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ABC News Reports: John McCain is a Scumbag (not their words)

volumptuous says...

>> ^NetRunner:
Volumptuous, I think the word you were looking for was "liar" or "hypocrite", not "scumbag"

You're absolutely right.

With so many different angles at which to dislike one person, it's easy to get confused with which descriptor to assign to them at any given moment.

ABC News Reports: John McCain is a Scumbag (not their words)

volumptuous says...

>> ^Januari:
Well the 'scumbag' part i managed to miss in the report... Something tells me if whoever it is McCain is listening to these days came to him with a poll showing he could get a couple point bump if he was anti-puppy, we'd see him kicking a dog that same day.

Apparently his campaign manager gave him the "beat a dead horse" memo a long time ago.

enemycombatant (Member Profile)

Matt Damon Actually Sounding Smart On Palin

ElJardinero (Member Profile)

ABC News Investigates Sarah Palin's Book Censorship

9980 says...

>> ^ponceleon:
If the kid doesn't learn that the stove is hot after touching it, he didn't leave his hand on the stove long enough.

The problem with that analogy is that the kid isn't just touching the stove. In this case, the kid is pouring gasoline on the stove, and the rest of us kids are stuck in the same house.

ABC News Investigates Sarah Palin's Book Censorship

ABC News Investigates Sarah Palin's Book Censorship

volumptuous says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
Wow, in 8 years of governance she's racked up THREE ethical scandals? I'd hate to think about what she would do as Vice fucking President.

Damn straight MG. But I think your tally of only three ethics scandals will probably be an understatement soon enough.

Pat Buchanan called McCain "Bush on steroids" ( on the Jan 22nd edition of "Hardball". So the even scarier question is if Palin is "Cheney on steroids"?

It seems that the Cheney/Palin comparison is much bigger than some think, especially considering the "special conference call" with the biggest oil execs in the state, just leaked today:

I love this line:
"Nothing goes ahead unless Exxon is happy with it."

BNF: Sorry FOX we won't let you trash Michelle Obama

blahpook says...

Cute. From the ABC news site:

"I have to be greeted properly -- fist-bump, please," Obama said in her opening line, pressing fists with each of her co-hosts in response to a Fox News Channel report depicting her fist "dap" with her husband on the night he won the nomination as a "terrorist fist jab."

She explained she learned the greeting from young staffers on the Obama campaign.

"It's the new high-five," she said.


Michelle Obama is viewed more favorably by likely voters than Cindy McCain, 48 percent to 39 percent, according to a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll. But while Obama leads in favorability, many voters say they haven't formed an opinion yet of McCain, and slightly more voters also view Obama unfavorably — 29 percent vs. McCain's 25 percent.

Scrutiny of the potential first ladies was evident among audience members waiting to get into the live show.

"I think she's wonderful," Veronica Deas, 45, said of Michelle Obama.

Deas drove from Maryland to see 'The View' with her sister and four girlfriends.

"She's intelligent, she knows the issues, she stands by her man but she's not going to try to take his job," she said in an apparent jab at Sen. Clinton.

Andrew Sullivan talks about The Conservative Soul

qualm says...

"But by and large those are the definitions that are used within the political sphere right now..."

In the United States. There is a world outside of the USofA.

"it's hard to present oneself to the public as fiscal conservative with social liberal leanings. It's impossible."

What are you talking about? What's wrong with "I'm a fiscal conservative with social liberal leanings."?

By the way, liberal and progressive are by no means interchangeable terms.

Andrew Sullivan is an imbecile. He thinks ABC News is left-wing, and until recently he was one of the biggest apologists for Bush. I don't think conservatism has anything whatsoever to offer society.

ABC News: Top Bush advisors approved torture

kronosposeidon says...

>> ^NetRunner:
^ So what do you recommend we do?

Exactly. Do YOU have it figured out? If so, enlighten us. Even Ashcroft, one of the six 'Principals', knew that history would not judge them kindly for having these discussion in the White House.

Your downvote signifies what? That torture is okay, or that the story is biased, or what? You speak in algorithms many a time, and I'm not going to prosecute you for doing so. But you must explain yourself now. If for no one else, then to me. What forced you to downvote this story?

You have zero obligation to reply, of course. However as a Sift stalwart, I'm hoping you have a somewhat decent explanation for your downvote. I'm not calling you a QM (and I realize all the baggage it entails even to mention that name). But we deserve better than an elusive choggish response. "Detainees have a light-weight mind-fuck"? Of course they do, after they've been tortured. So would you. You're assuming all detainees are guilty of something, I assume?

You're on vacation, but if you post a lengthy comment then expect a lengthy reply, regardless of your current geographical coordinates.

ABC hosts booed after 4/16's sham debate

ABC News: Top Bush advisors approved torture

Fedquip says...

TDS reported on this

from Think Progress
"ABC News reported tonight that President Bush’s most senior and trusted advisers met in “dozens of top-secret talks and meetings in the White House” beginning in 2002 to approve the use of “combined” interrogation techniques (the joint use of harsh interrogation techniques). Those tactics included whether detainees “would be slapped, pushed, deprived of sleep or subjected to simulated drowning, called waterboarding.”"

Marines in Iraq abuse and kill a puppy.

Soldier Throws Dog Off A Cliff

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