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I’m so happy this was caught on camera

newtboy says...

My dad had a friend who had a Myna parrot that learned most of its sounds from a road crew working outside his apartment, so it constantly made jackhammer, reverse beep, and diesel engine sounds it’s entire life. Gotta be careful with parrots.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

, MAGA Shaman and the other treasonous idiots, and the morons you post talking about them are your boys, you gullible fool. (Why do you always capitalize the word tool…because it’s your identity?).
😂 You don’t think I’m actually wasting my time watching your idiotic propaganda trolls troll for their home studios, do you? You don’t think I’m gullible enough to believe their conveniently edited sound clips represent reality, do you?
I don’t trust a word a MAGgot says, and it’s never been a mistake to not trust you.
Silly boy. 😂

As far as damage to the nation, Jan 6 was worse. 9/11 brought us together, unfortunately our Republican leader took advantage of that and lied and took us to war with the country that tried to kill his daddy, not the Saudis that attacked our country. The exact same Saudis that Trump now cozies up to and sells classified top secrets to for billions in bribes to his son in law/daughter and rents his properties to at 10 times market value, often renting entire floors for months with no occupants, but no, it’s not a bribe, nooooo. Attacking the wrong people brought us apart again.

Remember, republicans voted to forget 9/11 and its victims, defunding the funds that support and care for them. Jon Stewart shamed them out of their defund 9/11 funds plans. They sure think Jan 6 is more important.

Obama taking out the Saudi leader of the Saudi terrorist organization brought us back together temporarily.

The Jan 6 insurrection and failed coup attempt by a terroristic political party nearly ended America, and has divided the country to near civil war since. Internal terrorist enemies are far more dangerous than foreign powers.

More people died in 9/11. The MAGA response to Covid proved American deaths don’t bother you one whit, completely ignoring the 500000-750000 deaths caused directly by Trump’s lack of policy or support for sane public health measures (turns out he went anti mask after trying one once but it smeared his clown makeup badly and he refused to ever wear one again!).
More damage was done to the union on Jan 6. Well over $500000000 in direct costs for Jan 6 too….before investigations, prosecutions, and incarceration, so make that $750000000 and the continuing possibility of dissolving the Union before it’s done.

Note- I addressed every nonsensical accusation you made. You failed to address any I made against you and instead just whined and rage posted unrelated nonsense. This is typical.

bobknight33 said:

This is you boy. Sad that you follow this crap, Then again you are a gullable Tool.

"Jan 6th Was Worse Than 9/11" - HEATED Argument with Lincoln Project Founder

Trump Backtracks “Proud” Claim He Bought A Glock

newtboy says...

No guessing necessary…he’s been repeatedly convicted of both…in fact he was convicted of criminally lying about finances again just yesterday. Exaggerating his net worth by up to $2.2 billion with frauds like claiming Maralago was valued at $650 million when applying for a loan against it when it had just appraised for around $25 million (and Trump actually went to court claiming the appraisal was too high!), claiming his apartment in Trump tower is 30000 sq ft when trying to get a loan when in fact it’s 10000 sq ft.

These criminal lies are typical of how he did business for decades, and why he and his sons are now banned from doing business in New York and their New York businesses are all being seized to be sold to pay his creditors (for once), and why no banks will do business with them anymore. 😂

visionep said:

Is he a criminal? Is he a liar?

My guess is both.


newtboy says...

High rent and low wages are two Republican promises they delivered on.

The groceries he claims are $100 worth would cost under $50 in California, where cost of living is on the high end if not the highest…unless there’s a $50 gift card hidden inside the greeting card or those drinks cost over $10 each. What nonsense.

