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PROOF!!! Obama Birth Certificate Fraud

Heads Blow Up! All the best movies have head explosions!

Payback says...

The scanners one is the most impressive. Actually looks like they blew up a person. If I didn't know for a fact Louis Del Grande is still alive, I would be sure they snuffed him.

House MD on Vaccinations

Skeeve says...

While the note is written a bit awkwardly, they flipped the video to avoid the automatic video scanners companies use to find their own infringed videos online. It's not actually flipped to avoid copyright, it's to avoid detection.
>> ^digitalbombdog:

The note at the beginning of the video is idiotic. That's just a fundamental misunderstanding of copyright law.

How Undersea Cables Are Laid

charliem says...

Well, in honesty, I covered the cable lay (PPC-1) for a final year project in my telecoms eng. course, so it wasn't a recent research effort

Theres a few videos of them pulling the fibre through the manholes on land, and at the manhole underwater too. A few shots of the side-scanners, and the plough, and the amplifiers, and the divers placing it on the seabed in shallow waters...just a massive ammount of content. It also covers the deployment of the datacentres that feed the fibre.

Very cool and transparent project. I was going to buy shares when they opened, but didnt have the capital at the time
They opened at something like 20c, and the company sold to an aussie ISP here for something like $3 ea. Insane stock growth over 18 months.

Scanner-Defying Pancakes - Colbert Report

TheGenk says...

This should get sifted.
Though, I think he made too much fun of this and not stating that those scanners fail when it comes to objects with no sharp edges combined with materials with "skin-like appearence" (i.e. C4 in the shape of a pancake).

Bioware Debut Trailer - Mass Effect 3

Deano says...

Loved ME1. Felt a bit rough but as others have said they just need to buff those edges. The other thing that irked me in ME2 was the story. It felt poorly paced to me and led into, well some anti-climatic boss battle. It's hard not to feel that ME2 was the weak filler and hopefully we'll see a suitably epic ME3.

And I do missing mucking around in the Mako. That sense of being able to roam freely, ridiculously and pointlessly gave a sense of freedom you don't normally see in console games where the next action item is being relentlessly highlighted for you. The Mako promised that sense of discovery and if the things you found weren't always that amazing it did FEEL like you were exploring the farthest reaches of the galaxy.

ME2's scanner was just pure grindathon.

Family arguments have just gotten sinister (Wtf Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

1. somehow they attributed this to "anti-americanism", like they hear from their right wing radios that democrats/liberals/lefties/socialists are always screaming about how terrible everything american is and burning flags, somehow in their brains un-nationalism=nationalism=fascism.

4. clinton and obama also increased military spending. we fought tons of proxy wars under the clinton administration and obama has just shifted the focus from iraq to afghanistan. and i can't argue that. they're right. even though they completely skimmed over 8 years of hyper-patriotism.

7. TSA porno-scanners. obama reauthorized the patriot act. also, can't argue with them, except theyre still ignoring the last 8 years.

8. so they're mormons, and historically, the government has interfered with the church. they see the whole prop 8 fiasco as modern day proof of that. and government is trying to legislate for the church, not the other way around.

9. no, corporate power is not protected. this socialist administration is infriging on them and the epa wants to bankrupt all the businesses.

10. unions are the enemy. nurses unions are the reason all of the hospitals in california are in trouble. labor unions are evil. theyre the mafia. blah blah blah. labor unions are fascist organizations funding the obama administration to take out the middle class. this list has a liberal bias.

11. obama killed all the student loans. there is no more access to student loans anywhere, eventhough i am currently living off of student loans. also, academia is where terrorist sympathizers hide out. which explains why her 2 most liberal children are working on graduate degrees in liberal things like physics and disability studies. and her conservative children didn't go to college. my brother and i are really the close minded fascists. if you point out my moms graduate degrees she says she got it during the clinton administration then she went and got a job with it outside of education. unlike my brother and i who don't actually have real jobs. even though my brother works for the military and the military pays for his education. nothing makes any sense.

12. they related this one to the ex con that works for my stepdad. he's finally off drugs and making an honest living and obama won't take his ankle bracelet off probably because he is a white non-violent offender. i'm not even sure what that has to do with the topic, but thats the anecdote they shared with me.

most of what they say doesnt make any sense to me. and vice versa. but i find if i break things down into really small individual issues then we agree like... climate change isnt man made... but it is bad for the planet to dump all of our trash in the ocean and bury toxic waste and cut the tops off all the mountains and burn things into the atmosphere. .... but there is not such thing as global warming.

or our border with mexico is a huge security risk and people in el paso are terrified of the drug wars raging in juarez and we need to deport all the undocumented workers and close our border for good until mexico sorts their shit out.
but women and children who flee from mexico are refugees and should be treated as such.

even when we talk about anarchism, they like anarchism. but if you were to say i was left wing and had radical leanings... they'd freak the fuck out.

so their values and morals are mostly intact, and theyre mostly just like mine... we just use different languages and theyre not worried about atrocities that happen in other places.

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Wow, that's nuts. How did they spin 1, 4 and 7-12? >> ^peggedbea:
omg! i've actually gone through this exact list with her and her husband before and the most bizarre thing happened - they attached every single point to "liberals". the phenomenon here is that the language has been changed. the world "liberal" is no longer derived from the word "liberty". it simple means "ugly nazi fascist death monsters"
and the word "liberty" now means "liberty in christ".
i shoplifted a copy of "the overton window" over the summer and read it aloud to my friends, the entire thing is chocked full of doublespeak. the introduction itself is almost entirely doublespeak. and sometimes i read articles on fox's website, or the drudge report or whatever for fun. it's loaded with doublespeak. almost every article uses some device to change the meaning of language. it's brilliant.
one of my best friends brother is a linguist at UF. i'm pretty sure when those boys come back to texas for christmas we're going to have a serious discussion about this.

