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Rick Sanchez Slams Bill O'Reilly Over Slain Army Recruiter

griefer_queafer says...

OMG I really hate CNN nowadays. They really can't stop tugging their own dick, for real! Rick Sanchez and Wolf Blitzer epitomize this. Both total tools. It's like what Jim Lehrer said: no one has the balls to be BORING anymore.

demon_ix (Member Profile)

Bill O'Reilly "Apologizes" to CNN

demon_ix says...

snide (snd)
adj. snid·er, snid·est
Derogatory in a malicious, superior way.

Snide and surly? You're the one who's being snide, you self-absorbed balding jackass.

The only reason this is a rare correction is because on Fox News you have a policy of never admitting your own mistakes unless someone points them out in a clear and concise way that even a 3 year old kid could understand.

Rick Sanchez Slams Bill O'Reilly Over Slain Army Recruiter

Keith Olbermann: Rush Limbaugh Compares Obama To Al-Qaeda

Trancecoach says...

This tete-a-tete interface between various media figures (Olbermann, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Sanchez, etc.) is beginning to smack of a sort of WWF kind of "threat-down" when wrestlers used to taunt their opponents before a match with Mean Gene Okerlund. Anyone else?

Republicans Really Understand Climate Change

dystopianfuturetoday says...

>> ^honkeytonk73:
Our government at work. Look at all the empty chairs.
Climate change is a lie. But magic people living in the sky with bird wings is real.

This looks like a special session speech, which are scheduled by members of Congress during off hours. It's basically an opportunity to rant about something on record, and for the benefit of late night CSPAN junkies. I remember one of my old congressional representatives, the idiotic Bob Dornan, used to give crazy special session speeches on a regular basis, before he was ousted by Loretta Sanchez.

"Love Story" One Man. One Dream. One Chance. One Stalker.

Rush Limbaugh Talks About - "Anal Poisoning"

Dr. Sanchez (best buddies mix)

Winstonfield_Pennypacker (Member Profile)

bamdrew says...

(You're right. Its a global conspiracy perpetrated by the Discovery Channel and National Geographic magazine to boost revenue. Just like the microbial theory of disease, there's no possible way for you to prove that we're lying about global warming! Muahahah!!!... well, except you could actually fairly easily test the assumption of either of those in your backyard... but I'm not telling how! Muahaha!)

In reply to this comment by Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
The problem being that newspapers (or 'the media' nowadays) has abdicated its objectivity - much like the scientific community abdicated its objectivity in regards to the whole global warming debate. In so doing it has become unworthy of trust and severely damaged its credibility. In time past the media was able to keep its mask of objectivity even if it really wasn't objective. Now the mask has not just slipped, it is completely off and what has been carefully hidden for years has become an in-your-face bias. When the media acts in such a manner it cannot be viewed as 'news' any longer. It has to be seen for what it is...


Rick Sanchez Rips Into Joe The Plumber

14202 says...

The quote of 'Joe the Plumber' is sadly lacking any real thought, or consideration of the subject. A 6th grader could have said it better. At least, we would all understand that the 6th grader hasnt been on this planet long enough to understand why their words are incorrect. Seems education and knowledge are not big concerns of 'Joe'.

I'm sure, many journalists can name friends and family who have gone to war zones and reported. And some know those who didnt come back alive. For 'Joe' to say, what he said, shows a distinct lack of wisdom. But then, he was a McCain lackey.

Thumbs up to Mr. Sanchez.

Joe the Plumber Trolls Gaza Reporters

Rick Sanchez Rips Into Joe The Plumber

Rick Sanchez Rips Into Joe The Plumber

Rick Sanchez Rips Into Joe The Plumber

rougy says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
M'eh - "Joe" is at least as qualified to be a 'journalist' as anyone at CNN, CBS, MSNBC, ABC, FOX, the AP, or any other news outlet nowadays.


One of the pre-req's of journalism is knowing how to fucking write and spell.

I agree that there are a lot of educated sell-outs in those media "institutions" but Joe the Plumber is little more than a fad that some fat-heads decided to capitalize on since their Sarah Palin gambit didn't pan out.

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