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Comrade, I think this is not a fish

Communist Targeted Minorities; Leader Vows To take down USA

newtboy says...

@bobknight33, if 95% of people are completely unaware, and of the 5% who “know” about it, 95% are against’s not much of a revolution with only .25% of the population wanting it, now is it?’s a thing.
So infantile at every turn, Bobby, you and yours are such thin skinned little babies you are scared of 1/4 of 1% who might want communism (but more likely are being misrepresented by your lying ilk).

Not worth 27 seconds to watch, forget 27 minutes of this stupidity and whining.

4 Brutal Crashes At Val d’Isere Downhill Ski Event

Esoog says...

I love skiing. I'd say I'm above average; not great. Using a skiing performance tracker app last year in Utah, I broke 40 mph on a downhill run and it scared the shit out of me. These skiers are going 80-90mph through this section. Don't want to think of me crashing at that speed.

Donald Trumps Christmas story about reindeers and elections

geo321 says...

meant to comment this here;
This technology scares the shit out of me, like think of when we literally can't trust the words out of someones mouth again

moonsammy (Member Profile)

geo321 says...

This technology scares the shit out of me, like think of when we literally can't trust the words out of someones mouth again

moonsammy said:

The only part of this that feels off is Trump doing a voice other than his own. His attempted impressions of other people are just his normal voice very slightly modified. While this dude's Santa voice is fantastic.

Judge Barrett isn't worth considering

newtboy says...

Zaibach has been here longer than you, Bob. Edit: He quoted you 4 months ago, so yes you have heard not just of, but directly from him.


Jesus, you can't research anything, that's why you believe OAN and trump, you know nothing, so you are free to believe them without any knowledge that would expose them as consummate liars.

You must be so scared, with everything you know being proven wrong constantly. The world without trump, without your fake news fed to you direct from Russia, with right wing terrorist organizations being rounded up and blocked from social media, you'll soon be alone in your cave of ignorance.

bobknight33 said:

Who are you? Are you new here? Never heard of you.

Judge Barrett isn't worth considering

Mordhaus says...

This has nothing to do with her capability. It never has been. It has to do with people pissed because there is a nominee during this time.

News flash, it doesn't matter if Trump wins or loses. He can nominate someone even after he loses. Until he is replaced, he is THE President of the United States.

No judge is required to have a photographic memory of the Constitution. I bet you could ask SITTING judges on the Supreme Court and have them miss a question. That is what clerks and research people are for.

What this comes down to is two basic things.

1. Merrick Garland never made it onto the court. People are still bitterly pissed off that he didn't. But what they forget is that he WAS nominated and did not get through the process due to a Republican majority. It was perfectly legal and was allowed. It sucks if you wanted him, but that is the way the game works.

2. People are STILL scared that Roe v Wade is going to go bye bye or the ACA is going to get kneecapped. News flash, SCOTUS has been majority Conservative leaning judges for YEARS. When Gorsuch was picked, all I recall hearing was OMG OMG, THE SKY IS FALLING, ROE V WADE IS DEAD! Same thing as when Kavanaugh was picked; although they were pissed about his supposed rape as well, every news site was repeating the mantra about Roe V Wade now dead.

It isn't going to happen. Not at a Federal level. It would be suicide for years. Conservatives, by and large, do not give a fuck about abortion. It's only the squirrelly ultra right wing pricks that care and Republicans sadly have to cater to them verbally to keep their votes. States, yeah, some will pass laws and then those will get turned away from SCOTUS like they have been for a while. The appellate courts will set the precedent on those rulings and they solidly rule for Roe v Wade.

Same thing for the ACA, although personally I wish that would die a fucking quick death. As I've said before many times, that little gem has fucked the value of my family insurance from work into the ground. I didn't get to keep my doctor unless I wanted to pay 2k+ per person per year, because he and a shit ton of other doctors went to Concierge fees to cover the money they were losing under the ACA. Now I have to go to either:

A. Doctor's who have horrible ratings for their practice, ie ones that suck or just don't care.

B. A clinic setup where I 'technically' have a 'family doctor' but in reality I can be bumped to others on staff or, most likely, a PA. There is no feeling that I know my doctor because, even if I do get to see him, they just run me through as fast as possible so they can get another patient in.

I have pre-existing conditions, so I empathize with those who are on the ACA. But the act itself is fucked up beyond repair. It needs to die and get replaced with a true national insurance. If not that, something that lets me go back to feeling like I have a real doctor and not just whoever is johnny on the spot at that moment.

It isn't going to be killed at SCOTUS though, they don't want to legislate. They will let it survive and if you think otherwise you are drinking the liberal koolaid that they are serving to round up voters.

