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FOX news reacts to senate torture report-we are AWESOME

newtboy says...

it's not illegal, we got legal advice that told us it wasn't, so there!
Just because it was directly against multiple conventions AND United States law means nothing, Bush lawyers said it's OK, the rest of the world just doesn't understand because they're all too stupid.
Wait, aren't these the people who have been telling us that the government is taking over, doing illegal, immoral things and over reaching beyond the law? Now they don't need to know what the CIA does in our name because...Gruber and Benghazi!?! Now they say we need less 'conversation' about what WE do, and more about what other countries are doing.
I just lost about 17 IQ points watching this.

Don't Tell Em (Obamacare version)

newtboy says...

(or to say it another way, I don't think this will gain traction outside the far-right)

I'm curious @blankfist, are you irate at the Republicans for not telling you what was really in the bill they had the opportunity to read (but you did not)? You expect this from the democrats, so they only lived up to expectations, no? The republicans could have made this point long before the vote on ACA, but instead opted to claim Grandma was going to be sent to the death panels and other nonsense.
And, I must think those who are surprised in any way either missed or misunderstood the supreme court decision last time the ACA was defended, when they said the ACA was legal BECAUSE it is a tax. Anyone who was in the dark should have understood at that point, they made it clear. That's why I don't think this is likely to gain traction, it's not news, it's just rehashing 5 year old politics in the hope that most people don't recall what happened back then and will be angry about it again. That's how I see it.

I do agree, the climate that makes misrepresentation of what's actually in a bill is terrible for everyone. It would be much better if we could bar lawyers from holding any high public office/representative position, as many founding fathers wanted. Then bills might be written in clear language (by all sides). Good luck getting that though.

EDIT: Wanted to downvote the intent of the video, but wanted to upvote the funny I'll just not vote.

Obama scolds O'Reilly. Good for him.

Obama scolds O'Reilly. Good for him.

VoodooV says...

It's been well established that the guy who initiated the extra scrutiny on the 501c4 exemptions did so for good reason and nothing political, and not only that, identifies as a republican.

It's been well established that there was no scandal in Benghazi.

It's been well established that Obama was born in Hawaii

But facts don't matter to BillO and Faux

Stewart Rips Apart 60 Minutes & 'Pile of Shit' TIME Magazine

Yogi says...

I'm not a fan of Obama in anyway shape or form. But stop trying to make Benghazi happen, it is NOT going to happen!

If anything the thing in Benghazi is a scandal because we refuse to leave despite the public's protests against us being there.

Ann Coulter Sounds Like Moron, Tries to Save Face

RedSky says...


I recall news reporting just prior to military intervention in Libya was suggesting that Gaddafi's forces were approaching Benghazi and there were expectations of massacre if they were to reach it.

Wikipedia for what it's worth:

"9 March 2011: The head of the Libyan National Transitional Council, Mustafa Abdul Jalil, "pleaded for the international community to move quickly to impose a no-fly zone over Libya, declaring that any delay would result in more casualties".[38] Three days later, he stated that if pro-Gaddafi forces reached Benghazi, then they would kill "half a million" people. He stated, "If there is no no-fly zone imposed on Gaddafi's regime, and his ships are not checked, we will have a catastrophe in Libya."[39]"

"17 March 2011: The UN Security Council, acting under the authority of Chapter VII of the UN Charter, approved a no-fly zone by a vote of ten in favour, zero against, and five abstentions, via United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973. The five abstentions were: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and Germany.[49][50][51][60][61] Less than twenty-four hours later, Libya announced that it would halt all military operations in response to the UN Security Council resolution.[62][63]"

glenn greenwald takes morning joe to task

Fairbs says...

The Patriot Act was intentionally put into place in a time of war and uncertainty. It should have been a much bigger deal at that time. I find it funny that the people who are so afraid that our guns are getting taken away had no outrage over this back when it was passed. So willing to give up their freedoms when a R is in office, cause if you don't you're unAmerican or have something to hide.

It's reminds me of the outrage over the embassy attack in Benghazi. That is such a big deal, but the 12 times embassies were attacked when bush was in office are not?

