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The Declaration and Defunding

newtboy says...

Like most things you say, that's nonsense.
Unarmed complying people are shot and killed by police all the time. Brianna Taylor, George Floyd just to name two. I'm certain you disagree, they're both thugs who deserved to die, right?

More unapologetic blatant racism, nice Bob. I expect you're too dumb to see it. Bad people=blacks in your equation.
Funny how men, who according to your highly suspect statistics are the main issue, aren't the problem, only black men are. You see it that way because you're a moronic racist asshole.

Go back to Russia where racism is acceptable. Fucking troll.

bobknight33 said:

*a bunch of racist bullshit* ^

Trump and Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

newtboy says...

I don't believe it, and I won't until we see video, (not still pictures they could easily fake,) of him being intubated for a respirator and clearly near death.

He, and those around him, have no credibility. The fact that Trump is saying he has it statistically makes that claim very likely to be a lie.

I think this is an excuse to skip the second and third debate after his train wreck in the first one, and try for some sympathy vote.

(Sometimes I think we need an irony channel)

The Trump Plan

newtboy says...

Stop posting this unscientific propaganda, pedophilia supporter.

Notice not one reference on any of his "data" because he likely made it up like he usually does.

His data doesn't match any verified data either, and his graphs are intentionally confusing, including individual states and countries in a completely unscientific propaganda graph, some countries with populations in the 70-80000 range. My guess is it's improperly presented this way to hide how bad America has done, with well over half the slots being US states and many of the remaining countries having tiny populations and third world conditions. This is the superstition side of the argument, not science based or scientific at all.

We have >200000 deaths with just over 2% infected. Herd immunity takes 70-80% being infected and a stable virus that won't mutate enough to erase immunity. That's a minimum of 7-8 MILLION Americans dead and p to 21-24 million permanently disabled if we have 1.6 million ICU beds....hint, we don't, so multiply the deaths by 4-7 but lower the disabled numbers, they'll die instead. So far, there's no study that shows herd immunity is even possible, since this virus mutates every few months it's unlikely. I think sacrificing millions - 60 million or more to find out is outrageously insane.

Use real, verified data, we are at best 8th worst (only 7 countries have more deaths per 100000 and 8th highest death rate per infection too). Just look at India, with 4 times the US population, just over 1 million fewer cases than the US, and way less than half the deaths....IN FUCKING INDIA.

Because our population is so large, that puts us at number one in total deaths with 4% of the population but 25% of > 6 times the global average per capita and the most reported deaths by far.

Fail Bobski. Only the most uneducated rubes fall for this ridiculous nonsense.

bobknight33 said:

Sweden VS UK
Science Based Policy Versus Superstition

Smoke From Forest Fire in Oregon Reduces Visibility

newtboy says...

So I'll tell you again, no, and it's not arsonists in Oregon either, antifa or not, maybe a few, but not a statistically significant number. It's lighting and wind and accidents in California and Oregon and Washington. A massive lightning storm hit the west in mid August sparking fires everywhere, and unprecedented dryness and high temperatures has kept those and other fires alive since.
The newest right wing claim is that climate change has nothing to do with the fires, they're all antifa arson. Of course I assumed that's what you were referencing when you erroneously claimed many of the Oregon fires were arson.

Read it this time, the answers are there...

bobknight33 said:


I asked arsonist not antifa arsonist.

From what I find many seem to be from from arsonist. You live out that way so I ask you.

So I ask again.
Are there many fires from arsonist , like Oregon State?

Doc Rivers

scheherazade says...

Assault weapon bans. Effectively making illegal the most common rifle in the country (ar15) - even though it's statistically tiny in terms of gun killings.
(~450 people killed per year with all forms of rifle. Only some of that is ar15. That's the ~same amount of people as what die yearly from falling out of bed.)

Suppressor bans. Illegalizing an item that has been statistically as good as nonexistent in firearm crimes.

Banning DIY non-commercial firearms. Illegalizing firearms that have been statistically as good as nonexistent in firearm crimes.

Banning Private Sales (aka gunshow loophole). Effectively banning transfers between family and friends. Even though nearly all illegal arms are acquired by straw purchase at conventional stores by girlfriends.
And commercial sellers at gun shows have to do background checks anyways - this is much ado about old geezers trading collectible wild west / ww2 / antique shit.

Nearly all people are killed by pistols. Nobody is calling for a pistol ban. It makes things like an AWB look like a disingenuous effort - because you can pass all sorts of non-pistol-banning gun control laws and there will be no effect on gun death stats. Meaning you can just make more and more stuff illegal forever so long as you save what really matters (pistols) for last.

