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Re-Entry | A Short Film about Life and Death

BSR says...

The solution to the Bible puzzle is that "GOD" is the name given to the person reading the book. The Neverending Story.

newtboy said:

Hence what I think is the best lesson from the Bible….”Treat others as you would have them treat you.” The rest is all unnecessary filler I can do without.

I like ice cream! Huzzah!

Re-Entry | A Short Film about Life and Death

newtboy says...

Hence what I think is the best lesson from the Bible….”Treat others as you would have them treat you.” The rest is all unnecessary filler I can do without.

I like ice cream! Huzzah!

BSR said:

Some people are just slow learners.

Any good you do for others also comes back to you.

You want more ice cream? Help yourself.

Disagreement About Masks at Christmas 2021 in Math Class

newtboy says...

Reading bible passages in class as “something we can all agree on” is the definition of proselytizing to a captive audience….and outside of private religious schools is totally inappropriate.

It’s not “fun” to be ostracized in public because you believe different mythology or are smart enough to ignore all stone aged mythology…..really only disbelieving one more myth than the believers.

Getting the season completely wrong because you don’t know it was chosen to make it easier to use religion as a political tool is a bit different from “the exact date being inaccurate”. It’s an outright, bold faced, well documented lie, created as a political ploy from the 4th century used to degrade and absorb Zoasterism/Mithraism in order to control the masses politically. That is absolutely a “credibility” issue, and if you don’t get it, that’s an education and/or ethics issue. Christianity has many major credibility issues, being “created” (codified) as a political tool is just one of them. Stealing almost every bit of the mythology from previous religions and denying it is another.

Yes, the misuse of Fauci clips out of context is another issue of truthfulness here, but those who are intentionally ignorant of the reality they just lived through are lost and not worth wasting my breath on. As anyone with two brain cells knows, the first, “you don’t need to wear a mask in public” was recommended at that time because a massive mask shortage meant health care workers had to reuse paper masks sometimes for months during a major pandemic, (and clearly they needed priority on the limited supply) not because we had information saying they weren’t useful….but that’s a minor detail of history I feel only brain dead ignoramuses consider in question, relevant, or factual, and they have discarded fact, truth, reason, and logic in favor of their cult of personality….so there’s no real point arguing with them. Just let them get Covid and hope for EIA.

Preaching one religion in a public class room and claiming “we all agree” is a continuation of a much more pernicious, long term, continuing battle for the religious freedom our country was founded on, and I find it outrageous and anti American that you dismiss it as nothing. I can only hope your children’s teachers aren’t a vastly different, contradictory religion than you and they don’t teach your children that everyone agrees with their religion, not yours, and don’t use proveable fallacies to make their point….but if they do I’ll be here to dismiss your concerns.

iPhone 13 A Repair Nightmare - Teardown and Repair Assessmen

BSR says...



'Paradise Lost': How The Apple Became The Forbidden Fruit

This month marks 350 years since John Milton sold his publisher the copyright of Paradise Lost for the sum of five pounds.

His great work dramatizes the oldest story in the Bible, whose principal characters we know only too well: God, Adam, Eve, Satan in the form of a talking snake — and an apple.

Except, of course, that Genesis never names the apple but simply refers to "the fruit." To quote from the King James Bible:

And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.'"

"Fruit" is also the word Milton employs in the poem's sonorous opening lines:

Of Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit

Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal taste

Brought Death into the World, and all our woe

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

Absolutely not, why are you lying? I stated that contraceptives aren't perfect, and fail at much higher rates than most think. There is no contraceptive that's 100% effective, and on average the most common are well over 8% failures according to the CDC, but there is abortion that's 100% effective. I never said anything approaching an implication that people are too stupid to use them, it's insanely stupid to think what I said was assigning blame to end users for not using other contraceptives.

They do use contraception, and still need secondary methods when contraceptives fail, which some do for over 1/4 of people who use them. No contraception is 100% effective....not even abstinence if you believe the bible.
BTW, the church has repeatedly tried to stop contraception from being available....Don't try to pretend you're still sticking to your religious arguments when you say that, the church/Christianity opposes contraception just like they oppose abortion, clearly because they like having power over others, not because we need more people.

