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Don't Quit Your Day Job

The new russian 5th generation stealth fighter Sukhoi T-50

mjbrennan99 says...

The mission generally dictates the engineering and design of a mechanical system. The Buran and the Shuttle are prime examples. The new X-37 resembles both in general shape because a reusable "space plane" needs certain specific physical characteristics.

The Mig-25 looks like the F-15 because both were originally designed as high altitude, high mach interceptors. The demand placed on the system by the overly large engines dictates the shape.

The basic principles of radar "stealth" dictate certain shapes to be effective. The Have-Blue shape was effective against high frequency radar through deflection. As materials technology advanced, e.g. radio absorbing materials, more aerodynamic shapes could be implemented and still retain "stealthy" characteristics, if not improve upon them.

All the F-22 vs Pak50, M1a1 Abrams vs T80 videos are funny. The 1 versus 1 advantages are fun to debate, but its the entire system that wins or loses the fight. In the same vein, its common knowledge that German armor in WW2 was vastly superior to American armor in every technical way. Similarly, German fighter aircraft were more maneuverable than the P-47s and P-51s that they fought. Unfortunately for the Luftwaffe, this superiority was not enough to defeat the allied system as it rolled east across Europe.

The term 5th generation does not define the aircraft themselves, but the system they belong to. If you read wikipedia, this does not mesh, but the wiki values maneuverability (which is inherently limited by the pilot), stealth features (limited by current materials and design), advanced avionics (what does this mean?) and multi-role capabilities (we have had this since the 1980's). The key to 5th generation fighters and its defining characteristic is the ability to integrate the new fighters with every other piece of war equipment in the theatre, not just in tactical use, but the total meshing of sensors and 2-way data links. Its the difference between a war of attrition and a war of "look first, shoot first".

The Russians appear to be building an excellent stealth fighter that looks sexy as hell. The Chinese are doing the same. What they both lack at the current time is the "backend" systems to make these new 5th generation-esque vehicles fully capable. The Pak50 and the J20 won't be sharing targeting data with their Navy or other ground forces anytime soon.

Behind the scenes of Peep Show [Part I]

Pyotr says...

So true. It's car-crash comedy, in that David Brent vein of truth in profound ugliness. It's a crime there are only six episodes a season. >> ^EvilDeathBee:

Took me a while to get into Peep Show, but at the insistence of some of my friends I did manage it and it really is one of the best sitcoms around. Agonising to watch most of the time, but consistently fantastically hilarious

Key&Peele "Liam Neesons"

kceaton1 says...


I really love this skit, it just hits all the right notes, in the right way AND at the right time(s). It's on the mark, over the mark, hyperbolic, ridiculous, sometimes completely correct, but always introduced with a point that is reamed into your mind over and over again--with some people unable to even get the joke if you read Youtube comments for all or any of their skits (reading these comments is actually one of the funniest/funnest things you can do; I swear you literally can find the dumbest people on the planet on Youtube just by reading their comments; for some reason they seem to all like Tea Party related material, HAARP, "Black Helicopters, UFOs, ghosts AND the fact that shows like, "Ghost Hunters", as these idiots always like to say, "IT IS REAL!", and various other stupidity expenditures that in all likelihood takes one I.Q. point off every time they post--they are usually EPICALLY idiotic and can almost induce strokes just by reading their comments at times, as many of you are may be very well aware of--these idiotic posters are contained in this vestibule of the Internet, almost like an abscess of "The Tubes™"...) . A great vaudevillian type skit... Which is why I like so many of Key and Peele's skits and their material as it DOES have that vaudeville quality and atmospheric vibe going for it. I feel as though if you can't like Key and Peele you certainly have a genetic disorder that compromises your ability to enjoy humor and life.

It quite frankly, is a type of comedy that is dying in American television (indie comedies on Cable stations are the key shows still keeping it alive for now--shows like Key and Peele, Portlandia, etc...) and has basically completely disappeared from movies all-together. I think the last comedy that was great, and good enough to count as something along these lines was, "O Brother, Where Art Thou?". Woody Allen and quite a few other directors/writers made a movies that fit this vein, but Mel Brooks really was the king of this type of slapstick and understood this field better than most directors and writers have for a long time.

