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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Did you know that NOT aiming a gun at someone could be more threatening than aiming a gun at someone? News to me.

He also has an odd definition of "lowering"

And if he's aiming his gun first, while not being aimed at... and "lowering"his gun by moving it away from the earth and towards the sky, and fires, and the man still isn't aiming a gun at him...

I hope you don't run into this kid and not aim a gun at him. That could make him feel like you're going to kill him.

Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Week 1 Summary

newtboy says...

So, Bob. What about the victim’s right to defend themself from an armed aggressor who had followed them for blocks and was confronting him with weapon cocked and at the ready? He should have shot Rittenhouse in the head when he allegedly pointed, but didn’t shoot his gun, right? That would have solved everything, no charges to be brought, no lawsuit for pedonazi’s parents, no harm, no foul, right? Pure self defense, not even a need to report it, right?

Rittenhouse hunted him for blocks. Chasing him down with an assault rifle as the victim retreated. Then murdered him when he stopped running away. Just want it on the record, you think that’s fine, as is shooting anyone who tries to stop you from leaving the scene of a murder you just committed. Go on. Say it. It’s fine to hunt and kill people you don’t like.
Now…is it fine if the shooter is black and the victim is a baby faced white Republican boy? Pretty sure I know the real answer already.

Trumpist crowds are dangerous and criminal. If they need to get shot up by liberals who get scared by their aggressiveness….. self defense! Aim for the head, guys, and claim you tried a non deadly area to shoot. There’s nothing up there to hurt.

bobknight33 said:


Prosecution's Main Witness ( victim) Admits Kyle Rittenhouse Acted in Self-Defense

Having a illegally owned a gun and self defense are 2 different crimes

as else mentioned" Evidence wise though, it looks like self defense, after breaking many laws and putting himself in harms way, is still factually part of the night.

The First Horror Movie Written Entirely By Bots

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Sad you dont know what truth is. It is not on cable news.
Jan 6 was much to do about nothing except a large group of people wished to voice their displeasure of the government.

Few actually wanted to breach the walls but even so didn't have a plan past that. So yo have a few who breached and many many just followed for a look ... Those who got caught should face their crime of trespassing.

FBI investigators did find that cells of protesters, including followers of the far-right Oath Keepers and Proud Boys groups, had aimed to break into the Capitol. But they found no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside, the sources said.

Prosecutors have filed conspiracy charges against 40 of those defendants, alleging that they engaged in some degree of planning before the attack.

JiggaJonson said:

It's sad watching people try to spin this as 'proof' that trump's lies have somehow come to fruition. Like a covid patient on a death bed still asserting the virus is a conspiracy.

Amber Ruffin schools America about critical race theory

newtboy says...

Never one to miss an opportunity to display your race baiting ignorance, I see.

CRT and 1619 are adults dreams that maybe Americans like you can grow up enough and gain the testicular fortitude to learn their own history without whitewashing it for fear of catching the vapors and offending your delicate sensibilities. Doing that, ignoring centuries of deeply ingrained systemic racism, from legally considering black people subhumans, only 3/5 of a person ( ) , to Jim Crow to redlining (Trump's favorite kind of racism) to the more subtle but pervasive racism of legislation aimed directly at black people without directly mentioning race (like voter ID laws and minimal polling places in black neighborhoods and gluts of polling places in predominantly white neighborhoods) has allowed ignoramuses to believe racism is over or never existed....because they don't see it with their blinders on, not because it's not there.

This is why education beyond 8th grade matters, Bob. Proud ignorance isn't a good look and gets you ridiculed every time you confidently spout nonsense.

bobknight33 said:

*Lies and BS

Pretend news
CRT and 1619 are leftest wet dreams of calling all white people racist.

Portland's Rapid Response Team Quits Over Accountability

Mordhaus says...

In this case, I sympathize because Portland has refused to assist or back any of their police in the riots there. The DA has refused to charge anyone who resists arrest or refuses to disperse after police have been given orders to remove rioters (they are rioters. even the Mayor is now saying to stop calling them protesters and to call them anarchists instead).

Why would anyone want to go out, night after night, and face the same people you arrested the night before doing the same stuff?