Maybe she paid them, it's not clear nor is that relevant. The passage listed sentences for crimes done to her, but says if violent abortion was the totality of the "harm", then there was no harm and no crime. They couldn't be more clear that the unborn child wasn't capable of being murdered or harmed.

No, it hasn't been smashed. You claim it was, you look it up and prove your own position if you can. It's already been asserted successfully by people much smarter than you.

To kill something it first had to live. To live, it has to breath. No breath, no life, just a potential life.

Anom212325 said:

"please don't try to impose your ignorant misunderstandings on others." Your the one implying woman and men are to stupid to use other forms of contraceptives.

"power grab over reproduction rights." Lol again if the woman don't want a child use contraceptives. Its her choice... You are the one saying they for some reason are to dumb to do that.

Did the woman pay those men to beat her ? Was it her choice to take the life of her child ? That argument of yours have been smashed to pieces countless times by people much smarter than me and you. Look it up.

"thou shalt not kill"

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

No, it's a medical, legal, and religious fact. One you disagree with, but accepted worldwide by governments and populations.

Doesn't the bible say murder is ok? Yes, yes it does. I do think there are many instances when murder is ok, like self defense. That is a widely accepted position too.

You fuck right off out of the U.S.....they legalized abortions first. If fucking right off is your rule, you go first, you were pissed at a political loss first.....then there's no abortion issue, outlaw it in your banana republic. Was it that hard? Fuck off moron.

Yeah, I have fucked right off out of Texas (born and raised there, btw), and I took my moderate estate with parents did too. Texas's loss, they need people with money and property, and educations. They have just ostracized a majority of them. Enjoy bankruptcy, and prepare for most states and countries to stop doing business with Texas. Isolation didn't work for Texas the first time, it's not likely to work now.

Anom212325 said:

"But you intentionally ignores the fact that the unborn aren't yet people." That is not a fact, that is a opinion. YOURS. Not those who are against abortions. YOU are telling them murder is ok. Think about that for a second...

"America has legalized abortions in every state by law because the majority wants it. Don't like it, fuck right off. " Finally you get it. Now fuck right off out of Texas. Was it that hard...

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

No, but you must be.
Baby murder gets the death penalty in Texas. This law calls for civil penalties, not even a parking ticket. It's an infraction of a regulation other citizens can profit from enforcing, not murder in any way shape or form, by Texas law.

You gave me the definition!!! ROTFLMFAHS!!!!
" Definition
Murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one HUMAN BEING by another"
But you intentionally ignore the fact that the unborn aren't yet people. You can't murder non people. I've pointed this out repeatedly. It seems you must have the illiteracy problem along with your reality problem.

It's true, I WOULD and HAVE defended infanticide, especially historically, but I absolutely have not mentioned it before now in this thread. Supporting abortion is not defending murder by any accepted definition of those words, you have to skew the definitions of human beings and the definition of murder before your position makes sense. Duh. I expect your verbal SAT score was awful, you have a tenuous grasp of English.

According to the bible, yep, not people. Sorry. Try reading it and interpreting what's actually there instead of having someone do it for you.

So, you are advocating Baptist Sharia law.

America has legalized abortions in every state by law because the majority wants it. Don't like it, fuck right off. As easy as that, but your ilk didn't fuck off, you prefer end runs around the constitution and the destruction of codified rights and using legal trickery and convolutions to enact laws that are knowingly unconstitutional but will effectively end abortions before the legal process can invalidate them by bankrupting providers. Anything BUT fucking right off. Take your own advice first, maybe.

Again, the majority in Texas don't want this, didn't vote for it, and absolutely don't want the consequences....which is an exodus of multi national corporations who won't support this nonsense with their wallets.

