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When Someone Requests A Steve Vai Song

newtboy says...

I don't know Steve Vai, so I don't know how close that was to the original, but David smashed it.
*quality looping, but can you really do a solo jam session?
*promote some good *livemusic

The Current War (Trailer) - Edison/Westinghouse/Tesla

Mordhaus jokingly says...

As a former employee, I had access to the Steve Jobs special projects list, you would be surprised.

ChaosEngine said:

Whatever your feelings about Jobs, he wasn't nearly as bad as Edison.

Jobs never electrocuted any elephants or killed any employees with radiation. And whether or not you like Apple products, at least none of them were the electric chair.

All of which Edison did, because again, colossal asshole.

The Current War (Trailer) - Edison/Westinghouse/Tesla

Mordhaus says...


Edison was basically the Steve Jobs of his time.

ChaosEngine said:

The trailer appears to be showing Edison as the plucky inventor being steam-rolled by the evil capitalist where in reality, Edison was a colossal asshole.

AC is a vastly superior system for electricity transmission and Edison actually had the opportunity to use it, but again, he was a colossal asshole.

simonm (Member Profile)

nanrod (Member Profile)

Half-Life: Preliminary Findings (Making Of)

Dumb as Hell

Man Shoots Out AT&T Truck Tires

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Bill Burr destroys Steve Jobs and more, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Straight is the new gay - Steve Hughes

ChaosEngine says...

As much as I love Steve Hughes, and as much as I hate taking a comedy bit seriously, he's pretty much wrong about every single point in this video.

Oppressive health and safety? Oh please can we return to when employers could order me to endanger my life just for a paycheck.

PC? Been down this road a million times, but it's really easy for a straight white dude to talk about not being offended.

Smoking? I give zero fucks if you want to smoke, just don't do it around me. Oh, and I was in Ireland when they banned smoking in pubs. It was fucking great, and yeah, it encouraged a bunch of people to quit.

Anyway, as I said, it's a comedy bit and it's funny. Just don't go actually believing it.

MilkmanDan said:

Steve Hughes is great. His bit about being offended should be required material on day 1 for students going to University:

(been sifted before, but I think this ^ has the full short set)

Straight is the new gay - Steve Hughes

MilkmanDan says...

Steve Hughes is great. His bit about being offended should be required material on day 1 for students going to University:

(been sifted before, but I think this ^ has the full short set)

Ron White- Do You Like Porn

Ron White- Do You Like Porn

Tabs v(ersu)s Spaces from Silicon Valley S3E6

MilkmanDan says...

I understand where you're coming from, but I stand by my previous posts.

Full disclosure, I never got professionally employed as a programmer / coder / software engineer. However, my Bachelors Degree was in CS, and I have many friends working in the field.

In the show Silicon Valley, Richard Hendriks is working for a large corporate entity but has an idea / personal project that he ends up spinning into a new company. He is trained as a software engineer (CS), NOT with any business or management background (MIS), yet he becomes sort of the de-facto boss / CEO (at least early in the show). He hires a small team to help him develop his product.

Given that scenario, I think the show portrays things very accurately or at least completely plausibly. He's a coder, not a manager. Programmers may understand the importance of formatting and style standards, but at least tend to not have the correct personality type to be comfortable with formally dictating those standards to a team (an activity which would generally be more in line with an MIS background).

Also, his company is small -- just a few other programmers. They are all specializing on different components of the product. So they generally aren't working on each other's code. Standards for function arguments / helper functions / etc. would have to be agreed upon to get their individual components to interact, but that is a separate issue from tabs vs spaces. It would be wise to set a style and naming convention standard and have everyone conform to it, I agree completely. But Richard isn't built for the manager / CEO position, so he either fails to recognize that or doesn't feel comfortable dictating standards to his team.

One more thing to consider is that he (Richard) essentially is the product. He's the keystone piece, the central figure. He's John Carmack, Linus Torvalds, or Steve Wozniak. Even in a very large team / corporate environment, I'd wager that more often than not the style standards that end up getting set tend to fall in line with whatever those key guys want them to be. Don't touch an id Software graphics engine without conforming to Carmack's way, or the Linux kernel without conforming to Torvald's standards. Especially if they are building something new from scratch -- which is again true in the Silicon Valley show scenario.

The show isn't a documentary on how to properly run a startup company in the real Silicon Valley, but it is generally accurate enough that it has a lot of nuances that people with a programming background can pick up on and be entertained by (even people that don't actually work professionally in the field like me). And more important, the general feel of the show can be entertaining even for people that know absolutely nothing about programming.

Buttle said:

I have to disagree with this. If you're working with even a team of two, you have to edit someone else's source code, and tabs v spaces has to be agreed upon. There are a lot of other, more entertaining questions of formatting that have to be settled upon, not to mention how to name things: CamelCase versus under_scores.

Any halfway competent programmer figures out the local standards by observation and follows them. Anything else is an indication that she just doesn't give a shit about getting along with co-developers.

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