Between city, county, state, federal, existing gun laws are fat like an encyclopedia. Most people, unless they are 'gun folk', don't even realize the ways you can go to jail. Put a vertical grip in a pistol and posted it to instagram? Enjoy your time with the ATF. 10 years and $100k, assuming you're lax enough to not hire a lawyer to knock it down a bit. Literally volumes of ways to go to jail for shit you wouldn't even imagine would matter.

Many things people complain about aren't even a thing. Like complaining about buying guns online (you can't, not without an FFL involved), or crazy people buying guns (they can't, unless they've yet to be caught doing crazy shit).

Too many laws as it is. Erase a bunch first.


newtboy said:

What anti gun legislation do you mean? All I know of is closing a few loopholes that allow people legally banned from gun ownership to obtain them anyway without background checks. I disagree that that is anti gun legislation, and across the board background checks are something a vast majority think is proper.

There's plenty of misinformation on this topic floating about. Is there other actual legislation in the works, or just rumors of other legislation the left will enact....and only according to the right?

White supremacist Kenosha County Sheriff david beth

newtboy says...

It bears mentioning that for actual convicts, studies have shown that the harsher the treatment in prison, the more likely they'll offend again, and I expect statistics would show an escalation in the violence levels too.
Prisons that treat prisoners like the human beings they want them to be upon release have infinitely better results at reforming convicts into productive citizens.
This sheriff is advocating returning to dungeons.

Louis DeJoy Says He Will Not Put Mail Sorting Machines Back

newtboy says...

Evidence? I can't find any.
I'm not saying you're right, but I'll go along for the sake of argument and reply if they were removed they were replaced or were idle, they weren't removed from active service in a way that severely hampered the post offices ability to deliver on time or when the mail load was expected to rise.
The USPS has over $160BILLION in debt and unfunded obligations and is losing money. How is that "enough cash"? You mean if they use every penny of cash and credit they could actually keep the doors open through the year but with major cuts in service? Maybe, maybe not, but that leaves them inoperable, without the cash for gas to deliver mail or keep the lights on, much less paychecks and pensions....that is how Trump often leaves businesses, is that what you call functional leadership?

Trump is trying to cheat Americans out of their votes, a vote denied is a vote STOLEN, and he's doing what he can, openly and blatantly to suppress the vote as much as humanly possible including threatening to send armed "guards" to inner city polls to threaten and intimidate minorities, he's too dumb to hide it, and he's openly doing it because as he says, if more American citizens vote, Republicans will go extinct.

People aren't crowded together getting groceries for hours on end with anti maskers, and if having food wasn't life or death, you couldn't shop there at all. Derp. Starbucks isn't opened for sit down, are they? You can't drive through vote, too bad, that could help.

Utter ignorant bullshit Bob. Yes, it's MORE dangerous the older you are, but it deadly for all age groups.

Over 32000 REPORTED Covid deaths under 65 (meaning statistically at least 64000 in reality). Nothing burger? Not if you aren't an inhuman monster.

bobknight33 said:

This plan was in place well before this guy showed up. Old machines were removed also under last administration.

There is enough cash for the mail system .

Nothing bur another dump on Trump trick.
Democrats will cheat via this un necessary mail shit.

IF you can get your Starbucks or protest or groceries you can vote in person.

Covid is is a nothing burger unless you over 65. This is a non issue.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Many faults?!? Understatement of the year.
You keep going on and on and on with your brainless parroting of an untrustworthy liar who made an unbelievable claim about Biden like morals matter to you, but when confronted with proof your choice has no morals at all and is actually a pedophile who acted on his urges according to his own words and a repeatedly convicted con man and charity fraud you say, "I support a man with many faults". Clearly morals, ethics, laws, honesty, loyalty, even basic humanity aren't concerns as long as you get to troll some liberals.

Got what done? Not walls. Not trade. Not diplomacy. Not the economy. Not jobs. Not reducing debt. Not national unification.
All I've seen are absolute failures on those promises and the creation of new disasters through incompetence.

Mail in vote failures are actually a symptom of Trump's appointee's direct interference in the post office's ability to deliver mail, removing 10% of national sorting capacity, concentrated in cities that need it most as I understand it, halting all overtime, and changing established delivery methods causing massive backlogs ansd slowdowns of all mail, not just ballots. It's a statistical certainty that veterans have died from not getting their medicine delivered, but you don't care about that either because he's not Hillary.

Odd that you somehow think the national inability to guarantee a free and fair election helps trump look capable of leadership....not sure how that's America being great, sounds more like we're becoming a shit hole country that can't even hold elections, and Trump seems more than happy to help it along instead of trying to fix the problem (although he is trying to "fix" the election by breaking it's processes and suppressing as many voters as possible).

bobknight33 said:

I support a man with many faults. I also support a man who get things done.

