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Latest Failed Assassin Arrested On Florida Highway

newtboy says...

What’s that? You see another wolf?
Both are definitely verified to be 100% hard core MAGA. Nice try. Too bad you have zero believability after 14 years of idiotic nonsensical lies and absolutely nothing more. (blm killing cops (oops, I mean far right boogaloo boyz trying to blame blm) ANTIFA on Jan 6 (oops, not a single non MAGA found attacking democracy) Pelosi was a lover’s spat (more likely from either shooter, they once loved the child rapist). The election was stolen (the felon tried to steal it, but was too incompetent). Every claim you make is stupidity mixed with anger at your own failures and spiced with racism.). But you keep shouting “WOLF! WOLF WOLF!” and see how that works out for you. I certainly wouldn’t expect you to look into how it worked for others in the past. 😂

Both had mental issues….both still attained assault style weapons after Trump repealed a law that barred people who are mentally ill from purchasing guns.

Both supported Trump. One voted for him and recently supported Nicky Haley not Biden or Harris, and once reportedly donated $10 to support democracy in Ukraine (the reason he turned on Trump, is that why you say he’s a democrat…because he’s pro-democracy?), the other was too young to vote but every single person who knew him said he was 100% far right MAGA, his motive is fame, the alleged donation to vote blue was quickly debunked as another person in another state at another age but with the same first and last name, a claim that was verified to be wrong week one after the shooting. Both were 100% MAGA, no question, verified a dozen ways over. More baseless lies from the liar ignoring all actual evidence to believe some stupid nonsense based on known falsehoods, or to just lie about the facts because they’re bad for him…shocked!

We all know you can’t admit it, we know you are incapable of admitting any mistake or lie because it’s all you have, but we also all know the truth, and the truth is BOTH ARE FAR RIGHT WING MAGA GUN NUTS THAT USED ASSAULT RIFLES (that Joe had banned in the 90s but the right removed the ban) TO ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE POLITICIANS THAT ARE NOT FAR RIGHT ENOUGH. (Cozying up to Putin is not right wing, btw)

It should be noted, his secret service detail told him repeatedly that he could not be safeguarded at that course because it had public roads and homes bordering multiple holes and it could not be secured. He went there anyway, and now blames the secret service.

At best you are a Russian troll, but I don’t give you credit for that kind of intelligence…in reality you are an uneducated gullible idiot that buys every bit of AntiAmerican propaganda Putin feeds you because you honestly hate modern America and aren’t bright enough to see reality. I haven’t noticed one you missed, and absolutely know there isn’t a single time you have admitted they tricked you into spreading the Russian based lies despite it being proven daily. You haven’t said a word about your favorite failures in mommy’s basement all being caught getting paid hundreds of thousands a month to spread anti American Russian propaganda, or the right wing media and politicians that picked up that dishonest propaganda and ran with it (like you did every single time).

I go to the “Putin’s puppet” line because you and the felon keep repeating the lies he keeps feeding you, then pretending you didn’t even as you spread the next one. You and he are Putin puppets. Putin, and El-Sisi ($10 million cash bribe to change official policy towards Egypt still completely unexplained and growing as Barr testified Trump forced him to end the investigation into the bribe that was looking bad in 2017, and is restarting. Another case of the felon selling out America for $.). Same thing as Menendez, and Dems threw him to the wolves without defense when he was caught…you just keep on defending the felon as he sells out America to pay his enormous legal bills. The best thing you could possibly say is admitting you are too stupid and ignorant for it to be intentional….maybe….it would be impossibly hard to believe even you are that dense.

bobknight33 said:

Both are DEMOCRATS. Both donated to Democrat Act Blue fundraising ordinations.

Are worst you live in fake news.
At best you are a tool for the left.

Always going to the Putin puppet line.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

“Even CNN” has been caught knowingly packing their “independent voters” panels with hard core Trumpers they called independents despite the voters saying clearly they intended to vote for Trump and no one else.
This is what happened when CNN went far right with Chris Licht…they abandoned truth to court maga, the anti truth party.