The fact also exists that Portland has made massive cuts to the police budget. That has led to time off being cancelled for police, no rotations to move fresh police into the riot situations so the same ones have to deal with the face to face confrontations with no break, and the alternative policing option which was hands off was tabled. "A paramedic and a social worker would drive up offering water, a high-protein snack and, always and especially, conversation, aiming to defuse a situation that could otherwise lead to confrontation and violence. No power to arrest. No coercion."

There are a lot of problems with police, for sure. Portland's government is the driver behind these issues, though. Until they start taking a stand against these anarchist, violent protesters (who are PREDOMINANTLY white), the situation will not get better.

BolaWrap: Restraint Tool

Men For Total Equality

newtboy says...

For @bobknight33-
Equality - e·qual·i·ty
the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.
"an organization aiming to promote racial equality"
synonyms: fairness, justness, equitability, impartiality, even-handedness, egalitarianism, equal rights, equal opportunities, nondiscrimination, justice, freedom, emancipation, coequality

It does not mean exact sameness, mirror image, clone, 50/50 split on everything, no difference, etc..... This is why it's important to know your own language, it helps you not be an imbecile.

Covid Deaths Trump Vs Biden

newtboy says...

Absolutely, that's just, like, my opinion, man. It holds no sway over others, who cares what a newt thinks?

I don't think it's a certainty that the GHSB would have prevented all deaths, or even avoided the pandemic, just likely, but that's enough to assign blame imo, and usually under the law too. There's zero chance he would be prosecuted, so it's all academic.

You have a link for the Lancet study? I would be interested to find what they include as "Trump's policies" and what isn't considered. Edit:Derp....I scrolled up and see you already posted it, thanks.
Even 40% is over 200000 deaths in his lap. That's 200000 more than are acceptable.

You could say that about climate change, and in a rational world it would be true, but that <3% are used to justify nearly 50% of policy and nearly all opposition to progress, so yeah, it does still matter.

I respect you too, and you're welcome to your opinion, but when you say I can't lay blame where I think it belongs, I feel obligated to explain how I came to my opinion.

Absolutely on Bob. It's infantile and ignorant at best, and a cynical lie aimed at the gullible.

Mordhaus said:

What we are still talking about is your opinion. You feel that him removing the GHSB led to all of the pandemic deaths. I understand that an. d you have the right to have that opinion.

I am going off the report that was made by the Lancet Journal. The Lancet is one of the two oldest, most respected and most widely read medical journals in the world. They were established in 1823 and are ranked often first or second among general-interest medical journals by their “impact factor,” the frequency with which their studies are cited in other research.

They said 40% and that is also influenced by the state our health system was already in when he became President.

I will give you an analogy. If 97% of the world's climate scientists believe that, based on science, we have man made climate change, it really doesn't matter what the opinions of the other 3% are. We have man made climate change.

I respect you, but I disagree with your opinion. OTOH, I agree that Bob is an ass for even posting this. Trump fucked up and arguing it is pointless at this time.

Rabbit wakes up his owners by sprinting on their heads

Lawyer Reacts to Smartmatic's $2.7 Billion Dollar Suit

newtboy says...

No basis in fact?
What was the business worth as of Nov. 3rd? What were projected earnings for the next ten years? Take those numbers, add them, now multiply by 10 for punitive damages for a)destroying the companies through libel and slander and b)severely damaging America's voting system by eroding trust in a trustworthy system that cost billions to create....I think they aimed low, they should go for $2.7 Billion from each defendant, not jointly. Make certain no one ever tries this treasonous type of lie again.
I also think any damages caused by frauds should put the perpetrators in prison until restitution is fulfilled, this isn't just accidental mistakes that accidentally harmed a company, it's a concerted effort to defraud the American people that intentionally destroyed the future for these companies among other massive damages.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Not sure where this belongs, so I'm just putting it here....

A letter from Donald to the SAG union sent after they started the process of revoking his membership. This is not a parody, it's an actual letter from the desk of the ex president, signed in black sharpie.

