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The Ugly Truth Behind the Will Ferrell G.M. Commercial

luxintenebris says...

just saw the percentage of steam-powered and electric cars...
(#37 @
...that were being driven by the populace. impressive.

know electric trollies were also a thing, but they were sabotaged by gasoline concerns (killed) because read the history of the one that use to run in our small mid-western town.

anyway...electric vehicles were viable then and if other concerns (like GMC) were kept at bay...100 years later we just might be driving all-electric vehicles (maybe flying them - we were supposed to have those by now).

necessity being the mother of invention, it only makes sense to keep the future (electric cars, solar-power, etc) alive. if the nation doesn't, china (or other visionaries) may capture the solar-driven land speeder market.

[trump is guilty btw. but GOP is GMC in that scenario. will be seen as a big mistake too. maybe 'big carrot' has something to do with it. he is orange.]

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

point of clarification

"lack of standing, meaning the campaign failed to show that it had suffered an 'injury in fact'"

Or in these circumstances, if there WERE a handful of people lets say 100, lets say they legit found 100 votes that were 100% fraudulent. In a space where they lost the vote by 20,000, 100 votes would not have caused injury or would not have changed anything.

Still if you look at even the numbers that they are claiming are frauds
(see below)
Here’s the breakdown of the ones they could verify and have been provided to the public.

42,000 people voted more than once
1,500 dead voters cast ballots
19,000 non-Nevada residents voted (number doesn’t include students and military)
8,000 people voted using non-existent addresses
15,000 votes were cast from commercial addresses or vacant houses
4,000 ineligible foreign nationals voted

that brings you to 89,500 votes

STILL you'd have to chop that 42,000 in half, because 1 of their votes would still count, so 89-21= 68,500 that they are even CLAIMING are fraudulent

Here's the problem

even if u shift the 68,500 away - you can't assume that all of those votes that they're claiming are fraudulent are FOR biden - it's likely a mixed bag. HENCE the no injury-in-fact.


But that's also assuming that the evidence they present is actually substantial and holds up to scrutiny

"[The judge] summarily dismissed its claims of voter fraud and request for an overturn of election results in a ruling on Friday, writing that the campaign’s evidence provided “little to no value” based on questionable or “unsound” methodology, adding that the evidence failed to show any “credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

If the evidence is so compelling, why can't i find it anywhere? "washed away?" Can't be that washed away, there's a court transcript that's easily readable. There's bits and pieces published on news sites, but the judges in 50 different states in the USA (many appointed by trump) and the supreme court too for that matter, didnt find anything presented to be compelling.

Did u watch Lombardi's ghost or whatever speaking at the super bowl? What do you think he meant by "...the courage and teamwork to triumph" The phrase jumped out at me, because it's not very encouraging. I mean I personally find it encouraging. But i guess a lot of people don't find talk like that encouraging, it's just a weird quote that doesnt make sense. It's like how do you get to the word "triumph" with the word "courage" --- that's just not very encouraging,,,some might say. It's like, what does he even do all day, TALK to the players to get them to do things? everyone knows that's not possible. Not encouraging. pffffft sorry i can't keep it up, yeah he incited the riot through encouragement.

newtboy said:

Some were tossed for lack of standing, but most for lack of merit, which means their claims were baseless, had no evidence, no proof. The administration was given dozens upon dozens of opportunities to present evidence and proof in court to save their cases, they NEVER presented a single verified fact about election fraud, nor have they presented ANY to the public.

3-year-old's priceless response after mom "ate all his candy

lucky760 says...

Totally agree with all the wtf sentiments.

I'd never prank my kids like this, and I think it's bad for them in general.


1. I do enjoy the clips where kids are really sweet and generous with responses like "It's totally okay. I don't mind." and "I hope you didn't get a tummy ache." These are the types of kids where they seem to be getting good parenting otherwise (and seem to lack lowlife genes).

2. For the other dipshit kids with atrocious responses, I feel like they respond with selfish toxicity and disgust because they're already probably being raised that way, so this prank is just par for the course.


Weird flex I know, but fwiw my kids don't eat their Halloween candy, and they donate their haul at the dentist to send the junk to our troops.

(My kids don't eat candy in general, but if we, their parents, did tell them we'd eaten something they wanted, they'd respond with hearts full of happiness hoping we enjoyed it. My boys are wonderful. ❤️)

One last look back

A Reporter’s Footage from Inside the Capitol Siege

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Hahaha i got it. He needs the black vote. He absolutely need the black vote to win these states. Philadelphians, for example, are 45% black. African americans make up a larger portion of the population in southern states, as you can imagine, vs the population elsewhere.

