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Back to the Future - The Racist Outtake

rottenseed says...

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^rottenseed:
This isn't's playing a stereotype. He does a good job too.

But stereotypes are the hilarious racism.

Where there's stereotypes there's not always racism, where there's racism there's probably stereotyping. Stereotyping is a "tool" used by bigots/racists.

Back to the Future - The Racist Outtake

On the Broken Time Travel Logic of Back to the Future Part 2 (Blog Entry by lucky760)

Sarzy says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:

Biff can't gradually return to a different future. Just like Doc says when they leave Jenifer behind "The change will be instantaneous!" I'm with Lucky on this one, if the past was modified, Biff should not have been returned to the original timeline, he would have gone to the future where Biff was a millionaire and built a casino in that shitty town.
And I for one think the second movie would have ended well with Doc and Marty sucked into a wormhole of nothingness, leaving no room for the pile of dead cheeseburger meat that was the third film.

Actually, there's a deleted scene on the DVD in which Old Biff, after breaking his cane and stumbling away from the Delorean, gradually disappears. You're supposed to infer that the alternate Biff didn't live to be that old, which made Old Biff disappear -- though that's pretty confusing (which is why they cut the scene).

That supports the fact that certain changes occur gradually, otherwise Old Biff would have disappeared the second he handed Young Biff the almanac.

Back to the Future 3 - Doc's son: Cute boy or creepy dwarf?

Bizarre scene from Back to the Future 3

Bizarre scene from Back to the Future 3

Bizarre scene from Back to the Future 3

Bizarre scene from Back to the Future 3

Atomic Tom - Don't You Want Me

LarsaruS says...

From another youtube clip of this video:
"Say Anything/Dirty Dancing/Ghostbusters/Weird Science/Ghost/Sixteen Candles/ Pee Wee Herman/Karate Kid/ET/Fatal Attraction/Star wars/When Harry Met Sally/ Poltergeist/Top Gun/Splash/Teen Wolf/Back to the Future/Risky Business/Indiana Jones/Ferris Bueler's Day Off/The Shining/Weekend at Bernie's/ Fast Times at Ridgemont High/Predator/Big/Cocktail/Sem­i-Pro?/Flashdance/Nightmare on Elm Street/Freddy vs Jason/Twins/Caddyshack/Termina­tor/???/Little Shop of Horrors Blues Brothers/Breakfast Club"

The guy they show after Terminator is actually the actor that played Kyle Reese in T1...

When bullied kids snap...

SDGundamX says...

Yeah, I was teased and bullied as a kid.

But violence is not the answer to violence. It's just a perpetual cycle. You know what that bully really learned from this?

1) Pick on people weaker than you.
2) Carry a weapon just in case someone happens to be bigger than you.
3) Safety in numbers--jump your target in a group next time.

You all really think suddenly that kid isn't going to be a bully anymore just because he lost a fight? Maybe he won't bully that particular kid anymore, but the reasons he became a bully in the first place haven't gone away. He needs professional psychological help, not violence--all the violence is going to do is make him feel even more inferior and cause him to take it out on someone else, someone who won't be able to fight back (maybe a future girlfriend).

Yeah, you have a right to defend yourself. If this was out in the woods somewhere where this kid Casey would have no chance of anybody coming to the rescue, then he would have had no choice but to meet the violence head-on in order to try to save himself and run away. But these kids are at school. There are adults everywhere who can intervene. And that kid was not in any way shape or form a life-threatening danger. You can see his punches are so weak they barely have any effect.

Casey could have gotten out of there. But he didn't... he chose to get violent, probably because he felt humiliated. And sadly, in our society we teach people that being humiliated or disrespected is an offense punishable by violence. This is how people get shot outside of clubs and bars because someone was "looking at their girlfriend" or said something that rubbed them the wrong way. This is the kind of society you guys really want to promote? You really want to cheer this kind of behavior on?

"He deserved it."

No, he did not deserve a potentially life-threatening injury. Casey got very, very lucky. That bully could have been maimed for life (dropping someone onto the concrete on their head is known to do that). School made the 100% right call in suspending Casey--that was clearly not the appropriate response to the level of aggression he was faced with and Casey's response is exactly the reason most schools have a zero-tolerance policy for violence: people don't react with equal force in these situations, they react emotionally and wind up doing way more damage than they ever intended. But there's no going back once the damage has been done.

I don't understand the school's decision not to suspend both of them, though. You clearly see who the antagonist is in this video. That kid needs to be punished and also needs help overcoming whatever is driving him to bully other kids in the first place.

Extreme Peel Out

Extreme Peel Out

Engineer gets his jones on -- builds town in basement

Back to the Future: The Ride

back to the future ride

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