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Old Timey Organ - Smooth Criminal

poolcleaner says...

Adding an apostrophe is the accepted pluralization of an acronym or initialism ending in the letter S. Same is true if the noun is a single letter or number. You'll see it most frequently in books that contain the initialism SOS or on the hats of the Oakland A's or Baltimore O's.

"I'm sending out SOS's to warn of the impending BBSes."

Sarzy said:

This is giving me some serious flashbacks to downloading midi files of pop songs from one of the local BBSes back in the early '90s.

enoch (Member Profile)

I think it needs Googly eyes..

I think it needs Googly eyes..

Police have no CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY to protect YOU!

bobknight33 says...

I was just using this as a recent example. I am sure there are many examples but Ferguson and Baltimore are all very recent and public.

lantern53 said:

yeah...none of those people had it coming...just cops randomly choosing people, mostly based on their skin color...

dude, what size blinders are you wearing?

Claimed Police Brutality - What is your take?

newtboy says...

My take, there's no way to tell if there was brutality. Most everything happened off camera. However, there's no legal reason for them to be demanding passengers ID themselves unless the officer had reason to believe they had committed a crime (being black doesn't count). That seemed to be the reason for all the action and over reaction.

Any word on what happened in the end? Did the daughter have an asthma attack? Did she get help? Not rendering assistance is one of the charges in Baltimore, isn't it? They do have a duty to provide medical assistance if it's needed, and a death due to neglecting that duty is manslaughter at least.

Just your everyday harassment, courtesy of the NYPD

lantern53 says...

Anyone notice how crime in Baltimore has shot through the roof since the police have been shackled?

Proves that the cops are preventing crime there, at least they were until the gov't got everyone riled up.

Now Baltimore is a self-cleaning oven.

Just your everyday harassment, courtesy of the NYPD

bobknight33 says...

WTF and your White Privilege claims.

People who obey society norms keep privileges. Those who don't loose them.

You imply those without white privilege receive "The general unconditional trust of society" Those without the societal trust have lost it due to their own actions.

"You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization — including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility and all the other basic things — without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large." Thomas Sowell

Those who have lost societal trust have to work harder to regain it. Stop dressing like a hood rat. stay in school. Don't hang around bad people. Its the 10% who ruin it for the other 90% Let the police round those thugs up and clean your community.

You listed Atlanta, This is NYC, Also Cleavland, Baltimore. All Democrat controlled. Democrats are doing a great job.


GenjiKilpatrick said:

The problem with white culture is.. @lantern53, @newtboy & @AllWhitePeople

White Privilege insulated you from the reality of your advantages and the true suffering of others who aren't white

Hell, white people include if poor uneducated.

(I asked a white friend.
He said that white people just see other white people as strangers.
Makes sense now I guess)

You live in this White Privilege Bubble where "everyone's equal cause this is AMERICA!"

Everyone in your bubble has bootstraps. A safety net.
Reliable job opportunites and call-backs.
No fear of being harassed and/or murdered by police.
The general unconditional trust of society

In the bubble of impoverished black culture, however.. having a chance at leaving that poverty is a pipe-dream.

I know, because I live in Atlanta.
A place notorious for lots of poor black communities.

My girlfriend was born and raised in it.

Her parents were addicted to crack.
(Funny how crack possession carries a harsher sentence than cocaine possession, considering their the exact same drug.)

She saw a dead body in the street when she was 6.
(Gang violence is present when decent jobs and summer camps aren't)

She had Police SWAT invade her home & hold a gun to her head around the same age.
(Because busting potential drug dealers is more important that entering the correct house.)

Her cousin, who was probably a prostitute since 12 or 13, is currently very happy that her new "boyfriend" doesn't beat her.
(She feels like that's a win. Hell, my girlfriend was herself convinced that she'd "grow up to be a prostitute."
You know, the norm.)

For the last 5 months, my girlfriend has lived with a 21 year old prostitute (started at 14 when homeless) and her much older "boyfriend"/pimp because that was the only "affordable" housing near her work.

(She mentioned that earlier this month, there was a new girl there some mornings who was definitely probably 13 or 14.
She literally just moved out today and happened to spot her ex-roommate working her corner near West End Mall. )

So yeah, white people assume - No, righteously assert - all black people are just a equal as white people.

Because you all think:

"I've got bootstraps & dignity & great opportunites & everlasting hope.
Stop whining and take personal responsibility."

The reality is starkly different.

Black people are reminded of that difference LITERALLY EVERYDAY.

We're remind everytime an unarmed black youth is murder, just for "looking threatening".

Even with civil rights laws, even with a brown president.

You'll never know what it's truly like to be non-white..

Because White Privilege prevents you from even having to acknowledge these issue.

Just call it all even and blame the rest on personal responsibility.

Just your everyday harassment, courtesy of the NYPD

GenjiKilpatrick says...


I'm gonna be nice cause I don't have any experience with you or your opinions yet. And, to an extent, I agree..

Hopefully you can contribute something meaningful to videosift, considering all the great voices who've disappeared from this place.

It's just extremely frustrating that these two goofballs are haven't left yet.

And in fact, your premise is a topic that I definitely have been meaning to discuss.

There's a Prager "University" video that addresses that exact premise of sugarcoated vs blatant belligerent racist.

The video itself is flagrantly patronizing.

That being said we have all three types of racist on videosift currently:

Bobknight is your classic Neo-Con Racist.
- He hates blacks, gays, jews & liberals and makes no qualms about expressing how subhuman those groups are.

Trancecoach is your more politically-correct racist.
- Seems pretty open-minded and accepting, until you reach the middle or end of his comment.
Then it's all like "isn't it sad that all black people have no fathers and live in the ghetto."