Joe will not win, Democrats will lose by a landslide.

Also more mail in voting gone wrong in Detroit.

Recorded ballot counts in 72% of Detroit's absentee voting precincts didn't match the number of ballots cast, spurring officials in Michigan's largest county to ask the state to investigate ahead of a pivotal presidential election.

Without an explanation from Detroit election workers for the mismatches, the Wayne County Board of Canvassers requested this week for Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office to examine the "training and processes" used in Detroit's Aug. 4 primary, which one official described as a "perfect storm" of challenges. The board is charged with certifying election results.

In 46% of all Detroit's precincts — absentee and Election Day — vote counts were out of balance, according to information presented Tuesday to the Wayne County Board of Canvassers. Specifically, the number of ballots tracked in precinct poll books did not match the number of ballots counted.

The situation could amplify the spotlight on absentee ballots in Michigan ahead of an election for which record levels of mail-in voting are expected and President Donald Trump is already raising concerns about how votes will be handled.

Democrat COVID Politics

newtboy says...

More bullshit from this YouTube moron who has Trump's c*ck so deep up his ass he's drooling syphilitic discharge.

Ripping up a speech is the worst thing ever in political history? Derp.

The travel ban from China was xenophobic and racist, it only stopped Chinese from coming from China, not Americans, not people from other countries.

The quarantine rule was only for those entering from one province, and was not enforced.

Cuomo was following CDC and Whitehouse guidelines to send the elderly back to their nursing homes after being discharged from hospitals....Derp.
Trump killed 170000 Americans and counting....statistics say he's likely also disabled 500000 for life too.

NYC had the most infected enter through their ports of entry....Trump didn't shutdown travel from Italy or other European countries while they were out of control with new infections. Wonder why?

It's not difficult, this guy and those that repeat his utter bullshit are exponentially more disgusting, cynical, and dishonest than Quomo. Period.

Trump's response was to deny it's a problem for months, dumbfuck.

The field hospitals wouldn't take patients, neither would hospital ships.
Um, you fucking moron again, "elderly patients had covid but were not sick enough to be admitted" doesn't mean "they were too sick to be admitted" you fuckwit.
The CDC guidelines stated clearly they should be sent back to their nursing homes, that was Trump's plan and directive, not Quomo's.

Trump created a complete mess by infecting people in nursing homes while insisting there's no problem, the virus isn't dangerous, and sometimes the virus is a pure hoax. This led to thousands of people dying a day.
The protests didn't start a second wave, the anti mask protests and anti maskers refusing to social distance, having covid parties and gathering indoors exacerbated wave one, we haven't started a second wave yet.
So much erroneous, stupid, blatantly false, self contradictory, hyper partisan, utter bullshit. *lies is right, there wasn't anything else, but this moron has never had facts, only his own uninformed opinion.

Orange County is the Florida of California

visionep says...

That's a great question. The area is semi affluent and known for being pretty conservative.

My guess is that along with people feeling like they are personally successful they are being fed media that describes the progression of scientific understanding as "proof" that scientists who are forming recommendations don't know what they are talking about.

With this type of narrative clouding the purpose and reasons behind the recommendations these people feel like their own success makes them a better judge of what they should be doing for everyone's health and safety.

Add in a little talk about freedom and stigma of being a nerd and you have large social groups that deny the need to follow scientific recommendations that are meant to statistically reduce the broad impact of the virus' affects.

SFOGuy said:

You know what? Fair enough.

Can you explain to me how it is that this particular place is so...I mean, for lack of a better descriptor--unscientific?


cloudballoon says...

The most accurate & fairer index is probably comparing death/million by country. Starting with the 1st known infection and measure how well countries respond after 3-6 months.

I like to use this site that my local (Toronto in Canada) TV's website put up to compare between several countries. # are updated almost daily so always up-to-date.

The GOP & Trump's concern is only & always about the economic numbers. That can be measured too, how each countries fare with their GDP output, unemployment & debt statistics. I bet Trumpworld isn't doing well in both the short & long game economically either, but sorry I don't have a site that can do comparisons like the covid cases/deaths like I had above.

newtboy said:

Almost certainly, but that's likely true worldwide. People without symptoms usually don't get tested, and that's something like 85% of infected and infectious people.

The Walk.

newtboy says...

They were incredibly closer than you are.
Nope, you don't get 11 degrees...well, I don't, and I did well in math classes through AP calculus and statistics.

3ft rise in 40ft run is 4.3 degrees, or a 7.5% slope. Look it up yourself....

It's NOWHERE NEAR 11 degrees. The stage floor would be about 8' high to be 11 degrees at that length. It's actually 3' high.

harlequinn said:

They weren't accurate on the incline though.

