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Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

Yes, yes you have been proven wrong again. You might reconsider taking the word of the Russian military as a given. They only lie.

What happened was ONE line in the city advanced for the Russians about 500 yards, while multiple, nearly all others retreated the same distance or more, some by kilometers. Russians have abandoned the outskirts, concentrating their forces in the rubble of the city, but are nearly completely surrounded by the Ukrainian army, and Ukrainians still hold the 15% they’ve held for weeks. Wagner just declared that part unimportant and declared they had the city, without actually taking more of the city. You bought it, like you always buy anti democracy propaganda…Every. Single. Time.

Yes, you have been proven wrong again. It clearly triggered you, enough to try the idiotic ploy of just repeating Russian propaganda as fact. 😂
Everything from you in this thread, and the video itself, are direct regurgitation of pure Russian propaganda.

Such a silly boy. You have again failed current events class.

Also unconfirmed, but these reports have almost always been eventually confirmed by multiple reputable sources, while Wagner reports have nearly all been quickly debunked as pure propaganda and misinformation.

bobknight33 said:

Proven wrong again.

Man Rips Up His Cash Over Seat Belt Ticket

visionep says...

Quick google search, since I never really looked at the legal liability side pf this issue before.

Some states actually hold drivers accountable for not wearing their seatbelts and discount the payout for injuries, others don't allow insurance companies to consider whether the driver was wearing a seatbelt or not when looking at their injuries. (California discounts, Pennsylvania doesn't)

I think you are understating the societal impact of obesity compared to drivers getting more badly injured without seatbelts. To be clear I don't think the government should be regulating either.

newtboy said:

Perhaps not, but we don’t live in a free society, nor a responsibility free society.

The effects are not low. The difference in cost of a serious car crash with and without seatbelts is in the hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars.

Again, because you can be “at fault” through no fault of your own, and responsible for all injuries the other driver suffers, it’s not just smart but the only responsible move to be forced to wear them and minimize the shared risk.
It’s 100% unfair for the other driver to be allowed to take the high risk of not wearing it but you have to pay for the consequences of their irresponsibility….don’t you think?
The difference here as opposed to, say, obesity is the risk/consequences of the irresponsibly transfer to others regularly and often completely (at least financially).

If not wearing it was an automatic waiver for any and all bodily injury damages, fine, but it isn’t so being forced to wear it is the only sane and rational move. Because that choice can turn a no damage bump into injuries requiring life long care

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

How do you never tire of being so idiotically wrong constantly? It’s actually impressive you can continue when literally everything you claim falls apart, often before you can even type it.

Russian front lines in Bakhmut have collapsed.
Russian flanks have retreated.
Russian armor is in retreating out of Bakhmut.
Ukraine is hitting Russian command centers in far East Ukraine with new longer range next gen missiles…they have hundreds of them now in country. These can reach Crimea and Russia proper, maybe even Moscow.
In one day recently two Mi-8 helicopters, one Su-34 and one Su-35 have been confirmed to have been downed near Klintsy, Bryansk, Russia. That’s 4 high value aircraft all covered by multiple levels of electronic missile jamming technology deep inside Russia shot down, indicating clearly Russian air defense cannot protect against the class of weapons just delivered to Ukraine.
The Ukrainian counter offensive hasn’t even begun and Russia is already on the run. I fully support Ukraine taking 100 miles into Russia as a buffer zone, exactly like Russia wanted to use Ukraine. I think it’s a good possibility and I fully support arming and funding Ukrainian expansion as far as they want to go. I’m not alone. Russia may be ending….at best it’s retreating to third world status as an international pariah with few allies and a looming civil war.

One more prognostication made by you quickly turned to shit.
Russia won’t stop….losing.
You know exactly how that feels.

BTW- #walkaway is real this time, but people are walking away from the toxic party of death debauchery dishonesty and destruction...the party of insanity inconsistency immorality and inability…the MAGA right. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia and they won’t stop

surfingyt (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

He forgets…Republicans now say it’s only a lie if it’s under oath in court and is material to the case at hand. Any other lie they tell doesn’t count.
I think bob believes that makes them trustworthy.
This is not new. I think it was 2017 when Republican leadership announced they had no obligation to tell the truth to the media or American people…quickly distracted from and forgotten with Trump’s next inhuman act of evil (stealing Mexican children and deporting their parents to Panama) or his next stupid lie (sharpie drawn weather map to pretend his lie about what states were hit by a hurricane was true) or insane suggestion (inject bleach).