I give Bob verified facts and statistics often with citations, he replies with randos whine/lying on the interweb that eggs cost $20. 😂

Nice try convincing people the economy is failing. That’s the new Republican lie. You need it to be true or your world view falls apart…but it’s simply nonsense bob. “Hide and watch, it’s going to all fall apart tomorrow” is no rebuttal for actual economic numbers and trends. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Now inflation is down to 2.1% over the last 3 months.
Yes, unemployment rose to a still rock bottom 3.8% despite 180000 jobs being created as people entered the workforce. That’s very healthy.
Wages are still rising, now at double the inflation rate, mostly at the bottom instead of the 1% that got all gains under Trump.

I guess I need to give it ANOTHER month, right? It’s all going to fall apart…you just know it! Trump said Biden has dementia, it’s not possible he’s far more competent than his predecessor. 😂

newtboy said:

Still waiting. Unemployment went down to 3.5 in July, not up. Average hourly earnings rose 0.4% for the month, good for a 4.4% annual pace, both above expectations and inflation. When is this huge jump in unemployment and the market crash you predicted 3 1/2 months ago going to happen? 😂

Lawyer breaks down why Hunt Biden's plea deal

newtboy says...

Really. This guy is a real lawyer, not an actor playing one on tv? Because that’s idiotic and ignores the facts.
It fell apart because the prosecutor reneged on the deal, so Hunter did too.
They tried to change the terms while before the judge from the agreed upon plea, and no surprise Hunter and his lawyers said no. Now they get to take him to trial for the crimes he would have plead guilty to, and maybe lose, and all they gain is rehashing old failed investigations, nothing more. Suckers.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh, it definitely is entertaining! Watching aggressive idiots attack their own digits and limbs is always a good time, and that’s what MAGA has become.
This is entertaining too…

*deep breath, ignore it*
? So…if CNN and real news outlets only mentioned Hunter 20 times in a month (100% untrue, but ok), and Fox (and its wannabe clones) mentioned him +-1300 times each….I would ask why is the right whining about hearing about Hunter all the time? The latest to lose her shit about it was Pirro…whose drunken mind forgot she can’t stop bringing him up herself’. 😂 Has right wing media become so insane they are self harming on air now?

Funny how, now that MAGA and the right is falling apart with new scandals by the hour, suddenly you don’t have cable (cancelled after Tesla tanked?) and don’t have a Trumpian “win” to gloat about daily (although most were nonsense wins like redrawing weather maps to cover his stupidity). You used to be all about every tiny MAGA political win no matter how meaningless or imagined, now you don’t participate? What happened? Disillusionment? No internet? All your sources turned out to be Chinese spies or convicted seditionists? Hmmmm….

bobknight33 said:

Im glad your little brain is being entertained.

But on the flip side I wold say that the CNN and the rest probably only mentioned it less than 20 times,

Since I do not have cable I do not participate in that constant daily crap.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol! Recently Giuliani tried the Nuremberg defense…”I was just repeating what I was told”. “I was just following orders”.
That’s not an actual defense, btw. He’s toast and will be flat broke and under indictment for the rest of his life. How the mighty have fallen! 😂

PS- the 2000 mules claim has completely fallen apart…turns out they just used cell phone tracking to claim anyone near a drop box was ballot stuffing. When “true the vote” was asked to prove their case in Georgia, they had nothing at all to provide prosecutors that were prepared to prosecute any real “mules”….and again had NOTHING when subpoenaed, NADA, NUNCA, NIL, NIEN, NOTHING. 😂
They gave one name of one man they had on video dropping 4 ballots…who was dropping off ballots from himself, his wife, and his two children that lived at his home…which is perfectly legal. He’s sueing them for slander and libel and should get $10 million.
Another MAGA lie exposed. More MAGA election interference exposed. You still can’t point to two left wing interference cases, but I lost count of the MAGgots that voted twice or more, which Trump actually told them to do (“mail in your ballot then go vote in person”-Trump ). But I know, with no evidence to support you and a mountain against you, you just believe the left are the anti democracy frauds because you just believe it. So asinine. Very Cartman.

