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President Donald Trump's Base Deluded By False Facts

enoch says...

here is the thing though,and it is something that i find very disappointing.

when maddow came over from air america radio,who worked with such hosts as thom hartman,sam seder,lawrence odonnell,al franken,laura flanders.she was fantastic.

yes,she was a tad biased and the political points she chose to cover tended to lean liberal democrat,BUT her analysis and her ability to break down complicated and complex political issues into easily digested and understood nuggets,was a talent i truly admired in her.

in my opinion,she was the best host MSNBC had on their channel,and proved time and time again just how political saavy she was,and her ability to expose political shenanigans was unmatched by any other opinion..but then obama won his second term,and i noticed a shift in her show.

she slowly stopped being so voracious when it came to exposing the more...shall we say..venal and destructive policies obama was beginning to execute,and started making excuses for those activities.apologizing in essence.

ok..ok..she was becoming an apologist for the highest office in amercia.there..happy?

to say that watching this transition bummed me out is a understatement.for years i could always count on maddow to break down and disseminate political talking points,partisan wordplay and reveal the bullshit behind the polished turd.

then here comes the run up to the 2016 election,and i watched maddow,in real time,go from a part-time apologist for obama to a full time apologist for hillary clinton.

you can watch her actively cheerlead for clinton against sanders.even when the DNC was caught RED-HANDED fucking sanders over,maddow downplayed the entire mess,and focused on debbie wasserman shultz,while giving clinton a if debbie wasserman shultz was in no way connected to hillary..even when the evidence plainly proved that there WAS a connection.

so you are right @vil .
much of how maddow disseminates political situations is eerily similar to RT,when it comes to state sponsored cheerleading.

host:the problem we are being faced with is:apple or oranges.

viewer: but what about those bananas over there? and those cherries.

host:there are NO bananas or cherries!
there are ONLY apples and oranges!

viewer:but i am pretty sure i see bananas and cherries.

host:you are being a pinko commie,and why do hate america? are you a sympathetic terrorist? or just simply a racist?

viewer:sorry i asked.i don't want to be called an unpatriotic racist.

at least that is how i see it.
not saying my opinion amounts to anything more than screaming into a wind tunnel,but i used to really admire maddow.

Trump-Funded Operative CAUGHT Soliciting Illegal Acts?

newtboy says...

Being caught on camera trying to pay people to implement their plan to disrupt the inauguration has proven to do nothing to deter Veritas from editing and using their footage to try to show that Dems are planning to disrupt the inauguration.
@bobknight33 , ready to call them liars yet? Keep in mind, this is where much of what you complain about comes from, right wing liars that dupe other right wingers into distrusting and hating the "other". I'll be incredibly surprised if your right wing radio and websites don't try to tell you this is real and dems are going to riot.

Note, contrary to his claim, the debunking video actually came out days before the Veritas video.
And others are already claiming #disruptJ20 (the hashtag Veritas invented to tag the people they wished to paint as disrupters) is really a pedophile recruitment organization in leagues with #pizzagate, probably hoping that another nutjob will attack them.
Sweet Zombie Jesus...and rather than ostracize these repeatedly proven hardcore liars and frauds, the right embraces any bat shit crazy idea they spout and acts on them.

RT -- Chris Hedges on Media, Russia and Intelligence

newtboy says...

Time will tell. You are clearly more optimistic about his abilities than I.

Most Fox propaganda is available on the internet and talk radio, unavoidably since it is repeated and amplified in the hall of mirrors that is right wing media.

Um....I think we have a point of agreement here. 24 hour news networks create 'news' drama so they have something to report, I wish they didn't come into existence in the first place, and I absolutely wish they never reported opinion. If I ruled all media, I would go farther and also require the major networks to produce news as a public service instead of paying for airtime with advertising. Require it to be 1/2-1 hour of commercial free news daily, no opinion, no sponsored content, and a limit on how much Associated Press material they could use (forcing them to do at least some of their own investigations). For that service, I would give them a discount on what they pay for broadcasting rights, but fine them big time for getting facts wrong. As my pops said, you don't need to know the truth to keep from lying.

bobknight33 said:

I would agree.

