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TDS 6/24/13 - Money Boo Boo - The Canadian Banking System

Ron Paul "When...TRUTH Becomes Treasonous!"

Taint says...

Bobknight's post is a great example of missing the point.

In that entire historical diatribe about how the Democratic Party is bad because of it's history he manages to completely ignore the ideas that formed the basis of the parties.

Hey Bob, if you read this let me ask you something. Do you really think the label "Democratic Party" has any meaning in the historical context you're so painfully trying to cite?

Do you think that the old south was full of liberals, or do you think the old south was conservative as ever and just the LABELS of what the party means changed?

Here's a history lesson for you, pal. The Democratic Party was started in the south as a conservative anti-federal, anti-government party. Sounds just like the south today. Sounds a lot like the republican party doesn't it?

Everything you criticize and ascribe to the "Democratic Party" you're laying the blame on the conservatives.

The democrats were the conservatives. Understand what that means?

The south didn't change, only the label of the party did. The republicans of the 19th century? They were the legacy of Hamilton's federalists, the industrialists, the northern bankers, supporters of strong central government, just the type of people you hate.

So when you condemn the democratic party history, you sound like an idiot coming from a conservative anti-federal government point of view. You're condemning the ancestors to your own movement.

You could call it the green party, or the birthday party for all it matters, it's the IDEAS that count.

The democrats were wrong in 1860 not because they were democrats, but because they were backward thinking, rural, anti-union, state rights supporters who plunged the whole country into a bloody war because they couldn't wake up and smell the 20th century coming.

Sounds like you'd get along with them famously! Doesn't it?

The problem with the Tea Party isn't who buys their bus rides, it's that, like you, they don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

Bradley Manning goes to trial

enoch says...

navy here.

and i agree.actions have consequences.
manning knew that as did daniel ellisberg and a litany of other people who revealed classified information but they did it anyways because they felt the truth should be known.
that the truth was more important than their own safety and security.

this is why i use the term "courage".
to act on ones own sense of morality and conscience KNOWING the full weight of an entire government will be pressing down on you when it all comes out.

the days of woodward and bernstein are gone i think.i could be wrong but i read the governments reaction as a strong signal to those who would seek to undermine its absolute authority.
see:the godfather principle

reporters being wiretapped and emails and phone records confiscated.
whistleblower status has been denied more than any other time in americas history.
its an old tactic.
create a climate of fear to intimidate anyone who challenges the narrative.

we shall see where this goes because i feel it will be a strong indicator of things to come.
interesting times my friend.

as for social programs.
i guess i would rather see my taxes go to infrastructure and the old lady down the street rather than bail out corrupt bankers and bomb brown people in a distant country.

but empire is expensive and we need those bombs.
or so they say.
i tend to disagree.

anyways.thanks for replying my friend.

The Moment a Dictator Realizes his Time is Over

chingalera says...

No dude, the evil and destructive as well as the holy and undefiled, and a wide-range of other manifestations of the universe are what we're made of-Don't be so hard on yourself, place your disgust where it can do the most good-On the backs of those who indulge in the unsavory as a lifestyle choice....Cunts like politicians, world leaders and their complicit thugs and lawyers and bankers-
These are the unconscionable, these are the vile.

Lawdeedaw said:

I don't think it says something about that person, but about the mental state of humanity. We are an evil, destructive people at our bases. And we really don't need a reason to do this type of retribution either--hell, he could have been a black man trying to escape in America about 160 years ago. Or he could be someone that leaves the faith of Islam. Or...yeah, you get the point.

Preaching Against Obamanation

chingalera says...

I propose a type of reverse abortion law that legalizes the elimination of born, developed and realized fetuses who already have legacies of inconveniencing or otherwise complicating a couple's lives. We could start with bankers and lawyers, politicians and CEO's-Give the unborn a fighting-chance and all.....Legalize Homicide!

MilkmanDan (Member Profile)

"Yeah, I would like to raise my debt limit."

chingalera says...

China is buying Gold like gangbusters and the price is again on the rise-Cypriots are feeling the first test-run of the world banker's looting of everyone's shit-tickets as the worker-ants and bees of the world sit around talking about not burning Goldman-Sachs to the ground. Being at the center of the empire only means we get the worst end of the security thugs who protect the cunts when everyone wakes up and gets militant with these pricks absconding with every one's blood,sweat,and property.

Got a short-list of the ones to assassinate first in case anyone wants to implement Phase 1...

Trancecoach said:

What this parody fails to recognize is that, being in the center of the empire enables us to sell the debt to other countries... As long as there are others there to purchase the Fed's newly minted fiat, there's plenty of music left in the calliope... that is, of course, until the music stops (and China decides to buy gold and diversify out of the dollar....

CNN Sympathizes with High School Rapists

chingalera says...

Real clever.
Shrug, no, but you can apparently be just as predictable an asshole as someone who does, eh?

Uhhh, I think all news is complete shit and consider journalism as a profession akin to that of a banker or lawyer, so...Sorry to dash your fantasy about just who the fuck I am. Yo, Libby??.... Republicans are democrats and democrats republicans in this kid's paradigm-I don't play that game with people, it's fucking offensive.

arekin said:

Shrug, we cant all watch fox news...