Just 2-3 weeks ago according to maga RFK jr was a “communist Marxist”, a pedophile, the most hard core leftist in the race, and an absolute nut job whose brain was eaten by worms and Trump said even Biden would be much better than RFK jr. while RFK jr called the felon a criminal sociopath who nearly ended democracy in America and would destroy the economy.
He tried to quit weeks ago and endorse Harris for a promise of a job in the Harris administration, and she wouldn’t take his call, and now endorsed Trump (for a guarantee of a job in his administration, exactly what position is yet to be determined)…today after selling out you call him an impressive American hero you proudly stand with (and who may replace Vance next week, he’s already more prominent in the campaign releases).
He didn’t change one bit except for the endorsement, why is he suddenly acceptable? 😂

Bidenomics failed - Next POTUS will be left holding the bag

newtboy says...

Not surprising, you know nothing, and your memory makes a gnat seem like Dave Farrow by comparison.

Edit: you would benefit from this….

The decline of jobs under the felon was due to his absolutely disastrous response to Covid, (not that he was doing great before, well under 1/2 what Biden produced even if you still ridiculously erase 3 million from Biden) first dismantling the agency that tracked diseases overseas allowing it to fester unnoticed, second his racist response by banning CHINESE people from traveling to America but not people who were in China, guaranteeing the virus would get here, then third ignoring it for months pretending it was a cold, guaranteeing a total American endemic that killed twice as many Americans as it should because of the felon’s terrible response, then his obvious distain for any public health measures and his idiot cultists following suit caused at least half the deaths we had and extended the endemic and shutdowns at least twice as long as if we had followed instructions, maybe 3 times as long…his own CDC said exactly that. Comparison with nations whose leaders LEAD proves it was worse than that, and not just Asian nations that culturally are predisposed to follow directions, NZ for instance was barely affected because they listened and locked down and masked up. Australia too.
Truth is he likely lost 4 million jobs, but 1 million of them died so never became unemployed.

Joe has created 5 times the jobs the felon lost, he recreated all 3 million he lost and 12 million more you idiot. I know you can’t possibly give him any credit for rescuing and invigorating the economy, but he did, amazingly well. You can discount the 3 million your guy lost if it makes you feel better, but he still produced another 12 million, more than all Republican administrations during our lifetime combined, and fixed the mess the felon left….sucker.

You have always been in complete denial of everything in reality, friendo. You said depression would hit by June 21. You said Pelosi wasn’t attacked by a MAGGOT. You said adult only pride events happen in front of children. You said police never shoot innocent victims and Ashley Babbit was shot by police for innocent behavior. Every single point you try to make is based in lies, and you know it. You never defend your lies, because you can’t, that’s why you constantly just disappear from a thread, only to start a new line of lies elsewhere.

You being a complete and utter imbecile, I can understand your inability to think, but I think it’s time to quit you. I will be requesting a siftquisition soon to remove your trolling from the site, you add nothing but lies and whining, and your racism is on full display with Harris as the candidate. I think we can be done.

What did you say? More lies. You never say anything but. Every word you write is dishonest twaddle at best, more often racist fascist lies. Every word I write is easily verifiable through multiple legitimate sources, not a single failure angrily vlogging from mommy’s basement. You lied and claimed the adult only event was happening in front of children. I have pointed out this lie a half dozen times. You continue to pretend you don’t know you lied, which is another lie. You can do nothing but lie. It is likely why your family won’t talk to you and I bet you are in trouble at work. It must be a miserable existence trying to keep all these lies alive at the cost of your humanity, all for a felon, charity thief, and child raping racist.

The Olympics opening that referenced Greek mythology but morons who can’t count or think think it referenced the last supper? Yep, no problem at all, only morons who create problems out of ignorance like you. If you want Sharia, move to Afghanistan and leave the west alone.

When are you going to lose your shit over the woman boxer who fought another woman? I know it outraged you, you are exactly that dumb.

bobknight33 said:

The decline of jobs under Trump were due to Covid hysteria and state and local governments illegally forced shutdowns, destroying jobs. Under Joe covid finally clears and big uptick in jobs as things open back up.

You are in denial of economic realities that are coming.

You being a leftest I can understand your foolish thinking.

"You gonna fess up to your pride event lies yet?"

What die I say? Oh yea I said the truth.

What about the Olympics opening ? You see no problem with that?

Bidenomics failed - Next POTUS will be left holding the bag

bobknight33 says...