At this stage in our economy we do need a leader who can get America back on its feet. Trump, as lackluster in integrity as he is was still the better pick to turn this ship around.

By the way I do not watch FOX-- I do not have cable-- only internet and radio to get news.. Fox is bias like the rest. The NEWS portion is good, but the rest, like the rest ( CNN,MSNBC) are opinion shows. 23 hr of spin a day.

Maybe we need to ban all 24 hr news and go back to 1 hr /day.

RT -- Chris Hedges on Media, Russia and Intelligence

bobknight33 says...

I would agree.

At this stage in our economy we do need a leader who can get America back on its feet. Trump, as lackluster in integrity as he is was still the better pick to turn this ship around.

By the way I do not watch FOX-- I do not have cable-- only internet and radio to get news.. Fox is bias like the rest. The NEWS portion is good, but the rest, like the rest ( CNN,MSNBC) are opinion shows. 23 hr of spin a day.

Maybe we need to ban all 24 hr news and go back to 1 hr /day.

newtboy said:

Particularly in those just elected.
Even you must admit that honesty and integrity are totally lacking in Trump, he wrote a book about how useless and damaging those traits are to a businessman.

Cavuto: How does it feel to be dismissed, CNN?

newtboy says...

Verifiability untrue. Any way you look at it shows Faux is king of biased opinion and conjecture masquerading as news. The others are trying to catch up.
That said, I defy you to show what they reported that was untrue in this last case involving the Trump blackmail material. They reported on a briefing that included charges of blackmail against the president elect( *electorally). That briefing absolutely exists. Where's the lie, Bob, where exactly is the lie?

I agree, SOME media outlets are clearly biased for the dems, just as some are for the republicans.

I listed a number of fake Clinton stories Faux repeated, you addressed none. Where's the witty retort? Cat got your tongue?

I also mentioned Bernie, and Clinton's unfavorability. No wonder you can't understand my arguments, you don't seem to have read them.

So then, Faux is not news media, nor is right wing radio, newspapers, or websites? Glad you've come around.
Yes, most mainstream media got it as wrong as the democrats. They clearly suck ass, just not quite as hard or deep as Faux....not for lack of effort.

bobknight33 said:

No media is worse than MSNBC and CNN. King of the lie.
Dont forget Dan Rather of CBS -- FAKE news right before the Bush election -- and he got caught and "let" go. Shameful..

Try as you might you can not deny truth. The media is in the tank for Democrats.

Trump will handle them like a BOSS.

Fake Clinton news?? what?? what child slavery.. how about how she screwed Bernie ???
How she was such a poor candidate that she had no trust with the American people??

But the Media and all the leftest was darn sure she would win.. Even up to 10pm election night.. Then the real results pored in and wiped their smug smiles right off their face.

It's not just Autotune - how singers cheat today(Pop Theory)

Sagemind says...

I was with him for the first part.
And it's not that I can't take him seriously because of his hair - I found it very distracting to take singing critique from a Bieber look-alike...
He lost me when he says, "Even though your favorite artists probably cheats a bit in the studio, try to remember that tracks that you love by them might not have existed without this technology speeding up their workflow."

First, I think people like T-pain, Kanye, and Drake are most of what is wrong with the music industry today. So they definitely are NOT my favorite artists. Honestly, I refuse to call them artists. Artists hone their skills through tireless hours, years and dedication. Something these people don't do. (Hence the need for Autotune)

His point is exactly the point. Without Auto-tune, we wouldn't have these songs because they are utter garbage. It's Auto-tune that is the star, not the personas "behind the curtain."

And also, there is no fast track to learning skills. Yes, as he states, "speeding up their workflow" is just that. Workflow. This means it helps them produce tons of this crap without ever improving their skills, because they don't need to. They just need to rapidly produce song after song, while waiting for the one that is the most catchy to stick in people's minds. Then the conglomerate of industry leaches will pick it it up in hopes they all generate a few bucks from it. Meaning, they get radio play for producing crap song, after crap song.

Sorry to rant here, but pick up an instrument, learn to play. Learn how to sing, learn to hit a note. Entrance us with your skills and abilities. Seduce us with abilities that impress us. Gain our respect with your talents.

