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The Watermelon Joke That Saved Me After I Got Pulled Over

luxintenebris jokingly says...

moonsammy: great take. thumbs-up! crystalized my thoughts exactly!*

a couple of rules of comedy are 'know your audience' and [the joke] 'it has to be funny'. if there is no laugh, either you told it wrong, told it to the wrong person, or your wrong about it being funny. your audience is the final judge. not their duty to laff at your doody joke.

stukafox: okay [btw: the watermelon joke is very old] but not going w/the worst or nastiest, just with a few of old risqué ones.

novice is riding back to the convent w/the mother superior on their bicycles through the medieval section of the town. mother superior tells the novice "let's cut through this alleyway". the alley is long, rough and bumpy but the novice agrees. when they get back on the regular route the novice says, "that was new! I've never come that way before!" mother superior says, "it's the cobblestones."

a woman notices her neighbor's tomatoes are fully ripening while her's are still green. she asks him "how do you get your tomatoes to ripen so quickly?" he tells her, "I get up around dawn while I'm still in my bathrobe and open it and flash them. they get so embarrassed they turn red." women tells him she's going to try it but later in the evening. the next day, the neighbor sees the woman and asks "so? did it work?" the woman turns to tell him, "no. it didn't - but YOU SHOULD SEE MY CUCUMBERS!

an old woman was talking w/her younger friend. old woman tells her about some of the older woman in town. "oh! don't let them fool you! they were pretty wild in their day! " then she went on and listed all the men a trio of sisters went through and each tête à tête they had. the list was shockingly impressive enough that the younger woman said, "gee...maybe they couldn't help themselves...maybe they suffered from a hereditary disease?" the old woman cocks her head back and eyes the younger woman then says, "hereditary? hell! yes! it was! it was IN THEIR JEANS!!!"

*david letterman

StukaFox (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Thank sweet zombie Jebus you were wrong on all counts with your predictions.

I'm usually the biggest cynic in the room, so I couldn't exactly deny your theory, but I am incredibly glad civil adults did get the reigns of the country back, and that America did end up deciding black lives do matter, at least a little bit when our noses are rubbed in our murderous racism.

How's the visa fight going? Does getting vaccinated make a difference? Good luck over there....I've never had any desire to visit France, but I'm a weirdo. My perfect vacation is a secluded house on a secluded warm beach in the middle of nowhere and seeing only family all week....I'm not into culture or large groups of people. Give me unspoiled unpopulated nature instead please. Last January we did exactly that outside Mahajual, S Mexico. It was heaven for me except when we went to town.

StukaFox said:

Sorry Newt, but this'll just be added to the pile of "who cares?"

This is the country that watches its children get machine-gunned in their schools and just shrugs. This is the country that poisoned its own population with opioids and just shrugged. This is the country that allowed corporations to take over the entire power structure of the nation and just shrugged. No one cares. No. One. Cares.

You cannot overcome the wall of indifference and entitlement no matter how many impassioned pleas or elegant speeches you make.

Your heart's in the right place, but this is Bob Knight's country now and you will never get it back. And the people who're like Bob Knight? Yeah, they really don't give a shit about dead niggers.

As soon as I get my work visa for France finalized, I am out of here.

Driver barrels through traffic arm to cross drawbridge

Covid Deaths Trump Vs Biden

newtboy says...

I thought I addressed that. Travel was also open between states, and many countries with "free travel amongst nations" had no-travel/stay at home orders in place, unlike the U.S., and afaik, mandatory quarantine for all international travelers.

Again, because he eradicated the international Global Health Security and Biodefense unit, I can legitimately ascribe every single non Chinese death and most Chinese deaths to his actions directly. A pandemic on this level WAS foreseen after SARS, Ebola, and Swine Flu, it's why we created the GHSB. It's why we had a pandemic response plan that Trump completely ignored and actually denied it existed for months and months.

