherfucker until they realise what a terrible human being they are and bow to your moral superiority. Failing that, follow them home and explain to their family why they fail at life.

eric3579 said:

Is anyone actually debating if the car made an unsafe lane change? I think not . It's kinda a given. Its what the trucker did or did not do in response that is in question. Did he intentionally hold his ground in defiance? Did he not see the car until it was to late? Could the truck even slow down in the situation?


newtboy (Member Profile)

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

RFlagg says...

Also... the NSFW tag is missing completely on the video page itself. We at the least need the NSFW, Long and like tags showing up. (I was going to edit the original post but figured it was upvoted so seen and also this sort of deserves it's own mention.) Not sure position, but around Title and before submitter. Be it below or to the side I don't know.

Example, I clicked this from the front page and didn't notice in the main listing it was NSFW... moot point as I'm not at work or public, but had somebody just sent the link and not noted it as NSFW... and there's the issue, people getting the link to just one video itself. While the front page notes it, the video page itself is missing that important information.

Van Morrison - Into the Mystic

oritteropo (Member Profile)

radx says...

Well, Syriza is an acronym for Coalition of the Radical Left (roughly), and everything left of the Berlin Consensus is considered to be radical left. So they are going to call Syriza a radical leftist party until the political landscape itelf has been pulled back towards more leftist positions. But you're right, if they were judged by their positions, they'd be centre-left in theory, if centre-left hadn't turned into corporatism by taking up the Third Way of Schröder/Blair/Clinton.

They are, without a doubt, radically democratic though. As your Grauniad article points out, they haven't turned on their election promises yet, which is quite unheard of for a major European party. Francois Hollande in particular was a major letdown in this regard. Few people expected him to bow down to German demands so quickly. Aside from his 75% special tax for the rich, he dropped just about every single part of his program that could be considered socialism.

Grexit... that's a tough one.

Syriza cannot enforce any troika demands that relate to the programmes of the Chicago School of Economics. Friedman ain't welcome anymore. No cuts to wages or pensions, to privatisation of infrastructure, no cuts to the healthcare system, nor any other form of financial oppression of the lower class. That is non-negotiable. In fact, even increases in welfare programs and the healthcare system are pretty much non-negotiable. Even if Syriza wanted to put any of this on the table, and they sure as hell don't, they couldn't make it part of any deal without further damages to an already devasted democratic system in Greece.

So with that in mind, what's the point of all the negotiations?

Varoufakis' suggestions are very reasonable. The growth-linked bonds, for instance, are used very successfully all over the world in debt negotiations, as just about any bankrupty expert would testify. Like Krugman wrote today, Syriza is merely asking to "recognize the reality everyone supposedly already understands". His caveat about the German electorate is on point as well, we haven't had it explained to us yet – and we chose to ignore what little was explained to us.

Yet the troika insists on something Syriza cannot and will not provide, as just outlined above. Some of the officials still expect Syriza to acknowledge reality, to come to their senses and to accept a deal provided to them. Good luck with that, but don't hold your breath. Similarly, Varoufakis is aware that Berlin is almost guaranteed to play hardball all the way.

Of course, nothing is certain and they might strike a deal during their meeting in Wednesday that offers Greece a way out of misery. Or maybe the ECB decides that to stabilize to Euro, as is their sole purpose, they need to keep Greece within the EZ and away from default. That would allow them to back Greece, to provide them with financial support, at least until they present their program in June/July. Everything is possible. However, I see very little evidence in support of it.

Therefore Grexit might actually be just a question of who to blame it on. Syriza is not going to exit the EZ willy nilly, they need clear pressure from outside, so the record will unequivocally show that it wasn't them who made the call. No country can be thrown out, they have to leave of their own. Additionally, Merkel will not be the person to initiate the unravelling of the EU, as might be the consequence of a Grexit. That's leverage for Greece, the only leverage they have. But it has to be played right or else the blame will be put squarely on Greece, even more so than it already is.

Edit #1: What cannot be overstated is the ability of the EZ to muddle through one crises after another, always on the brink of collapse, yet never actually collapsing. They are determined to hold this thing together, whatever the cost.

Speaking of blame, Yves Smith linked a fantastic article the other day: Syriza and the French Indemnity of 1871-73.

The author makes a convincing case why the suppression of wages in Germany led to disaster in Spain, why it was not a choice on the part of Spain to engage in irresponsible borrowing and how it is a conflict between workers and the financial elite rather than nations. He also offers historical precedent, with Germany being the recipient of a massive cash influx, ending in a catastrophe similar to Spain's nowadays.

It strikes me as a very objective dissection of what happend, what's going on, and what needs to happen to get things back in shape. Then again, it agrees with many points I made on that BBC videos last week, so it's right within my bubble.

oritteropo said:

So Tsipras promises to sell half the government cars, and one of the three government jets, and that the politicians will set the example of frugal living. Despite these and other promises Greenspan, and almost everyone else, is predicting the Grexit.

I only found a single solitary article that was positive, and I'd be a lot happier if I thought he might be right -

I found another quote that I liked, but unfortunately I can't find it again... it was something along the lines that as Syriza are promising a budget surplus it's time to stop calling them radical left: They're really centre left.

The only radical thing about them is their promise to end the kleptocracy and for the budget cuts to include themselves (in my experience this is extremely rare among any political party).

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