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Drunk History: Nikola Tesla

Meet Hartford Van Dyke-(Inmate in Waseca Federal Prison in Minnesota) (Blog Entry by choggie)

choggie says...

"With the creation of the maser in 1954, the promise of unlocking unlimited sources of fusion atomic energy from the heavy hydrogen in sea water and consequently the availability of unlimited social power was a possibility only decades away."

Energy resources and the ability to control those resources to control populations is the linchpin for those who would maintain power and empire-Since the 50's the planet has had the technological capacity to work to achieve this, yet we still float along using oil, coal, natural gas, and fucking fusion reactors (idiocy) etc., as the primary means of producing energy.
Why?? Did the world suddenly stop spinning in one direction and fall into a retrograde orbit? Do the agencies in control of releasing information to the general public continue to suppress not only this information while feeding us disinformation??-This practice does not suddenly disappear simply because wars are fought and won, they are maintained because they work to keep empires alive and viable.

Compile a list of names of anyone who has introduced theories who have been methodically and systematically repressed or lambasted, and you will find a pattern. Nikola Tesla, Wilhelm Reich, Viktor Schauberger, Thomas Townsend Brown, Eugene Mallove, Stanley Meyer, most of whom were killed or forced into seclusion, are just a short and rather famous list of mavericks in the quest for energy alternatives in use since the onset of the industrial era. What about the average joes who have managed to create from parts in their sheds, devices which increase the efficiency of fuel engines? Most are bought out or disappear shortly after the public manages t oget wind of their successes. Accident?? Coincidence?? TO BELIEVE THIS IS FOLLY, THE WORST KIND....DENIAL-is only there because the information needed to make proper conclusions is repressed, altered, or driven out as insanity or hogwash.

Control energy, control mankind, it's simple. We have had free or incredibly cheap and renewable energy for some time now, but assholes who think they know what is best for the planet hold all the keys, and have put all the locks in place. It is the task of everyone to become locksmiths.

Only 6% of Scientists are Republicans, Says Pew Poll

Citrohan says...

>> ^jerryku:
I'm not surprised that so few are Republican (Einstein was a Communist, and many of Oppenheimer's relatives were, too), but I wonder how many today are Libertarian-types, since so many identify as independents?
And how many are pro-democracy? I would argue that science and democracy don't really work together well. For one thing, scientists are very smart, while the majority of the human race is probably embarrassingly foolish in their eyes. So are scientists (elite eggheads) really in favor of having the unwashed masses rule the world? I gotta wonder.
A scientist libertarian party guy makes sense to me though. Free market stuff is like a form of social darwinism. Survival of the fittest. Evolution. Science. Brutal, cold, efficient, and without any silly Bible or Quran to teach hippie whatever egalitarian "love your neighbor" principles that are in there.
A scientist fascist makes sense to me, too.
I guess a scientist Communist (which was VERY popular in the past) actually makes the least amount of sense to me. The only part that makes sense is the tenet of Communism that opposes faith in God. If high #s of scientists are not religious, then I can see the appeal of Communism. But all the other aspects of Communism, which is really based on the idea of majority rule ("The People!"), seems to go against what scientists would favor. Then again, I guess convincing the world that there was no afterlife after a nuclear world-destroying war.. would be the most important thing to do for the time being. Kinda like an Ozzymandias from The Watchmen type thing.

Maybe scientists are elite egg heads, but you know who else were also elite eggheads? Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Orville and Wilbur Wright, Thomas Edison, Dr. Salk, Neil Armstrong. It was American eggheads that led the way to map the human genome. Nearly everyone on tonight’s shuttle launch is a science/math geek, and all but two are American. I for one am proud that my country has produced so many eggheads.

Science has done very well under democracy, and amazingly well under American democracy. In our brief history, American scientists (or at least scientists that came to and did their best work while in America [i.e. Nikola Tesla, Alexander Bell, Wernher von Braun]) have given the world the greatest number of advances in science, medicine and technology of the modern era. It makes totally sense; a free society, where ideas and information can be easily exchanged, coupled with a healthy amount of capital from the private sector to fund research is the best environment for scientific advances.

Just because a person is not religious does not mean they would automatically find communism attractive. If everyone that didn’t believe in a god were also a communist, communism would be a lot more successful than it is. I would venture to say that a disbelief in a god is more likely to happen in the above-mentioned free and open societies as opposed to one where everyone are told what to think. Communism (at least as in the form of China, Cuba, North Korea and the USSR) is not a “majority rule” government, but one where a small, self appointed, insular group at the very top controls everything. Majority rule is, however, a tenet of democracy.