The guy in this video is just as fake as a Bieber look-alike, and while he starts to point out that they are3 cheating, he ends by enabling them showing us how great Lois's recorded voice sounds like once Frankensteined. This is not okay.

Note: I'm posting this comment to the YouTube video as well

folding ideas-the art of editing and suicide squad

RFlagg says...

Some of it is bad editing, but even perfect editing can't fix something that is broke. For example, he talks about the hard cut from Flagg realizing they'd made a mistake bringing Witch along, to learning what happens on the radio... what if that scene wasn't filmed? The editors couldn't keep it on that scene if the only one filmed was the radio reaction. Now if it was filmed, then cutting to the radio reaction was a bad choice.

if some of the payoffs weren't written or filmed, that isn't bad editing, that is bad film making.

Also, black text on a dark background on the thing isn't the editor, that's somebody else's job... who messed up.

Now of course perhaps when he's talking about editing, he's not specifically talking about the job the editor did, but the decisions that may have forced their hand, or perhaps the editor should have caught those things and ordered a reshoot to fix them...

There were some bad cuts where I'd have to think they'd have coverage, but there was so much going on with this movie, it's hard to tell what went wrong where.

This is a movie that I really wanted to love, and while I didn't hate it, I wasn't really impressed, it was meh, and on the bad side of meh at that. I think the short script period is to blame, then the studio jumping in when it hadn't allowed for proper development.

Now what I'd love to see is his take on Alien 3, and how good that could have been before the studio jumped in and started changing stuff. so even a good edit couldn't fix it (I still enjoy it okay, but I think the path the script was heading down before the many re-writes was far more interesting).

How little sis tells rest of family about leukemia diagnosis

noims says...

Not sure how to put this in the context of the video, but...

My gf was diagnosed with breast cancer a few months back and has just finished chemo... now prepping for surgery, radio, and hormone therapy. I know that's a world apart from chronic leukemia - like flu and aids are both viruses - but her attitude was/is:
"Ok, I'm sick, I've got to go through some crap and I'll be better than I am now, even if I'm not fully cured. There's no point raging out about the big fight, or raging inwardly about how unfair it is. I've just got to do some stuff.

"Sick or not, going to work is annoying but necessary. When I need to take care of my child or bf it can be annoying, but necessary. There's no promise that life is easy, but you just do what you can."

I think it's great that people have the strength of character to rage against the disease and not give in to depression, but I will forever be astounded and impressed by my gf's incredibly practical "meh" attitude.

She's Russian. They're a strange people with the weirdest and most practical dark sense of humour, but it's amazing how practical that whole side is.

RIP Carrie Fisher- 1956-2016

ChaosEngine says...

Heard the news this morning, and then the radio played Leia's Theme and I had to pull over for a second.

Carrie Fisher wasn't Leia; she was much more.

But it's such an evocative piece of music, it's hard not to... gah, I dunno... man, fuck this year.

Tank Platoons

SFOGuy says...

Nice explanation.

of note: technically inferior and under-gunned tanks (early German armor in the French and early Russian campaigns--once they ran into T-34s) could actually get more done tactically because they could talk to each other.

Thus, the importance of communication and netting in a unit's radios.

How Amazon May Monopolize ALL Of Retail - Nerdwriter

notarobot says...

@shagen454, You're on to something about the nature of the future of economics, and also society through the 1% vs. the 99%. You're not wrong that a lot of *money has made it's way to the top, and is staying there.

But it wasn't always this way.

In his film, Inequality For All, Robert Reich points out that during the time of great prosperity in the US (1947-1977) inequality was low, and taxes on the wealthy were much higher than they are today.

A correlation of the effect this was how marketing was thought of. In CBC's "Under The Influence" episode on The World of Business-To-Business Advertising they point out that B2B marketing used to be the boring place that nobody in advertising really wanted to work, but now B2B marketing is surging.

The CBC radio show doesn't get into asking why that changed, but through the lens of modern economics it isn't hard to see. B2B marketing used to be boring because with low inequality, consumers--*working people*--had all the money. Now, with high inequality, consumers are broke, and all that money is just flowing among corporations, never really trickling more than a few breadcrumbs upon the serfs.