I also am going by facts. My facts say that at least four things Trump did against professional advice took us from prepared to minimise any pandemic to at worst a foreign epidemic to a place where months after pandemics start our leader denied any danger and made no moves to stop it.
1) Eradication of the GHSB, missed opportunity one to have zero US cases and avoid a pandemic completely.
2) Repeated early public denial of the danger while encouraging others to do the same and go about business as usual, missed opportunity two to have zero US cases, and a missed opportunity to minimize any spread if quarantining travelers (something else he failed miserably to even consider early on) failed.
3) Encouragement of those who trust him to ignore all mitigation efforts, don't mask, don't social distance, don't shut down non essential businesses, don't close schools, don't listen to medical professionals....missed opportunity number three to minimize US infections to thousands instead of hundreds of thousands. Remember the many months he said grandma would gladly die to get people back to work, pretending many months in that only feeble octogenarians get sick?
4) Denial of a prepared response plan, never following it and claiming total ignorance, missed opportunity number four to follow prepared plans based on science from day one, missing the opportunity to keep our infection rate at S Korean levels.

That's four well researched and vetted moronic, irrational, and irresponsible mistakes he personally made that multiplied our infection rate by 100- infinity times (if we could have had zero without his multiple massive and stupid mistakes, which is not just possible but likely, he can be said to have CAUSED every single US case, multiplying our infections by infinity.). There were more, but I'm beating a dead horse.
Remember, his real plan was natural herd immunity, with an expected 3-60 million deaths depending on who you asked.

I say if intelligent decisions could have avoided all US infections, and that's undeniable IMO, you can lay the blame for as high a percentage as you like on the leader who made bad dangerous decisions out of pure narcissistic ignorance and hatred of his predecessor...up to 100%. 80-90% still seems like I'm coddling him, at least two failures could have made cases zero, and others minimized it to under 10% of what we have. All four I listed almost certainly allowed >90% giving every doubt and giving him all possible yes, I'm satisfied I'm not exaggerating.

Obama's responsible and responsive planning and execution stopped Ebola from ever spreading here despite it making it to our shores, and it was FAR more contagious and deadly. Had we had Trump then doing the same things, there would be tens of millions dead and likely still spreading disease, imo.

Edit: let me try analogy...If a mayor removes the stop signs from 4 way highway intersections, they are responsible for every wreck that happens, even though other towns with stop signs still have wrecks at intersections. Trump pulled the signs, removed the flashing red light, and cut first responder funding, and claimed there never was a highway code to follow and he takes no responsibility for the jump in highway deaths.

Mordhaus said:

The EU has open borders and free travel amongst the various nations if you are a citizen of a member nation. I will agree our per capita death rate is higher, but still (based on the well researched Lancet study) you cannot lay more than about 40% of the deaths at Trump's feet. I don't deny he could have handled the pandemic much better, but it has been some time since we have had a pandemic on this level. Multiple leaders have handled it differently and time will eventually label them for the history aspect of it.

I go by the facts. Not conjecture, and not opinion. I also don't consider Birx to be even remotely a good source since she rode down the trail willy nilly with the same person you are blaming all the deaths on. I will never trust or vote for Trump again, but you cannot lay the percentage you are proposing on him solely. Just like we cannot move Biden to almighty status for his handling of the situation when he is currently running a similar death rate on par with the same time last year, WHILE having massive vaccination.

Has he made steps that have helped? Certainly and I would say he is definitely doing a better job than Trump, but by your own admission almost anyone could. The fact of the matter is, as I said last year, you cannot fight a pandemic like this without having the martial law like power China had or being in a situation to isolate yourself from outside contact.

A New View of the Moon

blacklotus90 says...

I had this experience up in Burlington, VT once - a bunch of home hobbyist astronomers had set up their telescopes on the street and were inviting people to take a look at astronomical bodies (moon included). The feeling of being able to see that level of detail with your own eyes is indescribable and it definitely reignited a sense of awe and wonder at space. Loads of towns around the world have similar groups that do public viewings - highly recommend it if you ever have a chance.

The Electric Vehicle Charging Problem

jimnms says...

I would love an EV, but I don't plan to buy a new car as long as my current one works. I used to drive a lot, but I don't drive as much these days, typically just around town and the occasional ~100 miles to a neighboring city that has things my little town doesn't have. An EV with 150 mile range and charging at home would suite me just fine for day to day use, and if I needed to go somewhere farther, I could rent, borrow or ride with a friend or family member if they're going too.