The Prestige - Nikola Tesla

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'the, prestige, nikola, tesla, david, bowie, hugh, jackman, electricity, teleportation' to 'the prestige, nikola tesla, david bowie, hugh jackman, electricity, teleportation' - edited by gwiz665

30 July 1908-Tunguska Explosion

This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

kulpims says...


1) Season = late spring
2) Place in the world = Soča river valley
3) Children's book = grew up with comics
4) TV Series = South Park, Dexter, Californication, Weeds, Battlestar Galacatica
5) Word = ninja
6) Film = Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
7) Curse = "kurba" or "pizda" or even "pička materna"
Creature = honey badger
9) Past time = smoking weed, riding a bike
10)Person = this is getting too personal

Which one?

11) Dog or cat = grew up around dogs, now live surrounded with stray cats
12) Sweet or savoury = both
13) Cereal or Toast = toast
14) Tan or pale = tan
15) Shoes or barefoot = shoes
16) Desktop or laptop = desktop
17) Drive or walk = depends on the distance but i prefer bikes anyway
18) Drama or comedy = drama
19) Sex or food = both at the same time
20) Futurama or Simpsons = simpsons

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission = Vlatko Stefanovski
22) A great comment on one of your vids = can't remember but I'm sure it's from choggie
23) Most off the wall member = blankfist
24) Favourite user name = schmawy
25) Your most used channel = documentary
26) Personal dumbass moment = i think there's a character limit on comments...
27) Best avatar = Farhad2000
28) Partner in crime = choggie
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem = i sure hope they don't
30) Idea for the site = 5 promotes per week free of charge

About you

31) Where do you live = Slovenia (just google it)
32) Smoker/non-smoker = smoker
33) Left or right handed = right
34) Hair colour = dark brown
35) Relationship status = single
36) How tall = 168 cm
37) Children = none
38) Ever had an operation = no
39) Best feature = dunno, you tell me
40) Use four words to describe yourself = weird and then some

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead = nikola tesla
42) Give 50 grand to any charity = orphaned retarded hiv infected dolphins
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon = my stepfather
44) Relive a moment in your life = *censored*
45) Have a superpower = fly without the neeed of an oxygen mask
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know = 42
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to = getting kicked in the balls
48) Be president for one hour = end of the world
49) Delete a period in history = last century
50) Achieve one thing = quit sifting

Strange clouds in sky 30 min before Chinese Quake

choggie says...

No, not pollution, not a natural occurrence , Could this be HAARP focused upon a specific area of the globe??.....Could the epicenter, about 500km away from where these lights appeared, prior to the Sichuan Earthquake, have been the location of China's main centers for designing, making and storing nuclear arms ????...Think so, perhaps.
Red and green light emitted from oxygen atoms is a constituent of the light seen at the poles. Atmospheric nitrogen also plays a role. Solar winds are the prevailing catalyst for brilliant auroral displays....
Was this an artificial geomagnetic occurrence, a blast of solar wind, or some benign, regular phenom in this area of the globe??? Kind of.Maybe.Perhaps.
Is HAARP or the patents associated with the dynamics of the apparatus involved capable of producing a variety of effects, which Nikola Tesla described as being wholly possible back in the 30s-40s? Did the military and the elite financiers shut Tesla down, when he would not stop talking about free energy and a new era of prosperity and evolution for humankind? Has the Dept. of the Navy, the air force, Raytheon done anything in recent years, to facilitate peace and prosperity for all, or for but a few, of their friends, family, cronies and sympathetic assholes??? Is China in the way of the European stranglehold over world economies that they have held for centuries??
Do you speak Chinese??? Better fucking learn, because these folks are pissed, and there's more of em than anybody....

Next stop, WW3, the natural order of things in a world where kings still play chess, the masses have their heads planted firmly in their own bullshit too smart, lazy, or fucking stupid to see they are the pawns, and where chaos, in all her glory, still reigns supreme, regardless of assholes and imbeciles....

Nikola Tesla - The Forgotten Wizard

Aniatario says...