The decline of jobs under Trump were due to Covid hysteria and state and local governments illegally forced shutdowns, destroying jobs. Under Joe covid finally clears and big uptick in jobs as things open back up.

You are in denial of economic realities that are coming.

You being a leftest I can understand your foolish thinking.

"You gonna fess up to your pride event lies yet?"

What die I say? Oh yea I said the truth.

What about the Olympics opening ? You see no problem with that?

newtboy said:

You are so clueless you think 4.3% is bad! 😂
Americans have significantly more purchase power today despite inflation than before the Biden administration rescued the plummeting economy….and we never had that depression or market crash you insisted was a certainty under him.
How many jobs were LOST under the last administration again? Oh yeah…3000000! How many added under this one? 15000000! More than every Republican administration in my lifetime combined even if you erase the felon’s negative 3 MILLION!
Markets have spiked… Under the felon the S&P went up 1300…so far it’s up near 1800 with 6 months of boom to go under Biden.

I absolutely wish we could have another 4 years economically like we just had, especially without inheriting the skyrocketing unemployment and the inflation bomb ready to explode left by the last guy of course.

Hilarious you think you can blame any economic slip in the next administration on this one, but absolutely refused any iota of responsibility for the economy Biden inherited and turned 180 degrees around. Just so cluelessly hypocritical at every turn.

You gonna fess up to your pride event lies yet? They’re gonna follow you a while,so get some popcorn. Maybe you shouldn’t double down on blatant lies?…yeah…what am I thinking?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂Who’s the crime family now?😂

One insists, after running the most corrupt and criminal administration in history with more convictions by members than any two administrations combined and personally being convicted of business fraud charity theft and lying about having raped women, that no president could ever function without immunity (despite 44 having done so before him).
One, whose administration has had no cabinet felons convicted or pardoned in its term, insists that no person in America is above the law and is pushing a constitutional amendment to codify that and reverse the insane court decision giving America a king instead of president.

Did you have to toss your “don’t let the old guy win” shirt? 😂
Have you seen Shady Vance in his communist hammer and sickle shirt?
Have you seen the TRUE reports that he is a dolphin porn aficionado?
How is distancing themselves from their 2025 platform working? Every top member of the campaign being on its board doesn’t help with that, does it? The felon saying “the Heritage Foundation is writing our platform” and privately telling them he’s still 100% behind it isn’t helping, is it? Vance writing the forward to the Project 2025’s author’s book supporting and being even more extreme than it is doesn’t help with that, does it? It’s almost like telling nothing but lies for 8 years has ruined your reputation for truthfulness and people just won’t believe you over their eyes anymore. What gives!?

The day before the felon was shot, Altman and Lindel held a rally/movie screening where they told the crowd of MAGA “let’s go get our guns. We have to have a target. The time is coming when good people have to do bad things to bad people.”
The next day a MAGGOT got his gun and shot at the felon.

Analysis of Judge Canon's dismissal of classified docs case

newtboy says...

You watched it? I doubt it. Presented such? What did you present? A statement based on no facts and one “judge” whose every actual decision has been overturned? (That’s why all the “paperless orders”…they aren’t decisions that could be appealed)

He points to 4 paragraphs of laws that each present legal basis for special prosecutors assigned by the AG (and other department heads, and congress). That’s 4 times he proved her wrong when she said there’s no basis to legally appoint them. He also pointed to multiple cases where those statutes were SUCCESSFULLY used to defend special prosecutors appointments, some that went to the Supreme Court, including Nixon’s. There are no cases where a court has found their appointment to be illegal…except this one by Cannon. That’s why I don’t think you watched.

You provided no such decision. You posted a moron in his mommy’s basement giving his opinion as he skips through the pages and reads tweets from the likes of parking lot lawyer Alina Habba.
It’s 90 pages long. Show me where you did in readable form without some morons head over half the page, I’ll gladly read it in its entirety knowing ahead of time exactly what it’s lacking, citation or precedent, and what it is omitting, a sane reading of at least 4 laws covering the appointment of special counsel by the AG and acceptance of over 50 years of precedent including the Nixon case where he also challenged the appointment but lost.
I know for certain with your English skills you wouldn’t understand half of the first paragraph without someone explaining slowly.

