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Crime Reporting: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
This is why I can’t be on a jury. When they ask if anyone has any prejudice I honestly answer that I am prejudiced against lying police and wouldn’t believe a word they say if their tongues were notarized. In fact, if a police officer says something, any claim, it instantly becomes questionable no matter how established the claim may be.
They went to the Supreme Court to secure their rights to lie outright at all times performing their jobs. They train to lie in their job to secure compliance, information, confessions, or just statements they can twist to pretend they’re confessions or evidence. It’s asinine to believe they suddenly stop lying on the stand but lie constantly everywhere else.
This has gotten me tossed off multiple juries, with “thank you”s from the defense tables for saying it out loud in front of the rest of the jury.
(Member Profile)
Today’s Republican major vote fraud case….
“A Michigan poll worker for the Republicans has been arrested recently for tampering with the voting system following the August, 2022 Republican primary up there in the state of Michigan. The man's named James Hoor, and what happened was that he used a personal USB drive, inserted it into an electronic poll book after polls closed the night of the August 2nd primary in Gaines Township precinct. Eight poll workers used the book to administer the election, which contains voter registration data, including confidential personal identifying information about all voters in the precinct, and Mr. Hoor put his personal USB drive into that machine to, I guess, copy data before any of that information could be sent to the state or change it. So he is taking the raw data. This has not been approved by anyone. Nobody told him he was allowed to do this. He took the data from that machine before anybody could verify what was on it. Now, these machines, by the way, are not connected to the internet, so he could not access it remotely. He had to do it with the flash drive. It's also unclear whether or not he was taking data or putting data in the machine. So we don't know that. And this was again, the raw data. This had not been certified. Nobody else knew what all was in this system. And this Republican came along and compromised all of it. This completely invalidates all votes on that electronic poll book.”
More fraud, 100% Republican frauds. Every single one. Most by officials, campaigns, or the RNC themselves. Videos of training poll watchers to break laws, bring electronic devices, go where you aren’t allowed to go, intimidate workers, etc. any Republican win in November is tainted and invalidated, none should be sworn in but instead held in legal limbo until 24, because they intentionally invalidated the elections. There’s no Republican that can win without cheating, so there’s not one valid Republican representative in government.
Also a PS- Bohbert has yet to file any claims against the group that said they have evidence that she had two abortions, was an unregistered escort (hooker), and a DUI accident with injuries she covered up like she claimed she would be doing in June when th stories broke. That amounts to an admission they are true, and she’s now being sued by the reporters for claiming the reports were lies.
This as Mengele Oz campaigned with Hitler’s car right after his mass puppy killing scandal came to light.
Police Cuff Woman On Tracks And Abandon Her- Hit By A Train
Wow. I had heard of this case and I had assumed intentional malice on the part of the police. This footage indicates that it was error in judgement instead.
Having said that, this kind of error in judgement easily rises to the level of criminal negligence and the arresting officer should be imprisoned, and almost every officer on site should be fired.
No reasonable person would ever park an empty car on train tracks, and it is even one step further to have put someone in the vehicle and not moved it immediately off the tracks.
(Member Profile)
Your video, Police Cuff Woman On Tracks And Abandon Her- Hit By A Train, has made it into the Top 15 New Videos listing. Congratulations on your achievement. For your contribution you have been awarded 1 Power Point.
Police Cuff Woman On Tracks And Abandon Her- Hit By A Train
Situational awareness of some potatoes. More worried about getting a reason to have pulled her over to care enough about a fucking train hitting the police vehicle she's in. To serve...the establishment...and protect...the status quo...
Chaos erupts at LA City Hall as council votes to ban homeles
And again, today California/Newsom announced another new program aimed directly at helping the mentally ill homeless called the community assistance and recovery act (CARe) designed to stabilize them mentally, , get them services, and get them off the streets. Stage one is $63 million to serve 7-12000, with $1.4 billion to train businesses on how to safely employ them once they’re stable, housed, and off street drugs. No new tax required, the advantage of Democratic policies making us the strongest and largest economy in America by far.
What has your legislature done to help the homeless there?
Why can't California build space for these people or facilities for those with drug addition/ mental illness . Just add another gas tax or such.
Woman Slips Out Of Handcuffs And Shoots Police
officer training?
