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The Beauty of the Bay Area Shot In 4K

chingalera says...

I would too, but I'td have to be with a solid gig w/very little for overhead-on the low is the best way to live large in SF-That or independently wealthy...Hard city not to miss, s'pecially if you lived there at play-

silvercord said:

Home base- where the fog cleared and clarity set in. I would move back in a heartbeat.

Hire Me Jon Stewart

My GoPro Array

Back in Black - Action Stars & Gun Control

Runaway Snowmobile after a trick jump gone wrong

pavel_one says...

One shouldn't believe everything one sees on the news. Unless, of course, it TDS or YT.

Sagemind said:

Saw this on the news this morning, apparently, this guy had only ever logged about four hours on a snow mobile and should never have been performing these types of maneuvers at a public event.

One child was hurt as the sled slammed into the crowd.

There will be an investigation into why this guy was allowed to perform at all.... (according to the news clip I say I saw on TV)

Awesome pet adoption song and dance

Bowser Wants Guns: Guns don't kill – Mario does.

TYT - 5 Shot at "Gun Appreciation Day" Celebrations

BicycleRepairMan says...

"This can probably be attributed to better firearms training, safety and general awareness."

I have nothing against safety training, of course. And sure, Its even a good thing to be familiar with weapons, if nothing else but to see how dangerous they are. But I'm also favouring gun control. When the ATF can't even say its illegal to sell guns to DRUNK people, I think its been heading in the wrong direction for quite some time. Its fine if you own a gun, but then you should also know how to handle one safely, and be deemed reasonably fit to own a gun. You should be required to store it safely, and so on. There's a lot of things you can do without "taking your weapons".

"BTW - I envy the firearms that you've gotten to fire."

Yeah, this was in the army, I havent touched a gun since., but shooting rockets from the shoulder with the Carl Gustav is pretty fun.(I called it M84 in my previous post, we called it RFK in the army) Also the MG3 because its such a classic (its basically an MG42) And the A3G3 is one mean-ass assault-rifle(I think we calculated that we shot 15000 or was it 30k? rounds each (in my platoon) with that gun during that year.)

radx (Member Profile)

History of the Universe in 127 Seconds

Obama about Guns & Commonsense, 5 days after Sandy Hook

Laika: First Earthling in Space ~ Animated Short

littledragon_79 (Member Profile)


Troopers: Bathroom Run

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