"The (unfortunately, largely forgotten and still extremely under-appreciated) Serbian inventor, genius, and true scientist Dr. Nikola Tesla invented the fluorescent light bulb (as well as Neon lighting and several other lighting inventions). At the time, his invention was largely ignored. In fact his fluorescent light bulbs were vastly superior than the ones we have now: they were far more energy efficient due to the lack of ballast transformers and capacitors, they needed no starter capacitor, and lasted literally forever as there was no filament necessary and nothing was consumed. Tesla is however better known for his monumental invention of AC current generators, motors and energy transmission systems - which to this day still power the entire civilized world in exactly the same way. As with almost all Tesla's inventions, his fluorescent bulb was brilliant in its simplicity, durability and efficiency, as well as easy to produce. Tesla also invented numerous improvements on the common (and extremely inefficient) incandescent light bulb for which Edison commonly is credited, although even that is disputed - Edison clearly could not stand in the shadow of the likes of Tesla and Edison is known to have shrewdly taken credit for many inventions he in fact did not produce himself."

Kinda makes you think doesnt it?

Nikola Tesla - The Forgotten Wizard

murphdurfenbutt says...

The greatest person to ever grace this earth

Without him the world as we know it would not exist he brought power to everyone and ideas no one at the time was ready for

Now the war of the currents still lives and Tesla is winning again with the ban of Edison's incandescent light bulb favoring the fluorescent invent by Tesla as well.

People must know of Nikola Tesla

arvana (Member Profile)

notarobot says...

Hi arvana,
I agree with you, the documentary is better complete, then in sections. Good find. I didn't think to check for it in google's video. I'm happy to make the swap whenever you're ready.

In reply to this comment by arvana:
Hey notarobot -- want to swap the Google video into your original post, so it's the full documentary? I think the new one will have to be discarded first, which I can do for you if you like.

In reply to this comment by notarobot:
Such a great find! But, I thought it looked familiar...

notarobot (Member Profile)

Nikola Tesla: The Missing Secrets ( part 1 of 4 )

notarobot says...

>> ^Trancecoach:
In addition to unmatched brilliance and untold genius, Tesla was also the victim of severe forms of mental illness and psychic weaknesses. It is rumored that he would get severe headaches as premonitions of bad weather.

I think a few of the rumors about his "mental weakness" may have been started or exaggerated by Edison. I'm not saying Tesla was without problems, but Edison worked very very hard to try to discredit him and his work during the "current wars" of the 1880's and '90's.

The Missing Secrets Of Nikola Tesla (Complete)

The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla

Cars suck, public transport rules, it's obvious

choggie says...

(down vote for loaded, leading, leaning title)

MINK, that comparison is somewhat valid, there were a lot of folks, who depended upon their cheap labor-we in the U.S. have been groomed for the current dilemma of immigration, systematically, in premeditated genius strokes, by the shapers of this clusterfuck. How can we do without illegals, now that they are such a necessity for economy. Larger cities, L.A., Houston, whose city planning did not include an efficient model for expansion with relation to economy, are feeling the pain of continual retrofit and addition of roads to keep pace with influx-(illegals, being the biggest problem, with regard to congestion and crap cars)

We use cars, because the current paradigm of fossil fuel dependence, is forced upon us by those who would control the worlds economy-Free energy is like garlic to a vampire, to these assholes.....but they do want to control that as well.

Guess what??? It is already here, and has been here, for quite some has but to see how hard they crush the most innovative and visionary of the planet. The fellows that tinkered with a carburetor long enough, to get 100 miles to the gallon in their Chrysler Imperial....they disappear, or join the ranks of the insane, because of a patent buy-out, or their untimely demises. They did it to Nikola Tesla, his backer Charles Westinghouse, and the public, they laugh at the very idea, because it is not part of their programming to believe anything other than what the group says, what the spin, disinformation, and propaganda says, and because humans follow each other to the mob pep-rally, cause they are fearful, predictable meatbots-


NOT EVERYONE, IS AS....Privileged TO LIVE WHERE THEY CAN WALK, BUS, or bop-along in their own, idyllic, fantasy bus, to work their politically-correct, Starbucks job, in their fucking "Made by indigenous people, with earth-friendly materials." These same idiots, hold in their own farts, to cut down on their, guilt-ridden contributions to "Wobal Glorming"

Shall we go on, with the CARS SUCK type folks, who, if they had to grow from seed, their own food, eating sprouts and purifying water to drink until the first harvest was available, would most likely, walk into a government rescue camp, before putting shovel to earth, then finding out they don't have the proper university credentials to operate such a complicated device?? Yeah why don't we.

You have inspired this sifter, to shove the pathetic idea, that humans have a goddamn thing to do with the earth's warming up...(CYCLICAL, YOU FUCKING MORON FOLLOWER FUCKS)

....right up the asses, of all who will venture to remove their
own, swollen, heads prior.

One of the best ways to understand the world one is in, is actually be a part of it.......

California could drop off the map tomorrow, and we could all eat grits and bacon, since the Frosted flakes were too soggy, and salty....

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