Maher exposes Republicans Secret Rules

Maher exposes Republicans Secret Rules

aaronfr says...

Benghazi is a scam because:

1. a rescue team was being assembled, but it was too late
2. a local militia does not AL-QAEDA make, he called it an 'act of terror' that day and the he 'covered it up' for a whole three days...
3. the death of a State Department official in a dangerous and unstable country, while unfortunate, is not particularly surprising. Of course, if Republicans had not cut funding for embassy security, maybe it wouldn't have happened.
4. the released emails about the talking points show that the State Department didn't want to take all the blame and that the CIA actually edited out the strongest language

As has been stated before, there are plenty of real scandals and real reasons to distrust/detest this president, but Benghazi ain't one of 'em.

lantern53 said:

Benghazi is a scandal because 1. no one approved any kind of rescue mission 2. Obama said Al-Qaeda was on it's heels and blamed it on a video because his election was imminent 3. an ambassador was killed 4. talking points were changed to make him look better

So Obama really was asleep when that 3am call came in, and stayed asleep...this makes the US look weak around the world, which encourages more terrorism

But since y'all love him so big deal, 'death is a part of life'.

Maher exposes Republicans Secret Rules

lantern53 says...

Benghazi is a scandal because 1. no one approved any kind of rescue mission 2. Obama said Al-Qaeda was on it's heels and blamed it on a video because his election was imminent 3. an ambassador was killed 4. talking points were changed to make him look better

So Obama really was asleep when that 3am call came in, and stayed asleep...this makes the US look weak around the world, which encourages more terrorism

But since y'all love him so big deal, 'death is a part of life'.

Maher exposes Republicans Secret Rules

Jaer says...

I'm not a Maher fan, but he does have a few points.
Yes, the Benghazi fiasco is an issue, as is the IRS thing, but these two "scandals" are far from being anything close to the "worst" scandal that's ever happened.
Thing is, that the American public in general (and congress even more so) has a very short attention span, they easily forget and dismiss history and only focus on the present. So when something pops up, they instantly think it's the "worst thing" (or "best" thing, depending on the situation) ever.

Maher exposes Republicans Secret Rules

radx says...

Between wars of aggression (Iraq, Afghanistan) and the violation of national sovereignty (Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Jemen, Somalia), the running of gulags (Gitmo, Baghram) and torture facilities (airport in Mogadishu), the NDAA and the war on whistleblowers on the one hand and the entire corporate corruption (too big to fail/jail in particular) on the other hand, there's plenty of reason to take a good look at what the latest administrations have been responsible for.

But hey, Benghazi and the IRS are the real scandals, right?

Not Thomas Drake, John Kiriakou and Bradley Manning or Anwar al-Awlaki, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki and Samir Khan. Certainly not HSBC or Gitmo. And neither nightly JSOC raids nor cruise missile attacks, much less torture and kidnapping.

Maher exposes Republicans Secret Rules

Maher exposes Republicans Secret Rules

VoodooV says...

Nope. Sorry. The "both parties are equally bad" fallacy has been perpetuated by the neo-libertarians for a long time and it needs to die.

Yes both parties are bad. They needlessly divide our country.

S.E. Cupp demonstrated this during the show. She agreed that Obama has nothing to do with the IRS scandal and that Benghazi is overblown. When exactly is she going to speak out about it hrm other than Bill's show? Does she go on her show and advocate evenhandedness? Nope. Because it benefits her party and it is a detriment to the other party to perpetuate it so it benefits her to not advocate it and let the BS continue. Truth be damned

To argue, however, that they are 50/50 equal is bullshit. It's impossible. When you go down the line and consider every single political issue. You are inevitably going to lean one way or the other, however slightly. 49/51 is not equally bad. One is preferable than the other.

That's how our elections have been for a long time now. Voting for the lesser of two evils. The choices they give us suck but we ultimately choose the one that sucks just a tiny bit less, even by the smallest amount. Even if you say fuck it and vote third party or write someone in, you're still saying "This person sucks less than the other choices." And if you don't vote...well fuck you then.