You have never applauded truth, you cannot ever recognize it and shun it with eyes and ears closed when it’s forced on you….you have still never once retracted a single one of the thousands of lies you’ve spread…like the disgusting lie you gleefully told as often as possible when an elderly man survived an assasination attempt and you said “No politics involved, no MAGA, Pelosi was attacked by his own boyfriend”. You meant it. It was a politically motivated assassination attempt by a Trumpist Qanon believer, now convicted. You still stick with the lie.
You never will retract any of your lies because you and your ilk HATE truth and only deal in lies, because you sir are a liar, plain and simple…a simpleton and a liar.

bobknight33 said:

You so full of shit newt. I did watch. I presented such.

This clown video points to 4 paragraphs to "prove" and opine his BS and leads fools like you to buy it

I provide the actual Judges decision use to show Jacks Smith improper appointment.

This allows each of us to decide for our self -- from source material not some ass clown opinion.

I applaud truth - where ever it stands.

Analysis of Judge Canon's dismissal of classified docs case

bobknight33 says...

You so full of shit newt. I did watch. I presented such.

This clown video points to 4 paragraphs to "prove" and opine his BS and leads fools like you to buy it

I provide the actual Judges decision use to show Jacks Smith improper appointment.

This allows each of us to decide for our self -- from source material not some ass clown opinion.

I applaud truth - where ever it stands.

newtboy said:

It’s ok @bobknight33…we know that 1) you would never watch this and 2) the precise language, specific terms, and legal citation would go so far over your head that you couldn’t see them
The defense judge subverted the law and Justice to protect one man for purely political reasons. Nothing could be more obvious. You applaud this politically motivated degradation of the law and long standing checks and balances our government is founded on…nothing could be less surprising.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh snap!
Just 5 months ago Alex Jones and Alan Raiklan publicly suggested that killing Trump (and blaming the left) would be the best thing that could happen to conservatives because 1) it would trigger retaliation “in kind” assassinations of “deep state” list that includes Biden and 2) “Option 2” behind Trump would be “so much better for us and so much worse for them.”…and they could even win.
“Oh please kill him. It would be so good after that.”- Alex Jones

Was the MAGA conservative shooter another Alex Jones nutjob just trying to help MAGA with a “second amendment solution”, like Trump himself suggested against Hillary? Sounds like maybe yes! That explains a lot.

Don’t forget either, just last year Trump “truthed” Obama’s home address and within days an armed man was arrested at the home after tweeting he’s coming to get Obama and has him surrounded. The violent rhetoric is 99.9% MAGA…just like the shooter.

Also- Nicky Haley 3 months ago “Donald Trump is a danger to the world.” And “Trump has my full endorsement.”
JD Vance - “Donald Trump is America’s Hitler.” And “Sir, I’m so glad you took the “Hitler” claim as a compliment.
Moscow Mitch - “Donald Trump is responsible for the attack on our Capitol.” And “Donald Trump has my full endorsement.”
See a pattern? We see it’s not that you people don’t see the evil you support, it’s that it has turned you evil yourself. Trump is the same person, you changed, you forfeited your morals, ethics, and honesty to be in a club that would have you, and would forfeit America, democracy, and the rule of law to support it. By “you”, I mean all republicans…I’m not sure you personally had morals, ethics, or a shred of honesty to begin with.

Biden Brings Felon On Stage

newtboy says...

“Fined for mishandling the payment “?
She hired a law firm and classified the payment as legal fees. Isn’t that something your side says isn’t a crime? 😂
The dossier was bought and paid for by Republicans, then sold to the Clinton Campaign. I know you hate that fact, but it’s there.

The laptop contents are fantasy, as is the diary. Half truths and pure fiction. Shouldn’t have tampered with it if you wanted anyone to pay attention….not that it would matter anyway, Hunter is nobody.

The economy crashed under the felon, it got better under Biden. Trump can get credit for the first 6-12 months of the next president’s economy which were not good, but absolutely not last 12 which so far are amazing, far better than the last guy’s best year.

Michael Flynn was convicted of treasonous activity and the felon Trump pardoned him because he did the treason for Trump, namely negotiating with Russia in December before his administration started then lying about it to the FBI.

The Biden’s did no such thing and your multiple investigations have found zero evidence of any payoffs nor a single time Biden changed policy to help China, that was Don and Ivanka who were given millions in patents then the next morning changed policy to favor China, then were gifted more million dollar patents. You can’t point to any untoward or even questionable payment after 4 full years of investigations. At best you just refuse to hear the verified explanations and make up crimes.