Although, I know I haven't watched EVERYTHING there is to see, so I readily admit I might be missing some real winners that I REALLY should be mentioning (for example I know Community is very popular, but I don't know what type of comedy it is--is it a typical generic platform comedy, like Friends, or is there something more to it...) . Make sure to post below any other comedies that you feel should be added into the mix, comedies that can be simple on their face, but end up having a lot of intelligent discourse hidden underneath or they just have influences like Key and Peele that give them the feel that a bit of vaudeville and improv (the reason why shows like, "Whose Line Is It?", did so well and if you do a search on Videosift--or Youtube--you quickly realize it was a HIGHLY enjoyed, liked, and well thought of in almost ALL of it's skits, sketches, and comedy routines--a program, that should be mentioned, that originated in the U.K. on the BBC; that version ALSO being excellent in execution, production, and an extremely very well thought out program from it's very inception) are included in their style of comedy and their skits.

Anyway, just my two cents...

/My comment on the state of current U.S. comedy in mainstream media sources is added in so my quality markup isn't just sitting there all alone... Plus it gives us something to talk about besides just this clip/skit.

Phoenix Mayor experiences food stamp budget for 1 week

The meaning behind ‘Gangnam Style’ video (and lyrics) (Asia Talk Post)

ReverendTed says...

Oppa, as I understand it, is like "big brother" in the vein of a trusted older brother, perhaps one who is responsible for the care of his younger daughter. Might be likened to a sugar daddy, but with a less negative connotation.

Go see LOOPER (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Great film. Adrenaline is still coursing through my veins. Just go see it. The less you know the better. I'm going to have to see it again.

I also recommend Director Rian Johnson's first film, Brick. It's a modern day Raymond Chandler style noir set at an Orange County high school.

This guy is a fantastic writer.

...and he also directed Breaking Bad episodes? Really? Total bad ass.

NIKE sold you a dream and made you a consumer

eric3579 says...

I was seven years old, when I got my first pair
And I stepped outside
And I was like, Momma, this air bubble right here, it’s gonna make me fly
I hit backcourt, and when I jumped, I jumped, I swear I got so high
I touched the net, Momna I touched the net, this is the best day of my life
Air Max’s were next,
That air bubble, that mesh
The box, the smell, the stuffin, the tread, in school
I was so cool
I knew that I couldn’t crease ‘em
My friends couldn’t afford ‘em
Four stripes, some Air-didas
On the court I wasn’t the best, but my kicks were like the pros
Yo, I stick out my tongue so everyone could see that logo
Nike Air Flight, but bad was so dope
And then my friend Carlos’ brother got murdered for his fours, whoa
See he just wanted a jump shot, but they wanted to start a cult though
Didn’t wanna get caught, from Genesee Park to Othello
You could clown for those Probings, with the velcro
Those were not tight
I was trying to fly without leaving the ground, cuz I wanted to be like Mike, right
Wanted to be him, I wanted to be that guy, I wanted to touch the rim
I wanted to be cool, and I wanted to fit in,
I wanted what he had, America, it begins

I want to fly
Can you take me far away
Give me a star to reach for
Tell me what it takes
And I’ll go so high
I’ll go so high
My feet won’t touch the ground
Stitch my wings
And pull the strings
I bought these dreams
That all fall down

We want what we can’t have, commodity makes us want it
So expensive, damn, I just got to flaunt it
Got to show ‘em, so exclusive, this that new shit
A hundred dollars for a pair of shoes I would never hoop in
Look at me, look at me, I’m a cool kid
I’m an individual, yea, but I’m part of a movement
My movement told me be a consumer and I consumed it
They told me to just do it, I listened to what that swoosh said
Look at what that swoosh did
See it consumed my thoughts
Are you stupid, don’t crease ‘em, just leave ‘em in that box
Strangled by these laces, laces I can barely talk
That’s my air bubble and I’m lost, if it pops
We are what we wear, we wear what we are
But see I look inside the mirror and think Phil Knight tricked us all
Will I stand for change, or stay in my box
These Nikes help me define me, and I’m trying to take mine, off