This has deep impacts on society and politics, especially in a land where "money is speech" and all the money is just passed between a few companies and their owners. This means that in the US, there are as few as 144,000 people who have enough "speech" (meaning money) that their voice actually matters, as is pointed out by Lawrence Lessig.


--Robert Reich --

--Lawrence Lessig--

Castro hated the Internet, so Cubans created their own.

diego says...

re: Internet/totalitarianism/control of information, every single government tries to control information, the media, public opinion, and uses the internet as a tool for that goal (just like tv, radio, print, etc). The internet/access to information in and of itself does not guarantee greater accuracy/truth of that information, and unless the population is educated, respectful, and capable of critical thinking it can easily become little bubbles of echo chambers and a playground for griefers. What good did widespread internet availability do for the last US election? has the internet made americans more free, or more easily monitored and controlled? what good is it for cuba for cubans to have access to world of warcraft, so they can neglect their children who starve to death while they grind up to the next level? has the internet prevented mainstream media from fabricating news / pushing their agendas, or has it given more people a platform for fabricating news, anonymously? yeah, im not saying the internet is all bad, of course there are other very useful applications for it, but its not a magic "improve society" wand.

final thing i want to say, I have several friends who studied in cuba as exchange students in the late 90s, early 00s and yes, they had to make treks to specific places for access but they were able to send emails and such, so this piece is not factually accurate. If the cuban govt was so dead set on stopping people from communicating, im pretty sure they would identify network cables hanging in the middle of the street and easily follow them back to your apartment, not to mention detect wifi networks setup all over their tiny island.

The Philosophy of Deadpool

Where Be Aliens?

RFlagg says...

My long time issue with the "they would be too intelligent/evolved to have any interest in us" type scenario, such as he puts as number two here, is that we go through great lengths to try and research and understand very primitive life. There are efforts being made to talk to dolphins and apes. We're looking to build ships to crash or land ships onto Titan to see if there is microbial life on a moon orbiting a gas giant, not to mention work to see if Mars once upon had life. So the very fact we're able to get off our little rock (though not much off it), I think would warrant a stop and look, perhaps to help answer what was life like at such an early stage of evolution.

Not said stop and look doesn't imply any sort of communications. Indeed there may be a Prime Directive like thing with them where by they see and observe, but leave no evidence of such a visit (alien abductions being just mental illness coupled with abuse or other issues).

Now distance is a super valid point, but by far the most likely point is the survivability window, which he talks about in point three. We're still a level zero civilization (Kardashev scale) and decades until we reach a level one civilization (unfortunately it seems delayed even further due to some very anti-science moves being made by certain groups). Moving up that scale is only one thing, avoiding killing ourselves via war is another huge one. With CRISPR technology advancing, there is a very real danger of a Division/Stand/Utopia type disease coming to the foreground, especially if driven by a zealot (ala Division and Utopia). I highly doubt a man made black hole or something, but war or a CRISPR engineered disease... Not to mention the natural disasters he mentioned, and others, such as huge gamma ray bursts and others that we've managed to avoid. And we'd have to think that most civilizations go through somewhat similar phases, with a universe that is fairly hostile to life, even if many planets are capable of at least starting life. Generally I figure that most civilizations never make it past the stage we are at now, and those that do probably don't get to stage two and beyond (to be fair, I doubt any civilization can achieve stage two on Kardashev's scale as it goes beyond knowledge needed, but materials and more).

Back to the technology of communications point. I've generally figured if you are space faring, you gave up on radio communications and are using strange properties or something along those lines.

New Metallica song - Moth into flame

noims says...

Agreed. I heard a song of theirs on the radio the other day and spent a lot of the song trying to identify it. It was obviously Metallica, and sounded like their old stuff, so I thought it might have been off Garage Days or something I didn't know that well.

Was pleasantly surprised to hear it's off the new album. Obviously the better production didn't shine through the crap car radio and traffic noise.

ChaosEngine said:

That verse riff is pretty classic 80stallica.

I'm not sold on the chorus, but it's certainly more interesting than anything they've done for a while.

Epic bridge and absolutely monster tone and production!!

Solo needs more wah pedal though

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