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Guns with History

robdot says...

Gun rights people always seek to quote other causes of death, as if that has any bearing at all on the arguement..IT DOESNT..we shouldnt do anything about guns, because people drown? Thats fucking retarded. we shouldnt regulate guns, because people smoke? How fucked up is your thinking process? Hey, we shouldnt have seat belt laws ! Because, you know,,,people also overdose !! I have heard this line of bullshit repeated over and over, and it has to be one of the stupidest fucking arguements...ever......

Mordhaus said:

So, lets start a list shall we?

1. Incorrectly secured gun
2. Incorrectly secured gun
3. Incorrectly secured gun(s)
4. Legally owned gun(s) that were registered. Due to a series of errors, the shooter was not stopped.

2015 deaths so far in the USA:

Tobacco: 229875
Alcohol: 65678
Drunk Driving: 22204
Drug Abuse: 16423
Prescription Drug Overdose: 9852
Gun related: 8,561

When you break it down, this is fucking low brow propaganda to scare people into banning something without a true understanding of how that will affect their other freedoms. you want some facts instead of this crap.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: LGBT Discrimination

MilkmanDan says...

I have to admit that I'm partially on the "wrong" side of this one.

Housing, not being fired for being gay, that kind of stuff, I'm with John Oliver 100%.

But restaurants, bakers, etc. ... I dunno, I'm a little torn.

Places like Big Earl's in the clip put up a sign that says "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason". I tend to think that is a right that we should allow private businesses (NOT things that are set up for the public good like utilities, gas stations, govt. agencies, whatever) to have.

That is NOT to say that I approve of the way that these clowns exercise that right. Dude doesn't want to make cakes for same-sex weddings ... fine. You're a retard, passing up potential customers for a really stupid reason, and also possibly discouraging business from other people that empathize with those that you are denying service to, but ... hey, it is your goddamn business. If you don't want to make a cake for people who's name starts with a Q, I'd support your right to make that (equally dumbass) decision.

Kinda the same thing goes for Big Earl's. That might even be one of the cases where the comfort of your standard clientele (redneck bigots) is potentially more important/beneficial to your bottom line than the potential lost business that your discriminating policy causes. In other words, from a purely capitalistic viewpoint, the policy might be a net positive to the business. Maybe.

The one thing that gives me pause on those more private businesses being allowed to "deny service to anyone for any reason" is shifting from LGBT equality to race equality. If that cake maker refused to make cakes for a black wedding, I'd be more accepting that we need some government intervention. I know that my opinion should be the same in both instances, but I can only honestly admit that at the gut level, I have a different reaction to those 2 scenarios.

I sorta think that even the racist cake-maker should be allowed to continue to be racist (so long as we're talking cakes, and not something more *necessary* to public good), because a racist cake maker will probably put themselves out of business without the need for any government intervention. BUT, I'm sure there are places in the US where that wouldn't have been true (and where it wouldn't be true today), and we needed the push of federal mandate to force such people to remove heads from asses. Maybe the same thing is true for LGBT discrimination.

But I do still feel conflicted about it. Even though I know I shouldn't.

Fox News Anchored in Stupidity on 14th Amendmen

newtboy says...

Not surprising that Trump supporters are so insanely in the Trump's pocket that anyone contradicting or even questioning him must be a 'lefty' so not worth listening to...even Papa Bear.

It's a good thing we have legal scholars like this guy around to explain to us how the supreme court doesn't understand the law.

Southpark was right when they said 1/4 of all people are totally retarded. Trump's 25% approval in the polls proves it.

Watch: KOMO Photographer doused in fire retardant in Chelan

TED Talks - Monica Lewinsky: The price of shame

EMPIRE says...

"Sarkeesian on the other side didn't do something wrong."

oh man... some people still believe this?

I'm not defending slut shaming or death threats. That's just wrong, and infantile, and stupid. But she has misrepresented herself, and has been caught lying in her videos a few times. And also has some REALLY fucking retarded opinions.

I'll just leave this here

Most Insane Footage Yet From The China Explosion

lucky760 says...

Nah, I have pretty solid confidence I would never react to a disaster with jubilation. I've witnessed some hairy shit in my life (nothing this massive of course), but I've never reacted by prancing about just absolutely tickled pink with joy.

Speaking of other videos, how many of the other people who caught this on tape sounded like these fucking retards? I've watched many. I've heard none.

Asmo said:

Way too easy to sit on the sidelines and making perfectly rational decisions after the fact. Until you've had this sort of shit happen right in front of you, you don't know how you'll react.

eg. Most of the vids, people don't step away from the glass or seek cover, they just stare. They are dreadfully lucky they didn't wear a face full of glass for both secondary explosions. Rational thought goes out the door in these moments.

Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: Mandatory Minimums

yellowc says...

God can they stop country blocking already. IT DOESNT WORK GUYS, everyone and their dog knows how to use a proxy site.

Like everyone, my retarded computer friends showed me the damn sites. My mother does it on her iPad, the only computing device she's ever owned. MY MOTHER CAN BYPASS IT.

God I just want this world to be less stupid, just by little bits at a time and geoblocking will be the biggest joke to our future kids. We're going to look like idiots, we will anyway but why make it worse. Let's at least let them say "Well at least they didn't...".


Cats versus Ssscat compressed air blasts

lucky760 says...

"Surprise, pussy!"

Those all look like the same product. What is it?

Seems a lot of cats really like going into the sink. I'm lucky my cat is a bit vertically retarded. He seems never to realize how high he can jump and only spreads his filthy sticky white furs all over the goddamned dining table so they can fly up all into your food and fucking face when you sit down with a plate... but he almost never goes onto the counter.

The Hot-Crazy Matrix Explained

Real Time - New Rule – Learn How to Take a Joke

GenjiKilpatrick jokingly says...

For shame, myself.

You shouldn't be so rude to Intellectually Inferior beings like @bobknight33

Uhp! There I go again being a political-correct hippie liberal..

I meant to say Retard. I shouldn't be so rude to retards like Bobknight.

There we go. Screw you Clintons!

GenjiKilpatrick said:

Is this what you meant by "at least a little intelligent"? lmao.. it's okay. big words are tough. I get it.

Dave Grohl breaks his leg, goes to hospital then plays show.

Mr. Robot - Full Pilot Episode

Enzoblue says...

proper amount of everything going on here, conspiracy to the right degree, mental but not full retard, not too tech, not too dumbed down, emotional enough... i'm definitely on board.

Kids React To Transformers

ChaosEngine says...

Jesus christ, fucking kids are retarded.

The old transformers were clearly better designed than the complete visual noise that are the new ones.

And the movies are awful.

Ioan Gruffudd's Very Odd Name

worthwords says...

Welsh is a complete phonetic language - the digraphs LL, Dd, Ch, etc follow predicable pronunciation as opposed to english with often requires a-priory knowledge about pronunciation.

'Ll' is a single letter in welsh so it would be wrong to read it as related to the english 'L' which seems to be why english speaks sound so retarded trying to say 'Llanelli' or 'machynlleth'

Disclaimer : welsh is my native language and I have met Ioan Gryffyth at various cultural events.

Completely Erase Entire Comments from People You're Ignoring (Sift Talk Post)

speechless says...

^ this is fucking hilarious to me and proves how stupid this new iteration of the ignore feature is, as some people are so retarded they can't help but to reply or talk about people even if they can't see their comments. Apparently the mere mention of my name in a thread is a "trigger".

Don't worry about it. Everything is fine. Just keep circle jerking yourselves down the drain. What's left? 20 people? What a damn shame.

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