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Little leaguer sportsmanship, shows incredible empathy

luxintenebris says...

what restores faith is it's an Oklahoman comforting a Texan. hope abounds.

love baseball. love this.

believe both are going to be alright.

of course...hope the pitcher was upset he hit the other player and not because he lost his perfect game.

Kilian Bron Best Of 2021 POV Mountainbike Lines

BSR says...

I wonder if they make test runs before doing the high speed runs. This is worse than Free Soloing a mountain. Not only would you fall to your death but you would also wreck a perfectly good and expensive bike! Not to mention the camera.

Edit: Don't know how they can ride like this with such big balls on such a small bike

Biden Approval WTF

New York Nuclear PSA what to do in case of an attack

StukaFox says...

A car would be a perfect place to shelter:

1. The windscreen blocks UV light.
2. A car isn't going to collapse on you.
3. The car has actual shock absorbers to absorb the ground shock.
4. The car isn't innately flammable and even has a thermal barrier in the paint, metal and insulation.
5. The car has a radio.
6. The car is mobile and can (to whatever degree roads are passable) get you out of danger.
7. The car has a trunk to hold containers of water safely (double-safely if they're inside an ice chest inside the trunk)
8. You can sleep in a car.
9. In any circumstance in which a car was destroyed by the blast/heat, you were fucked anyway.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Wouldn’t you like to know, since it’s correct 99.96% of the time. Lol. It would certainly do you well to read the same news I do, but I don’t think you’re capable of rationally determining fact from fiction so wouldn’t solve your problem.

It’s way more funny to me that you don’t know where my info comes from, especially since I tell you (apparently they don’t teach you how to look at listed reference material at the college you say you went to…because I list them often). Where you listen to one OAN idiots take and just believe it, I usually read 3-5 articles with different viewpoints and come to my own conclusions based on how well each relates to known facts. When I post the CNN version of a story for you, it’s because they keep it dumbed down enough for even you to understand, not because they’re the only source. (Also because I know it will trigger you into acting the fool)

Why? Because he’s a lying treasonous traitor that tried to overthrow the American government by force and become a dictator in America. WTF?! Did you really ask “why” there’s an investigation!?
Also because so many cultists like yourself want to pretend 1) it was horrific and all ANTIFA and BLM, 2) it was just a normal day at the capitol with normal tourists and 3) it never actually happened ….so he can try again in 24, and with enough hiding the evidence, voter suppression, roll purging, triple voting, voter ID, removal of mail in voting and drop boxes in democratic areas (like Houston with 665 sq miles, 2.3 million residents, and now ONE drop box), and a complicit partisan court willing to invalidate millions of Democrats’ votes, maybe he could steal a “win”. It’s important to 1) know and 2) remind voters what he did to foment a coup against their country, and how he tried to defraud the nation and the election with his election fraud fraud that he knew from day one was a pure lie.

Why this two sided hearing with MAGA underrepresented? Because republicans didn’t want a non political third party investigation and blocked it, and didn’t want to be part of the bipartisan investigation so boycotted it. The real question is why don’t republicans want to know and don’t want anyone else to know the truth about 1/6? I think that’s obvious, because they are complicit in the failed coup.

Suppression of truth?! You mean by the Trumpists who refuse to testify, refuse to turn over public documents, and threaten witnesses to “be loyal” and keep quiet? I think that’s obvious too, they suppress the truth because the truth is they turned on their country and government to try to install their cult leader as dictator for life.

Anything and everything, by which you mean actually investigating an attack against America that cost lives….how quickly you forget Benghazi that was actually a number of one sided “investigations” (fuckery) trying to prove the predetermined conclusion that Clinton somehow was responsible for a foreign attack on an embassy…tens of millions wasted just trying to keep her from running in 16 (and I wish the totally 100% dishonest smear campaign was successful, because we would never have had Trump if he ran against Sanders). All that and still nothing on Clinton. Didn’t you promise the charges were coming any day….way back in 17 or 18?

This madman was a perfectly normal maggot. Gun crazed, immigrant hating, racist it appears, a violent nut job wrapped in a MAGA flag and Pepe shirt. That’s the MAGA base, not an outlier. I know you’ll hide from that fact and pretend he’s just a crazy nut job, but he’s perfectly normal for a Trumpist, you are all mad men, you all want to murder liberals, he just had the balls (and insanity) to go through with what most of you fantasize about daily.

bobknight33 said:

Where on earth do you get you fake new?

