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Let's talk about the Trump Georgia indictment contents....

surfingyt says...


bewb depends on his sloppiness and lack of nuance to make broad arguments that are laughable on their face.

91 bewb. youre trying to tell us "most" are bogus without going into a single example? i dare you to break down the entire list, coward.

bobknight33 said:

41 counts and most are probably just BS

Beau schools on schooling: why 'FREE' scares Biff & Babs

luxintenebris says...

the whole 'worthless degrees' is largely bogus. unless it's a DJT University ratskin, just the experience alone broads a person's mind (some more/some less).

a cartoon once read where a woman lamented to her girlfriend, that as a housewife, she didn't get to use her psychology degree. her husband interrupts them complaining about the cleanness of the floors. the wife tells him she just did them and the argument goes into overdrive. finally, she chides him w/"oh! big talk! as if you could do better!" oh, of course, he takes the bait, rolls up his sleeves...and the wife's friend smilingly says "you never use it?"

don't think it ever goes to total waste.

and bk33's contention that free education would be undervalued is largely bupkiss too: the desire to pay back is often a motivation; enhances the tax base; fills jobs that translate to greater national security...etc. the value is too great to be ignored. for the country or the individual.

even if it was worthless, it still can be appreciated. like the time Bob Newhart told the story of a tryst he had w/a woman he met at a party. both drunk, ending up in the back of his car - - as he put it, "it meant nothing. never saw her again. it was the cheapest, meaningless moment that i'll never forget for the rest of my life!"

btw: an idea of what a French citizen pays at the Sorbonne

newtboy said:

When my mother graduated summa cum laude from Rice University, it was one of the most respected universities in America and 100% free. Her degrees are anything but worthless. So much for that talking point.

In California, jr colleges are quite affordable, when I went it was under $250 a semester for 15+ units, all transferable to nearly any 4 year school. That’s a savings of about $80 k on freshman and sophomore years alone. The classes were small, the professors award winners, and they got to teach instead of trying to weed out 2/3 of the class like many 4 year colleges. Now in many cases 2 years of full class schedules are free in California at least. I don’t know why anyone would go to a 4 year college for freshman and sophomore year.

I didn’t care about a degree, so I stayed at jr college for 10 years taking whatever I wanted. More people should take advantage of them.

I Changed Astronomy Forever. He Won the Nobel Prize for It.

dahauns says...

@vil: Well, it's actually Bell herself that has a similar opinion:

It has been suggested that I should have had a part in the Nobel Prize awarded to Tony Hewish for the discovery of pulsars. There are several comments that I would like to make on this: First, demarcation disputes between supervisor and student are always difficult, probably impossible to resolve. Secondly, it is the supervisor who has the final responsibility for the success or failure of the project. We hear of cases where a supervisor blames his student for a failure, but we know that it is largely the fault of the supervisor. It seems only fair to me that he should benefit from the successes, too. Thirdly, I believe it would demean Nobel Prizes if they were awarded to research students, except in very exceptional cases, and I do not believe this is one of them. Finally, I am not myself upset about it – after all, I am in good company, am I not!

And that doesn't mean she was ignorant to the issue - she *did* tear the sexist media a new one, with gleeful wit:

When the paper was published the press descended, and when they discovered a woman was involved they descended even faster. I had my photograph taken standing on a bank, sitting on a bank, standing on a bank examining bogus records, sitting on a bank examining bogus records: one of them even had me running down the bank waving my arms in the air. Look happy dear, you've just made a Discovery! (Archimedes doesn't know what he missed!) Meanwhile the journalists were asking relevant questions like was I taller than or not quite as tall as Princess Margaret (we have quaint units of measurement in Britain) and how many boyfriends did I have at a time?

Ex-Trump Adviser Steve Bannon Arrested & Charged with Fraud

bobknight33 says...


Federal Judge Dismisses Steve Bannon’s Indictment.

Bogus Charges on Bannon Dropped… ‘We Build The Wall’ Case Falls Apart…

Brian Williams Mocks Fox & Friends Realization ..Masks Work

Hitler learns he can't stop vote counting

When white supremacists overthrew a government

bobknight33 says...

Yet another fool drinks Kool Aid.

Bogus Dog whistle you listen to. They don't exits.

Nixon tried to peel off the sensible democrats and it did not work. That Racist Democrat south held tight.

Racist Democrats kept the south. Republicans pushed for Civil rights bill of 64. 80% of Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the bill. Less than 70% of Democrats.

Democrat party are the party of racism not Republicans.