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Have you tried explaining to her what fascism is?
Fourteen Defining
Characteristics Of Fascism
By Dr. Lawrence Britt
Source Free

Simpsons Chrismas Muppet Special 2010

Simpsons Chrismas Muppet Special 2010

Napolitano Suggests Porno-Scanners For Ships, Trains & Buses

GeeSussFreeK says...

I thought you might be referring to that, but that isn't really what we were talking about. We were talking about private people writing up their own warrants for your arrest and throwing you in jail. Short of debtors prisons, which were still run by the government as a legal response to debt, there isn't a case were private people could kidnap you or fine you for not using their product.

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

^Expect an invoice for my research assistance services.
(From wiki)
Private prisons in the United States today
Private companies in the United States operate 264 correctional facilities, housing almost 99,000 adult offenders.[13] Companies operating such facilities include the Corrections Corporation of America, the GEO Group, Inc, and Community Education Centers. The GEO Group was formerly known as Wackenhut Securities.
Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) has a capacity of more than 80,000 beds in 65 correctional facilities. The GEO Group operates 61 facilities with a capacity of 49,000 offender beds,[14]
Most privately run facilities are located in the southern and western portions of the United States and include both state and federal offenders.[13]

Napolitano Suggests Porno-Scanners For Ships, Trains & Buses

Who benefits over the TSA controversy? (Politics Talk Post)

blankfist says...

Okay, I'll throw my testicles into the ring. First, Amanda Marcotte is a staunch feminist and modern liberal. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's important to note when considering the source of the above article. Not sure why DFT is posting it here as if it was anything but a biased article.

Second, I like how NetRunner tried to completely disqualify GeeSussFreeK's comment by pointing out I'm not part of the national media. That was classic. Apparently NR has never heard of BNN. It's only the smallest national news outlet in all the world.

Third, and most importantly, why does the Democratic fight against "privatization" take precedence over their fight against the civil rights violations? Honestly this comes back to bipartisanship. Going along with the party and all that.

The truth is the TSA is under the purview of the Obama Administration so it opens this entire discourse up to bipartisan rhetoric, and that's all we're seeing here with NR and DFT. I believe if the porno-scanners and the enhanced gate rape pat downs were implemented under the McCain Administration (shudder) then the Republicans would be saying the exact same shit the Democrats are saying now, "These are the times we live in" and "The number one priority is safety" and so on.

And the Democrats would be in the streets protesting them for their civil rights violations. What hypocrisy. Where are our civil liberties loving Democrats? Oh, that's right, they're too busy defending their saintly leader to fight the good fight. Maybe later when a Republican gets in office we'll see the "Party of Peace" rear their pretty Code Pink faces again. Wouldn't that be something?

TSA: Makes 4yo boy remove his leg braces, and insist he walk

Esoog says...

We traveled over Thanksgiving week. Flew from ATL to FLL and back Sunday to Sunday, and one thing I noticed is that the security lines, for us at least, moved very fast! We got through security on both ends in less than 5 minutes. I even got to go through one of the new body scanners. In the back of my mind, it felt a little odd...but I got over it in seconds.

About the TSA employees...I dont want to generalize, but they do not appear to be the brightest bunch. Seems to me like they've been beaten down with so many rules and regulations, that they've forgotten discretion and common sense. Lack of discretion I can live with, common sense, come on. You have to take every situation as it comes to you and adjust as needed. Amazing that stories like this one pop up.

Who benefits over the TSA controversy? (Politics Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

Did you see the post Blank had where the guy just flat out says we are violating your 4th amendments sit down and shut up....I might be paraphrasing a bit.

Is blankfist part of the national media?

As for the rest, this is the other half of why I'm annoyed about the way the right operates, even when on the surface they agree with us. They're not satisfied to join onto a campaign that says "we want the TSA to scale back what they do", instead you've always got to make this into an excuse for extracting some sort of pound of government flesh.

Instead of focusing on the actual problem (overbearing security requirements on flights), the libertarian voices demand that we privatize the TSA (read: hire for-profit companies to conduct the gropings and porno scans at the TSA's behest) as if that's a solution to the issue. Republicans want that too, but they also want the gropings and porno scanners to say, they just want to make sure white people don't have to suffer them use racial profiling to determine who gets singled out for these invasive measures.

The more consistent (but even less reasonable) libertarians say they'll only sign on if what we aim for is abolishing the TSA entirely, and while we're at it the DHS too.

Throughout, all the various right-wing groups try to pretend like somehow this was originally a Democratic idea, and that the liberal grassroots were and are all for it.

The sad thing is, most if not all liberals are on the "small government" side of this argument. They want less onerous restrictions on airline security, period. I think plenty of them would be fine with turning over the actual hiring of security guards and purchase of scanners to the airlines, and leave the TSA as more of a regulatory agency than an actual paramilitary organization. Most see this whole process as an erosion of their civil rights.

Thing is, does the right want to tap into that and actually build a coalition that could do something about it? Or are they going to insist that this is all about conservative heroes fighting to defeat liberal villains, and thus guarantee that nothing changes?

Napolitano Suggests Porno-Scanners For Ships, Trains & Buses

blankfist says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

I wonder why this issue is getting so much attention in the corporate media. Is this all leading towards something? Perhaps privatization of the industry with contracts going out to corporate campaign patrons?

I'm so glad you discovered this sudden interest in corporate donations in politics. Let's look at those contributions:

Looks like Republicans and Democrats are leading the race with a large majority. And which party are you defending again?

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