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Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination Cucked! - Cybertruck Fails #2

newtboy says...

Nice try….but for Ford that exposure to the elements exclusion is limited to cosmetic damage to paint trim and interior, not the drive train parts like a Tesla…and didn’t include light.
And notice “uneven, rough, damaged, or hazardous surfaces, unfinished roads, (read as any dirt road regardless of condition) , or any purpose for which the vehicle was not designed” (which is anywhere off pavement or parked outside or any truck activity in teslas) are NOT listed as not covered in the Ford warranty, only intentional misuse or abuse.

OMG! The part you mentioned about not covering you driving through a car wash is spelled out to mean if you hit something…”accidents collisions or objects striking the vehicle ( including driving through a car wash)”, not about it getting wet…the Tesla voids the entire car if you don’t go into car wash mode to wash it and if you use any pressurized water, or get any water through the bad “seals”, or don’t immediately dry it.

Why are you trying so hard to misrepresent easily read warranties to pretend Teslas or their warranties are like the others…they aren’t. It’s clear.
Elon? Is that you?

visionep said:

From the F-150 warranty:

"misuse of the vehicle, such a driving over curbs, overloading, racing or using the vehicle as a permanent stationary power source"

And right above that part it says it won't cover you driving through a car wash.

For the same wind and water environment exclusion take a look at page 18.

Performative outrage against non-issues is amazingly common these days, but maybe it's always been that way. I can just hear an old lady on Little House on the Prairie exclaiming "Oh my, well I never!"

Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination Cucked! - Cybertruck Fails #2

newtboy says...

Maybe so about the parts ordering, I can’t find that, still wouldn’t sit well with me that my car could order it’s own parts in my name…and I would expect abuse, especially considering the company owner.

I don’t have one to read the warranty directly, but not covering any damages incurred off the pavement even on flat level dirt roads or driveways is not normal for a truck, especially a 4x4. Fords come with an off road package and do not exclude damages/failures that happen on maintained dirt roads or flat level grass (maybe excluding potholes)…and they don’t get stuck on either!

I feel I can safely say no other truck voids the warranty for “exposure to sunlight, wind, or water”, listed on the “warranty”.

Tesla is well known for covering nothing off dry pavement including damage from puddles or mud (neither of which should damage a truck, and don’t damage Fords).

visionep said:

The parts thing only happens when vehicles and replacement parts are under warranty. @newtboy If you can find the source showing the warranty is voided driving a Cybertruck in the grass then I'll find the same language in the warranty docs for Fords.

This stuff is funny and Tesla doesn't deserve any leeway since their CEO has apparently gone"fact free" lately, but pushing easy to discredit "facts" seems like it distracts from the real issues with these vehicles and the company as a whole.

Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination Cucked! - Cybertruck Fails #2

visionep says...

The Pinto thing is total BS sensationalist stat mining. They include the guy that tried to blow himself up in the Cybertruck in Vegas as someone who was killed by the truck. Really?

The parts thing only happens when vehicles and replacement parts are under warranty. @newtboy If you can find the source showing the warranty is voided driving a Cybertruck in the grass then I'll find the same language in the warranty docs for Fords.

This stuff is funny and Tesla doesn't deserve any leeway since their CEO has apparently gone"fact free" lately, but pushing easy to discredit "facts" seems like it distracts from the real issues with these vehicles and the company as a whole.

The biggest problem with Tesla in my mind is their over-promising and shitty service. I'm not sure how companies get away with promising stuff that isn't available yet but it seems like it is getting more common.

To me it looks like their service problems are a mix of 3 factors.
1. Not enough replacement parts at the ready
2. Service centers are understaffed because of the principal of running at below expected need until shit breaks. Only then can you apply more resources.
3. Service centers were designed to work efficiently but are run by a bunch of idiots that came from other manufacturer service centers so they want to do it "their way" instead of following the efficient hands off model that was originally planned.

Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination Cucked! - Cybertruck Fails #2

newtboy says...

Another fun fact: all teslas can “sense” when a part is going bad and order new parts directly to the dealership in your name, only notifying you when your parts are ready for installation. No way Elon would abuse that system to fleece his customers, is there?

Also fun fact: driving a cyber truck in the grass voids the warranty, as do rough roads, potholes, mud, and puddles. Not the case for the Ford that costs 1/2 as much for a real truck that can truck.


Stupid people

Stupid people

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Your fat boy had a stroke.
Look at him walk. He’s dragging his right leg, almost fell trying to get in his garbage truck (stupidly reminding everyone what he thinks about Puerto Rico and Latinos).
Look at his face, compare it with 6 months ago. That’s stroke face.
Listen to him talk, rambling, forgetting words, names, places, his own plans, everything.