Ms. Carteris: I write to you today regarding the so-called disciplinary committee hearing aimed at revoking my union membership. Who cares? Well, I'm not familiar with your work. I'm very proud of my work on movies, such as Home Alone 2, Zoolander and Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps and television shows including the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Saturday Night Live and of course, one of the most successful shows in television history, the Apprentice, to name just a few. I've also greatly helped the cable news television business, said to be a dying platform with not much time left until I got involved in politics, and created thousands of jobs at networks, such as MSDNC and fake news CNN among many others.

Which brings me to your blatant attempt at free media attention to distract from your dismal record as a union. Your organization has done little for its members and nothing for me, because that's always what it's about. Besides collecting dues and promoting dangerous un-American policies and ideas as evident by your massive unemployment rates and lawsuits from celebrated actors who even recorded a video asking, why isn't the union fighting for me? These however are policy failures. Your disciplinary failures are even more egregious. I no longer wish to be associated with your union. As such, this letter is to inform you of my immediate resignation from SAG-AFTRA. You have done nothing for me. You've done nothing for me.

Donald J Trump


Let's talk about what happened in Rochester, New York

newtboy says...

Aim for the head.
It's easier to get out of prison than the morgue.

Police only protect and serve other police....but they never police them. Immunity means these child abusers might at worst get paid vacation, and likely get a raise.
Write your representatives, insist immunity, even qualified immunity be removed. There's no reason police shouldn't be responsible for their actions, it only leads to them thinking macing handcuffed 9 year olds is fine.

Every single police union rep in the country should be skinned alive in front of their families and melted in acid. They are inhuman scum.

White supremacist Kenosha County Sheriff david beth

newtboy says...

Likely not.

You're saying there's video of him being chased from his gun toting friends by one guy with a pistol? For blocks? And none of his friends helped him at all? That might change my mind completely....but only if they essentially dragged him away, not if he followed along arguing, and if they physically forced him away from his friends, why didn't his friends try to help?

Again, I'll need some evidence of the pepper spray to believe it, because the videos of him running he wasn't acting like a person who had been pepper sprayed, not that it would excuse killing someone else, and I'm assuming the spray came after the first homicide.

(Edit: if the pepper spraying happened, and happened before he shot, then he has zero excuses for any of them. He couldn't see, so had no idea what was happening around him, who threw what, what was thrown, or who he was shooting. You can't see after being pepper sprayed. That makes every shot fired attempted murder of any random person in the area, not self defense. To be self defense, you must know who and what you're defending yourself from. If he was sprayed, he couldn't possibly know, nor could he properly aim.)

A plastic bag mistaken for a Molotov? Not by any American kid, all boys over 7 know what a Molotov looks like from movies and video games, they don't resemble empty plastic bags.

I think you're being biased. I may be too. I'm not excusing any threatening acts by protesters before he killed one, but do excuse any acts committed trying to apprehend him afterwards. (Edit: anything they did at that point would be real self defense, not just in their own minds.)

I can't find any way to excuse him, from going armed looking for trouble to leaving his group where he felt safe to mistaking a harmless object for a deadly one and killing someone out of fear to running away armed to shooting at his pursuers to not reporting it, every act indicates intentional murder and an attempt to escape. He might have had a reason, he may have even feared for his life, but he had no real reason, put himself in the situation that scared him, and opened fire for no GOOD reason.
Children often do things for bad reasons, that's one reason they shouldn't be let loose with firearms unaccompanied, especially not in high stress events like this.
It's not that he had no reason, it's that his reasoning was flawed on all points. He had no legitimate reason, and no legitimate excuse.

Btw, in case you don't recall, I'm not anti gun at all. I am anti armed groups traveling the country intent on killing unarmed people they disagree with, even if those people are being mean and scary, even if they're stealing. If they're committing arson, well maybe, that can be mass murder.

If you find a still live version of him being chased by armed protesters away from his friends, or threatened, I would be interested in seeing them. I find it impossible to envision. It's not that I'm not open to new info, it's only that I've seen none that excuse his killings.

(Edit: I'm looking at it like this....If a 17 year old kid wants to do extreme mountain climbing with little to no training, gets on the mountain and gets panicked and, thinking it will make him safer to have two ropes disconnects his partner's harness and they die, he had a reason, but not a legitimate reason, and not an excuse. This kid wanted to do extreme policing totally untrained, he panicked, people died because of his panicked actions. It's really that simple to me.)

