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Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

You are the epitome of a laughing stock…you win…here’s your “biggest boob” trophy. 🏆
Oh you dumbshit….The Washington Free Beacon (a right wing publication) and Paul Singer, (a far right mega donor) paid for the Steele dossier about Trump, then later sold it to Clinton. That’s a fact.
Republicans created the Steele dossier, and most, like 90% of it, is confirmed to be correct, none of it was ever proven false (EG- if the dossier said an anonymous source said Russians have pee tape blackmail material against Trump and it is never found, the dossier wasn’t proven to be wrong at all, it just reported the claim). People (like Manafort) went to prison for charges stemming from it.

But you [are] a foolish ignorant man has no idea of any reality because you watch slanted one sided internet propaganda from anywhere as long as it’s anti American. It’s never correct, it never includes legitimate sources, and it’s 100% anti American, anti constitution twaddle and inconsistent lies.

Since you believe anything you see online, watch this unverified report and enjoy…

You said near 3 weeks ago that Bakhmut HAD fallen and was under 100% Russian control, proven by the faked Russian propaganda film of someone raising a Russian flag somewhere and declaring victory, but Bakhmut is still not taken, Russians are losing 1000 troops a day, and Ukraine just got 40000 more troops and billions more worth of current military equipment, Russia is using 70+ year old equipment they’ve never trained with and is dropping bombs on itself.
I’m taking sides, I’m with democracy and stability by treaty.
You are too-siding with Russia, despotism, expansionism, and lies.
Russia is losing ground, losing soldiers, losing equipment, losing borders, losing its long term stalemate with NATO, losing billions from sanctions, and is losing this war. Facts are facts, and you’ve never met a real fact you could agree with.

Russia entered Ukraine because they tossed out the Russia installed “president” (his first “election” was thrown out as a total farce). Yanukovych delayed signing a hugely popular pending association agreement with the EU, choosing to accept a hugely unpopular and bad for Ukraine Russian trade deal, leading to his removal from office and, surprise, cushy retirement in Russia.

NATO had nothing whatsoever to do with Russia breaking the treaty from the 80’s in which they and the United States guaranteed Ukraine’s sovereignty and border security in perpetuity if they gave up their nukes. That included Crimea, which Russia invaded too over nonsense lies.
They declared Crimea under terrorist attack (it wasn’t) and invaded “to protect the citizens”. They did the same in Ukraine, recognizing the terrorist separatists as the legitimate (unelected) government and declaring the real government were terrorists attacking peaceful Russians in Eastern Ukraine. (The same peaceful Russians that shot down a commercial airline full of innocent people completely uninvolved in their conflict).

Putin said the purpose of the operation was to "protect the people" in the predominantly Russian-speaking region of Donbas who he falsely claimed that "for eight years now, [had] been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kyiv regime". Putin said that Russia sought the "demilitarisation and denazification" of Ukraine, and insisted Russia wouldn’t occupy any of Ukraine….all pure lies. He now says he intends to remove Ukraine from the map and Ukrainians from the gene pool.

It had absolutely nothing to do with NATO….NATO wasn’t considering giving Ukraine, Sweden, or Finland membership before the land grab invasions. You lackwit. If anything it was fear that Ukraine might join the EU….but really it was the loss of their installed Russian president that was beholding to the Kremlin, not any of the lame excuses they’ve made since.

You just love to rewrite history and always expect everyone else to be as ignorant of reality as yourself. Sadly for you, some people have memories longer than a methed out gnat and know why things happened, not just what the perpetrators of crimes say today that contradicts everything they said yesterday and before.
There’s no agreement to not expand NATO. Who told you that, Putin?

But has the actual history, or the nuclear treaty, or the ousting of the Russian planted president by the populace and installation of their chosen president (exactly what you hoped for with Trump on Jan 6 except instead of 2000 people it was the entire country performing a coup) been given on your fake propaganda websites? If so, you missed it all.

bobknight33 said:

You win NOT.
The only Russian nonsense is Hill Clinton and the DNC which paid for the Steele Dossier and proven 100% BS .

But you, a foolish man has no idea of this reality because you watch slanted one sided "news"

Bakhmut has almost fallen -- and Russia is gaining ground. I'm not taking sides but facts are facts.

