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America to the Rescue - The Daily Show

Diogenes says...

so... us military sales to saddam before the kuwait invasion made regime change then a potential quagmire?? that us military sales to the taliban emboldened them??


not really

from 1972 to 1990 us military sales to saddam amounted to a measly total of 200m dollars, in the form of 117 light helicopters -- during the same period, the warsaw pact, china and others sold saddam a grand total of 43.96 BILLION dollars worth of military goods, making the us contribution towards the whole a whopping half a percent

in afghanistan, us aid went to afghan mujahideen until the soviets pulled out in 1989 -- when was the taliban created? oh yeah, 1994... hmmm? but, but... weren't the mujahideen and the taliban allies?? nope, they were enemies... in fact, the mujahideen fought alongside us forces AGAINST the taliban since 2001

so... if this was posted for jon's very funny comedy - great! heh heh, his hammish act is always worth some laughs

if this was posted as any sort of political history, well, it's lack of context makes it dishonest

Star Wars Hooker? Yeah, that's gonna be one lucky nerd.

prisonpanda says...

Thats so wrong but yet so right, yeah strange though a "Stormtropper" of all the costumes in the world why pick that..nah i dont wanna know. Something Quagmire in Family Guy would be into no doubt lol

Pop Quiz: When Did 9/11 Happen?

Farhad2000 says...

But is it surprising?

Look at the level of sheer noise of everything occurring in the world. Information is provided but there is often very little analysis behind the events, just fear and paranoia about phantom organizations, the war is fought in the same way, 70% of US casualties are IEDs. Yet we are lead to believe some Iranian country threatens the might of the entire US Army? Navy? Air Force? Stationed out in the Persian Gulf recently having conducted training exercises?. The current quagmire is of our own making the only solution provided is holding on and seeing how far down the abyss we can go before realizing that our infantry is overstretched over two combat zones? And then the withdrawl from there is even worse. But it's all some say this and that. Because it's okay to have a population in fear and confusion against themselves, it allows actions to be taken that in an informed society would lead to impeachments of everyone in the administration.

Family Guy: Al Gore as President

Reclaiming Patriotism

quantumushroom says...

QM is funny comparing World War 2 with the current quagmire in Iraq. Al Qaeda is not a formal army, but a terrorist organization. Thus it's impossible to kill every last one of them, because unlike the Nazi's and the Imperial Army of Japan they don't go wearing uniforms.

>>> You misunderstand me. When I say "kill every last one of them," I mean whole cities. Let the people know if they don't cease hiding and harboring these scum, they'll be vaporized along with them. For example, fallujah should've been erased from the earth.

>>> Ultimately Iraqis will decide whether they want to live free. I believe they can and will take up the fight. If they choose the old ways, there's nothing we can do about that. If you are a Muslim who wants to see other Muslims enslaved, what does that make you?

>>> al qaeda is suffering heavy losses. Every time there's a firefight they lose. this isn't our vietnam. it's theirs. osama thought there'd be no response after 9-11. He was surprised, and continues to be surprised. The war is being fought in their sandbox, not here. They didn't expect that, either. If these scum are "winning" why do they beg Hillary for us to pullout?

>>> The red menace collapsed in the face of superior firepower and force, not because a bunch of hippies sang kumbaya. Random terrorism can only be contained, but when terrorism is a continuous, unanswered disruption of normal life, it must be addressed.

>>> We know which "religion" remains a primitve cult of murder and mayhem, don't we? Its barbaric followers are ready to die because they have made life worthless for themselves. They deserve destruction, but of no one else but themselves.

As the final joke, democrats will also not be pulling troops from Iraq, should one of their phonies like Fluffilocks or Her Thighness take the White House. You're still screwed.

Reclaiming Patriotism

Farhad2000 says...

QM is funny comparing World War 2 with the current quagmire in Iraq. Al Qaeda is not a formal army, but a terrorist organization. Thus it's impossible to kill every last one of them, because unlike the Nazi's and the Imperial Army of Japan they don't go wearing uniforms.

The American Army is the most powerful military force in the world, yet it's out doing the duty of the police officers, running 'candy' patrols to get on the side of the locals. Presenting clear targets to get hit by snipers and allowed enemies to work out where to place their IEDs. Almost all the work done now is pure infantry, because you can't use planes and tanks to attack an invisible mobile enemy.

Furthermore it's impossible to have a war against a tactic. QM prolly said the same thing of the evil Red menace that collapsed in on itself without the need of any military force to do so. Terrorism is a self deprecating strategy just like Communism, it will fail in and of itself because there is nothing good about it to sustain it unlike the virtues of freedom, justice and peace.

But he'll say anything as long as it's not him doing the fighting but the future generation of this nation. Because clearly he's disconnected with what kind of war is really thought listening to his radio pundits like it was a beacon from God.

Saying we aren't losing in Iraq is just stupid. You do know that US forces are stretched thin with thousands of troops doing 3rd tours already, tours that will probably be extended because they can't find enough people to go fight somewhere where they are not wanted.

People like you own defeat, because you keep going on the same strategy even if it doesn't work. That's not being strategic, that's being stubborn. But I bet that looks like 'leadership' in your eyes.

PS: Iraq faces the distinct possibility of collapse and fragmentation, UK foreign policy think tank Chatham House says.

Its report says the Iraqi government is now largely powerless and irrelevant in many parts of the country.

It warns there is not one war but many local civil wars, and urges a major change in US and British strategy, such as consulting Iraq's neighbours more.

Oscar Flashback: Michael Moore tells the truth, gets booed

BicycleRepairMan says...

both Red and Blue saw Saddam as a threat. Don't Monday morning quarterback with history here. It's a losing argument.

I didnt specify "only republicans" that was my whole point, The ENTIRE US, except people like Michael Moore, was scared shitless of nothing. I was talking about UN weapons inspectors who were actually in Iraq at the time, I was talking about the French, who were RIGHT. Most countries OUTSIDE the USA did not consider Saddam a threat to much of anything, And most thought a war would cause more trouble than it would solve. Just before the invasion, Hans Blix (chief UN weapons inspector) said they didnt think there were any WMD's down there.. The Egyptian president said the war would create "A Hundred new bin Ladens", there were countless more examples. Just look at the "Coalition of the willing" what was that, like 4 countries?, guess the rest was just a bunch of cowards.

If you americans had actually looked up from your bellybuttons before playing world police, you wouldnt be stuck in this quagmire in the first place.

donny bonaduce puts the 911 conspiracy into perspective

Adam West - Family Guy clip

ant says...

Ahhh thanks!

"In the Family Guy episode "I Take Thee Quagmire", Adam West coerces Alex Trebek into saying his own name backwards, sending him back to the fifth dimension."

I remember him old SuperFriends series!!

Rodney Mullen Rodney Mullen Rodney Mullen!!11!1twelve!11! (best of)

Krupo says...

They just repaved a nearby street so some kids were using the smooth-as-glass pavement for practice. I can only imagine how many wipeouts and instances of road rash were incurred getting skills up to this level.

Much more entertaining than the kids in the road, although there was something amusing about watching the wipeouts too.

If Quagmire doesn't give you your 100, this one should.

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