TYT/Brett Arends: So God Made a Banker

chingalera says...

My grandad never paid federal income taxes-He had no social security number. Mechanic in the army air corps and hand engraver for over 50 years (one of 6 at the time in the U.S. with his particular skills).

He told us never to trust a banker, a lawyer, or a doctor.

Since then I have heard several folks from the same era tell me that similar advice was standard for many who have been on the receiving end of endless un-lubricated ass-fuckings by these so-called professions and their support infrastructure.

'Malcolm X - Make It Plain' - Fascinating Documentary

Bill Burr Takes Aim at Lance and Oprah on Conan...

Deano says...

On the scale of evil he might not be at the Hitler level but his behaviour has been reprehensible. The actions of bankers and others doesn't let him off the hook.

Yogi said:

He did pay a price. He lost all his trophies that he won, to me that is the price you pay for cheating in a sport. A sport, that doesn't fucking matter. Yet we bring athletes in front of a Senate commission, and when they lie we try to throw them in jail? What happens when a President lies? What happens when a General lies? What happens when a Bankster lies?

You see this is the problem I have, people are disproportionately passionate about Armstrong or Barry Bonds cheating at a sport. Yet when people do serious harm in the world, kill people or risk the continuation of our species, nothing significant happens.

So no I don't give a shit, Armstrong did nothing wrong. He didn't kill anyone, he didn't poison the planet, he didn't throw children out on the streets to be homeless. He won some stupid little jerseys, and people care more about that then their own lives. It's pathetic, we deserve our fate.

Bill Burr Takes Aim at Lance and Oprah on Conan...

Yogi says...

To be honest I care less about you than I care about Lance having his jerseys. Think about it *Glare*

Also Jail for Perjury and Fraud, why? We don't put bankers in jail, we don't put war criminals in jail. Why the fuck does everyone get soo upset about athletes cheating but people who cause real problems in our country "Eh whatever." Fuck Everyone!

ChaosEngine said:

How do you feel about the part where he sued several people into the ground simply for telling the truth about him?

Fuck Lance Armstrong. He's an egotistical prick and frankly, he should go to jail for perjury and fraud.

Bugger The Bankers

cricket says...


Bugger The Bankers 

When I was a lass I was proud of my class, like my father and mother before me
They taught me to fight for my civil rights, but it’s always the same old story – 
The rich reign supreme while the poor can but dream under Labour or Liberal or Tory 
And I say -
Bugger the bankers and politicians, bugger the bureaucrats too 
Bugger the buggers who make up the rules
And if you're one of them - bugger you
And if you're one of them - bugger you 

The system is bent and the money’s all spent, we’re badgered from every direction
The workers get taxed while the wealthy relax with nary a moment’s reflection
Where there’s brass, there’s muck and they don’t give an arse 
‘Cos we’re programmed against insurrection
And I say -
Bugger the bankers and politicians, bugger the bureaucrats too 
Bugger the buggers who make up the rules
And if you're one of them - bugger you
And if you're one of them - bugger you 


Now all you good people with passion to vent, don’t give up the struggle for justice 
But I’ve done my time on the protesters’ line and these days I show my dissent
By loitering within my tent
And I say -
Bugger the bankers and politicians, bugger the bureaucrats too 
Bugger the buggers who make up the rules
And if you're one of them - bugger you
And if you're one of them - bugger you, oh 

Bugger the bankers and politicians, bugger the bureaucrats too 
Bugger the buggers who make up the rules
And if you're one of them - bugger you
And if you're one of them - bugger you 
And if you're one of them - bugger you 

© Suzy Davies 2012 

TYT: GOP Takes on Big Bank CEOs?!

chingalera says...

Republicans!!.........DEMOCRATS!! CEO's, bankers...(watching the world burn and editorializing on the spectacle with in-eloquent, imitated verbiage, through smudged, mud-encrusted goggles.)

TYT claim to fame (using newsspeak) making a name off of the opinion of their fawning press and how peeps REACT to anything completely out of their control, AND LAUGH AT YOU WHILE THEY SUCK AT IT!! I maintain as always, TYT yet another iteration of the same fucking tools, designed to render helpless those who may not be capable of using a simple implement.....saaaay, a shovel or mallet.

Colin Powell calls out Republican racism

dystopianfuturetoday says...


A lot of conservatives use this kind of 'I'm non-political', 'I'm non-partisan' type of language, usually in the middle of a highly political and partisan comment, as you have done here. Why is this? Do you not understand the meaning of these words?

You are extremely political and extremely conservative. Your views on race, guns, conspiracy theories, economics and the like are all pretty much your standard issue Texas Conservative fare.

I get that people would rather subscribe to elaborate fantasies about shadowy elite organizations seeking world domination than dealing with grim realities, but when you dilute serious conversations with dumb conspiracy theories, you are only serving as a distraction from the real life elite organizations that openly dominate our politics by light of day.

There are no reptilians or evil jewish bankers trying to enslave you. It's fiction, like Xenu and magic underpants.

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