Local rag at the checkout?

More dump on Trump...

The real question is why.

Why and this fuckery? 1 sided hearing , suppression on truth?

Anything and everything just to keep him from running in 2024.

""""""Highland Park terrorist is a HUGE MAGA idiot and Q-tard along with his parents…another domestic terrorist murdering in the name of MAGA. Targeting a Jewish neighborhood.""""""

Yeat to hear anything about this mad man/

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Charges? Plenty of obstruction charges so far. Well over 850 (874?) Trumpists have been charged with attacking the capitol and police, some charged with treasonous sedition, some admitting to sedition….at Tump’s request and direction.

Perhaps you don’t know, the committee doesn’t charge criminals, it makes criminal referrals to the DOJ. The point is to find out what happened, and who caused it, not to charge anyone (except those who ignore their subpoenas or lie under oath, even then they only make referals). They don’t have that power, they have referral power only. They have made referrals for defendants that were charged, so you’ve been misled.

New charges? That’s up to Garland, who is dragging his feet, but criminal referrals to the DOJ with verified evidence of serious crimes Trump himself and his lackeys committed leading up to, during, and after the Jan 6 Trump led attack on democracy and against America are definitely coming soon. Cheney has said exactly that, there is more than enough direct evidence that Trump personally committed multiple serious crimes in relation to the Trump Treason of Jan 6…but the investigation is ongoing.
After the last hearing tons of new witnesses and evidence has come flooding in from people who finally realized they are on the wrong, and losing side of history here and are no longer hiding or refusing to testify about what they know or have proof of. There’s no statute of limitations on treason, or attempted murder, or actual murder (and everyone involved is guilty of killing a police officer legally just as much as if they murdered him themselves because they acted as a group, a gang, or a private army trying to take over a country.) The criminal referrals will come after testimony and evidence stops flowing in….but there are already multiple referrals in the works based on what they know now, with more coming if more comes to light.

Q: do you have any idea how many denials have become admissions due to the work of the committee? Hundreds. “I never gave tours.” Became “I gave one small family one tour.” Became “I gave 20 or so young militia members tours of security stations, back hallway routes to Democratic offices, and the secret escape route for congress and let them photograph and video all of it, then denied it, but now that the video is public I admit I did that, but it’s perfectly normal and not a bit suspicious.” That’s just ONE failed denial of hundreds the cons have tried.

Sorry, that’s hardly nothing. Maybe to a Russian troll it is, but it’s not nothing to Americans.

How are those rapidly dropping gas prices working for you? Democrat policies at work! Lol.

bobknight33 said:

And what criminal charges have come forth?

Nothing because its all BS, and you and your ilk are fools drinking it up.

How that $6/gal gas working for you and yours?
Democrat policies at work.

Russian air defense system goes rogue

newtboy jokingly says...

Worked perfectly. They told it to take out those Nazi motherfuckers destroying Ukraine and Russia, and it did just that.
*promote *quality Russian military footage

Rent: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

1)Exactly what in your post was satire? This?….” Dad taught me well and will deal with them according.”? (Now THAT’S satire)
2)Directly on topic…you implied we think your dad must be racist because he’s Republican. I explained. Also, nice you don’t disagree with my explanation, you just incorrectly claim it’s off topic.
3) see #2
4) ? Only a moral and ethical obligation, or to Republicans, no obligation whatsoever. 🤦‍♂️
5) better get it in writing, yes. Even if your siblings agree, their children might not. You could be setting up a future lawsuit or the dissolution of your family. If everyone agrees, in writing, then good on you…..but as I mentioned, it’s not a real offer to sell because it sounds like the couple couldn’t afford any price. A real offer would be to let them rent to own at maybe a slight rent increase….they might be able to take advantage of that offer.

