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The Man Who Accidentally Killed The Most People In History

newtboy says...

The shocking part of that isn’t the brain dead decision process that makes them think that’s ok, nor the ignorance it takes to not switch to alternate fuel additives…it’s the fact that you can’t find the same thing in most red states. Economy over ecology is a right wing mantra.

JiggaJonson said:

In indiana - you can somehow still buy Leaded gasoline at the pump

I thought that shit was federally illegal a long time ago. Go on challenge me anyone, say it aint so. I can give the name of a gas station - fuck it, here's the sign i have to drive by every day in this hardcore republican state I can't get the idiots to do anything about it,-85.6718487,3a,15y,30.06h,90.4t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sALPxpjsJZqFs88PGpUg81Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

When Gas Prices Are Too High Even For Motorcycles

cloudballoon says...

Friend, don't set yourself up for disappointment.

Bobs... most of them can't work themselves up enough to think independently even if their lives depend on it. They'd rather turn on their OAN/Fox, fed a spoonful of racism, fear and unreality, then go the "Interweb" to parrot the same OAN/Fox "alternative facts" ad nauseaum, without even processing what their heard.

They can't comprehend the fact that news outside their "U S of F**king A" exist, let alone read them, nor the fact that countries exist & operate outside of US politics.

newtboy said:

I must be insanely optimistic, but I was hoping that by not explaining he might actually think about it and come to that realization.
I give @bobknight33 too much credit it seems.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Sweet Zombie Jesus….Tennessee Republicans are trying to erase age limits for marriage so they can marry and legally have sex with preteen children in the name of outrage over legal gay marriage.
The alternative marriage bill, hb 233. No age limits. “Trust us” they say. “It’s ok to not put limits on it, no one will abuse it.”

So many prominent Republicans are going down this SEX WITH CHILDREN route in the last 5 years, Roy Moore, Matt Gates, Jim Jorden, Trump, I could go on… now entire Republican state legislatures are trying to make child “marriage” legal….wtf happened to you guys? Are tax cuts for the rich really worth literally everything else, including your children?

This man is POTUS

newtboy says...

Yes. 100% compared to the only alternative we were presented with. Things would be far worse, Covid still out of control, Russia owning Ukraine and threatening its neighbors, Ukraine getting zero assistance because they wouldn’t fake an investigation into Biden’s family, debt doubled again, unemployment in the toilet, gdp negative, inflation worse, supply chains gone, criminals overrunning the White House, fascism running rampant, no police reform….how many ways do I need to say he’s a winner simply because he replaced the world’s biggest loser?

Stop the sniveling, bob. You’re still crying, still have sour grapes over a massive, historic loss at the polls. Grow up buddy.

This is want I want. This is me guy, @bobknight33, to say it in a way you’ll understand. (You were so close to proper English)

The Difference Between The UK, Great Britain, and England

noims says...

This is mostly ok, but from an Irish point of view there are a few things that made me cringe a little.

Firstly the term the 'British Isles' isn't universally recognised, but I admit any alternatives I've heard don't exactly trip off the tongue.

Secondly, a statement like Ireland "joining" the UK in 1801 glosses over some pretty important details.

Worst of all, though, is the way he pronounces Edinburgh. It's still making me squirm.

Code Rush, the Mozilla Documentary from 2000

Monty Python - Italian

Why I’m ALL-IN On Tesla Stock

vil says...

Yes but to converge the two sides have to acknowledge the arguments of the other side, unfortunately I am probably not arguing well enough and Im perfectly willing to just give up.

Anyway you seem to be able to research complicated topics well, you can read up about the history and end of the gold standard and about deflation for your own sake in your own time :-)

Fighting against fiat money, reserve banks, inflation and national debt is like fighting against democracy or free speech.
Sometimes democracy gives you Trump, sometimes free speech gives you porn (or worse, Fox news), sometimes the economy gets out of hand, but mostly these things work better than their alternatives and prevent or minimize crashes, based on the experience of the last 200 years. Every time someone thought better, they made things worse.

newtboy said:

No, the point of discussion to come to an understanding IMO, not to just argue.

Car almost hit by a train.

Car almost hit by a train.

Why I’m ALL-IN On Tesla Stock

surfingyt says...

IMO they will raise rates. the economy will stall. they will be forced to increase purchases of equities and reduce rates (again). the fed will not let another 2008 happen however they will make the crash that much harder. the house of cards has been built for a long time over many administrations and its waay past the point of any attempt at recovery. delaying the pain will make the pain even worse but when it comes crashing down USD will be gone forever and alternatives (like metals and yes BTC) will reign. you will have time though as petrodollar is king at this point other nations will fall before us. make your time.

Mint Royale - Blue Song

surfingyt (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

He destroyed their argument and shot it into the sun. Only a year late and a few billion dollars short.

They’re going to drop the “pence had the right to determine the outcome of the election” when they remember/realize that that means Kamala has the right to determine the outcome of elections now. All of them but Trump, who has no choice but to stick with the lie, the alternative is admitting he was W-W-W-W…W-W-W….Wrong.
Any who still believe Trump need not vote, they believe that their votes don’t count.
Any who do vote need to be lambasted mercilessly for admitting their position for the last 4 years was utter nation destroying unpatriotic anti-American bullshit with their actions….maybe lynched as traitors like they suggested.

surfingyt said:

pence feels where the wind is blowing and goes into CYA mode
juicy LOLs here

Vote While It Counts

luxintenebris jokingly says...

have an alternative theory...

you perceive to be correct w/o any challenge. or accept any challenge.

bob the bubble boy.

i get it: that's what being 'red' is. you are part of the one.

it's like your all one people, encamped under one euphonious dogma. no deviation. no discourse. becoming one body w/one mind.

ultimately: resembling a prisoner placed in solitary confinement. time is methodically rendering the one's gray matter into pudding.

no wonder why crt, statures, masks, vaccines, seeing dead people at the polls - can trip y'all out. it's like being on acid and your choice of media is playing w/ya'...

[cheech - aka bob - being soothed first w/"you know better" from chong - Fox News & ilk - then NAAAWWWGH!!! weirded out by the news that black people are making it to the voting rolls! ]

...duckery for sure.

bobknight33 said:

That's exactly why I will vote Republican. To keep Democrats from their fuckery.

Biden’s first year as President: A Beatles remix

newtboy says...

You’re right, it was a GREAT year for Joe, America’s economy, and pocketbooks. The best gdp growth in decades (CDGDP up 10%), amazing jobs numbers (6.4 million!), and the fastest stock market rise that put money in even your wallet.
2020 was the no good very bad year where jobs, gdp, and the stock market plummeted like never before.
Such a dumb tool, Bob. “Democrats are awful, Trump is great….reality be damned.”

Forget 22 and 24….Biden is going to use Trump’s plans, so no vote totals ever, sieze voting machines before tabulation, claim all Republican votes are fraudulent and discard them, and use the military to crush any dissent. If that doesn’t work, Kamala will just certify the alternate electors and they’ll vote for Biden. Perfectly legal, moral, ethical, and democratic right? Enjoy, you already say that’s totally reasonable and legal. Turnabout is always fair play. D’oh

bobknight33 said:

Not a good year for Joe.

Not a good year for the American pocketbook.

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