The question is WHY Russia entered Ukraine. Im sure that NATO breaking their agreement with Russia over last 40 years and entering into non NATO countries has a something to do with it.

But has that question been asked on your fake news outlet?

Ukraine war current status

newtboy says...

I know the media YOU watched was fake, 1 sided propaganda for the extreme right and outright insanity like Qanon. I know anything less you call liberal fake news no matter how many times it’s proven correct.
Edit: so we’re clear, you gave up on cable news, where you got all your info 2015-2023 because they’re fake, biased, government propaganda and have LOWERED your standards to random internet YouTube “news” channels that only repeat what they heard on cable news with some exaggeration and misinterpretation? Um….ok.

No sir, I’ve never watched what you call “news” except as an example of the nonsense the right is spouting. I watch real news, usually from multiple sources, then verify. That’s why you never catch me spouting the kind of debunked nonsense you spout, and why I don’t have to slink away in shame 5 times a week and ignore your baseless accusations, but instead can debunk each and every one with factual information.

I would rather watch actual news then look into what they touched on than propaganda channels that get me to believe the stupidest anti American nonsense and lies, like the lies they convinced you to repeat about Covid, Jan 6, Pelosi, CRT, lizard people, space lasers, 9/11 was an inside job, pizza pedophiles are inter dimensional travelers, Ukraine started this war, Russia is winning, the US destroyed the German pipeline, etc.
You have never searched the internet for completeness of any issue, you look for someone spouting the same nonsense you are and think rando internet trolls that watched the same internet news and regurgitate it are corroborating it, not just repeating it.

They took the parts full of Russian illegals and Russian “separatists” that never accepted Ukraine as a separate nation, the parts that didn’t fight back or had already been taken by Russian backed separatist terrorists….Mexico took back more of Texas than Russia has Ukraine….how did that turn out? This war was supposed to take Russia 2 weeks to take over a mostly unarmed nation with no real military. Instead civilians with little weaponry and much less training have descimated them at over a 3-1 rate despite being outmatched 2-1 in population. There hasn’t been any significant addition to Russian territory in years, but NATO has doubled its border with Russia and is rapidly expanding.
Russia is SO inept it couldn’t take an unarmed nation 1/4 full of Russians.

Lol. Sucker. Their “taking bakhmut” footage was fake.

So, even your propaganda says Russia hasn’t taken it? Odd, they claimed to have taken it all 2 weeks ago….which you repeated.

What, you want individual UNVERIFIED videos of Ukrainians taking out Russians? There’s one posted every 5 minutes. Many can be found here -

How about one of Russia bombing Russia?

Or Ukraine getting more troops
Or Russia taking insane losses in Bakhmut

Not that anything but a fat old white guy sitting in front of a camera saying Russia is winning will convince you.

Edit: Wait….you think I have “followers”!?! It would be news to me. How many do I have? Could I start my own cult yet? I hear it’s a great way to get rich.

bobknight33 said:

Well I gave up on watching cable fake news. You know the media is fake/ 1 sided. propaganda for the government .

However there are plenty of sheeple, like you who do watch the fake news.

Rather watch cable news who will provide less than 2 min talk and will "leave it there" without getting a full picture , only a snippet. I rather search the internet for more completeness.

As you say "Russian military is so inept " but they have taken a good part of Ukraine.

"Didn’t you say 2 weeks ago Russia was poised to crush Ukraine and had taken Bahkmut…".... I did say that and I am correct.

Bakhmut is a major objective and Ukraine is loosing. Now nearly 80% taken.

Please post Ukraine is winning videos. IF you can find them. Please enlighten me and your sheeeple followers.

I'm not interested on some general sitting in front on some senate hearing saying Ukraine is winning -- show actual news .

Ukraine war current status

bobknight33 says...

Well I gave up on watching cable fake news. You know the media is fake/ 1 sided. propaganda for the government .

However there are plenty of sheeple, like you who do watch the fake news.

Rather watch cable news who will provide less than 2 min talk and will "leave it there" without getting a full picture , only a snippet. I rather search the internet for more completeness.

As you say "Russian military is so inept " but they have taken a good part of Ukraine.

"Didn’t you say 2 weeks ago Russia was poised to crush Ukraine and had taken Bahkmut…".... I did say that and I am correct.

Bakhmut is a major objective and Ukraine is loosing. Now nearly 80% taken.