PPS- Graham has now admitted that their fugitive Chinese spy/informant that has made unsubstantiated claims about Hunter Biden is probably lying and has produced nothing. Every single MAGgot “whistleblower” has turned out to be pure made up fantasy, disgraced agents turned paid actors, or hostile foreign spies and fugitives that are likely incredulous but pleased that anyone in America believed their ridiculous lies. You did, sucker.

PPPS- Recent numbers show red states have well above national average inflation numbers, meaning near triple the blue state inflation rates in many cases…check Florida, totally Red government, highest inflation in the nation by far. Go MAGA.

newtboy said:

Nice…disbarred and broke Giuliani has been fined $90000 in sanctions for refusing to participate in discovery and may get contempt charges and go to jail in the defamation case filed by Ruby Freeman and Shea Moss, who he slandered and libeled, lying to MAGA that there was some evidence they cheated the 2020 election by creating/counting fake votes (proven false) and eating ginger candy he claimed were thumbnail drives I suppose they were plugging into their mouths, leading to hundreds of death threats and serious damage to their reputations.

The judge has given him an order to produce documents in May but he claimed he couldn’t afford to, then said he found the money but still didn’t produce anything. Since he claims he has no money, and still isn’t participating, the plaintiffs claims will be considered to be established quite soon, maybe today…he’s going to lose by default and they’ll just move on to the damages portion of trial….just like the criminal nutjob Alex Jones that tried to not participate in his own trial for abusing the parents of murdered children and sending his nutjob army to attack the parents…didn’t work out so great for him…neither will attempting to hide his assets.

That’s a good indication Giuliani’s going to lose another case, which will cost him millions he doesn’t have, and he will be in contempt for refusing to participate.

Nice to see more MAGgots going broke and to jail. Trump turned him from America’s Mayor to a complete laughing stock who’s broke, disbarred, disgraced, delusional, and who is likely going to jail. Thanks Trump!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Only according to lying douchebags with an axe to grind and absolutely no evidence whatsoever.
On “valutainment”, not a news source but an internet entertainment business (from someone’s basement) that’s far right leaning and well known for lying to support Trump or impugn Biden.
And Alex Jones!!! The guy who repeatedly admitted he’s a character he plays on tv to separate fools from their money, who in court said he doesn’t believe any of the nonsense he spews!!?! The blathering nutjob screaming about gay frogs sued into the poorhouse for lying about murdered children?!? You really need to learn to vet sources. 😂 holy shit you fucking idiot! “I like what they’re saying.” is not verification, Gary. “He hates who I hate!” does not indicate honest reporting. When they agree with YOUR preconceptions, it’s 99.9996% likely they’re lying to you, because you’re an ignorant nutjob that believes the most insane nonsense imaginable and denies verified facts constantly and who only gets their misinformation from the most dishonest biased sources available.

How many of these baseless accusations are you going to believe before the fact that every single one falls apart when proof is required sinks in. How many fake paid whistleblowers must evaporate into thin air before you stop thinking they’re real? More proof of your severe learning deficiency that no one could possibly graduate college with.

But with Trump…there IS evidence, mountains of evidence and actual charges in real courtrooms with convictions galore, not just flapping liars gums but paper trails, boxes of classified documents, depositions under oath from his coconspirators, recordings of him bragging about felonies, $2 billion in his kids accounts paid for highly classified top secret information sold to the Saudis, and multiple convictions for moral turpitude already, proving he’s the most corrupt, anti American, anti democratic douche bag rapist and incestious child abuser ever to hold office. Convicted of multiple business frauds, tax evasion, charity fraud, sex abuse, wire fraud, bank fraud, etc, and accused of more of the same plus stealing and selling/sharing top secret classified information, fomenting a coup, and election fraud to the extreme….but sure, some Trumpists say Biden wasn’t hands off on Hunter’s case,so lock him up and forget Trump’s crimes, in fact just replace Biden with Trump and call it a day. Such idiotic ignorant nonsense bob. You just love to be duped by liars, and love to hide from your stupidity when the lies are invariably exposed.
Sucker. 😂

BTWx you really need to put this on a loop for a month…

bobknight33 said:

Biden is a corrupt douchebag.

