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Doodling in Math Class: Triangle Party

UC DAVIS Occupy Protesters Warned about use of force

enoch says...

the only way and i mean the ONLY way a peaceful protest by way of civil disobedience will EVER get any traction is by clogging the machine ie:blocking business,traffic and everyday functioning of not only government but everyday business.
this is not my opinion but historical fact.
martin luther king.
vietnam protests of UC.
civil rights protests.
the triangle shirtwaist factory and the consequent protests for labor and the fight for unionized labor.
and these are just a few examples off the top of my head.the list is massive and does not only pertain to america but in america we have the RIGHT to assemble and the RIGHT of redress.
these protestors want to be arrested.
they want the state (in the form of police) to overstep,brutalize and abuse their authority in order to get the message out by way of conflict made violent by the people sworn to protect and serve.
every time the police (be they individual or enmasse) perpetrate violence on peaceful protestors that protest swells in numbers in a matter of days.
this was evident in the 1920's and it is evident today.

the problems of understanding arise when people give their power over to the powerful.they acquiesce to the very powers seeking to disempower them.
so we get things like "free speech zones" which are far away from the very thing being protested and most certainly no where near any business or government functions.

this is not a lib/repub issue but an american issue.for decades the government has slowly chipped away at our civil liberties and given more power to itself.this is what governments do,this is what ANY powerful institution does=keep itself relevant and IN power and the ONLY thing power fears is?
the people.
again,not my opinion but historically accurate.

this is about challenging authority.
you say that when a policemen gives a "lawful" order to disperse that should be the end of it.
i say:i question your "lawful order" as it hinders my right to assemble and give my government a redress of my grievances.
that policemen is ordering me to give up my right of redress and that is a right i will not give up.the authority of that policemen has been bestowed "by the people".the very government in which hands down orders to that policemen has been elected "by the people",and they were elected to create laws and govern "for the people" and when that machine no longer "serves the people" it must be resisted in the only way that has been known to work:
shut down the machine,
because "the people" are not multinational corporations with deep pockets who can influence legislators by way of lobbyists.we cant purchase the kind of time that a corporation can to make our case to a senator or congressmen.we cannot influence public opinion by way of tv commercials or entire networks.
but we CAN sit and stop traffic,or slow the flow of business and THAT is when they take notice.
and the response is always the same:
and if that doesnt work?
if that fails?
co-opt in any way possible (see:tea party)
cant co-opt?
oppress,bully and intimidate by authoritarian means.
(guess which stage we are in now?)
and if that fails?

New drug kills fat cells

deathcow says...

It is well known that homo sapiens evolved on the grassy plains of Africa, thrived and survived to this day, by consuming well metered doses of engineered pharmaceuticals.

I am so glad they have finally discovered the "missing link" here if you will, the secret to health. I knew all along that the supposed triangle of life - donuts, Coca Cola, and a sedentary lifestyle, were actually three parts of a quadrilateral. This fat killing drug will allow us to ascend the food chain even higher, by killing parts of ourselves to survive.

The only thing that gets me is that many people will refuse to take it. I think it should be added to our water supplies.

12 Year Old Music Prodigy - Greatest talent in 200 years??

12 Year Old Music Prodigy - Greatest talent in 200 years??

12 Year Old Music Prodigy - Greatest talent in 200 years??

New Order covered on ukulele: "Bizarre Love Triangle"

oritteropo says...

And yet we still upvoted.>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Performance notes: Very sloppy. I'd recommend that whenever you perform things that are rhythmically challenging for you, that you should first solidify those rhythms at slower tempos. Once you have mastered it at a slow tempo, gradually increase the tempo until you can comfortably perform at the desired tempo. A metronome would be very helpful. That'll be $40, see you next week.

Awesome Teacher ~ Pumpkin Explosion

Homeopathic A&E - Mitchell & Webb

How Do You Get 80' of Mast Under a 65' Bridge?

heathen says...

>> ^csnel3:


On a right angled triangle the 80 feet of the mast is the hypotenuse.

If the bridge is 65 feet from the water then leaving a foot of clearance requires a height from the top of the mast to the water of 64 feet, not 66, otherwise the mast is trying to pass through the bridge, not under it.

For the angle between the mast and the water you want the inverse sine of 64/80, (opposite over hypotenuse), which gives approximately 53.13 degrees.

For the angle between the mast and vertical you want the inverse cosine of 64/80, (adjacent over hypotenuse), which gives approximately 36.87 degrees.

The inverse tangent that you calculated would be for the opposite and adjacent sides of the triangle, implying measuring the 80 feet across the surface of the water, not the length of the mast.

Based on the prior comments here I realise that my excessive level of pedantry may cost me friends too, but hey, someone was wrong on the Internet, and that's more important.

PS: @Yogi - I showed my work, do I get a cookie?

Legend of Zelda Main Theme On Marimba

Who Created Whom?

Boise_Lib says...

“It has been well said that if triangles had a god, they would give him three sides.”

—Montesquieu, Persian Letters, 1721

Did God create mankind; or did mankind think up God?


Don't Wax That Vay Jay Jay-A Joyful Celebration (and tame)

bareboards2 says...

From their website, the lyrics: Map Of Tasmania ft. Amanda Palmer & Peaches

They don’t play the song on the radio
They don’t show the tits on the video
They don’t know that we are the media
They don’t know that we start the mania
Your Eyes don’t want to see what I’m making you
Your ass is off its seat and I’m shaking you
Walking down the street I’m the lady – ah -
Showing off my map of Tasmania

Soft and sweet and shaped like a triangle
Some girls want no shape and they shave it all
That’s so whack, it hurts with the stubble
Walking ’round and look like an eight-year-old
Soft and sweet and shaped like a triangle
Some girls want no shape and they shave it all
That’s so whack, it hurts with the stubble
Walking ’round and look like an eight-year-old

I say grow that shit like a jungle
Give ‘em something strong to hold onto
Let it fly in the open wind
If it get too bushy, you can trim

They don’t play the song on the radio
They don’t show the tits on the video
They don’t know that we are the media
They don’t know that we start the mania
You Eyes don’t want to see what I’m making you
Your ass is off its seat and I’m shaking you
Walking down the street I’m the lady – ah -
Showing off my map of Tasmania

My map is symbolic
It get drunk a lot
Hey, does that make it an alcoholic?
Call it M.O.T. for short
Let’s take this bottomless case straight to the court
Freedom down there, i swear, do you see me smirkin’?
Do you see me wearing a merkin ?
Get in the formation let start
Triangle jerkin’
Triangle jerkin’

Star Wars: The Old Republic - Incredible Opening Cinematic

skinnydaddy1 says...

Ok, yes that was bad ass. but I really hate to say it. Everything in the video is something already seen in a star wars film.

Dude with a red face fighting with a light saber staff thing.

Droids with duel blasters.

Chase through an asteroid field.

Fast ugly tough cargo ship owned by a smuggler with gun ports on top and bottom. (They just need to name it the Aluminum falcon)

Big triangle shaped ships.

Mentor Jedi dieing while rookie lives.

Flying through some kind of structure.

The disturbance in the force pause and sad face.

Storm/clone troopers.

Smuggler saves the day. But, I will admit this one makes Han Look like a whiny little girl.

An R2D2 wannabe

and the escape in to hyperspace.

And apparently I'm not the only one to see this as several people already pointed it out.....
Whats truly sad is I don't have a computer that will run the game. So, I'll have to miss this one.

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