Please post Ukraine is winning videos. IF you can find them. Please enlighten me and your sheeeple followers.

I'm not interested on some general sitting in front on some senate hearing saying Ukraine is winning -- show actual news .

newtboy said:

More internet propaganda supporting Russia Bobski?
You search out these unknown internet “news” sources as if some guy in mom’s basement has detailed information that companies with embedded reporters don’t.
Didn’t you say 2 weeks ago Russia was poised to crush Ukraine and had taken Bahkmut…then slunk away when the Russians raising their flag in victory video was debunked? Yes…yes you did.

3-1 R V U. That’s a total gimme for Ukraine. 3 starving Russian prisoners forced to fight with no training vs 1 hard ass veteran fighter from Ukraine. There’s a reason why Ukrainians have lost approximately 13,440 soldiers while the Russians have lost 45,170 soldiers…Russians don’t have much army left and rely on conscripts that don’t want to fight and have no experience. Expect that ratio to get even worse for Russia, they were dying at a 3 - 1 rate when they still had actual military fighting.
So many officers have been killed that there’s no leadership structure and orders seem to come directly from the Kremlin, not officers at the scene. This has been disastrous for Russia who, despite having 10 times the military budget and equipment and double the population is failing miserably in their chosen war of expansion and has destroyed themselves.

Meanwhile, targets inside Russia are being hit with more frequency and much less ability to play them off as accidental fires. This chicken’s coming home to roost and it’s going to shit all over mother Russia.

In fact, Russian military is so inept and/or against the war that recently they bombed a city 25 miles inside Russia.

Russia is losing this war, friendo. International democracy is winning. Biden’s coalition is winning. I know that makes you so sad. I’m sending you a sack of baby dicks to cheer you up, I know they’re your fave.

Ukraine war current status

newtboy says...

More internet propaganda supporting Russia Bobski?
You search out these unknown internet “news” sources as if some guy in mom’s basement has detailed information that companies with embedded reporters don’t.
Didn’t you say 2 weeks ago Russia was poised to crush Ukraine and had taken Bahkmut…then slunk away when the Russians raising their flag in victory video was debunked? Yes…yes you did.

3-1 R V U. That’s a total gimme for Ukraine. 3 starving Russian prisoners forced to fight with no training vs 1 hard ass veteran fighter from Ukraine. There’s a reason why Ukrainians have lost approximately 13,440 soldiers while the Russians have lost 45,170 soldiers…Russians don’t have much army left and rely on conscripts that don’t want to fight and have no experience. Expect that ratio to get even worse for Russia, they were dying at a 3 - 1 rate when they still had actual military fighting.
So many officers have been killed that there’s no leadership structure and orders seem to come directly from the Kremlin, not officers at the scene. This has been disastrous for Russia who, despite having 10 times the military budget and equipment and double the population is failing miserably in their chosen war of expansion and has destroyed themselves.

Meanwhile, targets inside Russia are being hit with more frequency and much less ability to play them off as accidental fires. This chicken’s coming home to roost and it’s going to shit all over mother Russia.

In fact, Russian military is so inept and/or against the war that recently they bombed a city 25 miles inside Russia.

Russia is losing this war, friendo. International democracy is winning. Biden’s coalition is winning. I know that makes you so sad. I’m sending you a sack of baby dicks to cheer you up, I know they’re your fave.

Fartwell gets call out

newtboy says...

Also, a Chinese spy with a bag of surveillance equipment and computers walked into Maralago right into the areas where Trump was illegally holding nuclear classified documents of the highest secrecy. She was not the only easy infiltration by foreign agents to areas where he kept stolen national secrets unsecured in cardboard boxes in the hallway.

This ACTUALLY happened. VERIFIED. DOCUMENTED. NOT SUPPOSED BY A PROPAGANDA RAG like Brightbart or conspiracy cult like Qanon….where she gets her “knowledge “.
Again, Glass Houses biatch!

But do you care? No.

bobknight33 said:

House Homeland Security Committee hearing on Wednesday,
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)
called out Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA).

Fartwell gets call out

newtboy says...