The majority of Americans are Christians, and a large majority want abortion to be legal and easy to access. Your logic is fatally flawed, being Christian doesn't mean you're anti abortion any more than it means you're anti murder, in fact it means you're more likely to support and defend murder, the bible prescribes it for almost any infraction from actual murder to mowing your lawn on Sunday. The bible says nearly nothing about abortion, what little it does say indicates it's not a crime. Holy fuck, learn your own religion before trying to impose it on others!

Texas was already teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, no doubt the backlash for this move will push them hard over the edge. I already cancelled my trip there, and won't be buying any Texas made products. I'm not alone.

Anom212325 said:

Are you really retarded or just pretending ? Making things up like I or Texans want them executed are not really helping your argument. It just makes you seem desperate and shows you have no moral issue on spreading fake info/news.

I gave you the definition. Your the one not recognizing it... I'll repeat it for you considering you lack the capability to read.

Murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another

Regarding reality. Again your the one defending murder... Your the one ignoring it.

Regarding legality. Again your the one bitching about the legal re-precautions and calling for people to break it.

"The unborn are not human beings" Not according to Christians, you know, the majority in Texas. The ones supporting the law. So we are back to square on. Don't like it, fuck off. As easy as that.

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

Agreed, so learn the fundamentals, because you have them wrong.

The bible says if a group of men beat a woman so hard she has a miscarriage but otherwise don't hurt her, no crime or harm has been done, but if they harm HER an eye for an eye comes into play. That's as close to directly saying abortions are fine because the unborn aren't people under Christianity as you could possibly hope for 1800 years before the current procedure existed....but it should be noted that the practice began nearly 5000 years ago in China, and 3500 years ago in European culture. It was not unknown when the bible was written, but is unmentioned beyond this passage that indicated it's not a crime under Christianity.

All the nonsense you've been taught and are repeating is not in the bible, it's only coming from the church as a power grab over reproduction rights. If you don't know the fundamentals of your own religion, please don't try to impose your ignorant misunderstandings on others.

Anom212325 said:

"other christians?" ...

"perscribed opinions" ...

If you don't know very fundamentals of the religion please don't try and be "smart"

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Just a protest that went too mean like the vast minority of BLM marches that ended with rioting? No, sorry, this was planned, organised, executed, and was planned by and supported from the Whitehouse, "it's gonna be wild", not a spontaneous over exuberance by people demanding they not be murdered by police where the organisers immediately and strongly denounce those causing damage and injuries and call for them to stop.

How is what you copied and pasted one word different from what I said?
The fbi released the information about him, including photos of him dressed in all black with his glasses hood and mask in the capitol and his posts and discussions with under cover agents outlining his intention to try to frame Antifa for the riot/coup by dressing like them in a press release, there's no crime of impersonating Antifa, nor a crime for having his friends do surveillance in public areas without an actual illegal action attached, but it will all be brought up at his trial and sentencing for....

Knowingly Enter or Remain in any Restricted Building or Grounds Without Lawful Authority to do so and Knowingly, and with Intent to Impede or Disrupt the Orderly Conduct of Government Business or Official Functions, Engage in Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct in, or Within Such Proximity to, Any Restricted Building or Grounds, When, or so that, Such Conduct, in Fact, Impedes or Disrupts the Orderly Conduct of Government Business or Official Functions

Disorderly Conduct on Capitol Grounds

Obstruction of an Official Proceeding....

In other words, charges for his actions during the failed violent coup for Trump that his supporters attempted that killed 5 and that he attempted to blatantly falsely blame on Antifa, just like you do.

Don't be surprised if conspiracy and terrorism charges come soon.

"According to the court record, at the time of his arrest he had several guns, including an AK-47, and the material to make 50 molotov cocktails. Not what you need for a peaceful protest, more what you bring to a violent government overthrow.
An undercover officer with the D.C. police first encountered Duong at the Capitol on Jan. 6, according to the government. Duong described himself as an “operator” and later explained that he wore all black to look like an anti-fascist activist, the government alleged in court documents. In video later seen by investigators, Duong is identified in court documents as shouting “We’re coming for you Nancy” and pushing a fellow protester toward the doors on the Senate side of the building.