Even more so today Democrats are spouting that racism is worst that ever. Such BS.

newtboy said:

Hilarious coming from you, who time and time and time again has tried to pretend the Southern Strategy never happened, no matter how many times it's shoved in your face, and from your account, consistently voted most likely to be a Russian troll.

Could Earth's Heat Solve Our Energy Problems?

Mueller Complained About Barr’s Letter to Congress

bobknight33 says...

Trump was illegally spied on from directive from some top DOJ / FBI/ DNI officials using the a bogus dossier from Russian bought by the Clinton's/ DNC groups. This was insurance to get rid of Trump if elected. They failed.

And this is just the cover to what the Obama administration was truly up to, Spying on Americans for reasons yet discovered.

2 1/2 years to prove that the Trump /Russia connection was BS . Now its Trumps turn.

The buttecup nonsense you site is good fodder just like Nader threatening Barr of Contempt if he doe not runt over unredacted Muller report. Its great for fund raising and grandstand but has no legal standing.

newtboy said:

370+ former federal prosecutors from both parties have signed a letter stating unequivocally that, were he not the president and being shielded from prosecution by the DOJ under some partisan theories/policies (but not by any law), Trump would absolutely be prosecuted for obstruction based on the evidence in the report....anyone else would already be in court.

Funny that some scream "exoneration!....sour grapes!...sore losers!" directly contradicting the report summation, but the same people want another Clinton investigation.

Prove Apple wrong about data recovery and get banned

Jinx says...

She posted a video demonstrating the kinds of comments she was posting, which were then promptly deleted. As far as I could tell there was nothing in them to warrant their deletion except the suggestion that data may be recoverable - which apparently Apple thinks is bogus advice.

re. Encryption - as far as I am aware she repairs the phones enough for them to turn on, the phone's owner still has to unlock it they want their things back. There are also some components which have some sort of hardcoded serial number, and cannot be replaced, but apparently enough of the parts can be interchanged that it isn't usually a problem.

Breaking the toilet in front of the pooch made me grit my teeth as well. That were dumb.

I don't think there should be an onus on Apple to repair instead of replace, but they could cooperate a little (or a lot) better with those businesses that are willing to offer that service. At the very least they should cease misleading their customers and stop removing perfectly legitimate advice.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh Testify

Mordhaus says...

I'm pretty sure that if the tables were turned and somehow Hillary ran as a Republican, the Democrats would have voted for Trump as well. We tend to overlook things like reason and sanity in the USA when it comes to people/teams/etc that we hate.

Plus Trump was selling a message that a lot of people bought into, that they were somehow going to go back to a time when factory and coal jobs were a thing for middle class union type people. People who didn't work in those fields knew it was bogus from the get go, but when you live in a shitty area and desperately want to scroll back progress so that you can get your guaranteed 30+ an hour job/lifetime pension without a college education, you tend to overlook small things like guys grabbing pussies.

You are right, in a sane country Hillary probably would have been elected. She also probably wouldn't have been eligible to run because she would have beaten out Obama in 2008. She didn't because people were so desperate for something, anything to change in our fucked up government that they went with Obama. Hell, I even voted for him the first time. But, we lost our sanity sometime around the period when elected an actor over a generally 'nice guy' kind of president. Said actor/governor then instituted the following amazing things:

* The War on Drugs - utter failure
* Reaganomics - depends on who you ask, but it pretty much fucked us for years to come.
* Wonderful changes and cuts to education - See previous. They are still trying to undo the fuckery that was done to education in the 80's.
* Increased military spending to astronomical levels - pretty much fucked anyone not working for defense contractors.
* Destabilized Nicaragua and pissed off Iran worse at us - yeah, that didn't work out for us.
* Largely ignored the AIDs epidemic - tragedy on multiple levels.
* Etc

That fucker is still viewed as one of the best presidents and Carter as one of the worst.

ChaosEngine said:

I didn't like Hillary either, but it doesn't change the fact that people looked at Hillary, looked at Trump and decided "you know what, I'm going to vote for the guy that admitted to sexually assaulting women".

And if you buy that "locker room talk" nonsense, I have a bridge to sell you....

Ecuador The Equator - Water Demonstration - Coriolis Effect

drradon says...

completely bogus demonstration: if you look carefully, you will see that the water in the basin for the first demonstration was completely still - and drained straight down. But for the north and south demonstrations, she poured the water into the basin at one side of the basin - setting up circulation in the basin - and immediately pulled the plug. What she was demonstrating was conservation of angular momentum, not the coriolis effect.

