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Rage against the Bushies: "New World Lies"

skrpune says...

as for the comparisons of Hitler to Bush, if you look from the viewpoint of fascism, then it's a spot on comparison. Corporations are the ones actually in charge of this country. When there was a congressional hearing on miner safety after one of the last mining disasters, one of the mining company heads WALKED OUT in the middle of questioning, saying he had a meeting to attend. (Gee, what meeting is so fricking important that you have to blow off the government?!) And when the oil tycoons were brought before congress to "get to the root of this whole expensive oil thing", they weren't sworn in. Even though a democratic congressman asked REPEATEDLY for them to be sworn in, so that they would be sworn to tell the truth. Even the frickin baseball folks were sworn in when talking about the steroids scandal, but oh no, the folks that are hunting/golfing buddies with the fellas in charge, nah, we can just take them on their word, right? And do I really need to mention Halliburton??

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