"They stayed in touch, and a week later Duong allegedly told the undercover officer he was part of a “cloak and dagger” group that will “build resistances . . . for what will inevitably come.” In March, he told associates, “Keep your guns and be ready to use them.”

"He and others held “Bible study” where they discussed firearms explosives and other training, according to court documents; Duong also brought someone he described as a “three percenter” to one meeting. The right-wing Three Percenters movement, formed in 2008, is named after the false claim that only 3 percent of colonists fought in the American Revolution, many of it's members have been charged in the Jan 6 failed coup.
He talked about surveilling the Capitol building, and in February an associate took some footage of it, according to prosecutors. He also talked about freeing alleged rioters who were behind bars, saying, according to the government, “I see that as an opportunity. With every great revolution, you go to the prisons and you break them out.”
According to the court documents, he and the undercover agent toured the jail in Lorton, Va., where he talked about testing out explosives. He told the agent, the government alleged, that he was working on a “manifesto,” saying, “If I get into a gun fight with the feds and I don’t make it, I want to be able to transfer as much wisdom to my son as possible.” Prosecutors say he also discussed how far he could shoot on his family’s property in the event of a raid and said it could be the site of a second Waco.
He said at a meeting in June that he had collected Styrofoam and more than 50 wine bottles to make molotov cocktails but had held off on buying fuel “to avoid . . . being hit with a conspiracy charge,” according to the complaint filed against him. He told the undercover agent he had been saving motor oil from his car for that purpose."

Yep, sure sounds like a peaceful right wing protester to me, not another anti government right wing terrorist trying to blame their deadly anti American violence on the left....nooooooo.

bobknight33 said:

No one is listening to your fake news. The charges are vastly different than the fake news you listen to .

In contrast that the fake news is pushing day in day out is that Jan 6 was a protest that went too far. No more no less.

This is the charge against him:

U.S. Attorneys » District of Columbia » Capitol Breach Cases
Case Number:

Knowingly Enter or Remain in any Restricted Building or Grounds Without Lawful Authority to do so and Knowingly, and with Intent to Impede or Disrupt the Orderly Conduct of Government Business or Official Functions, Engage in Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct in, or Within Such Proximity to, Any Restricted Building or Grounds, When, or so that, Such Conduct, in Fact, Impedes or Disrupts the Orderly Conduct of Government Business or Official Functions

Disorderly Conduct on Capitol Grounds

Obstruction of an Official Proceeding
Location of Arrest:
Case Status:

Arrested 7/2 and initial appearance held the same day.

Preliminary Hearing set for 9/3 at 1 pm.

Man In The Women's Locker Room Is Now The Norm

newtboy says...

Lol....your theocratic colors are showing.
We know you would prefer Sharia law, where religion determines what's criminal, immoral, and degenerate.
I ask you, what does the bible say about transsexuals?

The party of
Death (penalty, covid, domestic terrorism)
Destruction (of infrastructure and the union, the economy, the ecosystem, discourse, functioning government, freedoms, and civil rights)
Debauchery (they ALWAYS are guilty of the sins they complain about...without fail and to extremes)

Puritanism (for others)
Patriotism (only for others)
Punishment (definitely only for others)

bobknight33 said:

All Wrong
The lady is correct.
The spa is force to kneel to degenerate laws.

The party of:
Death, (Abortion)
Destruction ( ANTIFA, BLM, Gang Violence)
Debauchery, ( This shit and worse)

Valedictorian Gives Unapproved Speech on Abortion Rights

newtboy says...

When you have to carry a child, sustaining it with your body even if you know it may kill you, or cannot live outside your womb, or will require constant medical attention at taxpayer expense because you have no money and this unintended pregnancy ends your career, then you can have a say. Until then, what you think is irrelevant.

You left out birth control failure....not that any of your exceptions exist in this new anti woman law. I hope all the decent thinking women in Texas move. I know some ready to. This can only dumb down an already short bus state.

