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The State Is Not Great: How Government Poisons Everything

marbles says...

>> ^truth-is-the-nemesis:

what a pinhead, I'm frankly sick of this business is suffering though too much regulation & taxes propaganda pieces. They would like everyone to believe the multinational corporations are the hard done by 'David's' of the economic world, rather than the colossal 'Goliath' they truly are, and all the while getting the very people who are pawns in the system to support the en-slavers as the enslaved.

I'm confused by your post. Taxes and regulation help big business and only serve to stifle competition from small business. In fact, most tax laws and regulations are there because big business put them there. Who do you think employs all those lobbyists living in DC? Big business is always getting special credits and exemptions while the small entrepreneur is getting fucked.

Big business is immune to taxes and regulation. There's always tax shelters, rebates, bailouts, and other corporate welfare. A business too big to fail means other ones too small to succeed.

Taxes and regulation help the Goliaths stay Goliaths. And if it wasn't for the government interfering in the first place, there would've never been any Goliaths.

The State Is Not Great: How Government Poisons Everything

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

what a pinhead, I'm frankly sick of this business is suffering though too much regulation & taxes propaganda pieces. They would like everyone to believe the multinational corporations are the hard done by 'David's' of the economic world, rather than the colossal 'Goliath' they truly are, and all the while getting the very people who are pawns in the system to support the en-slavers as the enslaved.

Crazy Racist Bitch Assaults Postal Worker

peggedbea says...

it's not the history of slavery that is the problem, i don't feel personal guilt or shame because some asshole ancestor of mine may have owned a slave 200 years ago. it's the undercurrents of systematic, institutional racism that are alive and well today.

>> ^quantumushroom:

If the Smoking Gun reports are accurate, she's mentally ill. I thought liberals wanted obamacare to treat such individuals FOR FREE.
Ah, but since you Goofuses need a Gallant to crucify to please your politically-correct masters, I'll throw you some meat. American Blacks should really get over the poor-me victim complex and stop listening to guilty white liberals. Slavery is a worldwide phenomenon practiced for thousands of years in every nation. Every race and nationality on earth has been slavers and enslaved. Crack a history book once in awhile. Colber/mann Stewart don't teach.

Crazy Racist Bitch Assaults Postal Worker

quantumushroom says...

If the Smoking Gun reports are accurate, she's mentally ill. I thought liberals wanted obamacare to treat such individuals FOR FREE.

Ah, but since you Goofuses need a Gallant to crucify to please your politically-correct masters, I'll throw you some meat. American Blacks should really get over the poor-me victim complex and stop listening to guilty white liberals. Slavery is a worldwide phenomenon practiced for thousands of years in every nation. Every race and nationality on earth has been slavers and enslaved. Crack a history book once in awhile. Colber/mann Stewart don't teach.

Olbermann: Worst Person - FOX's Glenn Beck

Mashiki says...

>> ^Payback:
There's a new word out. It's called hyperbole. Google it.

Problem with hyperbole is it detracts from substantial issues, and directs to insubstantial ones. Olbermann is just another person using it because he knows people have a slavering love of "all things thus." If you're not using a position of authority to direct to a substantial issue, then you're just a talking head.

Much as I'm not a fan of Beck, he actually does touch on substantial issues from time to time. Which is more then most of his compatriots(Maddow, Olberman, etc) in the opinion section, tho they do occasionally albeit briefly. And yes they're all opinion not news.

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

EndAll (Member Profile)

Randy Savage is "Rasslor"

jdbates (Member Profile)

burdturgler (Member Profile)

First Amendment R.I.P.

honkeytonk73 says...

Magic is REAL.

Really. It is true.Some magic zombie dude rose from the dead to save the white man from evil. Now lets convert slaves to Christianity too and subjugate them completely. A slave adopting their slaver's god. Brainwashing at it's best.

Angels are real. Demons are real too. Horned red dudes with forked tails. Really. I am telling you the truth. If you don't believe me, you must be living in the REAL world or something.

Obama on Gas Prices

quantumushroom says...

Those "billions in oil profits" B. Hussein Obama and Billswife are slavering over must be reinvested for more oil exploration and technology. The federal mafia takes 20 cents in taxes per gallon of gas sold; they're already getting their share of the action.

It's government regulations that make building new refineries next to impossible, not the free market.

While it's true that reducing demand would reduce gas prices, he's stated at the beginning that won't happen due to China's and India's increased oil demands.

There's another way prices would lower: by increasing the available supply of oil, but the "hippies" in Congress (including McSame) won't let us tap our own supply (ANWR) because it might damage caribou self-esteem.

Alternative fuels? They're going to have to fight it out. Just like BluRay and HD-DVD...let the free market decide which technology wins between hydrogen and electricity and whatever. All government can do is prop up a loser like ethanol to delay whatever was destined to win.

Do you really favor a would-be President who tells you what you're allowed drive, be it scooter or limo? I don't. It's none of his damned business.

Arrogance without substance.

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