Trump lost jobs. He left a negative gdp and recession. Shelves went bare under the felon. Over 1 million Americans died due to his policy according to his own CDC. He added more to the debt and deficit in one term than any listed president did in two. The wannabe dictator left the nation more divided than any time since the 1850s and continues to sew division constantly. Trump was worse than any you listed by any measure. You simply deny the facts.

Nice pedophile fantasy you have there, every accusation is an admission, but not smart especially since Trump definitely fucked his daughter and has bragged about it publicly for decades, Barron is definitely her son, the resemblance is there but not with Melania. Trump is on the Epstein list more than anyone else but Maxwell who he still wishes well…know who isn’t? Biden. Trump is an adjudicated rapist with now 40 accusers. Know who isn’t? One has 34 felony convictions…which one was that? 😂

BTW- the first few post debate polls are out…Biden gained a few points after the debate. Enjoy!

bobknight33 said:

The Russia hoax was just that. Bought and paid for by hilly Clinton, and she got fined for mishandling the payment .

The Laptop IS real. The diary is real

The Economy did get better.
Michael Flynn took a shit deal. along with all the others


Biden sold America to China and Ukraine and lined the pockets of himself and his family.

Trump still a better POTUS than OBAMA, Biden or wannabee Clinton.

Joe showered with his daughter. Pedophile Joe is your man.

Biden Brings Felon On Stage

newtboy says...

I watched enough.

You don’t win a debate by lying. You win by telling the truth and backing it with facts.

Biden won the debate, but lost the campaign commercial-off. He did not “perform” well, he showed his age (a full 3 years older than his opponent) he was hoarse, and he stuttered. He did not seem like he’s ready for another 4 years of a difficult job (allegedly because he had a cold)…which was the point of the day.

The problem is most of America also wasn’t listening to the answers, they were judging the vitality of the candidates. By that measure, Biden lost (slightly, Trump’s fact free rambling was also incoherent at times) but angry lying grandpa in fact lost the DEBATE because he is wrong on the facts, but he looked better doing it.

In fact, Biden won the debate, but I don’t dispute that Trump won the night.

bcglorf said:


Did you watch the debate? Biden lost. Trump is a lying, criminal traitor and by far the worst possible choice for president. Within this debate though, Biden came out weak, incoherent, reactive and worst of all seemed lost and couldn't even finish his first response because he forget what the point he was trying to make. Biden looked like a man who's memory or capacity has been taken from him by age in a terrible way, while Trump was comparatively articulate, on point and focused. That's how badly Biden flubbed this.

Biden's performance was a disaster. Trump is still without doubt the worst possible choice for President, but Biden's campaign did Trump a huge favour with this debate performance.

Biden Brings Felon On Stage

bcglorf says...


Biden crushingly lost the debate....

But that doesn't make Trump's lies true. It doesn't make Trump the better candidate.

Trumps "Russia, Russia, Russia" lie like the entire investigation into him was a hoax is only one of many things that should disqualify him for office. Not just that he's lying about the investigation, but because of the revelations of the investigation itself. The reality of the investigation is SO bad for him that he has to just declare an alternate reality where it's all a lie.

The truth though is that 34 people were indicted as a result of the investigation into the Trump campaign embracing Russian support. 8 of those have plead guilty or been convicted.

The reality got much worse though, as many of those from Trump's campaign were convicted of obstruction of justice, perjury and witness tampering. In return for their committing crimes to cover other crimes, Trump went ahead and granted them pardons... It's beyond imagination.

That's not the bottom though, there is no bottom. Michael Flynn was one of Trump's loyalists that plead guilty to perjury to protect Trump and thus earned a pardon from Trump. After being pardoned Flynn came back to show his continued loyalty to Trump, and after Trump lost the election, promoted a plan for Trump to declare a national emergency, implement martial law, declare the results of the election irrecoverable and initiate a new election vote this time conducted by the military.

So on seeing that plan promoted, Trump invited Flynn to the Whitehouse to advising sessions on handling the election loss...

There is NO bottom to where Trump will go. He's already a convicted felon, and has yet to be convicted or tried for the most egregious of the things he's done.