Edit: 6) If they have no new income, and barely bring in enough to pay the discounted rent, how do you expect them to come up with an extra $5k, +$3500 (and rising) per year, + $100+ per month more…especially with the Republican plan to make the poor pay more taxes, and end social security and Medicare/Medicaid …how will they ever convince a bank they can keep up payments? And they wouldn’t get 6%….wtf man? Do they have perfect credit? That’s prime, they don’t qualify for a fixed loan at prime rates if they need discounted rent….and no bank is going to give 80 year olds a 30 year loan. The highest prime rates were 21%, unlikely in the near future, but rates are skyrocketing. Now, if you carried the loan yourself, you COULD offer those rates, but a bank never would.
If their kids have cash and are willing to gift it to their parents regularly, and if your family carried the discount loan, it could work.

Sure, sounds simple, but reality isn’t that simple, especially if you don’t have a net worth more than the loan. Year one they would need a minimum of $10k extra to do this if your loan numbers were right, and they aren’t from a bank. Year 2-30 they would need $5k more than they spend now….+ all repairs, tax hikes, interest rate hikes, etc. a great deal to be sure, but not feasible for poor elderly people who will likely lose all their income if Republicans regain power. It more than doubles their housing costs year one.

bobknight33 said:

1 no joke just some satire
2 off topic
3 off topic
4 Good deal and a kind landlord. That being said the landlord is under no obligation to rent to anyone under current market value.

5 Siblings all agree to let it go to the renters and the 50 to 60% discount . All I need is a email/ letter stating their agreement.

6 I think they might be able to do this at 5% down ( or zero). The bank will see a 50K equity in the new owners the moment they sign the papers.

For 30 years / fixed / 3500 property tax/year
At 120K @6% about 1200/month
At 60K @6% about 800/month
At 50K @6% about 730/month

Current rent 695/month
IF they / their kids can put down 10% ( 5K) payments drop about 100bucks

This is simple. Buy the house for 1/2 off and put 50K in you pocket at the closing.

Ghost Serve

Amazing New Japanese Hanabi Fireworks

BSR says...

My only point is that you had two ways to view this video. As entertainment or deception. Why you picked the deception instead of being entertained tells me you may have a problem looking on "the bright side of life." If that's true you may have a deeper problem than what the video uncovered about you and what may be going on in your life. You shot a torpedo at the wrong ship.

There are good people out there that deserve to be appreciated even if they are not perfect. I like to think you are a good people.

kir_mokum said:

it isn't anything except a bad attempt at misleading people.

2022 Jubilee Cheese Rolling Contest


newtboy (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your comment on Pete Buttigieg Perfectly Articulates Republican Behavior has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.

BSR (Member Profile)

Pete Buttigieg Perfectly Articulates Republican Behavior

newtboy says...

If you want to convince me, you’re going to have to do one hell of a lot better than that silliness. He clearly went to the right wing propagandist school of YouTube even though he seems to imply he’s a liberal.

I’ll tackle one…the bread price fixing claim. He worked for a consulting company, the companies that are hired by failing and struggling businesses to suggest solutions and often that means cut their staffs in half to try to save the company…bad ones then sell all the assets, bankrupt the companies intentionally, and escape any obligations to the employees. There’s no indication the company he worked for did that (that I know of). They did apparently consult for a grocery store chain that, also apparently, was involved in bread price fixing at or near the same time his company was being consulted. It’s ridiculous to believe they REPORTED that crime to the outside consulting firm they hired.
Trying to tie one corporate customer’s unrelated crimes to Pete because you can string a tenuous thread between them (with many pegs between) is pretty damn dishonest. So is saying Pete never answered questions about it, he absolutely did…it was in the video.

Massive layoffs….I didn’t get that far, stopped around 7 min in…but that’s what consulting firms often do. If companies are failing because they’re way over staffed, they suggest layoffs to save at least 1/2 the jobs. Not always successfully.

I don’t know what ICE is if it’s not immigration cops, and I don’t know what he would have to do with it, but I’m not going to keep listening to these convenient edits and hyperbolic claims in the video. I can’t stand the narrator, nor can I trust him.

I’m not claiming Pete is perfection incarnate. I’m saying it would be nice to have a president who’s driven to public service, is insanely intelligent, is well spoken and polite, likeable, and young enough to have to live with the consequences of their own leadership, and that those are all positive traits we’ve been lacking of late.

eoe said:

He's also a bit smarmy having worked for McKinsey & Company. He never really answered any of those questions about ICE, bread price-fixing, massive layoffs, etc.

A fun video about all this: Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg - SOME MORE NEWS.

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