The two problems for me are, I don't have a garage, so I would have to install some ugly charging station in my yard next to the driveway. Then there is the cost, both the cost of the car and the cost of installing a charging station. I can't justify spending $30-35K on a new EV, when for less than half that I can buy a new gas car, and probably not even spend the difference in cost between the two in fuel over the life of the vehicle.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So...what aboutism is all you’ve got?...and you use examples of things your people did? You’ve lost your tiny little mind.

I, for one, was right here calling out the Boogaloo boys, militias, and proud boys for arsons, shootings, and bombings they committed in the name of BLM. Caught and admitted by dozens of y’all.

Stop the lies, bob. Not a single person identified is ANTIFA, they are all Trumptards like you, willing to make up any bullshit excuses to avoid responsibility for their terroristic riot and failed coup. So stupid, bold faced liar. You have no evidence, no proof, only lies and deflection, and a stupid lie that makes your ilk so stupid and weak they will follow their sworn enemies, hipster twig boys, into treasonous terrorism at the first opportunity.

Yes, planned by Trump. “Come Jan 6. It’s going to be wild.” “Gotta stop the steal. Cannot allow them to certify Biden or you’ll lose your country.” And in other speeches leading up to the Trump Coup attempt, “BLM and ANTIFA will come to your town, rape your women, and burn your homes. You’ve got to stop them. We won and they stole it from you.”

The pre-riot was planned to end minutes after the certification started to ensure the senate and VP would be there when the attack started....20 minutes walking distance or less away with instructions to walk there and stop them. Stop them or you’ve lost your country. That’s exactly what they did, in the only way possible.

The fact is Trump was planning this in October when he repeated “the only way I can lose is if they cheat and steal the election”. He never stopped telling his morons they were cheated and their country is lost if they don’t use extreme methods to overturn a certified election, and on the 6th told them if they don’t stop the certification, it’s over, they lose the country and freedom and become slaves to BLM and ANTIFA. The only possible way to stop it was by force, months too late to stop it by voting, which many of those fucktards didn’t do anyway because Trump convinced them it was rigged so why bother.

Impeachment will fail because Republicans put party and one person above the country, constitution, democracy, truth, and reason, not because Trump didn’t incite a riot, not because he didn’t ignore his duty to stop the riot he instigated.

Trump has divided more Americans than any group or person in history, getting your ilk to turn on the media in favor of pure baseless propaganda is only one part of Trump’s plan to divide America....his most successful plan. This is straight out of the dictators handbook.

When will you learn that the liar who tried a violent coup is not a patriot anymore than the magamorons who attacked the country on the 6th at his direction and with his blessing?

Can you explain why it took him >4 hours to tell his followers to stop the attack and leave...but not until he knew the targets had been evacuated? Can you explain why, as he watched his mob hunting elected officials on live TV, he tweeted that Pence was a traitor? Can you explain why, if they weren’t there at his direction, they all said they were? Can you explain why, if they weren’t following his directions, they did leave immediately when he told them to? Can you explain why, as he watched the capitol and police overrun and violently attacked for hours, he never called the national guard or other backup in? (That alone is a gross dereliction of duty even if you convince yourself he has no culpability for creating the vote fraud lie, ramping it up for months enraging his base, and holding a stop the steal rally on the day of certification minutes away from congress ending by sending the seething armed group there with his promise to March with them to stop the certification....that alone is a violation of his oath of office, that alone is impeachable.)

Edit: Can you explain why Trump refused to pay respects to the officer his Magaterrorists murdered trying to save Trump’s job?


bobknight33 said:

Where were you last 4 years asking for peace from the BLM, ANTIFA riots, burning looting, killings?

The Capitol incident was bad, Why as ANTIFA members dressed as trump supporters there? What were their role? Invoke incite, participate, encourage.

This incident was planed weeks before Trump speech even started. Also the incident started shortly Trump started his speech and that crowd was 20+ minutes away from the Capitol.

Fact is Media wants to hand this on Trump.
Impeachment will fail, Again!

When will you learn that the Media has divided Americans more than any other group or person.