Lantern is a special case.
- He'll be toned-down yet flagrant at times. Openly belligerent at others.
But it's always under the guise of "I can't be racist cause I don't FEEL like i'm racist"

He even used the classic "Well I CAN'T be racist cause my DAUGHTER married a BLACK/BIRACIAL guy! See, not racist"

Then will immediately say some heinously racist shit like he has in this thread. i.e.

"Of course I didn't bother reading the article for context or facts.
I'm a cop, I know how the 'Criminal Element' thinks.
Clearly those kids were dangerous.
If we had just heard the audio, we would have seen how those punks are no better than those looting rioting savages in Baltimore"

So no, JustSaiyan.. I would NOT prefer to have some idiot saying idiot things whenever I come back to check out the site.

At least Bill O'Reilly is smart enough to have a somewhat substantive discussion.

Lantern just says racist shit, then cowers behind the "i'm a good person because my job & family FORCE me into being around lesbians & colored people.. and I put up with that pretty well. so.. yeah.."

But yeah, I just hate people like Lantern cause he's too chicken shit to just say he thinks black people are inferior whenever I press him on it.

At least Bobknight will straight tell you gays are immoral sinful perverts or whatever. The old-fashion, honest, terrifying-murder-clown bigot he is.

Then again, Bobknight can't admit he's racist either.
So.. maybe that's just a core Conservative talking point now.

Just your everyday harassment, courtesy of the NYPD

Jinx says...

At the end I wondered if the woman was calling the cops and then I was all like "oh, wait".

I think it's worth remembering that the failings aren't limited entirely to the police force. I believe they are a product of their environment as much as poor neighbourhoods they "police". This is institutional racism, a system in which good people are trapped by the aftershocks of white supremacy. Not to say individuals shouldn't be held accountable, I just don't believe that taking an antagonistic stance towards the enforcers is somehow going to shame them into improving when really the problem is far more complex and much more deeply rooted than "all police are racist pigs". How does anything grow straight in a city like Baltimore, really.

Just your everyday harassment, courtesy of the NYPD

lantern53 says...

Why do you keep calling me a racist? Do you think that will somehow make it true?

I did not read the article as I thought the video would stand on it's own, so I went back and read the article.

If the cops are making up charges on people, then obviously I don't approve.

What I find cogent to the issue is that the cops continue to try and protect people in these dangerous areas by combating crime there. The cops could be hanging out in libraries or candy stores, doing nothing, but instead they are in the high-crime areas, preventing crime and arresting criminals.

What happens when the cops slow down? Look at Baltimore, where city administration has shown they do not support the police, which is mostly minority, and you get over 50 shooting since the riots. Just this past weekend 9 people shot to death in Baltimore.

Big city cops do things differently than small town cops do, but their working environment is a lot worse. I've heard cops who have visited big cities and are startled at how hardcore the cops are there, but there is a reason for's a tough neighborhood. Same thing happens to soldiers...kill or be killed will do a number on your head.

Do you really think conditions would improve if there were no cops? Would they improve if there were no criminals?

Cops will never be perfect, the situation will never be perfect, but the citizen has a recourse if cops misbehave, and it's called civil court. But until you have a case, i still think you should support the police because they are there to protect you.

Just your everyday harassment, courtesy of the NYPD

Black Man Vs. White Man Carrying AR-15 Legally

lantern53 says...

Genji you are a sad, delusional individual who is doomed to failure because you think you are surrounded by racists who stay up nights thinking of ways to keep you down.

It sounds like a mental disorder.

If I were a racist, why wouldn't I just come out and blame everything on your race?

Of course there is racism, but there is less racism now than at any time in US history. WE HAVE A BLACK PRESIDENT!

We have a whole nation of successful black people, hispanic people, asian people, jewish people.

Racism is your excuse.

But to get back on point, I don't believe that the cops are institutionally racist.

Baltimore, for example, has more black officers than white officers. Are all those black officers racist?

I stand with the black officers, not the antisocial thugs who destroyed that city, who destroyed private property, who targeted other minority businesses simply because they were not black..that's REAL racism.

You ascribe a whole lot of false narratives to me simply because I am a cop...that is a kind of racism. That's is truly prejudicial.

You can't show me one comment from me where I denigrate anyone based on their race.


Louis CK Explains Where Nigger Originated to Patrice O'Neal

shang says...

Louis CK is a god!

Nigger was a feeling...

Just as Chris Rock says there are black people then their are niggers
There are also whites and white trash/rednecks

The great Baltimore chimpout shows bad side of stereotypes.

I'll give blacks one thing, even the criminals in Baltimore destroying heir own city and being put down like Korean grocer killed looter last week. They come together.

If whites came together and rioted we'd overthrow the government!
The last times whites came together in mass, we overthrew King George's rule on America. Via terrorism, burning buildings, bombing ammo dumps, guerilla war that redcoats had never fought before.

You are a woman in handcuffs? Let me punch and kick you!

Fairbs says...

I would include looking the other way as a trait of bad cops, but I still don't believe the numbers are that high. I do see your point though.

It's interesting that the riots in Detroit back in the 60's are very similar to what happened in Ferguson and Baltimore. Blacks sick of getting killed by bad cops and finally having enough of it. 40 years later same shit.

newtboy said:

I would say even 1% is WAY too many if the remaining 99% are going to look the other way.
For it to be only 1%, you have to consider those by-standing cops that let their 'brothers' be violent criminals as "good cops". I can't go that far, meaning it's more like >99% bad in my eyes.

Cops should get 'credit' for doing good things that are above and beyond what they are paid for, but not applauded for simply doing their job. That's a horrendous position we're in where people can honestly say that a person doing what they signed up and are paid for requires a parade or kudos...I'll give them only when they give the pay checks back.

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