I agree that both parties suck and we need to abolish parties. To argue they're exactly the same, though, is a dodge and/or cowardice.

shang said:

Bill Maher is a moron. And "republican secret rules" also fits for "democrat secret rules"

both parties are the exact same, they are just 2 sides of the same coin.

and media makes damn sure that other parties never get mentioned, as to keep watchers brain washed into thinking there is a difference between the 2 parties.

for example I'm a tea partier but I'm also one of the most vocal in my groups 'occupy wall street' movement. The media would have you think tea party = republican and occupy = democrat

it's not neither are, they are both for getting back to constitution, reaffirming 10th amendment, and stop bailing out banks who refuse to lend money to civilians making bailouts worthless, setting our economy up to fail like Greece.

Maher exposes Republicans Secret Rules

bareboards2 says...

@eric3579, here is a transcript. So you can get the info without the annoying delivery:

And finally, New Rule: there are scandals, and then there are scandals. And perspective is important. Yes, to explain Benghazi, Susan Rice used talking points. But at least she didn't have to read them off her hand! [graphic of Palin looking into her palm]

Now this week, someone was taken off a cross-country flight in handcuffs for singing "I Will Always Love You" for three straight hours. And that's still fewer times has said "Benghazi". I've seen this woman [Megyn Kelly] say Benghazi on my TV so many times, I don't know if it's a problem with the set, or I'm in an Asian horror movie, and there's a monster named Benghazi.

Congressman and friend of Real Time Darrell Issa is the Chairman of the Oversight Committee, and as most Californians know, he made his fortune in car alarms. And now, ironically, has become a loud, repetitive, but ultimately pointless device that you wish to God someone would shut off so you could get some sleep. (audience applause)

But here's the difference between Darrell Issa and a car alarm. Sometimes when a car alarm goes off, there's an actual crime. I keep looking for the crime here, I feel like Reese Witherspoon arguing with the cop. Why are you arresting me? Susan Rice said "mob" instead of "al-Qaeda"? Obama said "act of terror" instead of "terrorist act"?

Republicans are constantly coming up with these never before stated secret rules, that they only tell you about once you've broken them.

"You don't make important speeches from a teleprompter!"


"No golfing until we have a budget!"

All right.

"Thou shalt not criticize the President when he's on foreign soil, unless he's a Democrat, of course, then it's OK."

Congressman Peter King thundered that the President was almost four minutes into his first Benghazi statement before he mentioned an act of terror! Ah yes, the four-minute rule. Fuck, how could I forget?!

'Scuse me, Nixon ran a burglary ring out of the Oval Office. Reagan traded arms with terrorists. Bush ginned up a war where thousands died by sending Colin Powell to lie to the UN with props, remember that? He turned an American hero into General Carrot Top! But I let it go. I said this is the business we've chosen.

But please, don't tell me that freedom died because Susan Rice broke the scared bond between citizens and talk shows. In a poll this week, 4 in 10 Republicans said Benghazi is the worst scandal in American history. Second worst? Kanye West snatching the mic from Taylor Swift.

If you think Benghazi is worse than slavery, the Trail of Tears, Japanese internment, Tuskegee, purposefully injecting Guatemalan mental patients with syphilis, lying about WMDs, and the fact that banks today are still foreclosing on mortgages they don't own, then your hard-on for Obama has lasted more than four hours, and you need to call a doctor. (wild audience cheering and applause)

And while the press has been occupied with scandal, the biggest scandal, and the most important story of the century so far, happened last week. Scientists reported that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has passed the long-feared milestone of 400 parts per million. And unless you're a chimney sweep, that's bad news. Because humans have never lived through it.

You think Susan Rice gave bogus talking points about Benghazi? What about the bullshit talking points the entire Republican Party has been spewing on climate change since the 90s? (audience applause)

I wanna see the e-mails to find out who came up with the talking points that global warming is just a theory, and that it needs more study, and climate change is a hoax. The Obama administration isn't dirty, the air is.

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