The Ugly Truth Behind the Will Ferrell G.M. Commercial

luxintenebris says...

just saw the percentage of steam-powered and electric cars...
(#37 @
...that were being driven by the populace. impressive.

know electric trollies were also a thing, but they were sabotaged by gasoline concerns (killed) because read the history of the one that use to run in our small mid-western town.

anyway...electric vehicles were viable then and if other concerns (like GMC) were kept at bay...100 years later we just might be driving all-electric vehicles (maybe flying them - we were supposed to have those by now).

necessity being the mother of invention, it only makes sense to keep the future (electric cars, solar-power, etc) alive. if the nation doesn't, china (or other visionaries) may capture the solar-driven land speeder market.

[trump is guilty btw. but GOP is GMC in that scenario. will be seen as a big mistake too. maybe 'big carrot' has something to do with it. he is orange.]

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bullshit. Maybe if it was some minor story it could be shunted to page two if there are enough paid adds and sites that pay for preferential treatment. A major revelation like that, with evidence not just crackheads claiming it,could never get off page one of a search. It’s not there because it’s utter bullshit made up by professional bullshit artists to excuse their cohorts from treason and murder....or perhaps because there are a dozen professional fact checks that all debunked it and the original claims have been retracted and taken down by their original posters. (That’s what politifact indicates)
They do not “hide” pages, and they aren’t the only game in town.

The one bit of evidence I can find on the subject is the photo of Trumpsters taking selfies with capitol police that some nut job said proves they are ANTIFA agents working with police to frame Trumpsters....too bad those people have actually been identified as long time trumptards. There was also a claim that facial ID software identified many as ANTIFA, but the company itself said it identified white supremacists and other far right extremists, no ANTIFA. That claim is gone because it was retracted when the truth came out.
Just admit you bought the lie and made it up. If that weren’t the case, you absolutely could have proven me wrong by now, instead you are taking this red herring “it’s been hidden by google” lie as far as you can in hopes you won’t get called out again for just making up bold faced lies, again.

It’s a pure bullshit lie. ANTIFA did not instigate the attempted Trump coup, Trumpsters did, and they planned it online, documented and verified, some for months. Every person asked said Trump directed them to go there and “stop the steal” by “fighting hard” and “not allowing Biden to be declared president” and “getting rid of representatives like Cheney and others that are weak”. Not one said some hipster said attack congress so I did. It’s a transparent, baseless, evidence free excuse for treason. No body is buying it, it’s just so stupid a lie to start with. You need an IQ below 75 to think it MIGHT be true.

bobknight33 said:

I didn't say that.

The can bury down to the 10 or so page.
IF you not on first few you basically dont exits.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)


newtboy says...

His personal lack of planning, lack of concern, and total ineptitude caused it. Because he isn't a leader, he shirks responsibility, but the responsibility is his, personally.

And he did it again, 17 more of you chumps were hospitalized for heat stroke/exhaustion after another super spreader rally yesterday. When fire trucks and paramedics showed up to help the people collapsed on the ground, Trump actually suggested they might be the enemy attacking his crowd, saying "lets find out if they're friend or foe, and if they're foe let's take care of this", telling the crowd to attack the first responders who were trying to save their lives if they suspect they might be non cultists... he's so incredibly clueless and irresponsible, and he doesn't care if you die as long as you vote for him first.

How many have had to be hospitalized after Biden rallies? ZERO.

At this point, it's a certainty that his Petri dish events have killed at least hundreds by infecting thousands, in every state he visits there's a corresponding massive spike in cases and deaths a week or so later, contact traced back to his rallies every time. This is forcing new lockdowns and has already overrun the medical system in many areas.

Side note, he's socialistically dumping the problems on the first responders in the areas too, having made no plans or contingencies for these foreseeable fiascos, costing the local towns tens of thousands to millions in unrecoverable tax dollars to clean up his messes, and he still hasn't even paid for his rallies from 2016 in most cases, costing dozens of cities millions each for events he put on with the agreement to pay for them, agreements he consistently welches on.

As for his idiotic herd immunity plan guaranteed to kill at least 8 million Americans and likely to kill more like 50-75 million thanks to a total overrun of the medical system causing a lack of treatment for most, virologists have determined the immunity it might give the population wouldn't last one year before the virus mutates enough to reinfect everyone, starting the pandemic cycle over.