I want to fly
Can you take me far away
Give me a star to reach for
Tell me what it takes
And I’ll go so high
I’ll go so high
My feet won’t touch the ground
Stitch my wings
And pull the strings
I bought these dreams
That all fall down

They started out, with what I wear to school
That first day, like these are what make you cool
And this pair, this would be my parachute
So much more than just a pair of shoes
Nah, this is what I am
What I wore, this is the source of my youth
This dream that they sold to you
For a hundred dollars and some change
Consumption is in the veins
And now I see it’s just another pair of shoes

Dan Savage vs. Brian Brown: The Dinner Table Debate

spoco2 says...

OK, I couldn't stop at just 12 minutes, now 27 minutes in and listening to Brian try to invent reasonings for still taking everything in the bible as written and to still be true is mind numbing...

I'm amazed that people in these positions can not see that they spend so much of their time creating loopholes and obtuse explanations to be able to keep their world view. How can they not stop for a minute and go

'Huh... you know, it seems I have to expend an awful lot of energy trying to create explanations against what seems so blatantly obvious... I have to stop any time I think of something that goes against the bible even though it makes sense. I have to stop and invent an excuse as to why the illogical thing in the bible is actually true instead of what seems so obvious and right.'
'Maybe I should give pause to continuing to believe in the bible if I have to spend so much time creating excuses for it'.

It's kind of like having a friend or relative that you know is a dick, but you keep making excuses for them despite that.

"No, yeah, I know he comes across as a bit dickish, but he has a good heart."
"Yes, I know he stoned your friend to death because he took the lord's name in vein, but that was done with love"

Coming from the side of rationality and compassion requires so much less work, doesn't require mental gymnastics, just one sentence.

"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you"

Or, as in the King James version of the Bible: "And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise."

Holman Christian Standard Bible : "Just as you want others to do for you, do the same for them. "
God's word translation: "Do for other people everything you want them to do for you."
Amplified Bible: "And as you would like and desire that men would do to you, do exactly so to them"

I don't get how anyone can say that the Bible is the word of god.... which version? Which translation? Which edition? Which copy of the bible altered to suit the current rulers?

Vampire Bats Drink Blood

Star Trek TNG Bluray Old Vs New - Unbelievable Difference

Fletch says...

Hmmm... space jellies in love, or big-brained, telepathic Talosian aliens with pulsing head veins? Added bonus of "The Cage"... Spock is a DICK! C'mon TNG'ers, it's a frickin' GIANT JELLY FISH (with feelings)! It's been done! At least make it a dangerous Irukandji or Box (or something).

As @ChaosEngine said, TNG got a lot better than this, and I became a fan. However, I grew up with TOS, so it'll always be the best Star Trek in my mind.

shagen454 (Member Profile)

marinara says...

In reply to this comment by shagen454:
Oh man, I totally saw this on the front page again my heart started pumping and I was about to FLIP THE FUCK OUT. But, I see that I already did, so.

These judges, DA, police officers are SCUM FUCKING FUCKS. I wish hell were real because they would burn for fucking eternity!! OK, so I had to flip out again because even after forgetting I saw it once, and then feeling exactly the same constitutes another. I wish I could teach that judge a lesson, her whole mentally is a bunch of shambled bullshit - putting people's lives away for NOTHING and making you and I pay for it! SCUM! She doesn't even deserve blood running through her veins, nor anyone else that took part in this.


Texas Graffiti Writer Gets 8 Years of Prison Without Parole

shagen454 says...

Oh man, I totally saw this on the front page again my heart started pumping and I was about to FLIP THE FUCK OUT. But, I see that I already did, so.

These judges, DA, police officers are SCUM FUCKING FUCKS. I wish hell were real because they would burn for fucking eternity!! OK, so I had to flip out again because even after forgetting I saw it once, and then feeling exactly the same constitutes another. I wish I could teach that judge a lesson, her whole mentally is a bunch of shambled bullshit - putting people's lives away for NOTHING and making you and I pay for it! SCUM! She doesn't even deserve blood running through her veins, nor anyone else that took part in this.

