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Bernanke on Occupy Wall Street

Sagemind says...

He talks like the economy is an entity unto itself. Like there is no one at the reins and nothing can be done. No one is to blame and no wrong-doing has occurred.

In fact there are so many to blame and and a lot of corruption that is being swept under the rug. A lot of policy has been made by bankers, corporations and the people running the show that got everyone into this mess. They skirted and changed laws, they broke laws, they dismantled safety nets and then robbed as many people and institutions as they could until meltdown. Then they stand there and say, "Wow, I don't like it either, but whatcha gonna do? What's done is done."

Does he even know what people are protesting? I think not!

NMA: Apple store kid iTr3vor dances up a viral storm.

Michelle Bachmann bombs on Jay Leno on the gay issue

entr0py says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:

It's truely pathetic to see her skirt around this issue.
You would think that it would be a point of pride. Instead, because deep down she knows that there is something wrong with what she has been doing/supporting, the shame of that kept her from being open about it here.

I think that's giving her entirely too much credit. She had plenty of time for soul searching while she was profiting from her clinic's 1 on 1 gay shame sessions. But her campaign consultants have advised her that, while this sort of bigotry won't hurt her in the republican primaries, it might in the general election. Her discomfort is political calculation, nothing more respectable.

Michelle Bachmann bombs on Jay Leno on the gay issue

JiggaJonson says...

It's truely pathetic to see her skirt around this issue.

You would think that it would be a point of pride. Instead, because deep down she knows that there is something wrong with what she has been doing/supporting, the shame of that kept her from being open about it here.

Father Takes Down LAPD Officer For Pedophilia

ponceleon says...

>> ^hpqp:

Uh, I hate to break up the pedo-bashing, but as far as they know the guy was just taking photos of kids. Creepy? Maybe. Pedo? Not necessarily. By all means he should be reported, and have his computers and home checked, but 'innocent until proven guilty' should still abide. People have had their lives completely and utterly ruined for being falsely accused of pedophilia.
/devil's advocate

I was thinking something similar, but what took it over the edge was the description of the pictures not being just a random collection, but pictures of the same kids taken over hours, as if he was stalking them. I think a lot also depends on what the composition was. He seemed pretty damned keen to delete the pictures when confronted, so I suspect that there were probably some up-skirt shots, or at least attempts at such from the way the father was describing the whole trying to get pic of her as she got off the wagon "with legs akimbo."

Definitely need more info to make a full judgement but it really stinks and the way the guy reacted kind of implies he knew he was up to no good... even if he didn't technically do anything illegal.

Republicans and Science: It's Lose-Lose

Evidence for Dog's Existence

holymackerel013 jokingly says...

>> ^carrot:

This is like my agnostic, insomniac, dyslexic friend who always lay awake late at night wondering if there really was a dog.
I do like that this does touch (although very briefly) on the fact that frequently (in fact, for almost all things) our conviction is based on "reasonable doubt" rather than "unequivocal proof" - as in, he did not try to skirt the importance of circumstantial evidence, which is significantly more enlightened than the usual "NO PROOF NO PROOF NO PROOF" behavior which, while possibly reasonable, does not really engender positive sentiment.

There could be a "reasonable doubt" about the existence of this dog. We never once see a whole dog. That "thing" is wearing a sweater and therefore, It's "reasonable" that there may not be an entire dog there. Even if that dog was not wearing the sweater, Can it be proved that it is not a cyborg dog!? I saw one of those robotic dogs on Battlestar Galactica!!!

Evidence for Dog's Existence

carrot says...

This is like my agnostic, insomniac, dyslexic friend who always lay awake late at night wondering if there really was a dog.

I do like that this does touch (although very briefly) on the fact that frequently (in fact, for almost all things) our conviction is based on "reasonable doubt" rather than "unequivocal proof" - as in, he did not try to skirt the importance of circumstantial evidence, which is significantly more enlightened than the usual "NO PROOF NO PROOF NO PROOF" behavior which, while possibly reasonable, does not really engender positive sentiment.

ABBA : Waterloo (Momarkedet 1975) HQ

Men not looking at your tits enough? Try Sticky Nips!

v1k1n6 says...

"The bra pasties for that no bra look without the no bra feeling."

I'm guessing the different types are:

Post run/workout
Slightly Aroused
"Hike up my skirt right here and now"
and "WTF? I hope that's a nipple ring!"

What do you think of DeFacto Avatar Day? (User Poll by AdrianBlack)

The new see-through airplane of the future

Shepppard says...

Oh sure.

A plane that you can see though? Obviously men designed it.

I mean, now we're going to have to warn women boarding this plane wearing skirts that they're subject to being viewed by men on the ground with binoculars.

Glass staircase not dress friendly (men don't agree)

Psychologic says...

Put up a small sign... problem solved. The only way anyone could see up anyone's skirt would be to stand directly under the stairs looking up, visible to everyone else.

I like the design. They could fix it by having the stairs overlap more, restricting the upward view angle from beneath. It would let them keep the clear backing and lateral visibility without making people uncomfortable.

Glass staircase not dress friendly (men don't agree)

Asmo says...

Any staircase where you can see people walking up it can be an opportunity for a bit of upskirt action, particularly for short mini's or A line skirts...

Just put an opaque overlay on the glass and be done with it, problems solved, no one offended.

Glass staircase not dress friendly (men don't agree)

westy says...

also whats mental is u can see more of a woman in a lieatard , or swim ware then you could looking up a skirt , so i really don't see why its such a huge issue.

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