Open legs to all cumers “family values” slut and Q nutjob Traitor Greene made another baseless accusation based on extreme far right propaganda and nothing more, and because civility, decorum, truthfulness, ethics, morals, and house rules mean less than getting a playground dig at a political opponent, Greene waived the rules of conduct and ethics that don’t allow slander for her and ignored it, tabling the issue herself without hearing the legitimate appeal. Big surprise. She was quickly silenced because she couldn’t control herself though and had her words taken down and lost her time in committee.
Now watch her cry a river over her unending line of affairs with anyone that can get a medically assisted boner and hold their lunch long enough to have sex with a failed sex reassignment case being brought up, but crickets about this baseless infantile accusation.

We all know Traitor Greene tried to sleep with Russian oligarchs but was turned down. We all know she tried to sleep with Saudis but was laughed at. We all know she’s a sloppy, manly slut for anyone BUT her husband. We all know Traitor Greene hates transexuals because her surgeries turned out so horrific.

We don’t know Salwell slept with Feng, there’s zero evidence of that, only that she worked for him for a short time,( just like we never had evidence of the pizza pedophile ring she railed against, the Jewish space lasers she said cause wildfires, the mind control microscopic computer chips Bill Gates put in the vaccines somehow, the crisis actors pretending to be school shooting victims…the list of absolute insanity she spouts on the floor is endless)…and never ending evidence of Traitor Greene sleeping with anyone that can/will have her while abandoning her husband and children and job to sneak around screwing gym owners, sex gurus, reporters, etc,etc, etc. opening herself up to blackmail.

Glass Houses, biatch!

bobknight33 said:

House Homeland Security Committee hearing on Wednesday,
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)
called out Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA).

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bullshit, you liar. You constantly declare the country is doomed because Biden is incompetent and have since before the 2020 election….yet since he was sworn in every metric of national success has improved….but you don’t let a little thing like facts color your opinion.

Or do you mean the shortages nonsense, because you absolutely posted propaganda about fake shortages in summer 21, I remember fact checking you and finding out they were recycling images of empty shelves from 2020 and from other countries on righty media, just like you posted ridiculous nonsense in 2020 claiming BLM had burned multiple entire cities to the ground, using photos from previous years, some wildfire footage, etc to “prove” your point (proving you don’t have one in reality, only in your fantasy world of make believe).

What party? I vote Democrat by default, not choice. Before Trump I never once voted on party lines. He made it a choice of America or Trump. You choose Trump over country, honesty, reality, or sanity every single time. Sycophant!?! Lol. Every stupid accusation a stupid admission. I don’t think there’s one person here besides you and your sock puppet accounts that doesn’t consider you a complete sycophant of and zealous cultist to your Orange messiah who you believe is perfection personified and has never done anything wrong in his lifetime.
I constantly debunk your sycophantic extremist lies, you call that being a lefty sycophant. I don’t think you know what the word means, just like most English words.

What a fool believes, he sees, and you believe some unbelievable nonsense like “indictment will make Trump more powerful and popular than ever. Nov 2020 is a great time to go “all in” on Tesla. Covid is just a mild cold and will disappear by April 2020. Horse dewormer is good medicine for humans, targeted vaccines are bad. Jan 6 was a false flag by BLM and ANTIFA not a failed coup by Trump. 2018, and 2020 will be huge red tsunamis.” Etc. There’s no end to your foolishness, and never once an admission you were wrong despite being wrong over 98% of the time, you just change the subject and refuse to look back at your lies (Ashley Babbitt, Pelosi, etc).

If fools like me were a dime a dozen, this world would be a MUCH better more sane place. Sadly, it’s fools like you that are easy to find and dupe with pleasing (mostly hateful) ridiculous lies. Fools like me rank and score in the 99th percentile, friendo. You don’t even know what that means.

bobknight33 said:

never said such in 2021.

I understand your sycophant mindset towards you party.

Fools like you are a dime a dozen.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More nonsensical denial without actual contradiction or facts.

That’s exactly what happened, you haven’t denied it either.

You are not, and will never be my friend, friendo. My friends aren’t idiotic know nothing hypocritical liars, you are.

Hilarious advice from the guy who only believes Russian propaganda and nonsensical memes. You should turn off Glen Beck and try turning on some news. You might learn something and stop being as much of an angry know nothing ignoramus.

I know you would prefer I be less informed. It makes things so hard for the likes of you to spout your fact free nonsense without immediate contradiction WITH FACTS. I counter that a better plan would be for you to become informed, but I fear it’s above your ability or desire.

bobknight33 said:

" voted to strip funding from libraries out of pure spite.._

Please talk to you therapist and stay on you meds.

