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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol…you wish. It is clearly true and fits his character exactly. There are even recordings, dummy. Disproved how…because the lying felon said it’s not true? 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
You brainless moron. Still listening to and reposting the Russian paid mouthpieces….did you think we would forget this tool was caught taking Russian bribes to spread Russian propaganda? Sorry Charlie, we aren’t brainless like you, we can recall yesterday without our leader telling us what to remember. Another fail, Vlad.

Democrats aren’t fuming over one more instance of the felon being a fascist, and the report has not fallen flat as you wish it would, it is building steam and gaining traction after hitting the ground running. What has fallen flat is your fat boy’s campaign that has cancelled any appearance not in his safe space and can only bring in a few hundred at tiny rallies in high school gyms he can’t even fill now. 😂

Billboards are outside his flaccid LV rally right now reminding every cultist that great leader is a wannabe Hitler without the blitzkrieg (but with the meth addled brain) who still idolizes the worlds (second?) biggest monster according to most of his “best people”. (Also a reminder how not properly cowtowing can take a “best people” and “first choice for Chief of Staff” level person and make them into a “lowlife” for telling the truth.)

He has been 100% consistent in his praise for Hitler for decades, famously “read” Mien Kampf (kept it on his bed table anyway) repeatedly as reported by his ex wifes decades ago (along with their reports under oath that he raped them and other women, weakly retracted only after multi million dollar payoffs and NDAs that would be illegal today). There is zero doubt outside the cult that his well known long term historical praise for Hitler continues….sucker.

His (for years gay transexual) VP Vance said the same thing and worse, said he is “America’s Hitler”. This is news to no one.

He was too scared of Harris to show up to the CNN town hall he had agreed to attend, afraid he would come off an even bigger loser than after the debate. Harris converted some maggots on live tv. Good going felon. His health is failing, he cites “exhaustion” for cancelling many events weeks before the election. He will not live to Jan 20, and in the unlikely event that he did, and had won, Vance is prepared to use the 25th amendment on day one, he will not be president under any circumstances.

Don’t forget this picture of the 50+ year old married felon groping a 13 year old girl, hand on her ass, tiny dick pressed hard into her front on Epstein Kiddie Rape island, a place he went often for nude “massages” with 13 year old girls like this one.

Stacy Williams, Epstein’s girlfriend, reiterated her account of the felon sexually assaulting her when Epstein set it up. Just one more verified account with photos and signed evidence to corroborate it and nothing but more empty denials from the multiple time sex offender.

Not a fake story, photos, videos, and volumes of contemporaneous records prove he was a regular, with “massages” by YOUNG naked girls on rape island all 100% CONFIRMED despite his denials. You know it, you know it’s true, you just don’t care because you are a sick, disgusting cultist in a death and child rape cult of personality.

BWAAAHAHAHA! Elon’s paid canvassers have learned how to spoof his gps tracker to get paid for canvassing while sitting still, at least 30% of the homes they claim to have visited reported no visit according to Elon. Another horrificly planned scheme falls apart….you guys can’t do anything right because you try to cheat at every turn…it isn’t working out! This is the ENTIRE ground game…the RNC has none at all, zero, zilch, zip, nada, nothing! When you have to pay your people to do the bare minimum for your campaign, you are toast….and when they find a way to get paid without helping…you are burnt toast. 😂

Why do you fantasize about non existent cat piss? That’s weird….you’re weird.

The other 3 reports of his complete lack of morals, ethics, scruples, or honor are all completely verified as well….with paper trails and photographs and witnesses and bills. His evidence is “nuh-uh.”

PS- your boy is now contesting active servicemen being allowed to vote, because the military doesn’t buy his lies either so he needs them to not vote. Look it up. Lawsuits filed by the campaign and RNC to disenfranchise military personnel from their votes.

bobknight33 said:

Yet another fake and disproved story.

You are truly stupid and gullible.

I can only imagine the smell of cat piss in your house.