AND it is also try that he annihilated Biden in this debate.

Doesn't make him a better president.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Proof at 1:15

Another fake, just like the fake of President Biden pausing mid sit where the audio was altered so you don’t hear he was listening to an announcement to see if he should remain standing…or the Normandy fake where the paratrooper was removed from the clip to make it appear he wanders alone into a field because he’s lost, not talking to a paratrooper who just landed.

You have to produce these fake videos because the real President Biden is in good shape mentally and physically unlike the diapered felon who meth rages every morning at 3am and needs his team to spend every day doing damage control over his tantrums, lies, and ridiculous accusations that are always admissions (he has no imagination so when he wants to make a claim about someone he just thinks of something he’s been attacked for or that he knows is wrong and accuses them).

Democrats don’t have to fake videos or make up lies about the Felon, his actions are disgusting and illegal enough, actually so bad many won’t believe he could really be so disgusting, such a long term public pedophile, such a business fraud, so incredibly unreligious, so outrageously anti democratic, and ALWAYS SO HIGHLY ILLEGAL.

This felon and rapist is you guy, this you pick…he is the absolute best maga has, and he will soon be a prisoner. Note, this means you see yourself as worse than a felonious rapist, business fraud, charity fraud, constant liar, and public pedophile because you obviously see him as your better.

If you were a real man with any honor, you would kill your self for being such a worthless tool spreading these anti American lies, but you are an infant that doesn’t understand the concept of honor or truth so you think nothing of it.

PS- Convicted felon Bannon is being sent to Danberry…not a club Fed prison! This is because he has other cases. Who else has other cases but is about to be sentenced to Rykers Island? 😂

PPS- Gaetz is now under investigation for sex with minors and child sex trafficking, drug use (and transportation across state lines so drug trafficking), abusing his authority to dispense political favors to friends, and obstruction of official investigations (including this one). I guess that means he’s ineligible to run for office just like Hillary was, right? 😂

Bonus- Trump Media is in total freefall, dropping another $5 to hit $30 this morning and still plunging. I think it burned through all its cash reserves and may fold soon, bringing it to $0. Congratulations, another total failure. Maybe he can get another savior loan from another Russian oligarch through the Dominican Republic like last time…oh wait, Russia has no money thanks to strong Biden sanctions that have completely decimated their economy…sorry Charlie!
His properties values are also plunging because his name is toxic, so much his bond may become invalid again!

bobknight33 said:

Do you really think the Dem party wont replace Biden?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You are not only unbelievably stupid, you are also a constant liar.

1:15 is your proof it’s another fake video…I’m certain this proof AGAIN (not the first time) won’t penetrate the rectal shield you use to protect you from facts and you will continue to spread this lie just like all the other disproven lies you spout daily. If you told the truth just once, you would burst into flames….at least that’s how you live your life.

bobknight33 said:

You are stupid you know.

True video, not fake.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Jr is telling you idiots that his Daddy (he thinks it’s his daddy anyway) isn’t on the “Epstein list”. 😂

I bet you take his word for it.
Truth is no one else is featured as often or as prominently as Doe 174, (DJT). A minimum of 7 trips on the Lolita express to kiddie rape island (and recall he had multiple planes himself, and absolutely took them to kiddie rape island repeatedly as well, and flew with Epstein on the Trump plane often as well, proven with flight logs), he’s accused by multiple Epstein victims of rape, and they were all under legal age, some under puberty age…all told “you look like my daughter”.
Epstein rode on Donald’s plane too, with Donald and girls as young as 15.
Trump was on the SS Lolita too, the party barge full of 14 year old girls and 60+ year old millionaires.
Multiple Epstein victims were referred to him by Donald, told Epstein would give them a better job than they had at Mar a Lago.
Recall, he still wishes Maxwell well, after her conviction for facilitating the sexual abuse of young girls. She must have serious dirt on him.
Donald is on audio recording talking about forcing his way into the dressing room of 15 (and younger) girls to leer at them nude.
Donald is on video lusting after his daughter a few hundred times, talking about wanting to have sex with her, etc.