As a friend you are living in the deep end.

Best if you just turn off the news and live life. Just enjoy being unplugged.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s MAGA terrorist - Patrick McCaughey. Convicted on 9 counts of assaulting police with deadly weapons, including trying to crush one to death using a riot shield and the force of the crowd, pulling off his gas mask and gouging his eyeball out with his thumb.
Should have been charged with a minimum of two counts of attempted murder of a police officer and gotten double death penalty, but is facing 16.5 years.

Today’s bonus MAGA corruption…Pubic hair Thomas’s lame excuse, that he’s known the Nazi Crow for 25 years and accepted hospitality from an old friend (who he met 5+ years after becoming a justice when Crow started showering him and his wife with extravagant “gifts” (with strings attached) and asking for favorable rulings), and that he asked his colleagues and they said (wrongly) that he doesn’t have to report “gifts” from “friends”, even million dollar gifts from “friends” of his position on the court, not his person…that’s an admission that ALL the Righty justices are in cahoots with this bribery scheme and are definitely also on the take. They instructed him on how to take the bribes and hide them. He really exposed the total illegitimacy these unqualified far right “judges” brought to the court and the destruction and death their cash bribe motivated rulings have been.

Today’s MAGA hypocrisy- N Dakota Republicans just cancelled free school lunches for poor children whose parents make $4.86 an hour (minimum wage for servers) saying the pennyless parents need to pay, followed immediately by increasing the amount legislators (themselves) get for free lunches to $45 per day (more than poor people earn with full time employment) because food is expensive.

Since you are Russian I’m guessing you know “Pravda” (“Truth” in Russian) the Russian propaganda publication is the model for Truth social (Toth Senchal), the MAGA social media Pravda.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

Sweet Jeebus….you are posting videos from Hindustan Times directly quoting rebel and Wagner commanders as facts and YOU say I’M listening to propaganda!?!

Oh my, you are the funniest little fool I’ve ever encountered. No matter how many times they feed you anti democracy lies, you are there on your knees mouth agape ready to swallow more. 😲

bobknight33 said:

Looks like yo are listening to the propaganda.

Time will tell.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

Time will tell…always true…but you don’t seem to ever notice our respective records.

The information I share that you call “propaganda” turns out to be verifiably correct well over 95% of the time. The “information” you present that I call propaganda turns out to be false over 95% of the time, only supported by other easily debunked propaganda and admitted lying propagandists.
See a difference?

Notice I wrote who is claiming what with no opinion about who’s correct, while you posted propaganda directly from Russia as straight fact with no source listed…your source is apparently the Wagner group themselves and sounds like it’s a claim from January (that’s the only claim from Russia of 500 dead or wounded Ukrainians in one day that I can find)….who’s listening to the propaganda again, comrade? 🤦‍♂️

What’s undeniable even by you is that you post pro-Russia anti US, anti democracy “information” (propaganda) constantly and consistently, and you actively root against American interests so you can hopefully blame Democrats.
You should be careful, pro-Putin propagandists tend to explode lately like the one in St Petersburg that blew up today.

bobknight33 said:

Looks like yo are listening to the propaganda.

Time will tell.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

bobknight33 says...

Looks like yo are listening to the propaganda.

Time will tell.

newtboy said:

Wishful thinking and Russian propaganda from the anti democracy mouthpiece.
NATO says Russia is losing 5 men for every Ukrainian…Ukraine says 7.
Even Russia isn’t claiming 500 Ukrainian deaths a day, they boasted they killed 220 in one day last week…which means maybe 100 irl.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

Wishful thinking and Russian propaganda from the anti democracy mouthpiece.
NATO says Russia is losing 5 men for every Ukrainian…Ukraine says 7.
Even Russia isn’t claiming 500 Ukrainian deaths a day, they boasted they killed 220 in one day last week…which means maybe 100 irl.

bobknight33 said:

The end is near and Ukraine will lose to Russia.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Incorrect, you have for years now undeniably (by honest people) been hell bent on exposing all fantasy Democratic fuckery you either made up or believed without evidence… and hell bent on hiding and denying the 99% of anti democratic fuckery that comes from Republicans.