Is the Trump presidency a religious cult?

bobknight33 says...

Trump represents himself as the opposite of everything wrong with Washington DC and Hillary Clinton and the last 8 years.

His agenda to to MAGA. and to drain the swamp.

He is bring jobs back and lowering unemployment. The tag line "Its the economy stupid. " rings true. After 8 years of poor growth and leadership indicating 2% growth is the new norm, Damn right people want someone who promises better. And Trump is delivering on the economy. Hillary really didn't have a message.

World affairs-- Tentative , promising ? still evolving, but hopeful. Got 3 prinisors out of NK, alive. It's a start.

Draining the swamp, dozens not seeking reelection or just leaving.
DOJ, FBI, Fired,resigned , compromised
Anthony Weiner laptop search warrant was unsealed today. Now more bad news for HRC and many more.
But the wheels of justice moves slowly.

Also The Inspector General final Draft is nearly completed--

Also noted that the FBI had a snitch placed in the Trump camp and was feed bogus information -- A total FBI scam.

If Obama delivered solid growth Hillary would have been a shoe in, as repulsive as she is.

Like how you blame Republicans for destruction in 2008. BS but ok lets go with it and take ownership. Obama took ownership in 2008 and was responsible for fixing the mess and he failed.

Clinton stood for what ? LBGTQ and universal healthcare.

newtboy said:

Cults of personality are rarely about religion.
Are you saying evangelicals aren't real Americans, or that they're just all hypocritical liars disingenuously hiding behind religion?

If it was the economy. stupid, the Republican party would have disbanded in 2008 after they utterly destroyed it, and you would be a Democrat.

It's tribalism. It's all about 'my team's right, yours is wrong,' that's why fiscally responsible anti war moralists so easily turned into deficit and debt exploding pro war immoral long as they wear the right color tie, absolutely nothing else matters to you.

You admit Trump's a consummate liar, but you naively continue to believe his cheerleading fluff that comes with far less actual info than Clinton offered and changes daily as he is forced to face reality and indisputable facts. Why?

Is the Dumpling the Perfect Food?

officer Izzo-a message and a plea to the public

newtboy says...

Comply....this is not a solution for the citizens, it's a solution for the officers. People clearly complying have been shot, on camera, repeatedly. Remember "hands up, don't shoot"....that was a slogan because so many people were shot while their hands were up complying. It sure didn't help the caregiver that was prone with hands outstretched begging them to not shoot at the totally harmless mentally challenged man child seated and playing with a truck, but they still did shoot repeatedly, hitting the prone caregiver.

Also, just comply means just allow them to violate your rights, claiming you can recapture your violated rights with no effort by suing...WTF?!? You have a right to know why you're being arrested. You have a right to not answer them when they scream at you. You have a right to carry cash without it being stolen. You have a right to insist on your rights not being violated in the first place. You do not have to allow them to violate you in the hopes that you can prove they did it....prove it against their lies, their fellow officers lies, the prosecutors bias, the judges bias, the evidence disappearing, the harassment from them and other cops, and while fighting the bogus charges that pop up when you file your lawsuit.

The police do act as judge, jury, and executioner many times....that's why people hate cops, not because they are confused about what judges are for. It's because cops so often abuse their authority and/or lie and in the process completely destroy multiple lives (both those they charge and family/bystanders) with impunity, immunity, derision, and zero empathy, then they usually blame their victims for not 'just complying'.
I'm already really beginning to dislike this asshat.

Just let them violate you to death and then sue them, huh? When those 2-3-4 officers all lie, hide evidence, and retaliate against anyone who contradicts their lies (including other cops), that 'remedy' rarely wins in court without incontrovertible evidence proving they all lied, incontrovertible evidence that the cops didn't know about to hide or destroy...and it can't unviolate you or restore lost time, sanity, or life.
...and yes, because they overwhelmingly stand behind those proven to have violated rights and worse, they all get painted with that brush until that changes. The blue wall is responsible for those "good" cops being painted as "bad", not the citizens who's trust has been so often violated. When you stand with a thug and support and protect them, you are one.

No quotas? OK, now this guy has moved from bad advice that benefits only the cops, not the citizen, to ridiculous self serving bold faced lies. It's been clearly, incontrovertibly, repeatedly proven and unashamedly admitted by uncountable officers and their supervisors in hundreds if not thousands of jurisdictions, most cops do have quotas.

BTW, that's EX officer Izzo....thank goodness.

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