You can measure it on the screen if you like. A bit of trigonometry and you'll come up with a number a bit over 11 degrees.

"can't take back no hurt"

newtboy says...

People can misuse statistics to prove anything. Forfty percent of all people know that.

I'm afraid you're misrepresenting the statistics.
Those are based on overall US population, not racially divided populations.

30 per million blacks killed even though they are only 13% of the population vs 12 per million whites even though they are 76%. That's 30 dead blacks for every 12 dead whites.
Whites don't get off Scott free, but per capita it's close.
1/6 as many blacks as whites but 2.5 times more dead...making it 15 times more dead blacks per capita when divided by race...not over twice as many whites like you said.

The numbers aren't as lopsided as expected because you made a massive statistical error. Try again please.

All these issues you list are demonstrably used more often against non whites. This doesn't mean exclusively, but if your base stats are right, it should be 3-1 whites getting shafted if it wasn't racist, but it's more like 15-1 blacks/browns being shafted.

scheherazade said:

I looked up some stats just to see.

"can't take back no hurt"

scheherazade says...

I looked up some stats just to see.

30 per million blacks fatally shot by police.
12 per million whites fatally shot by police.

So cops are roughly twice as likely to kill a black person, per racial group.

US being 76% white and 13% black, that works out to an aggregate ratio of roughly 9 whites killed per 4 blacks, per capita. In the end the death toll is high all around, white people aren't getting away scott free.

We should also consider poverty. Poverty and crime tend to track one another. It's safe to assume that areas with more crime will be more likely to experience police encounters, and hence more police shootings on average.,%22sort%22:%22asc%

White poverty rate (9%) is roughly half of black poverty (22%), which implies that crime is also half as frequent among whites, which is roughly similar to the per capita difference in police shooting rate.

30/12 is 2.5
22/9 is 2.44
2.5 > 2.44, so it implies bias against blacks, but not as big as I expected.

As far as total people killed, cops kill plenty people of all races. The numbers don't look as lopsided as I expected, which surprises me.

I appreciate the solidarity among black people. They at least try to hold authorities to account.

White people couldn't care less when cops kill whites. They just shrug it off as 'well the guy must have done something to piss off the cop, so it was probably their own fault anyways'. You can sit on liveleak watching cops kill white people all day, but other white people never get worked up about it. It's a shame they don't have the same sense of unity as black people do.

I wish the protests were about police abuse in general. Or even goverment abuse. There are so many issues that need fixing (e.g. civil forfeiture, repeatedly trying people for the same event by tweaking charges until a conviction sticks, government budget being infinitely larger than a defendant's budget, government freezing a defendant's funds so they can't afford lawyers, etc).


"can't take back no hurt"

newtboy says...

Bobby, Bobby, Bobby.
You know your black on black crime rates are nothing but made up propaganda, it's no where near 99%. That's white power propaganda you accepted without question...that's a form of racism's often referred to as "soft" racism of lowered expectations.

This fake news projection again, eh? You watch Fox and OAN, both entertainment/opinion posing as news...the definition of fake news...but want to call the daily videos of racist dicks being racist dicks on tape "fake". Do you believe CNN has a studio out back where they stage these events?
" There is no belief, however foolish, that will not gather its faithful adherents who will defend it to the death." -Asimov

Let's compare relevant and real numbers, police kill 25-26 black men for every cop killed. Let's not pretend you can do statistics even with honest data....but there's no question you can't using the data you repeat, because it's not data, it's racist propaganda that's thoroughly debunked but you just keep repeating.
You know you said there are 5000 racist murders for every black on black murder, right?

How many per day, Bob? How many racist murders per day do you need?
How many unprovoked violent racist attacks by blacks against whites per day would you need to see before you can admit there's a problem, because I'm sure if races were reversed that number would be 1/ video per year, that's what I think it would take for you to label a black run system racist against white people. Without racial norms being reversed, two a day isn't enough.

The big issue today is cops, the government, killing unarmed black people....If cops and their superiors were mostly minorities who killed >90% whites and arrested whites for non-infractions, putting only those publicly proven racists on vacation duty and protecting any accused without video proof, you would be frothing with rage at the out of control racist cops.

Edit:so answer the many per day before you see racism is still problematic? A number
How many instances per day of government sanctioned racism before you see it's systemic. A number
Note, the word systemic does not mean that every interaction must be a racist violation. I know your paper tiger/straw man methods.

bobknight33 said:

I'll grant you that there are racist dicks out there but not as many as fake news pushes day in day out.

How many racist murders are there per year compared to # of murders of black on black? 5000:1 maybe

I would gather a less than a 1% ratio.
Stop wasting time address the small issue and fix the big issue.

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