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Biden Has A Lot To Boast About In New Covid Relief Bill

StukaFox says...

Yeah -- just raise the rates like they did in December of '18. That ended REAL well and it was only 1% and some talk of 3%.

I'm all in favor of stupid money and the Robinhood muppets getting a taste of what a real bear market is like, but once this shit gets rolling, I have no idea how to stop it -- and neither does the Fed.

TangledThorns said:

Hooray for inflation!

A Tourism Video For Australia (Made By A New Zealander)

What’s Driving California’s Mass Exodus?

newtboy says...

It bears noting that more people are born here than left, even when you subtract deaths the population is still growing. Note, there's a housing shortage of near 4 million according to them, if California was the failed state they pretend it is, there would be a housing glut.

It also bears noting that with all the "anti business" regulations California remains the fifth largest economy in the world. Note how many billionaires that made their fortunes here are in the exodus crowd, California produces billionaires like a product.

I lost count how many times they mentioned Austin as a main destination, but I know Texans, and especially Austonians, HATE Californians and for decades have complained that Californians have ruined Austin, over regulated everything, and made it nearly uninhabitable. It also bears mention that one reason the state went dark and dry is they privatized their utilities with little oversight and predictably those companies deferred repairs and upkeep. That's pretty bad for is the less skilled and educated workforce.

Don't let these dishonest people fool you, San Francisco is not representative of the state, and using it as a measure of housing costs is as dishonest as can be.

I noticed, most people leaving make under $100000 per year and can expect to make less where ever they go, while most moving here make over $100000 a year and can expect their earnings to rise.

This piece was incredibly biased.

John West Salmon Bear Fight Advert

Man kick a bear in the balls

Man kick a bear in the balls

Man kick a bear in the balls

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Michigan State Senator, Deluded boy....

What nonsensical twaddle. You grasp onto the stupidest lies but this one takes the cake...McConnell was working AGAINST Trump!? Too funny, LMFAHS. It's telling that you think your best arguments are pure whataboutism comparing and excusing serious and actual crimes with just dumb fantasy created out of thin air. "Telling the truth"!?! ROTFL.

I guess you forgot you are claiming Antifa caused it, because now you're saying McConnell caused it. Are you supportive of removing him now, impeaching McConnell, since you now suddenly think McConnell is against Trump, a leader of Antifa, and the architect of the Trump coup, despite all evidence to the contrary? Your lies are flailing contradictions.....if you had an iq above 80 you might notice you just claimed Trumptards followed instructions from Antifa who was really working for high ranking Republicans in an effort to disqualify effort the same high ranking Republicans thwarted by delaying a trial until they wrongly claimed it was too late to try one and used that lie to excuse their not guilty votes, even though they freely admit Trump committed treason by instigating the coup attempt.


As usual, Fuck your unknown far right wing propaganda/virus hosting site. Creativedestructionmedia....sounds really professional and exactly the kind of deep investigative journalism that would uncover such a brilliant bipartisan scheme to defraud you......oh, sorry, I meant to say it sounds like another propaganda site spreading stupid lies based in pure partisan fantasy, bearing no semblance to reality, blatant lies that only total brain dead morons can't see through from the title alone. You just beg to be lied's so dumb're being so dumb it's impressive you haven't drowned looking up at a rain storm mouth agape.

This time i won't bother looking up this new lie, it's just so incredibly fucking stupid. Because a stupid Trumptard Michigan state senator said it indicates it's made up stupid bullshit, not that it's true. Duh. This one is particularly brainless even for you. Holy shit. Caught on camera!? He's said it in interviews, the guy's a total trumpcuck and nutjob liar willing to come up with any dumb lie to save Donny....just like you.

Trumptard senators and representatives believe Trump won the election, false, he's NEVER won an election.
They believe in baby eating cabals of hundreds of thousands of magically young baby eaters and rapists despite zero evidence of that nutty claim that requires belief in actual magic and has plenty of evidence and reality itself against it.
They believe Jewish space lasers are creating all that evidence of global warming they said was all made up, but now they suddenly admit the evidence is real, they just switched the argument to claim those temperatures, melting glaciers, droughts, wildfires, etc are created by Jews with space lasers.....but they aren't antisemitic, noooooo.
They believe in a multi-million person international conspiracy to defraud the election that went 100% perfectly leaving absolutely no trace of the biggest crime syndicate of all time by a factor of 1000. Not one email, text, letter, carrier pigeon message coordinating this convoluted, international scheme created by someone long dead and a group they say are dumb and incompetent. You people should all be committed for your own safety. You are clinically insane.