IRS Whistleblower Confirms DOJ HIJACKED Hunter Investigation

newtboy says...

TLDW; but prove it. Flapping gums mean nothing, especially from RWNJs.

Robert Gouveia Esq. 😂 you’ve got to be kidding with these random extreme righty basement reporters that always have the big scoop the media won’t talk about, and are never right. 🤦‍♂️

Everyone involved disputes his biased claims, including the many Trump appointees.

Prove he isn’t another paid political actor like every fake “whistleblower” the right has produced so far (most couldn’t be produced because, like evidence, they never existed (like the phantom tapes), are (dead?) Russian spies, or are in prison for treason).

Prove with undoctored internal communication this interference existed, not uncorroborated hearsay. Republicans are clear, they have no obligation to tell the truth and won’t. They said exactly that clearly and unambiguously.

Then if the right can do all that, prove it was worse than how Trump abused his power to have the DOJ go after political enemies for no crimes which the right applauded and protect himself and his family from prosecutions and lawsuits like his personal law firm.

More fake news bobby. Cry me a River. He could pardon Hunter by thinking it, but no, you think there’s some convoluted conspiracy to get Hunter to plead guilty to the same crimes Trump says are not crimes, everybody does it, no crime, perfect bookkeeping, perfect when he was caught not paying his taxes for decades.

Can’t wait for the investigations into Jared and Ivanka. There’s actually a “there” there.

How many fake whistleblowers must fall apart before you stop believing them? Sucker.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oops….another paid actor/MAGA fake whistleblower has been caught lying under oath to congress, Garret O’boyle.
He definitely lied about being suspended from the FBI for illegally downloading classified FBI data and handing it to Project Veritas, claiming he had never talked to the media despite the FBI producing proof he had.
I would say another fraudulent MAGA witch hunt “investigation” falls apart, but this one fell apart before it started. An investigation on other “weaponization of the federal government” that doesn’t investigate anything before Jan 20, 2021 and uses disgraced ex agents and paid actors as “witnesses” and “whistleblowers”, has no actual evidence presented just baseless accusations, and the MAGA chair of the committee himself is engaged in weaponizing the federal government to attempt to shield Trump from prosecutions is obviously deeply flawed on its face and illegitimate from the start.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Once again, I welcome your dire predictions because your prognostication skills are nill, and when you predict something it’s near guaranteed to not come to pass.

I wonder if you even know what you mean by “ Unemployment will go up per FED”. It sounds like you are saying the fed raising rates will raise unemployment rates as they lower inflation. Is that what you’re saying?

Yes, unemployment WILL go up from historical lows we see today, that’s a given. That in no way indicates the fed, or Biden administration are screwing things up, it actually indicates they know what they’re doing and have a good handle on the economy. Dow up 700 today, near 1000 for the week. Jobs created numbers are unexpectedly good, and average wages are rising FAST (4 times faster than under the last administration according to the SSA, contrary to your assertion)…only you could see this and think “I was right, it’s falling apart from poor leadership”.

Go on and erase this post, since I know you’re too infantile not to. It makes me feel really accomplished every time a post gets to you so bad you need to erase it, and that’s quite a lot lately. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Unemployment will go up per FED.

The jobs added were lower paying jobs.

Time my friend give it time.

Russiagate Was A Hoax! Says Justice Dept’s Durham Report

newtboy says...

Liar. Every word you write these days is a lie.
Jimmy Dore is not a Sanders supporter. He’s a failed comedian turned Trumpist pundit.

That’s not what the report said by any means. It said one FBI agent slightly misrepresented one email that was a tiny part of the reason for the warrant against Page that ended up finding so much Russian collusion and so many unregistered foreign agents working in the Trump administration, they were convicted.
It did not discount those serious crimes against the United States those officials committed and were convicted of (many them pardoned by Trump).