But you fell for the idea because you a low IQ tool.

And this is you guy you voting for?


bobknight33 said:

Like Trump personally left them there.

BS news and you fell for it because you a low IQ tool.

And this is you guy you voting for ?

Judge Barrett isn't worth considering

newtboy says...

She refused to answer most questions relative to the job...and was dumbfounded by the most basic, simple question. If he hadn't told her there are five rights she would have answered "freedom of speech" and thought she answered well. She only answered softball questions and pats on the back before this. I can do that all day long.

Oh Bobby. Did bad man make Bobby cwy huwt? Yes, orangutan's bad, but he's not alone. I obviously see far more than just rage, but it is enraging for patriots to see a convicted con man and thief in the Whitehouse costing us trillions and hundreds of thousands of deaths being propped up by our enemies.

No Bob, I clearly don't prefer republicans who fit the definition you came up with...uneducated in crime, that doesn't fit the criminal republicans unless you mean uneducated in fighting crime, then check, rat infected Republican cities (big towns, but we'll humor you) that fits, debauchery (congratulations on looking up the spelling) holy shit does that describe Republicans more than democrats, keeping poor people poor, check republicans, doubly so if you make that poor black people.

Sorry sweetheart. Red Tsunami 2018 + 2020

2020- thanks trump.

bobknight33 said:

Trollboy She is qualified and worthy of the position.

She missed 1 basic question in 15 hours+ of hearings with out notes.

Who among us can do that? Who has done that?

I realize you don't understand this stuff because all you see is orange man bad. Blind rage has indeed blinded you. OR maybe you just prefer the party of debauchery, keeping black people poor ,uneducated in crime/rat infected Democrat cities.

MEGA landslide 2020

HOA Karen does NOT approve of the Biden signs

luxintenebris says...

Another out-of-context video. Tired of the 'Karen' campaign. Without context, it's knee-jerk judgment. Already have people that making bad judgements about others without enough data.

That said...appears there was a man at the edge of the walkway - why didn't she address him? Sounded like he said...

"I'll talk to Cory. He's on the town board."

Doubt that political signage would be a violation (or enforceable) as it treads too close to the 1st amendment.

Have seen ramp walkways and handicapped ramps on homes. Those would look great with a "install your own President resistant walkway today!" sign beside them.

NOTE: don't let 🦜 bob fool you. he sent me a link to him and his band...

Shopping While Black in Beverly Hills

newtboy says...

Dude....when you just got harassed like that for a minor infraction, don't drive away while filming yourself, which is a serious dangerous crime akin to driving drunk.

I was stopped as a mohawked teenager in Palo Alto for being "suspicious" by taking two minutes to drop my girlfriend off at her house, and ten minutes later across town I was surrounded by 11-12 cop cars, lights on, and 18+- police who detained me for 45 minutes but had nothing to charge me with. Compared to that, this seemed benign (don't get me wrong, I see this as a blatant racist action, the message being "you don't belong here, boy", but I expected much worse).

Trump and Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

moonsammy says...

Yeah, he's clearly not a planner to any degree. Or not a generally-successful one at any rate. I'm still pretty solidly convinced he didn't actually want to be president, meaning that winning the election was actually a failure. Which would be hilarious, if the joke was only on him rather than all of us as well.

You mention no more debates as a positive, but I was actually looking forward to the town hall one. Biden would have improved at handling full-on-crazy President Asshole, and Trump talking over / ignoring the questions from the people in the town hall would look SO much worse than being a dick to Chris Wallace. I can't imagine Trump's performance would have improved in any notable way, as he's not one for putting in the work OR admitting to any errors.

newtboy said:

I hope you're right, but I've been conditioned to not believe a word he says, especially words he tweets.

It's not a failure if he can come out on TV every few days saying how much of a nothing burger Covid is, looking none the worse (I almost wrote "healthy"). That could be a triple more horrible debates, show he's right that Covid isn't dangerous, and show his people how strong he still is by never showing symptoms, then he gets to play hooky from presidenting but still put on the Trump show from his bedroom. That is giving him a huge benefit of a doubt thinking he's capable of creating a plan, though.

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