Creationism Vs Evolution - American Poll -- TYT

kceaton1 says...

I'm Atheist for the record, I was ONCE Mormon, nearly 28 years ago! That is what shiny feels so compelled to mention.

Yes, I MAY mention it in what I write, but he ALWAYS writes this back to me and it is this that makes me SO angry, "I'm sorry, you were a Mormon, the Mormon religion is a cult, I'm sorry you belonged to a cult; you can't understand a Christian God because you belonged to a Cult, *I'll tell him an unrelated comment*, well that may have had to do with your Mormon upbringing, etc...

And it goes on and on in that type of vein and I'm sure others have had their fair share of these types of attacks to discredit them. Because, it really is to hard to go after the core facts or logic, they are so conclusive it's scary to some. So shiny has finally made me *ignore him, I will no longer hear what he has to say to me or this community as i think it's being abused. Even after what he said to me, he continued to ask ridiculous questions some of which I ALREADY ANSWERED IN MY LONG-POST! If you don't understand general and special relativity don't keep talking like you do! Read up on it and come back! There is a very good reason why changing the speed of light won't change the value of the age of the Universe... Go find out in the first place what makes the Universe the age it is, it has NOTHING to do with the speed of light, only the state of the energy of the photons we see returning to us.

If you changed the speed of light to something else like 10 ft/s/s then things of course would look awfully weird, but how a human measures "one second" is an imaginary concept, but beyond that due to relativity energy would be conserved, we would move FAR slower and we would still be literally interacting with each other at the same "framerate" we do right now. you could say that there is something special about our view of time as it is, but everything we've tested for shows time to be a imaginary concept. It all revolves around the speed of light, literally. It may be the only thing that determines how fast we are "using" time, if we were close to the speed of light stars would begin to live their lives FAR faster than normal, BUT you will always see one second as that.

So changing the speed of light is rather pointless, again I've made this case, to hopefully explain some of general and special relativity's little quandaries. Once again, light always travels the same speed in the same frame of reference (including its mediums). THIS has to do with CONSERVATION of energy, it is due to the law of thermodynamics, and you can take it farther than even this as well! People responding are coming off as ones that do not know much of what they are saying, maybe I've screwed up a sentence or two, I may admit (I didn't proofread and won't, I'm doing this fast). I hope that this is sufficient.

#shinyblurry I'm sorry I blew up, but you should NEVER use people's old life as a way to attempt to disarm them of their ability to argue. Atheism is to me "SOMETHING", AS MUCH as is the end of a pencil eraser: I've erased my belief in God and it is gone; I may be Atheist in wording BUT I'm not an atheist in any form or manner with BELIEFS, CONVICTION, POWER, HOLDINGS, JUDGMENT, or THOUGHT! IT'S a damned word! Nothing more.

Two as for being Mormon, sure I might agree with you in many respects about what it is and WHAT it isn't, but I might also agree yours IS nothing but the same. DO NOT think that this is because I'm an "Atheist" holding this against you. This is a MAN holding it against YOU! Religion has it's own shames to answer for in every color and theater.

And now I'm done.

The Treaty of Westphalia

Yogi says...

>> ^Ariane:

>> ^Yogi:
now that house is over, I would love to see Hugh Laurie back in comedy for a bit.... (of fry and laurie)...

I was hoping first for a Travel Documentary in the vein of Fry in America. Just have them traveling about for a bit and chatting about their lives and meeting new people. Wouldn't it be funny watching to giant Englishman stomp around East Asia or somewhere cool? I think so, and it would be a nice little trip for Laurie after House, which had a decent enough ending in my view.
After that I demand some comedy though.

I don't know, it seems Michael Palin has already pretty much covered the world already.

He does a good job, but I honestly like travel programs that have a gimmick like motorcycles (Long Way Round) or Cars (Top Gear specials) and have more than one person. I get bored with one person, how people interact with eachother while on the road is much better and I can imagine Fry and Laurie would be amazing at it.

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