Rape survivors had no choice. Incest survivors had no choice. Birth control failures were not by choice. None of these are exempt. Medical inability to safely carry a child.....that's up to doctors and courts to determine...doctors and courts with anti choice agendas wielding great power while shirking any responsibility.

You're such a misogynistic asshole. If men carried embryos abortions wouldn't just be available in every doctors office, they would be free, and there would be absolutely zero roadblocks to getting one on demand. You would have had at least three, I know full well you're far too stupid to be smart about sex even if you bore the brunt. You would impose Sharia law to remove autonomy from women only because it's unlikely to effect you. How about this....every time a woman is denied an abortion, the man who got her pregnant must have their entire penis removed and be forced into indentured servitude to pay for the bills....over $200000 on average. When you fight for that and win, you get a voice in this woman's issue.

Every time you get out the tweezers and Jack off, you've aborted millions of potential babies. You've therefore, by your definitions, personally murdered more babies than any group of women ever could. Obviously you don't care a bit when you are the murderers....then those unborn children don't count, even though the bible actually specifically says they do but never mentions abortion.

Hilariously, the party of "personal freedom" to make decisions about your own life doesn't believe women should enjoy that freedom....just like you claim to be the party of law and order....but only for others not yourselves.

If it can't live without help outside the womb, it's not a baby, it's a parasite living off another human being. If you think it's ok to force one person to be a life support system for a not yet human, get your ass down to the hospital and donate your kidney, liver, and stay at least 9 months as a transfusion donor without an option to quit...and pay the bills for those you saved. Until then, shut your idiotic hypocritical mouth you moronic woman hating dumb ass.

The Spartans were right, it's not a human until it's first birthday.

Why aren't you busy telling us how Trump will be reinstated as president in August? You know it will happen, a crack head said so. You do know Trump is pro-abortion and has arranged many, right?

bobknight33 said:

My dreams matter not my unborn child.

It has a heartbeat. I don't care let me kill it.

You had a choice. Just say no.

Rape, Incest or medical reason then ok. Else live with your decision.

Parents Read of books from the LCPS Library

newtboy says...

Approved for high school, not for small children. Many high school books deal in explicit detail with murders, torture, kidnapping, being buried alive, dismemberment, etc....but these prudes flip out at the mention of sex. Grow up, repressed little babies. If you want to shield your children from reality, home school them.
If you're ok with the tell tale heart but upset by this, you have a serious fucking problem. If you're ok with sleepy hollow but have a problem with this, you have a serious fucking problem. If you're ok with mutiny on the bounty but have a problem with this, you have a serious fucking problem. If you're ok with kids reading the bible but have a problem with this, you have an outrageously serious problem you need professional help with.

It sure seems the issue is that they're black girls having oral sex, because the sex couldn't be more soft core and many high school books have sexual components much more graphic than this.

Racing for $100

Racing for $100

Lessons from 2,000+ Interviews with Broken People

JiggaJonson says...

Awww, no love eh? that's okay, I hate you too. I don't say that lightly either. You are a piece of human garbage. That's why I'm happy to place a bet with you, I do actually have several methods if you don't like the first I provide, for escrow.

He's not a fighter, he's a traitor. He sold out his country for his own wealth. You left out the part where he stepped back from the nuclear agreement and now Iran is enriching weapons grade uranium. OH WELL, at least the bible thumpers here are happy about pulling one over on muslims or something, im not sure.

The wall? nope
Repeal and replace obamacare? nope

rather than repeat all this, see for yourself

Fuck you and your socialism-for-the-rich-only president.

"I want all to succeed. I've posted TESLA video to show you that hopefully you will look into them and invest in them.
This is the decade of EV ( electronic vehicles). Get in on it."

From the guy who still supports a president who defunded electric car subsidies and removed lower emission standards. What a joke.

And trump being an A-hole is not something anyone should ignore. I've seen this in various forms for 4 years "Yes i don't like his morals or the way he talks or the way he deals with other people or the way he runs his businesses and cheats on his wife or talks to veterans or women but..."

But nothing, those are aspects of a person's character that you are a fool to ignore.

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