McConnell voted not guilty, and told other republicans to use the debunked and legally wrong claim that the trial was unconstitutional (a legal argument with no basis in fact, history, precedent, or which was legally decided before the "trial" started when the full Senate declared it constitutional, and no court has ever ruled otherwise) kinda proves this new stupid and bat shit crazy desperate claim is utter bullshit....and only believed by hyper partisan idiots that don't care if they believe lies as long as those lies help their Messiah.

You are such a stupid brain dead tool for Trump. How does that mushroom tip taste? Better get a syphilis test. It rots your it's probably too late for you.

I don't think you could come up with a stupider more ridiculous self contradictory lie if you hired Mensa to create one. Jesus fucking Christ, this is some hard core dumb insanity Bobby. You MUST be joking trying to sell that stupidity.

This crap is why people think you, and most Trumptards, are all ignorant morons that can barely spell their own names. Even people with below average intelligence are insulted by the implication that they might be convinced of this kind of idiocy. I'm flabbergasted you aren't embarrassed to try it.

...and I'm not your son, guy.

bobknight33 said:

Dreaming my son.

what about this..
Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirkey caught on camera telling the truth about Jan 6th.

It was ALL staged, Mitch McConnell wanted it to be “a mess” so he could secure a Trump impeachment conviction for Pelosi and Schumer.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

From today's hearings....
“You know, I’m not afraid of Donald Trump running again in four years,” Representative Ted Lieu said. “I’m afraid he’s going to run again and lose, because he can do this again.”

Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.), also got at this idea.

“All of these people who have been arrested and charged, they’re being accountable, held accountable for their actions,” she said. “Their leader, the man who incited them, must be held accountable as well.”

DeGette added later: “Impeachment is not to punish, but to prevent. We are not here to punish Donald Trump. We are here to prevent the seeds of hatred that he planted from bearing any more fruit.”

Mordhaus said:

Let's say they actually get the votes, I still think it's a waste of time. They bar him from being elected again, but nothing can stop him from naming an 'heir'.

If you think about it, that is even worse than him running again. If he runs, he will still unite every liberal leaning person and most fence sitters against him. If he designates a person for his supporters to align behind, they will get the almost half of voters that voted for him AND a lot of the middle who might be sick of Biden/Dems by 2024.

A victory here is, at best, a moral one. It won't stop a future President of Trump's nature from trying the same thing because that is the way a person like him acts. It does nothing but provide a feel good moment while wasting more of my tax money.

D-Cycle Piston by YAN ENGINES

TheFreak says...

I see 3 times as much rotating mass. Plus the exhaust lifter has to be under spring tension and lifting that every compression and exhaust cycle is going to add more losses.

Also..."your exhaust lifter bearings are shot. You're going to need a full bottom end rebuild." :-(

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Here fuckwit. Someone reposted it after all Trump accounts were frozen for inciting insurrection.

All complete bullshit inflammatory lies designed to enrage and inflame. “Fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell you aren’t going to have a country anymore”
"we got to get rid of the weak congresspeople, the ones that aren’t any good, the Liz Cheneys of the world, we got to get rid of them. We got to get rid of them.”

He gave you a full page of transcript, not two words out of context you liar.

No Democratic representative suggested he wasn’t really president, none called for his removal by illegal force, none called for fighting like hell, none called for trial by combat, none said your country was “stolen”. You’re so full of shit. One called for PURELY VERBAL harassment, and her colleagues lambasted her for it.

On the other hand, Trump said the insurrectionist terrorists were fighting a good fight, he’s proud of them, and he loves them AFTER the attack.

It bears noting, every single person there that was asked on camera said they were there because Trump told them to come and fight to take their country back....many insisted they would follow that instruction to the death but only one did. “It’s going to be wild”!

bobknight33 said:

What a flaws reach.

Show the video, Any video, ANY ANY ANY .... Not a 2 word out of context BS. SHOW IT!

There is none,

There were however over last 3 years of Democrat leaders/ liberals/ activists calling for the direct harassment of conservatives.

Where were you then?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It bears noting, for all this cheating they publicly claim happened they haven't even made those claims in court or produced a single shred of evidence supporting it. Now their court cases are over and the votes certified.

bobknight33 said:

You think some Obama appointed judge be the final say, you are sadly mistaken.

Trump might lose but not yet.

Trump did have a landslide victory but Democrats well being Democrats cheated the shit out of the election.

But hey when did Democrats ever car about election integrity?


That is one fat bear

That is one fat bear

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