If there are piles, why can’t you find more than one actual case for every 100 I offer you of Republican death destruction and debauchery?

You spend plenty of time and hatred on your silly fact free replies, that’s self evident in your dishonest often racist, allways hateful posts. Pretend you don’t, it only makes you more dishonest. Better, you completely waste your time posting them here where absolutely no one will be fooled, we all know how silly and dishonest you are. I get the benefit of learning a little something every time I debunk some nonsense propaganda you posted.

I have plenty of time, early retirement debt free is nice, but the posts you refer to are simply replies to your hatred and lies. It’s true, I do hate lies and liars, but I don’t spend much time on you. 5 minutes to research and reply while watching TV more often than not. I know the same takes you an hour, usually without the research part. That’s the advantage of actually knowing things. It’s true though, it still takes longer to debunk the fact free stupid lies you spout than it does to spout them….or would if I didn’t think you type at 15 wpm…and I never just disappear when I’m proven wrong (largely because you’ve never proven me wrong about anything salient, but others have and I’m happy to admit it, even thank them).

The economy ALWAYS does better under Democratic control, always worse under Republicans. Laws always become more draconian, more one sided, and more unfairly applied under Republicans. In my lifetime, business always takes precedence over citizen’s rights, health, or even life under Republicans. Your leader actually called for suspending the constitution because he lost the election…and you STILL ridiculously claim Republicans are better. Just absolutely asinine even from a brain dead slug like yourself.

You watch OAN propaganda and believe all of California is skid row, every bit of it, and nothing can convince you differently.

If you can find someone to explain these statistics to you, you’ll see California adds >$93k per person to the economy, N Carolina < $64k per person, and Cali is over 15% of Americans economy, N Carolina 3%. I guess MAGA doesn’t like success.
I live in a state with the biggest, most robust economy in America, that more people want to move to than any other state if they can afford it, where there are services for the indigent and mentally unstable and a >$30 billion SURPLUS last year…more than your state’s entire budget.

Red states are going the wrong direction. Consistently more gun violence, far worse economy, worse unemployment (hardly bad thanks to Biden though), more welfare, more draconian laws, less freedoms, fewer rights. The right has drug their populations down like a lead balloon. You like to point to “democratic cities” but hide when it’s pointed out that states make gun laws and red states are MUCH worse.

You are NOT an independent, bob. Why would you lie such a stupid blatant lie? You are HARD CORE MAGA.
You would want that for your state because having more money and freedom are GOOD THINGS….unless you’re MAGA I guess. Derp.

bobknight33 said:

That's because I'm not hell bent on exposing Democrat fuckery.
There are piles of fuckery on the left - If one were to look.

There is more important things to do in life.

You have nothing to do in life except stew in you hatred. This is self evident in you posts.

All one needs to know is that Democrats are more wrong in how America should be run.

You live in a state totally run by democrats and it is going in the wrong direction.

Most cities in the US are Democrats run and also running in the wrong direction.

Why, as an independent. who votes Republican want that for my state?

Somehow you can't see that.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Absolutely, zero question you’re in a cult, Trump supporters are all in a cult of personality like the David Koreshians, a death cult enamored with weapons and defying the law that unquestioningly follows their bat shit crazy conspiracy theory filled leader. Why do you think he had a rally in Waco on the anniversary of Koresh vs America?

You’ve never once been able to contradict any of the facts I put forth except with debunked propaganda and blatant self serving lies.
I give you references…something you never do except when you attempt to direct people to fake news websites that are actually virus hosting spoofs in Columbia.
You regurgitate Fox, OAN, and Newsmax daily, you’ve never had a thought by yourself. Often your posts are cut and pastes from their websites because you can’t even read well enough to paraphrase them.

You support communist regimes, not Democrats or liberals. I bet you don’t even know what communism is. Biden has been instrumental in saving capitalism and democracy from Trumpism, which destroyed the economy so badly that 4 more years of Trump would have us be communists under Xi or Putin.
Trumpists are terrorists, not Biden supporters. 100% fact. Every single domestic terrorism act in the last 6 years was from the right, including the terroristic threats to the NYDA.

bobknight33 said:

So Trump supporters are a cult. You do suck the dick of fake news too much.

What does that make Biden supporters? Stupid terrorist who think Communism is a better form of government than capitalism?

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