"stand over by the car and watch her."
"okay! all eyes on her chief."
"- - and don't let her touch anything!"
"got it."
...and sometime later a city administrator asks, "what is this $40,000 for 'officer vigilance coordination' ?"
(Member Profile)
He’s always had the best words…
Next you’re going to attempt to say Biden isn’t faithful to his wife….or is a failed business con man who intentionally built massive debts only to escape them with planned bankruptcy at least 6 times (think “student debt relief”, but instead of ten thousand it’s tens of millions in debt he shirked, 6 times, and didn’t even get an education or otherwise improve himself for all the money he took from society, unlike students)….or runs a fraudulent school….or is a charity thief totally banned from involvement in any charities……when will you understand that any insult you lob is an admission, every charge lobbed a “mea culpa”, every complaint a self loathing attack on yourself. Any insult that sticks only degrades Trump as the loser to Biden…any fault he has is a nothing burger compared to the same traits in Trump. So silly, so delusional, so infantile…like pointing to Biden falling off his bike and not getting hurt as some indication he’s frail, but Trump could never ride a bike in a million years with training wheels and 4 large men holding him up….morbidly obese 8% muscle mass Trump can’t go DOWN a ramp without assistance, and he’s afraid of stairs. 😂
Keep ‘em coming….I’ve got ten examples for every one you dig up.
BTW- what are your thoughts on the missing $150 million from GOP donors for campaign commercials? They raised over $178 million, by June they had $28 million left and were cutting funding for tons of campaigns that are also struggling to compete with Trump’s constant requests for more donations, donations he’s only spent on hiring his own family so far….at a rate of $30000 per minute!
(Member Profile)
Wow do you have reality 100% backwards.
Hunter never worked for the American people, so could not sell out American people like every one of Trump’s children did. He did not get paid billions, he’s never had billions…unlike Jared that was paid 2 billion for Trump’s protection of the crown prince and weapons sales.
Hillary, how did she sell out America? Benghazi? Emails? You got anything that hasn’t been debunked by Republican committees a dozen times? I thought not. Clinton delusion syndrome.
Joe…sell out America? Lol. Give examples, not stupid internet memes claiming Hunter is one of the super rich and powerful along with public train riding Joe.
Trump force one riding crushing debt Trump, no he never would sell out for money. (Spent $60k of donations on Melania’s dress buyer, and another on Newsom’s ex shouting nonsense for 2 minutes, but not a dime on fighting election fraud or supporting Republican candidates he raised it for…permanently barred from charities because of fraud, fraudulent businesses, fraudulent school bilking millions from the poor…the list goes on forever, everything he does includes fraud.)
Trump sold out America for 4 years straight, taking Russia, China, even N Koreans side over America almost every time. Handing over Afghanistan, Crimea, Ukraine, etc. to our enemies.
Trump sold out America over the election, trying dozens of verified vote fraud schemes and he still lost the election badly, then he sold out America again by trying a violent coup to turn us into a banana republic dictatorship.
Trump stole top secret nuclear documents for personal gain, whether to sell, barter for protection, or use to blackmail America, he stole them for personal gain and to harm America, no other reason to have nuclear secrets….none at all. That’s treason plain and simple.
Your delusion has removed you from reality. Trump and family sold America over and over and over and over and over…you can’t point to a single instance from Hunter, Clinton, or Biden selling America for personal gain, I can point to 6 verified undeniable times Trump sold us out for millions and even billions in personal/familial gains from China, Russia, Saidi Arabia, Russian Ukrainians, even the Taliban….
Trump is an asshole who gets things done for himself, and you are a cultist that thinks that’s the same as working for America. He destroyed faith in every government agency he put his people in, destroyed our international standing, destroyed our economy, destroyed our employment numbers, cost >$500 million for his coup, 1 million dead Americans for his denial of the pandemic, and has divided the nation to the point that almost 1/2 the nation wants civil war….and they think that’s patriotic.
Again, just to name 3, Trump sold us out to China for $36 million for Ivanka and however many millions were in his secret Chinese bank accounts they used to bribe him (how’s that amazing trade deal coming?), to Russia for untold funding including hundred million loans he hasn’t paid back (yep, Rusher), to the Saudis for a $2 billion no show contract with Jared so we would sell them billions in high tech weapons.