Trumpists, like all cultists, have completely handed over all thought processes to their leadership because they aren’t smart enough to create the insane convolutions it takes to make any sense of their actions. Found guilty?….doesn’t count, not everyone on the jury and in the court worships Trump so it’s biased. They are 100% certain of this….it’s the only thing that makes sense besides Trump is a sex abuser and liar.
Odd that doesn’t transfer over 1% when talking about Biden or Clinton…who actually ARE being “investigated” by people that have all repeatedly and vociferously voiced ignorant and hyper biased baseless opinions about them. It’s almost like they never actually thought about it, but are just regurgitating the pablum they’ve been fed.

surfingyt said:

perhaps this sums up people like bewb best...

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

MEGA has nothing to do with it.

The economy is like it is because of too much spending too quickly. Look at the increase over last 4 years.

What the Republicans passed is fair even if Democrats dont like it.

What they should have done is pass 1.5 Trillion increase with the only exception is that both sides cut programs 5% across the board, set budget to last years tax receipts.

From Bush 42 with 12 Trillion to today 32 Trillion in about a Decade.
Government does not have a $ problem they have a spending problem.
Government steals enough $ from Americans.

Yes military and social security needs to be cut as well.. Both side need to do and not blame each other. Just get the job done.

Bank failures are due the interest rate hikes. These hikes are put in place to drive down inflation. Inflation is caused ( mostly) by dumping more $ into the supply as noted above.

Trump might have started it but Biden's $ increase is the straw that broke the camels back.

Blaming both sides doe not solve the problem. Solving the problem solves the problem.

newtboy said:

I realize the economy is slumping and likely to crash…because MAGA is playing blackmail chicken with the (mostly Republican spending) debt. Their austerity plan is economy destroying too, and puts millions more homeless on the streets and jobless.
It’s also responsible for the bank failures thanks to 2018 MAGA banking deregulation because apparently the right cannot remember how their deregulation of banks caused the global deep recession/depression in 08.

Yes, this MAGA shitshow continues to hurt America intentionally.

EV Global Market Share Exploding;

cloudballoon says...

I can't wait until the day where the world comes to its senses and gives a big "F off" to charging stations and use the swapping battery tech that some manufacturers in China is trying to implement. It'll be as easy and quick as what we do filling up a tank now. Maybe even faster and you don't even have to get off your car with the advent of robotics.

newtboy said:

Interesting to get a video about all the competition Tesla now has, many with more advanced features and better specs and price, from Bob who usually argues that Tesla controls the entire ev market.
More surprising, the only Tesla news it contained was about their current financial struggle and how they need new revenue sources like sharing charging stations with other manufacturers, making it harder for Tesla owners to find one not being used in high demand areas (assuming they modify them to use standard universal charging connections).

Watch Elon Musk's Rocket Explode After Launch

newtboy says...

IF they really learned enough to justify the enormous cost, good for them and it is a “success”. That remains to be seen, I think even they won’t know until their next shot. If it has 6 motor failures, that’s advancement, but enough?

It’s not a great sign that near 1/4 of the motors failed in 4 minutes…that’s a whole lot of failures to figure out. It’s unlikely one thing caused them to fail, and they need to solve every single issue before they can put people on board. I hope they got enough data. I do want this to work.

This is a different mindset/methodology to designing a vehicle for getting to space, one we aren’t used to. Edit: Rapid Advancement through intentional failure. It will be interesting to see how this gamble pays off. Great risk can bring great rewards…or great failures.

I would say to Hatfield, yes, many airplanes failed their first test flights…but none were 1/10 as expensive or complicated as this rocket. Failures here are many orders of magnitude more expensive, so really NEED to produce major advancements quickly to be a viable method for designing rockets. The Wright bros only lost some cloth and wood when they failed.

eric3579 said:

Shit fails all the time when testing. Particularly when things have never been tried before. Chris Hatfield seems to think it was an 'enormously successful' first flight.

Fartwell gets call out

newtboy says...

Open legs to all cumers “family values” slut and Q nutjob Traitor Greene made another baseless accusation based on extreme far right propaganda and nothing more, and because civility, decorum, truthfulness, ethics, morals, and house rules mean less than getting a playground dig at a political opponent, Greene waived the rules of conduct and ethics that don’t allow slander for her and ignored it, tabling the issue herself without hearing the legitimate appeal. Big surprise. She was quickly silenced because she couldn’t control herself though and had her words taken down and lost her time in committee.
Now watch her cry a river over her unending line of affairs with anyone that can get a medically assisted boner and hold their lunch long enough to have sex with a failed sex reassignment case being brought up, but crickets about this baseless infantile accusation.

We all know Traitor Greene tried to sleep with Russian oligarchs but was turned down. We all know she tried to sleep with Saudis but was laughed at. We all know she’s a sloppy, manly slut for anyone BUT her husband. We all know Traitor Greene hates transexuals because her surgeries turned out so horrific.