Land of Mine Trailer

luxintenebris says...

rather thought some of the ribs were delicious.

no offense, but there was some 'kill, kill, kill' theme in those treatises.

in defense, learn about the Holocaust at an age most youngsters have just mastered tying their shoes. nix the naiveté or naïveté or naivete?* herr? ['tho didn't finish 'Night', as traveling through that deep of darkness, one could easily fall into the abyss.]

seriously. psycop was cool. me, chill. thee? like a blitzkrieg attack on anyone differing in the least. ya' know? like a culling of anyone un-erring.

no. not down w/pedicide. not see the upside. don't know the movie or actual events. found it questionable to put a person in a minefield and tie it to their freedom - - - is that being bold?

you're a bright guy. wound a tad tight, I'd wager, but on this subject, ya' make me yearn for something conversion with my Palestine pal or his Serbian side-kick. that was a blast.

or bantering with bob k.

are you on the west coast? hear it's like an oven out there.

BTW: missed Buhhda on a Bun, Allaha on Baba...and other expansions on the theology theme...Zoroaster in alabaster

fun isn't it!

*who was the 'nazi'?

Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Republican

newtboy says...

Same goes for any other Republican that said the same and now wants a blitzkrieg to install a non judge (before her recent appointment by Trump and a woman who intends to legislate based on the bible) at an accelerated speed not seen in history not the constitution, right? Of course that's right.
So you support immediately impeaching everyone who's followed suit. Cool.

It's going to be a 6-3 supreme court with 3 being sycophants not professionals.

Yes, it's his decision, which patriots make based on national best interest but the right flip flops their thinking based on what's politically expedient, what's best for them, and precedent or their solemn word means nothing if it doesn't help them today, they're willing dishonest, disingenuous hypocrites but you love that.

The court today is heavily conservative now, 5-3, and will stay 5-4 conservative without him filling the slot during an election. Can't you count to 8?

At least when they get the power, democrats are poised to add as many seats as necessary to balance it.

Tell me when it's been a 6-3 liberal court.
Tell me when a lame duck president has confirmed a court pick during an election.
Tell me when the last time you sucked off a 13 year old boy was.
Tell me!

bobknight33 said:

Lets be frank.
Lyndsey Graham is a POS. He a political tool and goes with political wind.

The nicest thing I can say about him is that I hope he joins his friend ( also a POS) John McCain .

WRT of supreme court nomination. My first thought was no, not till after election. Then Democrats ranted and screamed that would pack the court and a few other things.

POTUS job is to nominate, as did Obama. Dems did not control the senate. Mitch McConnell was / is the Senate Majority Leader. It is his decision to or not to advise and consent.

AS to now the court will be conservative if Trumps pick goes through, that implies that it was had a liberal slant.

Sounds like liberals don't want that to happen

This is America it swings to the left for a while then to the right.

How Russia Stopped The Blitzkrieg

SFOGuy says...

key terms:

Defense in depth: multiple layers of anti-tank guns interwoven with mines, trenches, infantry, and artillery already registered and aimed at killing zones in front of the obstacles. No single hard crust; rather, more like the layers of an armored onion; as you peel one layer, the next one pops up.

"Pak belt": the reference term for anti-tank guns.

Commissar: the political officer who will shoot any man who retreats from their defense of the motherland.

"Shoulders": the sides of the place in the line pierced by the first plunge of the blitzkrieg that have to held by the defense in order to slow it and give the counterattack a wide open flank to punch into.

Reliability: new German tank models were rushed into battle at Kursk at Hitler's direct insistence before they had been debugged. The battle started 6 days after the last just-barely-not-a-prototype Panther had been delivered to the front. The battle began with 184 Panthers on the rolls; by day two, there were 40 operational; by day 5, there were 10 total...

Ironically, the decision to delay the battle by two months, giving the Soviets time to build up all of their defenses (digging trenches and anti-tank obstacles takes time)--was made to make it possible for the Panther to get to the front..

This Administration Is Running Like A Fine Tuned Machine

newtboy says...