None of those convictions for administration officials being unregistered foreign agents was a hoax.
That meeting in Trump tower with Russians to trade favors for dirt on Clinton wasn’t a hoax.
That recording of Flynn illegally colluding with Russia on Trumps behalf before Obama was out of office wasn’t a hoax, neither was his conviction for outright lying about all of it under oath because he KNEW it was illegal collusion with a hostile foreign power and knew it was a serious crime he’d been caught committing for Trump….those weren’t hoaxes.
Those dozens of cases of administration officials laundering cash donated by Russians to Trump weren’t hoaxes.

Only the claim that “Russia/Trump is a hoax” is a hoax. 🤦‍♂️

All the Durham report really showed is the Trump DOJ acted wholly inappropriately by acting as Trump’s personal lawyer and PR machine, spreading lies and hiding evidence for him, not acting the nations top cop but actively working against national interests and justice to protect one criminal.

No convictions from Durham, not one. No recommendations, no crimes. More millions wasted on fake culture war nonsense rehashing 5 year old crimes for the sole benefit of criminal himself. Another failed MAGA propaganda attempt they’ve been too stupid and too incompetent to put together, but continue to lie about. A big 5 year old undercooked nothing burger served cold and plain. You enjoy that.

Keep trying bob. All this whining and crying brings me so much joy.
Every time another MAGA “investigation” falls apart, another Victoria’s Secret transexual model gets their wings, unintentionally making MAGA more trans positive that Ru Paul.! 😂

Take your idiotic lies elsewhere, dumbshit. You belong on Toth Senchal where readers anre delusional enough to accept your claims…and daddy Trump needs you there, his numbers are shit.
Or is this a masochism thing…you post this stupidity here because you honestly love being told how idiotic and delusional you are constantly, then having it proven with verifiable facts? Yep, that’s the only rational explanation.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

How do you never tire of being so idiotically wrong constantly? It’s actually impressive you can continue when literally everything you claim falls apart, often before you can even type it.

Russian front lines in Bakhmut have collapsed.
Russian flanks have retreated.
Russian armor is in retreating out of Bakhmut.
Ukraine is hitting Russian command centers in far East Ukraine with new longer range next gen missiles…they have hundreds of them now in country. These can reach Crimea and Russia proper, maybe even Moscow.
In one day recently two Mi-8 helicopters, one Su-34 and one Su-35 have been confirmed to have been downed near Klintsy, Bryansk, Russia. That’s 4 high value aircraft all covered by multiple levels of electronic missile jamming technology deep inside Russia shot down, indicating clearly Russian air defense cannot protect against the class of weapons just delivered to Ukraine.
The Ukrainian counter offensive hasn’t even begun and Russia is already on the run. I fully support Ukraine taking 100 miles into Russia as a buffer zone, exactly like Russia wanted to use Ukraine. I think it’s a good possibility and I fully support arming and funding Ukrainian expansion as far as they want to go. I’m not alone. Russia may be ending….at best it’s retreating to third world status as an international pariah with few allies and a looming civil war.

One more prognostication made by you quickly turned to shit.
Russia won’t stop….losing.
You know exactly how that feels.

BTW- #walkaway is real this time, but people are walking away from the toxic party of death debauchery dishonesty and destruction...the party of insanity inconsistency immorality and inability…the MAGA right. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia and they won’t stop

NATO Declares Nord Pipeline Ruptures Sabotage

newtboy says...

D’oh. Another idiotic baseless accusation falls apart when confronted with photographic evidence against the biased (and factually wrong, actually impossible) fantasy by Hersh you jumped on because it looked bad for Biden, not because it made sense or there was any actual evidence…enjoy the photographic evidence of secret Russian deep sea operations at the explosion site just 4 days before the sabotage.

Google it when you decide these sources are untrustworthy.

bobknight33 said:

America blew it up.

Joe did that.

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