Mordhaus said:

We aren't going to agree on this.

Like I said, I can't find all the videos because people are taking them down as fast as they go up, but it wasn't just some random person who fired, it was someone in the crowd that came after him for defending the store. These were not peaceful protesters, they were violent and had already attacked him before he fired, first with pepper spray and then charging and throwing an unidentified object at him that many thought was a molotov cocktail until it was later found to be something else.

If you think I am being deluded, so be it. But I did the best I could to show you as much evidence that I could find that he isn't just a gun vigilante that opened fire for no reason. You can't seem to move from your viewpoint that he is. Sorry.

White supremacist Kenosha County Sheriff david beth

newtboy says...

Sorry,but someone who's identity is supporting gun carriers isn't likely to give an unbiased report, but I'll read the Newsweek.

It makes zero sense that he's somehow blocks away from the parking lot he went to protect when he shot the man that threw a plastic bag in the head. How on earth did he get chased from his well armed group? I read reports that he was loudly arguing with the man he shot first, among others.

Shot fired in the he didn't know who shot, from where, at what. Nothing. Might have been his fellow militia trying to chase away the crowd, right?

I've seen the video of him running, pointing his gun randomly, falling, shooting, and people risking their lives trying to take an active shooters weapon. Stomping someone running and gunning from a murder is acceptable imo. Shooting him with a handgun is ok if he doesn't submit to citizens arrest.

I have to agree with Bosuie. You do not have a right to murder people who are trying to stop you from fleeing a murder you just committed.

If he hadn't continued to try to flee, armed and aiming randomly, they wouldn't have had the need to use physical force to detain him. He did, they were all being good citizens trying to stop a murderer, imo. Restrained and totally within their legal rights.

So, the illegal firearm was on militia boys side, and militia boy used his.

Militia kid went looking for trouble, found it, panicked, murdered a few people and tried to kill a third, and fled the state without telling the police. He was not trying to do the right thing running towards police, he was trying to escape the crowd he had just shot at.

I don't think I said the mass looting and rioting were all fake antifa, I'm saying many of those starting it are. The ones who wander into peaceful protests and start smashing glass or starting fires, swinging at protesters that try to stop them, and running. The ones doing drive bys on police and crowds of protesters. The multiple cases of groups caught with bombs planning to blame blm for bombing police or schools or government buildings. Those are fake antifa boogaloo boys, right wing terrorists. They are nation wide, and they are trying hard to instigate rioting and looting, usually successfully.

In Kenosha, the violent killers were right wing. The looters, not so much. In that instance, no boogaloos needed to spark rioting, just more unarmed black men shot 7 times in the back feet from their children served nicely, the unarmed black man murdered by police near there 10 years ago didn't even get investigated, just ignored.

Again, chasing an active shooter and trying to disarm him is bravery and honorable. Shooting a baggie tosser isn't

The glok, not sure why you think it being loaded gets you excited, they don't work unloaded, wasn't used, and obviously should have been in self defense.

He was defending himself, against being caught. He wasn't defending himself when he left his defensive position to go blocks away and shoot an unarmed man with a plastic bag.
He put himself in a dangerous position, made it far more dangerous by murdering someone because he got scared over a baggie, then murdered his way out. I say he was 100% wrong from the moment he left home looking for trouble he could solve with his rifle, and made every bad decision he could from there, resulting in two dead men and a third injured.

Yes, I never expect you to make things up, but you took a position that seems deluded, based on facts I have not heard mentioned one bit, and that were mostly irrelevant, just throwing dirt at the victims. I see that some of what you said is corroborated by reports, but not that any of it excuses one bit of his behavior or makes the protesters in the wrong one whit. Thanks for the links.

If he was looking for help from police, why didn't he ask for any when he reached them? Why didn't he report the shooting? No, he went home and hid, hoping no one could identify him.

Again, doing whatever is necessary to apprehend a violent felon by citizens arrest is legal and proper, which is why I say emptying the glok would have been the right move until he was disarmed and subdued. Hitting him with a skateboard, 100% proper and legal.

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