You contradict yourself. You said he is delivering what he said.
If, as it seems, you admit he's failed to deliver on any of these promises, what do you mean by that?
So far, all I see him actually deliver is hypocrisy and ineptitude, no uncontested victories, no ability to unite, and a seriously dangerous plunge in international respect with nation after nation ignoring/violating treaties and expanding their militaries and territories in a blitzkrieg (China, Russia, N Korea, Israel, Iran, etc).

4weeks in and you throw in the towel? He's not emperor yet, but he's on track to get us there by declaring the media an enemy of America, the Judicial branch partisan political activists, international obligations and law negotiable, and nuclear war acceptable. 1 year and 11 months to go before a new congress and likely impeachment if that power hasn't been striped from them by then.

bobknight33 said:

4 weeks in and you have thrown in the towel on this man.
3 years and 11 months ago.

Give him time a fair shake. Heck not all his secretaries have passed.

HE is not emperor just a president.

He need House and Senate to form and move forward legislation.

Protecting and serving with man's best friend

Buttle says...

This is truly bad, because the violence seems so transparently pointless, almost as though the dog cop thought "Pyro here" ("Fluffy" and "Blitzkrieg" must have been taken) "Pyro seems kind of listless, he needs some exercise, like ripping this poor bastard's face off."
And the little chat they have with him afterwards is almost as bad, in a "come here honey and give your abuser a nice kiss" kind of way.

Sure, the cops are responsible for their violence, and for their part in holding up the blue wall, but complicity does not end there. There's the busybody, either hateful or clueless, that called the cops in the first place. There are the legion of lawyers and judges that have carved out a gaping officer safety exception to the constitution. And, finally, because even a police state can't operate without the consent of most of the governed, there is the rest of us, anyone who has supported a candidate, or voted for one, because he promises lawn order uber alles.

We got your lawn order right here.

It's sure quiet on VS. (Sift Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Maybe peeps bees burnt-out on the newest 00's sensation...
YouTube Media Blitzkrieg Overdrive² + Unlimited/Legally-elusive Torrent Downloading/ the fact that we've seen everything there is to see in the form of the rapidly-deteriorating human comedy??

Or maybe there's a sign written in visible ink on the door that reads, "Private Party: Participants Scrutinized With Tweezers By Red Bull Addicted Gamers and Star Wars Fans."

Love you antman, you are part of the glue that keeps this ship's keel intact

Heavy Metal Playing Heavy Metal

Two Westboro Douche Nozzles

Fletch says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^Fletch:
I could get behind an overwhelming paintball blitzkrieg at one of their protests, however.

You win this thread.
I would love to do that. Unfortunately, I'm in NZ and the nearest thing we have to these guys is the Density Destiny Church, and they're pretty second rate as fundamentalist nutjobs go.

Dismissing them as second-rate fundamentalist nutjobs is like being ok with someone because they're only a little bit Nazi.

Two Westboro Douche Nozzles

Two Westboro Douche Nozzles

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^Fletch:

I could get behind an overwhelming paintball blitzkrieg at one of their protests, however.

You win this thread.

I would love to do that. Unfortunately, I'm in NZ and the nearest thing we have to these guys is the Density Destiny Church, and they're pretty second rate as fundamentalist nutjobs go.

Two Westboro Douche Nozzles

Fletch says...

>> ^Yogi:

You know, the reason these people feel that they are invincible is that no one has bothered to murder any of them yet. People say that's not the way to deal with them, but I can guarantee if they worried about their safety they wouldn't protest as much at all. The heads of that church are just barely keeping those people enthrall, if you make their adventures personally too costly, they will no longer protest and we will be free of them. Take one of these guys into an alley, and blow their brains out of the back of their head, and you will see a dramatic change in behavior.

I guess it wouldn't really matter, metaphysically-speaking, as most of us (according to Westboro Douche Nozzles) are going to hell anyway.

Still, my morals don't originate from religion or the Bible, so I can't condone murder. I could get behind an overwhelming paintball blitzkrieg at one of their protests, however.

Iran’s nuclear program designed to ‘finish off’ Israel

Khamenei Warns Iran’s Top Leaders: WAR IN WEEKS

4 Armed Mohawked Robot playing the drums

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