I like the Youtuber and do agree with his other videos. I do not agree with this. I can diagnose a Macbook Pro right now if I had to, even after being away from Apple for around 8 years. But I might need to pull up a damn schematic or reference manual to know how much resistance I should be looking for on the PPbus if it isn't present when trying to power the thing on. If I and everyone else had photographic memories, we wouldn't have reference material. Wikipedia wouldn't exist. This is simply a nitpick because people are worried and still pissed.

Using a laser and night vision to find a missing child

noseeem says...

Got lost in a forest as a kid. Scared and sad. But a kind fox found me and led me out to the nearest road. Walked it until a search team member drove up. Didn't tell them about the fox. Didn't tell anyone 'til now.

Although, now, I don't follow Fox because I am not lost or scared.

How times have changed.

The Supreme Court: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Stop projecting.
Who is Bides?
It's Trump who they clobbered, and who went back on hands and knees, mouth gaping wide, begging for their interference in the election because Biden scares him silly. "Please, look into Joe....I'LL SUCK YOUR DICK AGAIN." Your hero, Captain Loanspurs (credit to BSR).

bobknight33 said:

Those are Bides words.

Joe is on his knees to the Chinese blowing them.

Officer Singh kills Margarita Brooks during wellness check

shagen454 says...

I mean, if he wanted to scare the dog off and had to use the gun to do it, how about shooting one round into the ground? Seems pretty obvious that this guy shouldn't have had a gun at all and as such the people in charge of this one week rookie should get charges too.

In Soviet Russia, Faucet drinks water


newtboy says...

Too bad you fall for the excuses.

Of course, since you support militia kid, you also support the antifa guy who shot the patriot prayer Nazi who was driving through town shooting black people with pepper balls and marbles from paint ball guns, and spraying them with bear mace too, exact same self defense against a violent mob attacking him with weapons. He's a good man you're glad killed that violent thug, right?

But no, because the parties political affiliations are reversed, I expect you stand with the unpatriotic prayer fucker who was the aggressor and first to use weapons just like you stand with the threatening armed murderer who illegally crossed state lines armed with the intent to play police using live rounds, went off and found some trouble he was hoping to find, and murdered two and disabled one.

Rittenhouse is going to need a pardon, he's going to be convicted. You don't get a pass on murder just because your victim isn't Andy Griffith, not that your characterizations have any resemblance to reality. He went illegally armed across state lines looking to shoot someone like Trump said he should, and did. No crying "poor little boy got scared by big bad liberals" now, snowflake. He went looking for it.

But since you support murdering child molesters and woman abusers, I can think of one target that stands before all others.

Jesusismypilot said:

The vid in the OP is unhinged, it's too bad people fall for it.

Thankfully the Rittenhouse incident is mostly on video and he will likely be exonerated of just about all charges. I don't think he's a hero but I'm not sad he put an end to a rampaging child molester, a violent woman abuser and the bicep of a threatening armed thug.

Naval Assault Suit Trials

bremnet says...

Too bad they called it "Assault" - now folks think warfare. How about dropping in to tight spots in rescue situations? Or getting medical aid to stranded / injured folks in remote or inaccessible by foot locations - don't need to dispatch a helo, drive to the closest spot and fly in, render aid, wait on support/helo to lift you out. If I had one, it'd be for 1) party entrances and 2) scaring kids.

Trump Lashes Out Over Report He Insulted Fallen Soldiers

newtboy says...

A leader calms the nation AS THEY LEAD, they calm by explaining the problem and outlining the solution, not by saying nothing's wrong, the virus is a hoax, take no precautions, don't wear masks, go back to work, come to my rally, do everything the worst way possible for public health so hundreds of thousands die, just don't be's ok to die.

Other nations were honest, treated citizens like adults, and solved their pandemic issues. Trump wasn't, Trump didn't, we have 4% of the world's population and 25% of covid deaths and rising fast. His non plan to pretend nothing's wrong cost 180000 lives SO FAR, and estimated to more than double by Xmas.
Trump called for Obama's resignation because two Americans got Ebola.

Does the nation seem calm? Does it seem United? Does it even seem led? Fuck, the delusion, bob, you're so spun you say insanity like there's no racism in America and Democrats are the racists.

Cranial rectosis is real, Bob. Get checked.

So stupid, Bob, it's not fake just because you aren't outraged your president lied to you and made you a liar along with him. So much for your nothing burger, everything he told you about Covid was bullshit, just like I told you then, and you're mad at me for saying so, not him for lying and killing 180000 Americans by misleading them into deadly behavior.

bobknight33 said:

You are right Trump should have cam clean and step up to the mic and say We are Fck. many will die. take shelter

newt, a good leader brings calm to the nation.

Yet another non story.

Every other day some new fake story to come .

New York City exodus and De Blasio's response, TAX

TheFreak says...

Wow, this guy is clown shoes.

Thank you for the laugh. It's hard to believe so many simple people are duped by this type of demagoguery. This is good stuff because we need to be reminded that the current insanity in our politics is being driven by propagandists scaring people into voting against their own interests.

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