Now i know what you're thinking

Black people voted for Trump, he won 110% of the black voters.

I'm not going to waste more time on a traitor, but you should go Google "Trump rally runoff georgia crowd"

Or look at the crowd at the Capitol building. It's like nothing but black people, there are so many.. i ... Pfft okay sorry i almost got through that with a straight face.

Now, i know biden is always talking to an empty room at his rallies, so what you're about to see may shock you. Google "biden Harris rally"after that.

Weird, wait... Wait. Black. Out. Media BLACK out, you don't think... Black lives matter media blocked all the pictures of black people at Trump rallies. Diabolical. But then how did Biden get the official results to match up?

Hmmm but how... Trump says he got all that voting block... Unless...
Quick link to prove a point but this article is old

I see the PGA tour is no longer going to work with Trump golf courses at all. Good.

Trump's Star Witness Is A Drunk Karen

SFOGuy says...

The voice questioning her (Rep. Johnson) is actually Republican. He clearly was pressed to the point of incredulity. And when she's talking, she has that weird, slow, over-clear speech pattern of a drunk white woman.

It's so weird.

Everything That Happened Leading Up to Nixon's Resignation

Joe Biden, You Are Lying, Sold out Americans

moonsammy says...

I watched the video, and was mildly shocked that it was an official Trump ad. The story is absurd on its face. If it were legitimate, the FBI would be confirming it. Instead it's being promoted exclusively by partisan hacks with zero credibility. Hell, in Giuliani's case it's already a known fact that he's compromised by the Russians. It's also known that the Russians have been planning to promote disinformation. Text is by far the easiest evidence to fake.

But I'm quoting you because after watching the video and going into the comments on an ad this stupid, you managed to follow it up with some absolutely batshit projected attacks, and reading your comment honestly made me guffaw. I fucking guffawed Bob, good-naturedly at the actual hilarity of it. No joke, the upside-down topsy-turviness of it actually legitimately tickled my funny bone because what you wrote was so insanely bonkers. There aren't just *hints* at Trump having actually fucking raped children, it's damned near certain when you look at the various evidence. He's a fucking child fucker. Trump. He almost certainly did it, and it's goddamned obvious. So this whole line of attack of "Biden = pedophile" is hilarious. Ghastly too, but hilarious.

You're such a weird enigma, Bob. I don't like to buy into conspiracy-esque shit like "Bob's a Russian account with multiple people behind it," but... sometimes it feels on point.

bobknight33 said:

Funny his crack head son's laptop will be the family downfall

Least not to mention picts of Hunter having sex with underage girls.

Democrats, the party of debauchery.

Zawash (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Finland Jesus

Ginrummy33 says...

Impossible, unless there is some weird science way for water to become hard for some reason. But how likely is that to happen in a country as far north as Finland?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

That's all you can contradict? Progress. I'm glad you've realized voting twice is a felony no matter why you do it. Don't try, Kamala knows how to prosecute well.

Selling out to China?! Please do go on.

Nice playground chanting, Bob. I guess you just don't want to sound adult?

Weird how what is an insult to a clown of a man is now your best positive nickname for him.

As to Joe, 14 days ago bobknight33 says...
"Joe was alert and presented himself well. "
Not sleepy or bad.

Bad is not an adjective anyone who knows him would use, many Republicans have called him the best person in the Senate when he was there, no one who knows him says Trump is good, and all who've known him and parted ways say he's not just bad but evil.

bobknight33 said:

Biden selling out to China is subverting Americans.

Orange Man GOOD.

Sleepy Joe BAD.

How One Gameplay Decision Changed Diablo Forever

SFOGuy says...

In the thumbnail, I had this slightly weird moment where I thought: wait, Adam Savage was part of the programming team for Diablo?
But no...

Democrats For Violence

wtfcaniuse says...

What is The Deal with your Weird random Capitilization bOb?

Is this Bob #4 or #17?

What has Trump done that is "great"? Still waiting for an answer. Bob #2 might not have attached the new cover sheet to his report from the other day, ask him if he saw the memo about it.

bobknight33 said:

American people are fed up of the Democrat party.

Funny Democrats say this Violence is Trumps America. Reality is that this is all in Democrat controlled area.

Democrats are a Total Fail.

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