You can’t list a single sell out from those you listed. Not one. 😂
All 3 living in your head for free….you even make up interesting back stories for them to keep them there. You love them so much you’ve given up your sanity to keep them in your head. 🤦♂️
Trump only still gets attention because he’s still attempting to destroy America actively, now with a civil war over his criminal actions, solely to save himself from prosecution, not for America one whit, he doesn’t care one whit how badly he’s damaged America either.
Hunter, Joe and Hillary sold out American people for personal gain.
Trump is just at butt hole who get things done for Americans, Not sold out
Beto O’Rourke “It May Be Funny To You, Mother F*#ker”
You are absolutely incorrect. Typical right deflections.
I absolutely want to address this issue. Modification of the 2nd amendment to regulate, license, train, insure and track all weapons purchased, regularly. There are other great options out there. Many other countries do the same - that contributes to a well-regulated militia!
And it's "souls" by the way. Get educated!
You can not have a military automatic weapon.
Why GM Says Its Ultium Batteries Will Lead To EV Dominance
You really are a silly little toddler, aren’t you? Reading comprehension is clearly not a strong suit.
I read 6 articles YESTERDAY, not ever. I know, that sounds impossible at your reading level. You read what, press releases from Elon (but only the positive ones), internet videos from other Tesla fan boys whose channels are dedicated to supporting Tesla, and that’s it?
If you followed it, why do you get literally EVERYTHING wrong when you give statistics or even stated plans for the business? Why do you think a 32% drop is only 20%? Why do you think a 10% cut in employees and hiring freeze is a massive expansion? Why do you think an under 2% market share makes Tesla a competitor with trillion dollar well established companies? Why do you think right before a 1/3 drop in value is “the best time ever to buy, go all in”. Why do you think a stock above 100PE is a good buy? Why do you think the 1/3 drop is 100% due to Biden’s politics over the last 18 months (despite the massive gains it saw under Biden from the 800s to 1200s)? Why do you still say it’s a great time to buy despite Biden having 2 1/2 years left in his FIRST term, so what you claim is bringing Tesla down isn’t going to change? If you really follow Tesla, or if you really believe what you write, it only makes you look more delusional for the conclusions you reach based on the same information I’m reading.
No heart, no heartbeat. Yep. Just like that, where you claim a heart that doesn’t exist beats. You are a service tech at best, a barely literate pinball repairman with an ignorant opinion, not a doctor.
You just can’t stop with the delusions, can you. Bob, did you hit your head? You keep misremembering things over and over and over and over, but you are just certain you remember everything correctly.
It’s true…I did read some (probably near 50 by now) scientific articles (not religious propaganda), talked to dozens of doctors I knew personally (not random unlicensed techs with zero medical training, none required), took advanced biology and anatomy and organic chemistry classes where I got A’s in science consistently (you did not).
What did you read to decide there’s a heartbeat 6-10 weeks before a heart forms? Oh…nothing, you listened to some anti choice liar who said it and maybe a few device techs (without medical training) and you like the idea because it helps strip rights from women, who like everyone that’s not a white male Trumpist, you hate.
Really?! You try to ridicule me for talking to doctors, going to school, and reading, and think you know all about prenatal biology because you talked to some ultrasound device techs without any medical training or licensing who misinterpret a twitch as a “heartbeat” despite there being no heart….not that a heart makes an embryo a functioning human anyway, which IMO should be the deciding factor….if it can survive outside the womb, it’s a viable human, if not, it isn’t…no matter what, it has no right to force another human to be an incubator any more than an ANTIFA diabetic has the right to force you to hand over your kidney.
A heart that doesn’t exist can’t beat.
You read 6 articles and know it all.
I've follow this daily since Jan 2020. But your right. You are "always " right.
Like the fetus heartbeat starts around week 7 or 8. I say this because I've been servicing medical ultrasound since 2021. I've seen more and listen to more techs than you ever could.
But you say, since your mom work at at the hospitable rand you read some articles you conclude just a electrical twitch.
Maybe you are the C) answer from above.