Get him help. This is elder abuse.
It’s blatantly obvious why he won’t release his medical records, he’s about to keel over.

WTF!?! Now he’s saying going to protect women from themselves and their own reproductive rights “whether the women like it or not”.


Tucker Carlson has revealed that he believes he was attacked by a demon…because when sleeping with his wife and 4 dogs he was scratched. This is an unambiguous sign of severe mental illness.

Fun, another felon’s lawyer, Chesebro, has been disbarred for trying to steal the election in 2020. He pleaded guilty btw.

Forbes says your fat boy is over $2 BILLION in Debt. He has no cash left…none. His properties are all under water (when he sells them he will owe more money, not collect). 😂

Brock Samson/Car Rage/Venture Brothers

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Shocker! Cannon is following behind Thomas’s pattern of accepting bribes and not reporting them by not reporting a high cost conservative judge junket trip she took last year…she didn’t disclose it at all.
She also took multiple trips in 22 that weren’t disclosed…and when caught she finally reported them but still forgot to post them on the federal website as required by law within 30 days….and was reamed about it so she can’t claim ignorance this time.
Too bad she isn’t protected from ethics rules like Thomas.

The felon went on Gutfeld (yesterday?) still whining about his debate debacle and said when the moderators fact checked him but not Harris “the audience was absolutely…they went crazy!!”….THERE WAS NO AUDIENCE DEMENTIA DON.

Waiting for the Aurora Venezuelan gang truck stop video. I know you want to post it proving the immigrant crime wave is true, just like you had to post the video that proved Haitians were eating pets.…go ahead. I’m waiting. 😂

Mark Robinson: anti-trans anti-gay gay-trans-porn loving “black Nazi” who thinks slavery should be reinstated, 10 year old accounts found and verified. Your guy.

He refused to denounce bomb threats against Springfield Ohio, saying he didn’t know enough….they are random bomb threats against schools and hospitals, what more does he need to know to denounce terrorism? Nothing more, no reasonable person needs more information to denounce bomb threats, especially when made in their name or based on their claims… unless terrorism is the point.

We now know they knew the dangerous racist Springfield rumors that have sparked so much misguided maga terrorism definitively weren’t true before they started spreading them, knew because the woman who first made the claim found her missing cat in her own home unharmed and retracted her accusations publicly before the campaign picked them up, but the lies were politically advantageous so they spread them anyway, “created the story”…also known as lying. Now he tacitly approves the terrorism he spawned. He is a terrorist leader. It is undeniable that he and his people have caused more fear, disruption, and crime in the last weeks than the entire Haitian community combined for the last 5 years.

What about the “abc whistleblower” that died in a car crash right after reporting Harris was given the debate questions (maybe through her earrings). You believe that one, don’t you? 😂

HOLY FUCKING SHEEP SHIT! Republicans in the house are actually claiming Trump left office in March 2020 to try to hide his abysmal record and how he actually left the nation reeling in Jan of 21. Too bad for them Democrats can read and remember basic dates! Nice try.

Sweet zombie Geebus…now the moron has promised to “divert water from BC to California” “just turn the spigot” with no further details…a suggestion only a moron who doesn’t understand water, rivers, maps, or gravity could even consider is possible.

HOLY CRAP!! Harris has brought IOWA into the margin of error! Under a 4% spread. In June, Biden was behind by over 18% in Iowa! Ruh-roe! Florida is now in play…so is Texas! Every time the felon or his idiot minion speak he drops 2%. Every time Harris or Waltz speak she goes up 2%.
There’s good reason for that, if only you could see through that rectal helmet you wear you would understand, but it’s closed face, just like your mind.

Jet Camper Vehicle

Owner watches his falcon kamikaze directly into truck

Bend Rock Has Its Own Facebook Page After Taking Out 6 Cars

I Raced A Dog In My Truck

Cybertruck Full Review

newtboy says...

Oofff- Every cybertruck on the road has been recalled for dangerous design issues like gas pedals that stick on at full throttle, trunks that slice fingers off, and unprotected electrical systems that cannot get damp.
The stainless steel panels also cannot get damp or they permanently stain.
The bulletproof glass was a dismal failure.
The bed is absolutely tiny….it can barely fit a bicycle
The cybertruck has utterly failed as a truck…especially a $100000 truck you cannot resell for a year.

And as noted above driver assist on all models has failed, full autonomous driving is still a pipe dream, it seems to be getting farther away not closer.

Tesla’s just released profits were down another 55% from last year!

😂 And Elon insists he deserves an over $50 billion bonus!?! 😂

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