Thanks for the reminder Jr. “Not on the Epstein list”….MOTHER FUCKER HE IS THE EPSTEIN LIST! 😂

The fake “black church” event was hilarious….not a single black parishioner in the crowd because he RENTED a black church and (criminal) pastor, he wasn't welcomed by the church goers, he had a crowd of 300+- elderly white people wearing “blacks for Trump” shirts….they’re already claiming there were 8000 people in that max occupancy of 350 church (it wasn’t even full). There was literally only one single local black person there, and 5-6 they paid to come from elsewhere. The service was a worship of the felon, not God, not Jesus, but the one you put above them both, Don. Convicted felon Trump’s outreach to the black community doesn’t include the black community…he left that photo op to go to a rally by Charlie Kirk, a massive blatant racist, where on stage they flew flags saying “WHITE BOY SUMMER” and other racist, slogans.
The black community is insulted by the idea that such a sad little show will make them forget how he treated them for 4 years.

Meanwhile President Biden went to the black church that was attacked by a white supremacist in 2015 and prayed with its actual congregation.

BTW- Records prove that in 1927 Fred Trump Sr (The convict’s grandfather) was arrested for being a KKK member who was part of a racist KKK riot of 1000 racists that attacked police in Queens in an attempted race riot.
His son and grandson paid millions for racist redlining.
He refused to denounce the KKK or David Duke…he actually pretended he didn’t know who David Duke or the KKK was (hint- remember the meetings you went to with grandpa where everyone dressed as ghosts and talked about the inhuman animals and what must be done about them? Duke is their leader.)….Mr. ”I see nothing…I KNOW NOTHING!”

Literally everything you morons do is a fraud.


BTW- Crime stats are out. Dark Brandon is better at fighting crime than the entire Justice League put together. 25% drop.
Economic numbers are insanely good, best in the world, constant record high stock markets, low unemployment, high wage gains, dropping inflation…as long as you don’t have antixwoke stocks the market is BOOMING! Sorry DJT stockholders.. 😂

Maga Loyalist Endorses Donald Trump

newtboy says...

More brain numbingly stupid projection.
Everyone including yourself knows full well disgraced Donny lusts after his daughter and has since puberty started, he’s always been very public about it. Everyone knows disgraced Donny spent decades partying constantly with Epstein who was prostituting little girls to his rich friends, was credibly accused of raping a 13 year old at his island (with video), and still defends middle school madam Maxwell (because she has the tapes) despite her convictions for child sex abuse. Everyone knows disgraced Donny bought the Miss Teen USA pageant specifically to be able to go backstage and leer at the underage girls getting dressed, and bragged about it on air. Everyone knows disgraced Donny violently raped his wife then bought her silence (after she reported it). Everyone knows Disgraced Donny told 26 women he cheated on his wife with that they resembled his YOUNG DAUGHTER which made him horny for them.

Everyone knows these disgusting and just dumb lies about President Biden are utterly ridiculous, (edit: like the last one when you claimed he raped an woman in the open halls of congress in public during session but no one noticed and it wasn’t reported for 40 years but really it happened, believe you!…and come from known liars who usually are guilty of the baseless charges they lob at others…like the GOP that is absolutely overflowing with real charged rapists and pedophiles like Gaetz and Donjon.)

Married his babysitter…Jill? What? According to who? They met in 1975 on a blind date set up by Biden’s brother who knew her. You are buying more stupid lies because you are nothing but a stupid liar who stupidly lies day in and day out, convincing no one of anything besides the fact that you are incredibly, outrageously, unbelievably stupid and a constant idiotic liar afraid of reality or truth. Congratulations.

Jill bangs her son’s wife? What? You smoked some bad meth, buddy. Get help.
You really are off the deep end and just screaming self referencing nonsense on the corner. If only you could recognize how insane you really are in your panic at losing everything, you would voluntarily commit yourself tonight.

As expected, you ignore this laundry list of disqualifying facts about a convicted felon, rapist, cheater, and incestuous pedophile but hold onto nonsensical blatantly obvious lies about a lifelong public servant and loyal and decent husband and father.

The Trump crime family has more CONVICTIONS than every administration before and after them combined. They have more convictions than many administrations had accusations, and more credible accusations than all administrations ever! 😂

bobknight33 said:

I'd rather vote for Trump than Joe.

Joe showers with his daughter and married his babysitter , (Jill) and his son Hunter bangs his dead brothers wife.

Biden family values are degenerate.

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