Pilot Makes Emergency Landing on Busy Highway
During my flight training, I was always taught that a highway or paved road was the last place to land in an emergency. For one, power lines tend to cross paved roads and by the time you can see them, it's too late to avoid them. Another is that it endangers others on the ground. Many pilots lose their lives trying to save the plane in an emergency. The best advice I got during my training was that when the plane quits on you, it's now your life boat. Use it to save your life, don't risk yours to save it.
During my flight training I also worked at a small GA airport. I got to know a lot of the pilots there. One owned a construction company and would often fly over his construction sites to survey them from the air. He came out that morning, I filled up his plane and he never returned. I didn't think much of it, although he rented a hangar from us, he also had a private air strip too.
A few days later, I found out that he was killed making an emergency landing. While flying over the construction site, his engine quit and he tried to land on a road. A car pulled out from a side street and he pulled up to avoid it. The landing gear snagged a power line, which caused it to nose dive into the ground and rupture the fuel tanks. It caught fire, and people tried to get to him to pull him out. They said he appeared to be alive and trying to get out, but the fire spread too fast.
The way I found out was a bit shocking. Investigators from the NTSB showed up to review our fuel and maintenance logs. We have to perform daily tests on the fuel and equipment, and I was the one that did those tests the day he was killed. It wasn't the fuel that caused the engine to quit, but that thought that maybe I screwed up the test and caused it and knowing he probably burned alive haunted me. That's something I'll never forget.
Crows are intelligent but just how intelligent are they
@12:48 "One idea is to train crows and other corvids to pick up cigarette butts [...]"
What's to stop the more intelligent crows from just taking up smoking?
Bring the Mega Pint
This is the greatest thing I've seen this week. I haven't been following the trial at all, so this is a nice little funny peek into that train wreck.
bcglorf (Member Profile)
I had to quit discussing things like this in private thanks to bob (and his sock puppets). I refuse now because he likes to be a completely different person in private, admitting things he would never admit in public conversation, admitting he’s lying, that Trump is an awful human being, etc. he ruined it.
Sorry…replying publicly.
If you can’t/won’t answer one simple question, there’s no point. I’m sick of answering all of yours and having you dodge mine….especially sick of it since you refuse to even acknowledge my answers and pretend I didn’t give you a straight answer. I refused to answer one red herring, biased, loaded, off topic question because I disagreed wholeheartedly with its premise, but answered every other you asked.
I feel like you’re wasting my time here..
I must point out, the question you continue to ignore trumps every question you asked….how can you deny the rights of legal women to compete in publicly funded contests as women? It’s their constitutional right to not be discriminated against based on gender. Case closed. Nothing overrides that legality.
I answered your question 3 times now. If you can’t understand, why keep trying? One last time, but I’m out. I’m not going to answer you without the same consideration.
There is no evidence that xx vs xy denotes one automatically has an advantage based on just chromosomal arrangements. None.
Women CAN be stronger, faster, better than men in most arenas, and vice versa. Genetic gender may indicate a likelihood random men will be stronger than random women, it alone does not dictate biological differences that can/will be advantageous in athletics. Hormone levels, hormone therapy, supplements, mental fortitude, training, environment, opportunities, dna, rna, diet, HGH, etc can all go into creating (or erasing) those possible physical “advantages” you reference, not just chromosomal arrangements. Since that’s true, discrimination based on chromosomal arrangements is not just wrong and illegal, it’s ignorant and evil.
I’ve been over that 3 times, now 4. I’ve given specific examples. What’s the issue in comprehension? Are you even reading? What?!
I’m bored of this. We won’t get anywhere with this one sided discussion where only one of us answers questions or pays attention to the answers. Fuggetaboutit. This isn’t a discussion
Have a nice day. Bye.
Gonna try and continue this in private, public comment sections have enough anti-trans toxicity and the pages of projected/anticipated hatred you’re trying attribute to me doesn’t seem helpful for anyone else to read.
Can we start from trying to understand each others positions, definitions and assumptions before concluding a dozen other anticipated conditions on top? For my part, I honestly do want to try to understand where the disconnect in thought process here exists.
For instance, one of my first inquiries was if you agreed or not that biological sex(XX,XY) dictates biological differences that can be advantageous in athletics?
I am not attempting to project anything further, but instead to understand if even that observation is common ground or if it’s a point where our world views already diverge.