We don’t know Salwell slept with Feng, there’s zero evidence of that, only that she worked for him for a short time,( just like we never had evidence of the pizza pedophile ring she railed against, the Jewish space lasers she said cause wildfires, the mind control microscopic computer chips Bill Gates put in the vaccines somehow, the crisis actors pretending to be school shooting victims…the list of absolute insanity she spouts on the floor is endless)…and never ending evidence of Traitor Greene sleeping with anyone that can/will have her while abandoning her husband and children and job to sneak around screwing gym owners, sex gurus, reporters, etc,etc, etc. opening herself up to blackmail.

Glass Houses, biatch!

bobknight33 said:

House Homeland Security Committee hearing on Wednesday,
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)
called out Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA).

America's economy- failing

bobknight33 says...

Unemployment low. : For now
Gdp high. lowing down
Inflation falling. : Because lack of $ in pockets
Markets rising. : Nope Going sideways last few months
Sounds good to me. : Calm before the storm.

Republicans will raise the ceiling. Rep not the fault of this mess.
Covid lock downs and too much Gov $ dumped in the system too quickly

newtboy said:

Unemployment low.
Gdp high.
Inflation falling.
Markets rising.
Sounds good to me.

The biggest problem is the looming default on our debt that will cause at a minimum a recession, likely worse, because republicans are using their tiny bit of power to blackmail the country, and the banking issues caused by Republicans deregulating certain banks in 2018, guaranteeing a repeat of 2008.

Why the American Hellcat dominated the Japanese Zero

newtboy says...

Zeros being made of the new “extra super duralumin” aluminum alloy, which corroded quickly in corrosive environments (like near the ocean) and became extremely brittle likely helped too.

Recession under Biden is comming

newtboy says...

These anti Americans have been saying the same thing since Nov 7 2020. Rooting for economic failure. Economy has gotten better.
1) complain about unemployment until it turns around quickly under Biden.
2) complain about inflation until it starts to lower significantly
3) complain about the measures taken to create historically low unemployment and lower inflation
4) complain about whatever Biden does next because whining is all the right has

bobbie needs things to be a disaster, though. Otherwise Biden looks great and Trump still looks like the disaster movie he was for America.

More nonsense from nonsense people, for nonsense people. This is just for you, Bob, not anyone here.

Blacks Beach San Diego Bluffs Collapse (1:29pm Jan 20 2023)

moonsammy says...

I'm curious about the dark pile that started inflating quickly around 3:15. It didn't seem to be caused directly by the falling rocks, it was thrust up or forward from some other source.

Wild footage in general though! Would've loved to have been able to hear it properly, but the wind hitting the mic seemed to kill most of the sound.

Roller Coaster Accident - SNL

EMTs charged with murder

robdot says...

It would also be s.o.p. To bring a bag in with you. To take pulse, bp, and oxygen level. And administer oxygen. But I don’t see she even has such bag. Her partner stays outside. And I still don’t see any bag. Which is odd.
Normally, the 2 would enter together with a basic care bag. Take basic stats, give oxygen and determine what care is needed. Then remove him. Together. But the man stayed outside. That is all going to look very bad if there is a trial. Other professional medics are going to destroy these 2. If this goes to trial.

It would be possible and common that he is having a blood sugar reaction. It can look just like that. If they are medics ,which I doubt , that can be very easily and quickly fixed with a paste they put in their mouth. People recover very quickly. I have seen it many times. But they bring no bag that I see.

A Definitely True Message From George Santos

newtboy says...

Revelations about New York Rep. George Santos' pattern of lies and deception are putting increased scrutiny on New York Rep. Elise Stefanik, the fourth-ranking House Republican and a vocal supporter of Santos during his 2022 campaign had knowledge of his lies well before the election but chose to hide the facts from voters and donors as she campaigned with him and fund raised for him…because honesty, ethics, morals, and facts are all anti Republican concepts.

McCarthy has also now admitted knowing he was a total fraud MONTHS before the election yet he supported him, corroborated his lies, hid his criminal past, and fund raised for him knowing he was a pathological liar, fugitive, charity fraud, and liar (it deserves mention twice).

Every time the surface was scratched, the republicans quickly came out with their rubbing compound of lies and false denial and professionally buffed out the scratch themselves….and you blame Democrats for not digging through their wall of intentional lies and obfuscation fast enough, not disgraced Trump who single handedly erased the last shred of Republican’s desire for honesty, civility, legality, morality, or ethics from your party so thoroughly they already gutted and hobbled the bipartisan House ethics office blatantly to protect themselves.

bobknight33 said:

Where were the Dems opo research?
A mild scratch of the surface and all this would come out.

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